Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 375: 375

After such a big mess, Wang Qing was able to survive, and even successfully rebelled and became one of the "four bandits".

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Such people must have some brains.

"I didn't send out biased teachers!"

Wang Qing frowned, a little confused.

"The situation in the air that day Did a certain general see the right time, find the enemy's defense loopholes and rush up to create a fighter for his majesty? "

There is something wrong with the officials.

However, flattery is to continue to shoot down.

"No All the troops are here. "

Wang Qing holds a "Panlong jade seal" in his hand, which gives out a majestic light. After closing his eyes and feeling it carefully for a while.

"Up there, it's not our people!"

Suddenly open your eyes and confirm the tunnel in your mouth.


It's not Wang Qingzhi.

As the real core of Erlong Island, how can it be easily approached by the enemy?

Even if we "show the enemy to be weak", it is impossible to say that we are taking such a big risk.

"Qiang, Qiang, Qiang..."

If the voice of the battle on the battlefield is a little lower, Wang Qing and others should be able to hear a sonorous sound.

In the hall of Qi Yun, Nie Xiaoqian, dressed in white and with black hair, is playing the song of Han Army besieging Chu army in "ambush on all sides" with mirage dragon Qin. The artistic conception of the music is slightly modified by his spirit.

Then from this one Jiye originally presented her "Mirage dragon Qin" to stimulate extraordinary power.

And the real Wang Qingjun, just after stepping on Erlong Island, was blocked by the people of Erlong island.

"Go to hell!"

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The corner of bug brother's eye has already flowed blood. The two red "laser light" emitted from the pupil recklessly released. It melted the armor on Wang Qingjun's body, who was holding a special quality bow in his hand, and burned to death from his chest to his neck!

"Chief, I I'm going to die... "

The new player named "rabbit master", who has the ability code of transfiguration, is talking with a sweet face of a famous Japanese actress.

"There's a saying that I've always been buried in my heart. In fact, I've been Cough, cough... "

"She" that can barely be called the B cup of the right chest at this time by a black arrow through, become two sizes smaller than the left chest.

While speaking, the throat was choked by the gushing blood, leading to a severe cough.

"If you're dying, don't say it. Doctor, doctor, come here and save me. I won't leave a brother behind! "

The worm brother with bleeding eyes yells at another "psionic" nearby.

"What are you going to say? I know But rabbit, in fact, the stronghold leader is straight. I sent that post anonymously on the Forum... "

Bug brother sighed and interrupted him.

"I fell in love with you from the beginning..."

But the player who becomes a b-cup riyingguo actress is a bit persistent in revealing her last words and staring at his affectionate feelings.

"Well, doctor, go to the back and rest."

"Mianzi's injury is too serious. He may not be able to be saved. On the contrary, he can kill you. Let him die..."

Bug brother immediately changed his tone and said to a power player who was as thin as a bamboo pole.

This man is code named "doctor". His ability is to transmit his own vitality to others. Now he is only spareribs, but before this battle, his weight is not under Tian Hu's.

Wang Qingjun, as one of the four bandits, is not so easy to deal with the army of tens of thousands. In order to delay its advance, the "power battalion" led by brother Chong killed 70% of its fighters.

But fortunately, at this stage, they don't need to be the main force.


A white fog condenses into a huge crane, fluttering its wings, passing by brother Chong and rushing into Wang Qingjun, who is attacking Yingfeng defense line.

And then there was a big white mist!

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"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

On the cliff, as the "military commander" of Erlong Island stronghold, Mr. Meng was holding celadon tea cups in his hands. The cranes and other creatures on them all changed into "smoke fairy bird" state with the hot "tea", and then jumped into the battlefield below.

And it's not just limited vision for those who are covered by the fog.

More feel the temperature of the surrounding air increased, as in the constant heating of the steamer!

"Gulu, Gulu..."

But the water in the tea cup in the hands of Meng Lao is heating up.

[heaven and earth tea cup]

rank: special

rank: excellent · rare

note: Heaven and earth in the pot, heaven and earth in the cup, take square inch in the palm, exhale and move!The story of heaven and earth in Huzhong is the story of Fei Changfang's encounter with immortals in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Fei Changfang was originally a market official. There was an old man selling medicine in the market. After closing the stall every day, he got into the gourd hanging beside the stall. No one else noticed. Only Fei Changfang saw it and went to visit the old man.

Then the old man invited him into the pot, and was surprised to see that there was a different world in the pot, with Zhu LAN and Hua Dong, magnificent, exotic flowers and plants, and all kinds of delicacies.

The old man told him that he was an immortal, and he was demoted to be punished for his mistakes.

Now that the punishment has been finished and he is about to leave, he is destined to give him a pot of wine as a farewell.

And that pot of wine seems to be only one liter, but Fei Changfang asked ten people to lift it together, and they couldn't lift it. They drank it together for a whole day.

Meng Lao's "blue and white tea cup" is just like this wine pot, and its classification should be a treasure with the same spatial nature as Ji Ye's "void ring".

It seems that it is only the size of a tea cup, but actually it can hold enough water. The reason why Meng Lao never leaves the cup on weekdays is that he needs to constantly provide spiritual strength to support the huge amount of water.

However, as a result, it is equivalent to practicing mental power every day, and the mental power displayed has already harmed the eight levels.

As a result, the area covered by fog reached tens of feet, shrouding more than 300 soldiers!

In the twinkling of an eye, the water in the tea cup has become boiling hot!

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"Ah, it's so hot."

"Help! It's so hot!"

The temperature around Wang Qingjun, who was covered by fog below, also rose.

Hundreds of people immediately yelled, but they couldn't rush out of the fog area because of the fog. The changes in the small tea cup could be magnified and "projected" into the whole space.

"It's the old man who's doing something strange. General Li will kill him!"

However, there are also capable people in Wang Qingjun.

For example, Li Zhu, the "golden sword" who is in charge of the war, has locked Meng Lao's position with his "compass".


And after hearing his order, a southern warlord with seven ranks of moufan rode his horse to charge at a high speed for a distance.

Throw away your arms and throw out a black long gun made of pure iron from a distance of one kilometer!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

This black long gun is like a missile. With the sound of continuous crosstalk explosion, it cuts a distance of nearly 1000 meters in the air and flies straight to menglao's head on the cliff.

However, when he reached the distance of about one foot from Meng Laozhang, he stopped.


Because, above the rock ground at the foot of Mencius, a fragmentary magic stone slab and a huge transparent magic array emerged.

[incomplete magic stone slab]

level: special

level: excellent · rare

note: a partially destroyed magic stone slab comes from a supernatural being in the tower spirit who has a deep research on magic. Activation with magic crystal can release part of the complete magic recorded in it.

It's the special equipment that the tyrant lizard mage burst out at the beginning.

Compared with the general treasure, it is much more difficult for the people of Erlong island to master this magic stone slab.

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Fortunately, as a linguist, Meng Lao has a natural advantage in interpreting words and characters.

Now, there have been some achievements.


Within the scope of the magic circle, a magic wall rushed out of the ground and blocked the flight route of black feldspar.


Although it was immediately destroyed by the black spear, it reduced the speed of the spear a lot.

Moreover, in the time of destroying this stone wall, the second magic stone wall has been condensed, and then the third and fourth!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Although the black gun was powerful enough to penetrate four magic stone walls, it finally fell to the ground about three feet away from Meng Lao.

With a click, the whole thing broke!


Wang Qingjun, a long-range general, was hit on the chest by a magic Rune arrow that was not under the black gun.

The body shape was directly taken out from the horse by the large magic catapult.


In this process, the rune on the magic crossbow is more bright, followed by a small mushroom cloud with Wang Qingjun as the center.

In front of Jiao Lao, who is wearing a protective equipment with a sense of science and technology, there is a magic catapult with a shape quite similar to that of a "rocket gun car". On it is equipped with a "magic catapult" made of "magic crystal" from the tyrant lizard stronghold.This magic crystal contains amazing energy, a small magic crystal can produce a considerable amount of TNT power.

In particular, these catapults use magic crystal of fire attribute, and the effect is even close to nuclear explosion.

Although its strength and power are much weaker than those of nuclear bombs, there is no problem of radiation residue and pollution.

The only drawback is that the output of magic crystal is very rare, even if it is catalyzed by the power of air transport, it can not support large-scale use.

Otherwise, the direct formation of dozens of such "magic rocket catapults" to launch a round, should be enough to Wang Qingjun to "nuclear flat"!

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