Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 377: 377

"No, your majesty!"

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"There are two enemy forces in the rear, both of which are thousands of people. They have been fighting with our rear forces!"


Wang Qing, who holds the "Panlong jade seal" in his hand, looks up at the sky and finds it in the "live" picture of cloud projection.

From the East and West, thousands of troops were killed in the direction of his island.

There is no doubt about this,.

Although the Erlong Island stronghold now has four islands, only snake ape island is directly connected with Erlong island by land. Whether it is Liao, Tian Hu or Wang Qingjun, a few ships have been destroyed by the Dongwu water army led by Ling Zhen.

In the end, all must march through the island of snake ape.

"No, it's a plan to drive away the wolves and swallow the tigers."

"All the troops listen to the order, and they all go up and take the" stronghold core "required by the target. Otherwise, you will all die here! "

Seeing this scene, Wang Qing of course understood that he had been trapped.

Now, the personnel of the three sides regard themselves as the first target of attack, and no matter how strong their own strength is, they can not "fight against three with one".

The only choice is to attack the "stronghold core" of Erlong Island regardless of everything. In that case, Liao state and Tian Hu army will naturally disappear.

"However, before that, we need to break the magic of the air first!"

Wang Qing gnaws his teeth and looks at the "live broadcast" in the sky. The cloud projection shows his whole military action to the Liao state and fangla army. If he does not destroy the "live broadcast" first, there is no doubt that he has no chance of winning.

"Strategist, I need the position of the person who performs this skill!"

Wang Qing calm face, next to the hand holding the "compass" Mr. Li assistant.


"There are three wonders in the sky and six beauties in the earth Five elements and eight trigrams connect heaven and earth. Seventy two dragons decide heaven and earth! "

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Li Zhu nodded, recited a spell in his mouth, and sent the magic power into the compass. Immediately, the compass began to shine, and the golden pointer in the Tianchi lake began to rotate continuously. On the three plates of heaven, earth and man, there were various patterns of eight trigrams, nine stars, and seventy-two dragons crossing mountains!

However, after the spell was finished, the golden pointer kept turning, but it didn't work out.

"What's the matter?"

Wang Qing was a little anxious.

Because at this time in the sky, the Liao state and Tian Hu army had already defeated the troops that they had left to guard the passage to their own land.

This means that Wang Qingjun has really no way out!

"The other side seems to have someone who knows divination, interfering with my calculation!"

Li Zhu's face was slightly dignified as he stared at and shook the compass pointer.

"So you can't measure his position!"

Wang Qing frowned.

"Don't worry, your majesty. This man's magic power is far less than mine. He should rely on the blessing of a magic weapon to interfere with the" celestial compass. "

"The power of dragon and tiger given by your majesty is enough to break his magic weapon!"

Seeing that Wang Qing was worried, Li Zhu was decisive.

However, a "tiger shaped" shadow appeared on his body, and then he bit through the tip of the food, spitting his heart's blood on the "celestial compass" in his hand.


Suddenly, accompanied by a faint tiger roar.

In the Tianchi Lake, the indeterminate pointer stopped, and cooperated with the three sets of heaven, earth and man and the ten ways of Tianxin, pointing out a location.

"He is above the summit!"

Li Zhu raised his eyes to the Eagle Peak.

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"It's under your command. I'll kill this tusk myself!"

Wang Qing made a quick decision.

"Your Majesty, this It's too dangerous

The guard official next to him was surprised and tried to persuade him.

"With dragon Qi, these people can't hurt me!"

However, Wang Qing reached out and pressed the "Panlong jade seal" in his hand towards his chest. Suddenly, the whole jade seal turned into a yellow and white dragon Qi into his body.

"You're going to join us!"

After that, he rushed to the fortification of Erlong island with a five foot dragon stick made of gold in his hand.

"It's Wang Qing!"

"Attack, kill him!"

As for Wang Qing, the leader of the enemy, the people of Erlong Island naturally paid attention to him. They saw that he actually took part in the offensive and defensive war in person.

Nature immediately beckons a large number of attacks to him.

Sniper bullets, machine gun bullets, city defense shells, catapults, and even magic crystal crossbows


In the face of these attacks, Wang Qing did not dodge at all.

With a dragon roar, a white yellow dragon with five claws appeared on his body!

The other people's "tiger and leopard Qi" are all illusory, while Wang Qing's "dragon Qi" is close to the essence."Crackling!"

Moreover, compared with Ji Ye's "dragon Qi" which has been cultivated to be close to the Ninth level of ecdysis, the perfect quality is much stronger!

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Whether it's a bullet or a feather arrow, it seems that even its breath can't bear when it comes into contact with a certain range of dragon Qi.

Even the power of Jiao Lao's shooting is equivalent to the "magic crystal catapult" weakening the nuclear explosion, and the power of the explosion can not break through the "Dragon Gas" to hurt Wang Qing himself!

But Wang Qing is raises the hand between, namely is the very fierce counter attack.


The "golden Panlong stick" in his hand shakes. On the five foot long Panlong stick, a large amount of golden light bursts out and condenses into a stick with a length of several feet. It plunges into the hard fortifications of Erlong island like tofu.

After that, with a twist of the wrist, the fortifications of Erlong Island were directly destroyed.


There is also a huge stone weighing several tons, which Wang Qing held in his hands and picked up by the "Golden Dragon stick" and flew into the air, and then scattered with a heavy stick.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Immediately after that, it turned into a lot of gravel stained with gold, which became very sharp at the corner and hit a large number of Erlong Island fighters on the fortifications.

"Poop, poop, poop..."

More than a dozen people were injured after being hit by the stones.

Some people who were hit in the head or chest and other vital positions were killed directly.

Among them, there are three divine armed forces with only ordinary level, and one "animal blood leopard guard" with keen sense!

"You go back!"

Even as the commander of the animal blood guard, his strength had been promoted to the eighth level before the war. With the cooperation of two brothers, he solved the "tiger" shaped general, and then he was like a "Blue Lion" rushing to Shi Shugang.

In the next moment, I can't bear the "dragon" shape, which is ten times more powerful than the "tiger and leopard", and the man flies out directly.

A pair of palms covered with Qi are enough to smash pig iron. In the collision with the Golden Dragon stick, they almost smash the fracture. The blood stained bone even comes out from the back of the elbow!

"I can't help myself."

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However, Wang Qing scorned to smile, gold Panlong stick with golden light toward the back wall of the fortification hit on Shi Shugang chest.

"Don't be presumptuous."

But there was a steady voice.


Then a purple stick flew to the side and hit the gold stick from the side.


The track of the Golden Dragon stick deflected and hit the fortification by rubbing Shi Shugang's arm.

Immediately, a hole with a depth of more than 10 meters was created, and even the strength of the brush made Shi Shugang's arm completely burst!

However, in the end, he kept his life.

"Commander Shi, go elsewhere and give this man to me!"

Lu Junyi wears Tang Long's purple Unicorn beast swallowing armor, and a jade Unicorn with bright eyes, which looks like a purple one, is riding on his hip. Combined with the "purple wood stick" with the carved pattern of Unicorn, Lu Junyi is no less powerful than Wang Qing, who is shrouded in "Dragon spirit".

"The strength is not vulgar, who are you?"

"Commander of Erlong Island infantry, Lu Junyi!"

"Lu Junyi? Lu Junyi, known as "Hebei jade Qilin" and "the best in the world with sticks and sticks!"

Wang Qing's face was frozen.

Among the water margin, "Hebei Yuqilin" is more famous than "Shandong hubaoyi".

Because Lu Junyi is not only excellent in martial arts, but also "a clean family in the capital, a rich family, loyal to the liver and the sun, heroic, generous, generous, and famous.".

Song Jiang admires Lu Junyi. He was born into a rich family. He has a great reputation in the world. He is also a hero with excellent martial arts skills. In order to strengthen Liangshan's momentum, he used every means to invite him to Liangshan and directly give him a second top position.

Therefore, Wang Qing learned that Lu Junyi was the one who blocked his own fatal attack.

I felt awe inspiring for a moment.

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