Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 368: 368

"Boom, boom, boom!"

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On the magma Island several miles away from "Longcheng", the current situation is also full of flames.

However, these flames are in the field tiger army, which should be a more powerful party in theory.

As in the case of "dragon city", the soldiers on the magma island have been surrounded by tens of thousands of tigers.

But the difference is that Tian Hu, who calls himself "king of Jin", has a group of wild and bandit peasants who are not able to form a "large-scale battle" like the regular army of Liao!

And even if they also have a battle array similar to "Taiyi mixed astronomical array", they can't march in a similar way.

Because it is different from Longcheng, which is very open all around, the defense position of Erlong island people on the magmatic island is the "devil volcano" which was originally the core of the magmatic stronghold. There are yellow poisonous smoke that people will faint after inhaling for a long time, and the suffocating sulfur smell air everywhere!

Erlong island has more than 700 fighters in the Dragon City, while the number of defenders on the "devil volcano" is less than 400.

It is only because of the environmental constraints that the people who are arranged here must be led by the "sacrifice" from the magma clan. Only those who are resistant to high temperature and fire, together with the antidote prepared in advance by an Daoquan, can persist for a long time.

And with the advantage of land, this less than 400 people have successfully dragged down tens of thousands of land tigers!


At the top of "demon volcano", a general in a red lion dragon helmet roars.

In front of him stood a "fort" made of black materials more than ten feet high, on which there were seven muzzles with fire.

If you look carefully, you can see that this general's hands, feet and even most of his body are fused with this large black Fort!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

As he opened his mouth, seven black shells, the size of ordinary people's heads, flew out of the muzzle one by one and fell into the soldiers of Tian Hu army who were climbing the mountain below.

Then, the explosion broke into pieces of hot magma, and a large number of flames spread around from the magma, which made more than a dozen tiger soldiers scream and tumble on the ground, and seven or eight of them were burned to death!

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[Wei Dingguo]

rank: moufan level 7

rank: Commander

note: he is nicknamed "Di Meng Xing", nicknamed "Shenhuo general", and commander of Liangshan Shenhuo camp!

As a hero who came to Erlong Island together with Zhang Qing and Qin Ming, this "Shenhuo general" is in the rank of Disha in Liangshan, but in a sense, its combat ability is still above the ordinary Tiangang.

This is because this man and Shan Tingfen, the eighth "holy water general" of Disha, were generals of the Song Dynasty, and Cai Jing, the raped prime minister, recommended to fight against Liangshan.

In the first battle, he commanded five hundred "Xuanjia army" and five hundred "Huo army" to win the victory of Dadao Guansheng, who was also a general of the imperial court and ranked first among the five tigers. He also captured the fourth ranking "Chou County horse" in Disha and the fifth ranking "Jing Mu Hu" Hao Siwen!

Although the number of "hard days" eventually turned to Liangshan, the battlefield command ability definitely exceeded that of Tiangang. Otherwise, it would not be possible to rank ninth with the qualification of teaching late in the mountain, and even get the title of "earth fierce star".

For Erlong Island, the greatest significance is that this person is as good at using firearms as "Thunderbolt" Ling Zhen, and is proficient in all kinds of fire attack methods!

Therefore, although he just came to Erlong Island, he also became a commander in this war.

And by his command, is built on the top of the mountain in the magma of nearly 100 Fort!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Nearly 100 "fire soldiers" who had the same power of fire as Wei Dingguo fired "magma shells" in batches and fell into the Tianhu army besieged on the mountain, causing fire everywhere!

It's equivalent to hundreds of cannons standing on the top of the mountain. With all kinds of guns in the hands of the people at the upper level, the soldiers of the Tian Hu army rushed up and died on their own!

"Everyone, no retreat."

"As long as you reach the top of the mountain, you will enjoy ten liang of silver and one pearl of gold."

"If you kill one person, you will be promoted to a higher level. Those who kill ten people will be called generals! "

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"Those who step back, chop!"

In the face of this situation, the commander of Tian Hu tried to encourage him with a heavy reward.

However, the effect is also poor.

In addition to gold and silver in this world is not necessarily valuable, but also because want to rush to the top of the mountain, need to face in addition to the "sky fire" falling from the sky, there are "mines" everywhere!



Many places seem to be normal, but when people step on it, they are immediately dropped into a mass of magma, and the way forward is destroyed.Under the double attack of "sky fire" and "land mine", even the soldiers who have mastered the power of exuviation can not rush to the top of the mountain in good condition.

Of course, Fang La's army in the South has 50 commanders, and Liao's army has more than 40 generals. Naturally, Tian Hu's commanders are not few, and these people have various abilities.


In the continuous shooting sound of "Shenhuo camp"!

A general of the Tian Hu army in black inspired a pair of black shields made of biological scales.

After forming a black creature similar to "pangolin" that can resist the attack of magma, poisonous fire and high temperature around itself!

Unexpectedly all of a sudden into the underground, directly avoid all kinds of attacks on Erlong Island, all the way up a few hundred meters rushed to the peak area.


However, when the black shield fighter with two shields will drill out from the "artillery camp position".

Suddenly found in front of his side, by the unknown "monster" head to build the fire red shield!

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And it seems that a lot of blood and wine were splashed on it. At this time, the wine was ignited.

"You see, my shield is as big as your two. Why don't we exchange them? "

A middle-aged fat man with a white chef's hat, a red shield in one hand and a bright "bone knife" in the other blinked at him.

It's heldahai, the "head of dining room" in Erlong Island, who used to be the chef of a five-star hotel.

Because of the shortage of manpower, in the face of this test, even he, who belongs to the logistics staff himself, has already put on the battle.

However, you can't underestimate such characters as cooks and blacksmiths in this heritage land, because if you want to practice fast enough in the heritage land, you need not only resources, but also "experience value"!

For example, making different types of armor weapons and cooking with different food materials can continuously gain "experience" and even merit.

Especially because in the last round of "ten race competition" after the end of the excellent quality of "food tonic" talent.

He Dahai's level has reached the eighth level before the war. He won the "leader" rating of outstanding people through Wu Song's guidance of Dacheng's "bone cutting and meat cutting knife technique" and won't be defeated in the face of outstanding people in time.

However, if he dares to fight alone, this general of Tian Hu army is definitely not ordinary. Let alone excellent, it is possible for him to have a level of excellence.

You know, in the whole "Water Margin", Tian Hu's generals, in a sense, the number of top experts should be the largest.

Sun an, the "Dragon Slayer" who can defeat Lu Junyi for 50 rounds, and Bian Xiang, the "right Prime Minister" who can fight Huarong and Shijin alone for more than 30 rounds of Tiangang. With his "magic skill", he defeated Qiao Daoqing, the "national division" of tens of thousands of troops in Liangshan, and wounded ten generals in Liangshan with his "golden brick and divine light" method, with a record comparable to that of Zhang Qing "Shenjuzi" Ma Ling

It can be said that the upper limit of Tian Hu's generals is really high.

Therefore, he Dahai is not sure to win the battle against this commander who has the ability to "escape through the mountains".

Then why is he so calm?

Just because of the "monster head" on the ignited blood stained shield in his hand, the red light of killing appeared in his eyes.


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There was a wild animal roar in the open mouth.

Then he opened his mouth and absorbed all the flame into the dragon's mouth.

Yes, Longkou.

He Dahai's hand is the special equipment "Red Dragon Shield" that Ji Ye burst out from "ghost captain" before.

Because this shield is a lizard item and contains the power of "Western dragon", Jiye is not very interested in "fusion".

However, he was moved out for research before this battle. In the end, as a cook, he Dahai really found a way to "activate" part of the strength of this shield, that is, he can ignite it by mixing lizard blood with "dragon urine wine", so that he can release "dragon breath" which is more powerful than magma!


Although, do not know this "western red dragon"!

But instinctively aware of the danger, the general Tian Hu army hands two hundred shields together.

The extraordinary force was all excited, and a black pangolin figure appeared in an instant, trying to drill into the ground.


It's just, it's late.

After breathing in a lot of fire energy, the red dragon's mouth opened again.

With another dragon roar, the fire color dragon breath with rolling "fire magic energy" directly drowns the figure of black pangolin.

About ten seconds later, after the dragon breath disappeared, the whole ground in front of him had melted and remained intact, that is, two pieces of "black shield" emitting the light of booty.[chuanshandun * 2]

level: moufan level 7

attribute: excellent · sacrifice

note: it is made of scales of a dace carp with extraordinary blood, which can move underground!

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