Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 376: 376

In addition to the two life players "masters" of Jiao and Meng, there is also an Aboriginal "master" on the battlefield!

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"Alas, you have ruined the old medicine field. You have pulled out so many herbs that can't be removed and eaten them in your mouth It's an outrage. "

An Daoquan holds a green medicine hoe in one hand and a black "miasma gourd" in the other.

At the same time, he released the "illusion gas" which can make people have strong illusion. At the same time, he was so angry that he was blowing his beard!

Just because these places Wang Qingjun passed by were like locusts, digging up and taking away all the strange looking plants and even the soil.

It is estimated that, like the soldiers of Fang La army, they had seen some "fairy grass and fruit" in the past seven days when they entered the place of inheritance. The "medicine garden" connected with snake ape island became a disaster area, and all the medicinal materials such as Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng that were inconvenient to be removed suffered!

"Go, go!"

And if the doctor who always saves people gets angry, the efficiency of killing people is also very terrible.

"Miasma gourd" is further modulated by an Daoquan to achieve perfect quality, and it is renamed "magic dragon Qi" according to the naming rules of Erlong Island, so it is named Siyi. The invisible colorless gas that even dragons can hallucinate is poured into the battlefield.


"Go to hell!"

So nearly a thousand Wang Qingjun soldiers who were attacking the defense line fell into the illusion and fought fiercely with each other. Hundreds of them died in an instant!

"What's the matter?"

"Zhao Wu, are you crazy?"

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"Something's wrong!"

However, not all the people who are covered by "Dragon Spirit" are affected.


The existence above the ordinary level in Wang Qingjun.

One by one, an illusory "tiger" and "leopard" beast appeared on the ground, and they were immune to the strong hallucinogenic toxicity!

All of the "four bandits" in this promotion assessment have some kind of "extraordinary" strength, such as the "holy fire" of fangla army, the "battle flag" of Liao state, and the "power of tiger and leopard" of Wang Qingjun. Only Tian Hujun's ability is not clear at present!

Wang Qingjun's extraordinary strength, which is called "the Qi of tiger and leopard" by Meng Lao, is very good in defense.

"Dada dada."

A Liao official with a leopard shape on his fourth step body.

Eagle Peak was above the defensive personnel operating a multi barrel machine gun shot hundreds of bullets, all hit, but only by some minor injuries!

You know, this wave of machine gun bullets could have threatened the life of moufan.

Moreover, the strength of this "tiger and leopard spirit" seems to have nothing to do with personal strength, more like it depends on the level of official position.

For example, the people in the form of "tiger" are almost all the first and second class members under Wang Qing's command, while those in the form of leopard are all the fifth and sixth class generals.

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As for the third and fourth grade Wang Qingjun general, the beast is "Biao"!

It is said that tigers only have two babies at a time, and only in a few cases will they have three.

Because of the lack of nutrition, the extra third child is so long and thin that it's covered with yellow hair that it doesn't even have the tiger spot, which is the symbol of the king of beasts. In addition, it will soon be abandoned by the female tiger and carried to the wild where jackals, bears and leopards appear.

If this young tiger can survive on its own ability, it will be more ferocious than the two tigers fed by the mother tiger, which is called "Biao".

The people under Wang Qingjun's command, as long as they are officials, are full of "tiger and leopard spirit".

Therefore, the "Dragon Spirit" of security only affects the existence of those non officials.

There are also a large number of Wang Qingjun officials who emerged in the shape of "tiger and leopard" to resist the attack of bullets and so on, and forced the defense line of Erlong island!


a general of Wang Qingjun of the eighth level, who is faced with "fierce tiger" with purple flesh, is holding a heavy weapon with half axe blade and half hammer head in both hands. With a direct hard blow, the hardness of the weapon is comparable to that of granite fortification, which makes a nearly Zhang high gap.

Then, with two generals with "leopards" on their bodies, they entered the interior of the fortification.


However, just as the three were about to rush out.

Suddenly I heard a roar like a lion, a majestic "green lion" appeared, but Shengsheng beat the "tiger" back out again.

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A man with a resolute face stood in the way of the gap, and his long hair danced like a lion's mane.

It is Shi Shugang, the "king of the lion in Qingjia", who has a pair of heavy battle axes.

"If you want the core of the stronghold, ask your grandfather's trunk first!"

And "Hercules · Shi Laosi" is holding the elephant trunk weapon made of cold iron in his hand, directly smashing a "leopard shaped" deputy general's chest into a depression, and his body flew nearly Zhang away.

"The power of tiger and leopard!""Compared with the power of the immortal ape?"

A pair of judge's pens in his two hands of eight handed immortal ape · Shi Laowu got the residual shadow quickly and stabbed directly at the eye and throat of another deputy general.

Now three of the five brothers of the historian have come to Erlong Island, and the team led by them is the special branch of "animal blood guard" of Erlong Island, which is second only to "Yuejia army" in terms of number.

"Roar, hold up, ow..."

In the face of the "tiger and leopard gas" rushed up to the officer Wang Qing.

An animal blood guard also directly burned its own "brute force" belonging to lions, bears, elephants and apes, and fought with it with red eyes.

Because of the integration of animal blood into the body, the pure physical quality of each class is not inferior to the existence of the ninth class. In the case of "burning animal blood", it is even more crazy to fight. I don't know the pain.

With the specially tailored "beast armor", it is still difficult for Wang Qingjun to cross the thunder pool.

In the battlefield of Qi transportation, the four kings of Yuan had special arms.

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The shadow assassin of the East, the water ghost of the North King, the blood camp of the west king, and the bodyguard of the South King of the Yuan Dynasty were called "divine arm army".


An ordinary player of level 7, a device similar to "individual exoskeleton" on his arm is emitting black smoke.

A punch down, life will be a rushed to the fortification, trying to kill moufan second-class Wang Qingjun elite body shrouded in "dragon and tiger power" to shock away, but also to blow people out!

Unlike the other three kings, Nanwang was besieged to death by dozens of strongholds in southwest province.

As a result, even Erlong island has only got two sets of the spoils of the "divine arm army".

However, because Ji Ye has the talent of "fusion", she perfectly analyzes the two sets of structures and materials, and uses the resources on Erlong island to replace them to produce hundreds of "magic arms" reaching the fourth level.

To a certain extent, those who are at the level of moufan can fight against officer Wang Qing at the level of moufan in close combat.

"Come on, close the gap!"

In addition, even some logistics personnel who have no combat effectiveness have come on the stage to repair the fortifications destroyed by General Wang Qingjun by various means with water and fire sand that can quickly "expand and solidify" after being watered.

Therefore, even if Wang Qingjun's "tiger and leopard power" is very good, he can not break through the Eagle Peak defense line of Erlong island.

However, strictly speaking, the term "tiger and leopard Qi" should not be accurate.

Because in ancient times, when brothers were named, there was a word before "tiger, tiger and leopard.".

That's the dragon!

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