Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 405: 405

The reason is that the extraordinary level of power in a "green jiaozhu" is formed by the combination of four spoils.

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If Ji ye can understand the principle of this "dragon projection", it is obvious that she can be promoted to extraordinary through a similar way.

For other players, it may be very difficult to achieve this. For Ji ye, who has inherited talent, this is obviously just a "fusion" thing.

"Moreover, maybe I can master some supernatural powers of dragon fighting in this way!"

Staring at the green Jiao who is solidified by the power of yellow Qi, surrounded by a layer of thunder, Ji Ye has extra expectations in her heart.

Although he integrated the legendary "dragon blood".

But because the talent of "fusion" is just the level of metamorphosis, it can't really analyze the extraordinary and legendary power contained in the blood!

Therefore, in a sense, in addition to the basic manipulation of water flow and strengthening of the body, the real power of this "legendary" level of blood has not been exerted.

You know, as an extraordinary third-order creature, qingjiao also attaches so much importance to this drop of "legendary real blood" on his body, which absolutely shows that this "legendary real blood" is more valuable than what he originally realized.

However, it can be seen from qingjiao's words that the legendary dragon clan is the "real dragon" in the place of inheritance, which is slightly different from Jiye's original guess.



Since she decided to merge the "green jiaozhu" into the golden chariot, she didn't waste her time.

With the command of the mind, a bright white light with a ray of silver booty light filled the interior of most of the golden chariots.

Compared with the previous talent fusion, this fusion took quite a long time. It took half a day, from midnight to the middle of the day, and the fusion light in the golden chariot slowly disappeared.


Spread on the ground of the whole piece of ecdysis grade tiger skin, sitting Jiye eyes suddenly open.

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All of a sudden, two colors of gold and red light appeared. His eyes had turned into the blood red of the dragon before, but his pupils were a bit of gold.

A large number of soft black dragon scales appeared on the skin, and even the nails on the hands became similar to dragon claws.

"This" dragon projection "actually contains all the body structure information of this extraordinary Dragon It even includes the magical power of its "big and small Ruyi, dragon projection" and other parts

Ji night's expression showed some excitement, the golden light floated in the pupil.

"The most important thing is because of the four drops of dragon's blood before me. This" dragon projection "completely contains the method of transforming the power of dragon's blood into" dragon's body. ". In theory, I just need to transform my body into a "dragon" shape, and then I can step directly into the "extraordinary" level. "

"Well, let's get back to the original first!"

However, Ji Ye's mind is no longer comparable to the past.

The mood soon calms down, and then comes the white light of "healing" talent.

When the white light dissipated, Ji Ye's red eyes had faded away, her scales and the Dragon claws on her hands had faded away, and she returned to human form.

"Blood" is a powerful force, but if it is not controlled, people's body shape will change greatly. The reason why this fusion took so long is that it took so long.

In fact, in the process of fusion, Ji Ye tries to "transform" her body, and at the same time "restore her body" simultaneously through the "healing" talent.

When there is no longer "cooldown" time, the combination of these two talents has a magical effect.

"However, there is still a gap between now and completely" turning Jiaos. "

"After all, Jiaolong's blood only takes up a small part of the blood. The most important thing is that Jiaolong's blood has been consumed excessively in the last two days of fighting."

"To truly" transcend the dragon ", we need to gather enough" dragon blood. "

Ji Ye's soft voice in her mouth, who fully grasps her physical condition with her healing talent.

If we want to make a breakthrough as soon as possible, we can't rely on "dragon blood" to produce dragon blood slowly.

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Fortunately, he had experience when fusing "crocodile turtle's blood" before. As long as he has the talent of "fusion", he can refine the "dragon's blood" he needs by fusing the blood of dragon blood creatures.

If Ji Yeh remembers correctly, a water army player who was responsible for detecting resources once said that there was a big lake in fangla army's territory.

There are a lot of metamorphosis fish in the lake.

Many of these fishes have dragon blood because they are from the earth.

Although it is very low, and even does not have any characteristics of the Dilong, it is enough.

However, just as Ji ye walked out of the golden chariot, a white dragon appeared at her feet and was ready to fly to the lake to make up for the fish.A message suddenly appeared in his mind.

["some members of your stronghold have lived in the inheritance place for one month. Unlock the permission to return to the original world." 】

["your stronghold has completed the task of" competing for the best ", and the race of civilization you belong to has obtained a new number of places to enter the inheritance place: 5607. The quota of this group of personnel will be announced in three days, and in seven days, they will all come to the "dragon city" stronghold 】

["some of the people in your stronghold won a certain number of" specially invited "places due to their excellent performance According to your comprehensive contribution and evaluation of your stronghold so far, the number of invited places is: 17! " 】

three messages in a row appear in Ji Ye's mind.

The third group of players offline at the same time, the fourth batch of quota was directly announced.

Moreover, the quota of more than 5000 people this time belongs to Longcheng.

But this is obviously not really let Ji Ye stop the breakthrough behavior, the most important thing is that some people have been "invited" to enter the inheritance place, and come to Longcheng.

"Something big is going to happen!"

This is Ji Ye's first reaction in her head.

"All those who have won the quota, go to the Shanzhai assembly hall."

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The next moment, all the people on Erlong island have heard Ji Ye's voice.


Ten minutes later, the conference hall.

In a hall that can hold hundreds of people.

At this time, there were only a dozen people sitting, but it seemed a little empty.

Ji Ye's eyes swept the crowd. Su longying, Li Qing, Qin Yueyu, Meng Lao, Jiao Lao, Chong Ge, Guo Wei, An'an, Wu Qiao, Shang Yan, he Dahai There are also three other core players who have made great contributions to the stronghold.

It seems that this time the "invitation" quota in the stronghold is all concentrated on the core personnel, even all in the hands of the management players.

Moreover, in addition to Ji Ye's own nine places, Meng Lao, Su nongying and Li Qing were also given two places, and the rest even Jiao Lao had only one place.

It's better than what Ji Ye imagined at the beginning.

Of course, the premise is that no one deliberately conceals the fact that he has won the "quota".

"I don't mean to interfere in the use of the places in your hands. Because this quota is obtained through your own efforts, it's up to you to decide who to invite

After a little silence, Ji ye said.

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the people sitting there were different.

There was surprise, there was accident, and there was a slight sigh of relief.

"I just want to talk about the distribution of these 15 places in my hands!"

Ji night will everyone's reaction in the eyes, the mouth is then said.

"Wow, fifteen at a time?"

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"Lord, you are so fierce!"

A strange cry, but the insect elder brother whose eyes are still covered with white cloth, the expression on his face is quite exaggerated.

Although, his performance is a little pompous, and it's even easy to think askew.

But when I heard about the number of places for Ji ye, the people in the hall were really surprised.

Through the information in their mind, they also know that the calculation method of the quota is almost based on their contribution to the stronghold!

For example, the reason why Su longying was able to get two places is that as the chief manager of the whole "dragon city", she works almost twice as much time every day as others, so she even has no time to practice. She is the only person whose strength is still below the fifth level of moufan in the whole Erlong island.

At the end of this assessment, her assessment has become a "quasi leader", which is enough to show the recognition of the inheritance place for its efforts!

Meng Lao was awarded two places, one for his role as a liaison between the base and the earth and a person in charge of aboriginal education, and the other for his role as a "military adviser" in combat.

In addition, he and Li Qing, who had a double quota left, also got the "quasi leader" rating.

Naturally, Li Qing's contribution does not need to be mentioned. Every time he encounters an enemy or an alien race, he risks to detect and obtain the enemy's first-hand information. Besides killing people on the battlefield, he is also the instructor of the personnel in the hot weapons camp in the field of firearms!

But the total number of three people is less than half of Ji Ye's.

Well, to be more precise, the total number of "specially invited" places for all of you is just two more than Ji Ye.

There seems to be some exaggeration, but it is reasonable.

Because the "specially invited quota" is determined by the comprehensive contribution from entering the stronghold to the present, which means that it includes the "Xiangyang battle" to win a lot of luck, as well as the reward for killing three villain leaders this time.

"If sister chuyin didn't die, she should have two places as well..."Su nongying suddenly said something regretful.

And her words, also let the conference hall itself because of Ji night and moved many players similarly silent.

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