Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 369: 369

"Well, what's the use of a bull's knife to kill a chicken? It's too wasteful!"

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Next to hedai, he has a large cold hammer in his hand full of muscles. He wants to do it slowly, but Tang Long is taken away by hedai.

"His armor was originally of high quality, but it was directly destroyed by you. It didn't turn into booty. It can only be used as scrap iron!"

A face not angry to point to the ground some armor was burned to melt after the traces of "blame" hedaheidao.

In addition to "hedai", a "dining room manager", Tang long, a "blacksmith manager", was also assigned to the crater to participate in the war.

And even above the volcano, he did not forget to "strike iron.".

Not far behind him, there was a "casting furnace" emitting high temperature.

Because of his special ability, he has accumulated enough contribution in the "ten ethnic groups fighting for hegemony".

After entering the air transportation battlefield, like Ling Zhen, he traded a special quality item from the city of the Terran, which is the "endless furnace" in front of him!

This name sounds like Qin Yueyu's "endless arrow pot".

In fact, the functions are similar


For example, in the face of a lot of shelling on Erlong Island, some people on Tian Hu's side also tried to use long-range attack of bow and arrow to fight back towards the top of the mountain.

As a result, when it was about to land on the battlefield, this "endless casting furnace" actually sent out a force of attraction, and sucked all the metal arrows into the furnace.

"Ding, Ding!"

Then, with the black smoke and high temperature, there was a sound of metal impact.

At the bottom of the furnace, spit out a quality is evaluated as excellent grade seven short knife!

This kind of efficiency is comparable to that of automatic assembly line, which is why most of the people in erlongdao have war armor.

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While Tang Long and he Dahai are talking.

Another general at the level of "eight Hussars" on Tian Hu's side flew into the air as if he had been hit by a giant dragon and landed near the "casting furnace".

His appearance was completely out of shape. His chest armor was seriously sunken, and his bones were all broken. After landing, he bounced twice and lost his breath.

However, this time, Tang long did not dare to "blame" any more.

Because it is the one who smashes this general of Tian Hu army into a small shape that is the core reason why this position can really hold on to the present under the siege of tens of thousands of people, and even dominate!

"Poop, poop, poop!"

Li Yuanba carried a pair of "Zhang Jin hammers" half the size of his body on his two thin arms. When he waved them in the sun, they were shining like gold.

And the sound of the wave is "poof.".

It's because as long as they are hit by this pair of hammers, whether they are soldiers or generals, they will be directly bloody.

The difference is that the head of a soldier will burst or the internal organs will become mud and die, while the general's armor will be broken and he will spit blood in his mouth!


After that, Li Yuanba, who was given another hammer, also smashed his head.

"It's not a man, it's a monster!"

"I won't fight!"

As for many of the soldiers who rushed to the top of the mountain during the heavy reward, their faces turned pale and their limbs trembled and softened.

He threw away his weapon, turned around and ran down the mountain.

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Even the military order of "beheading those who retreat" could not stop him from escaping.


However, these people are often just a few steps away.

I heard the sound that even the air was smashed by the great power behind me.

Closely followed, as if by ten thousand pounds of boulders hit on the back, flying burst into a cloud of blood.

Because too many people were killed, Li Yuanba's armor, which only covered an important part of his body, had been covered with blood.

Even erha, whose crotch is covered with soft gold armour tailored by Tang long, is now bigger than an ordinary warhorse because of the combination of "Sirius" blood of extraordinary level.


Er ha let out a loud wolf howl full of killing smell.

Jump more than ten meters in the air, holding Li Yuanba to catch up with another Tian Hu officer!


With a bang.

The general of the fifth level of moufan also flew out several feet like a broken burden.

With erha's ability to walk in the air, even though the volcano's relatively complex environment could not limit Li Yuanba's action.

In the case of one dead by one hammer, from the beginning of the war to now, the number of Tian Hu army dead in his hands has exceeded 200, which seems not too much.But the problem is that the Tian Hu army who can rush to the top of the mountain will not be ordinary soldiers at all. At least they are officers at the level of moufan, including 13 Deputy generals at the level of quasi commander and eight principal generals at the level of commander.

Including a "five tigers" and "eight Hussars" level of existence!

It can be said that the quantity of killing the enemy is not as good as the "blood" that can be transformed into energy on the battlefield of fangla, but the quality is far beyond that. Even Zhao Yun, who killed the "Twelve Gods of Jiangnan" by one person, is slightly inferior.

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Therefore, even at this time, many of the commanders of the Tian Hu army rushed to the mountain against the "sky fire mines", except for the general who used the shield to "cross the mountain".

The vast majority of people can't pass Li Yuanba, who has been "killed by supernatural beings".

However, as I said before, there are many experts under Tian Hu's command, and there are always some special talents among dozens of commanders!


In the sky, suddenly a golden light flashed.

A brick the size of a man's head suddenly hit erha's back, which made his body stagger and almost fell on the ground with four legs.

A man in gold armor and purple robe appeared in the sky.

With a gun in one hand and a gold brick in the other hand, the golden light in the middle of the eyebrow is more like an eye. What's more striking is that a pair of wheels with burning flame and strong wind are stepping on their feet.

Lance, BRICs, Firewheel?

Combined with the immortal shape, the problem is "the Third Prince of chentangguan"?

Obviously not, because this man is not only middle-aged, but also has a special horse face.


rank: moufan level 7

rank: Commander

note: Tian Hu's generals and mages, nicknamed "shenjuzi and xiaohuaguang", have "Shenxing method", "BRICs method", "Shenyan method" and magic weapon "fenghuoerlun!

Under Tian Hu's command, there are two strange people who can do magic.

One is Qiao Daoqing, the "magic king" that Ji ye had seen through the "thousand mile mirror" before, and the other is Ma Ling, the "shenjuzi" in front of her. In terms of strength, he is far ahead of Fang La's "Zheng Biao" who was killed by Ji ye before.

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The most praiseworthy thing is that he has mastered the "divine method" and can travel thousands of miles every day.

Most of the dragon people, for Water Margin cognition, stay in the fist and foot above, for the involved magic know little.

Only this "Shenxing method" should be well-known, because Dai Zong, the "Shenxing Taibao" among the 108 generals, can travel 800 Li a day, making Liangshan far superior to the enemy in transmitting military orders and information.

In fact, Dai Zong's "shenxingfa" is incomplete.

It is Ma Ling, nicknamed "shenjuzi", who really mastered the "shenxingfa" in the Book Water Margin!

And Ma Ling can not only "walk" but also "fly"!

This pair of "two rounds of wind and fire" under his feet is obviously similar to the magic weapon function of the legendary "three altars of the sea meet the great God", which can generate wind and fire, burn heaven and burn the stronghold. The sulfur smoke above "demon volcano" has been blown away by the wind from two wheels before it can get close to him. Since it can directly step on it, it will not be afraid of the conventional flame and high temperature.

"There are enemies in the sky!"

"Is this the Ma Ling under Tian Hu?"

"It looks good. Standing so high, it's a living target!"

"Let's shoot him down together and blow up a pair of" wind and fire wheels "of him!"

After Ma Ling appeared, because of Li Yuanba's existence, the players of Erlong Island, who had always been in the dominant position, immediately excitedly used their charge and sniper gun to shoot a pile of bullets at him.


Only in the face of these bullets, Ma Ling's eyebrow position in the air is an eye.

Then, it sent out a strong golden light, and the bullet that flew to it was hit by the golden light, and was immediately fixed in the air.

This is the "divine eye method".

Once opened, a third eye appears in the center of the eyebrow, shooting a strong golden light, which can make "neither arrow nor stone can hit".

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