Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 404: 404

"Heaven is really helping me. A creature with" legendary true blood "may be able to bring me closer."

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"Human beings, dedicate that drop of" legendary true blood "on you. I can promise you a condition."

But see the tone of green Jiao is very excited, a pair of eyes stare at Ji night.

"If you promise me a condition, it's really a dragon!"

Ji night in the mouth light way a.

I think of the setting of "dragon" in a Japanese Sakurai cartoon.

"What if I don't agree?"

Then he looked up at the illusory qingjiao Road on the altar.

"No, do you think you have the capital to disagree?"

Green Jiao stares at Ji ye, a pair of eyes emitting bloody light, revealing the color of banter.

The breath on the body suddenly increases, so that there are cracks like spider webs on the altar below. This is the real attack ability produced by the breath alone!

"It seems that there is no" contract "for this" call "

In the face of this destructive impact, a transparent "Golden Bell" appears on Ji Ye's body to cover herself, and at the same time, she has a secret way in her heart.

From the most infallible point of view, he should not "summon" with his own blood.

After all, this "dragon" is not necessarily a "good and orderly camp", maybe it has some evil means.

However, there is no one in the dragon city who has "dragon blood" except him.

Secondly, considering that the blood is used to make "calling contract", the stronger the better, so I chose my own blood.

Unexpectedly, because "too strong", it caused the greed of the "summoned" green dragon!

"Since you know my blood, aren't you afraid that I'm the descendant of a legendary dragon?"

In the face of this clear "greedy body" green Jiao, Ji night can't help frowning.

"What I am good at is distinguishing blood. What do you think are the four treasures of the dragon in your hand? They are all refined by the blood line handed down by the king and some descendants cultivated by him. "

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A pair of blood red longan of green Jiao, showed very cruel smile.

"If the one who gave you blood is still alive, I'm really afraid. Because the power of blood is far stronger than you think

"Unfortunately, I can feel that the source of your blood has already died A dead dragon, even if it's a legendary dragon when it's alive, why should I be afraid? "

With the words of qingjiao, we can see that all the four offerings on the altar are burning like an invisible flame, emitting a large amount of smoke.

Then, he blended into the empty shadow of the green dragon in the air.

All of a sudden, qingjiao's illusory figure turned into a semi essence, and an oppressive atmosphere of transcendental level covered the whole hall of Qi Yun.

"This is the" dragon projection "method, which is one of the blood" magic powers "I have mastered..."

This blue dragon obviously has some love to show off. The dragon's mouth full of fangs is open and its sound is like a bell.

"I can really use the extraordinary level of power..."

Ji Ye's face was slightly dignified.

This green dragon is very powerful, and the pressure it brings is not under the demon corpse in the crater of the magma clan.

And the purple fire devil is just a dead corpse, but this green dragon is a real living creature!

These items are really only the level of ecdysis level 6, but when combined, they can change qualitatively.

However, it's not surprising to think about it carefully. For example, the "nuclear bomb" itself is only a combination of ordinary and degenerate materials, but it can stimulate extraordinary power at the time of explosion!

Besides, he himself contributed four drops of dragon's blood.

In the final analysis, he is now in the ninth stage of ecdysis. Even because he has realized a trace of extraordinary artistic conception, he is a half step extraordinary creature.

Even if it is a few drops of blood, it contains a lot more power than ordinary people!

"It seems that there were some mistakes at the beginning."

Ji Ye is a little lucky. Of course, one of the four dragons in Zhejiang Province is lost with one direct sword.

Otherwise, let them "summon the dragon", the sea battle of Erlong island will not be so smooth.

Of course, even if the "Zhejiang four dragons" have dragon blood, they are estimated to be very inferior, and may not really arouse the interest of this green dragon.

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What's more, Ji Ye was relieved by the words of the green dragon. So the legendary Dragon King, the ancestor of the black snake, has died, so she doesn't have to worry about it coming to revenge.

"Human beings, give your own" legendary true blood "obediently. Prepare me another 100 stone moufan level blood food. I can consider sparing your life... "

Green Jiao exudes powerful red light, eyes staring at Ji ye, full of greedy tunnel."There is no blood food of 100 stone, but there are some pepper, fennel, star anise, yellow rice wine Why don't you make do with these? "

Ji Ye stood in front of the altar, but she didn't have much fear in the face of the semi essence of the extraordinary breath.

On the contrary, he looks at Tao with it.

"Pepper, fennel, star anise, what is this?"

Qingjiao's sharp mouth was full of words, and his tone was slightly confused.

However, its thinking is obviously not inferior to that of human beings. From Ji Ye's eyes, we can see that it should be a joke on it.

Suddenly, his eyes became cold and angry.

"Bold, dare to tease me!"

With a fierce roar of the dragon, qingjiao's body size was reduced to about one foot with the blue light. The dragon's body was condensed into essence, and a small version of dark clouds and lightning suddenly appeared around.

Then, it turns into a green thunder and shoots at Ji Ye's spine where the drop of "dragon blood" is!


However, when qingjiao started.

However, in the hall of Qi Yun, the power of Ming Huang's Qi Yun suddenly floats and condenses a pair of five toed dragon claws in front of Ji Ye.


Directly lock the body of qingjiao in the air.

Later, the power of qi movement was further gathered and condensed into a bright yellow dragon of qi movement!

After the promotion to the extraordinary level, the core of Qi transportation not only has the ability of defense, but also has the power of attack!

"What, five clawed dragon?"

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Extraordinary green Jiao mouth issued a surprised voice.

However, the reaction is also very fast, the body was caught above the strong blue light, once again changed.

However, it is shrinking from one foot to less than one foot, trying to get out of the two claws of the dragon!

Dragon, can be big, can be small, can rise, can hide.

The larger is the cloud, the smaller is the hidden form.

Obviously, this extraordinary dragon already has some of the "magic power" of a real dragon.


However, no matter how small the body of qingjiao was.

A pair of claws shrouded in the yellow light of Qi Yun's Dragon lock it firmly, making it unable to take off.


Next, Qi Yun dragon opens its mouth, spits out a bright yellow dragon Qi, and roars and twists a foot of delicate green Jiaos to cover it!


Even though there was a lot of blue light on qingjiao's body, he tried to resist it.

But under the yellow light transformed by the power of qi movement, it was quickly dissipated, and then the body was solidified by the yellow light as if it had been petrified.

This is normal. After all, qingjiao is just a "magic projection", while the dragon of Qi transportation in Erlong island is a physical existence.

Even if this green dragon gives people a sense of hierarchy, it is far above Shuanglong, the stronghold of "extraordinary first level".

However, it is impossible to say where we can really get the magic power with the help of the four spoils and four drops of blood of Ji Ye!

"Hateful, mankind, I have remembered your blood breath. You and your kind are waiting for the disaster of decapitation."

"I'm sure I'll get your legendary blood!"

With a roar of anger, the "green dragon" that shrank to a foot or so was engulfed by the yellow "dragon Qi" from Shuanglong's mouth.

When the yellow light dissipates.

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There were some cracks on the altar, but there was a translucent blue bead with a dragon's shadow inside.

[Shenlong projection · qingjiao]

rank: special

rank: excellent · rare

note: it contains a treasure of extraordinary three-level qingjiao's "Shenlong projection", which may be able to spy something from it.

"The loss of four drops of blood and four trophies of the sixth level excellent quality, but the gain of a special trophies of excellent quality, this" call "dragon is really cost-effective."

Ji night in the mouth light voice way.

"But I offended an extraordinary third-order creature Maybe it's really tricky. "

Ji Ye frowned.

It is estimated that the distance between this green dragon and the stronghold of "dragon city" is not too far away!

Perhaps, the extraordinary third level strength is not as terrible as the legendary dragon king before.

However, it is precisely because it is a super level creature that it will become a real threat to the "dragon city" that has been promoted to the super level.

After all, according to the previous situation, the "land of inheritance" should not let a stronghold face the enemy who is too advanced.

However, there are not too many restrictions within the same level.

"We have to break through to the extraordinary level as soon as possible."Ji Ye's face became serious.

But there is no doubt that the difficulty of promotion must be far away from the eighth level to the Ninth level.

After all, from the name, the meaning of "tuofan" and "Chaofan" has already explained the problem.

Even if he has "dragon subduing palm" and "Liangyi scripture", two "special" level martial arts that point out the way of breakthrough.

Even a glimmer of "extraordinary artistic conception" has been detected, but it is not sure to break through the extraordinary in a short time!

"Well, maybe This is an opportunity. "

Looking down at this "green jiaozhu" in her hand, Ji Ye has an idea in her heart.

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