Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 411: 411

The place of inheritance.

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It is already bordered with the area where the "science and Technology Department" of Erlong island is located, and originally belongs to the territory of fangla.

A lake is inlaid on the green earth like a gem. The calm and wave free surface of the lake reflects the scorching sun in the sky, and the feathers are golden in the scorching sun. Occasionally, several large gold carvings carrying people and objects fly by!


But look down from the sky.

It can be found that there is a hidden crisis brewing in the calm.

More than a dozen black shadows of different sizes quietly surrounded the golden sun in the center of the lake from all sides!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

And about five feet away from the sun.

More than a dozen shadow's body erupted the exuviation level breath, dashed toward the "sun".

In an instant, the whole lake suddenly seemed to boil, rolling out a lot of whirlpool.


And the next moment, suddenly see the lake reflected in the round of "sun" burst, in the middle of the emergence of a sitting figure.

At the same time, the sun burst into 7749 bright golden swords, and disappeared into more than a dozen black figures.

All of a sudden, all the black figures were broken in the water, and a lot of blood dyed the whole lake red.


Only a pair of Golden Dragon whiskers with a length of three feet, and some red carp like Jiaolong in the back half of the body.

Relying on a pile of blood like scales on his body and his advantage of falling behind, he barely resisted the chopping of several golden lights. With serious injuries, he separated from the lake and rushed high into the sky, trying to jump to the lake bank tens of feet away and escape from the water and land!


However, while it's in the air.

On the surface of the lake, however, a big net of transparent roots with red light suddenly appeared.

He caught it in the air, then dragged it back to the lake regardless of its struggle.

And at the moment of entering the water, a large number of laser like red awns appeared on the Internet, twining around the "Longxu carp" with extremely gorgeous and beautiful appearance.

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Ten seconds later, the huge body was cut into a pile of fresh and incomparable "sashimi"!

"Guru, guru..."

After the body of "Longxu carp" broke, the red blood and scales of Yin Hong did not disperse after falling into the lake.

On the contrary, it seems that there is an invisible force to guide them. They gather together and become a mass of red blood. Together with a ball of light emitting the light of booty, they fall into the hands of the figure sitting in the middle of the lake.

"Unexpectedly, there are two spoils. It's rare!"

Jiye's face is a little unexpected. In the case of too big level gap, the chance of killing and exploding spoils is very small.

In particular, the property of this trophy is quite good.

[red carp]

level: moufan level 7

grade: excellent

Description: a sharp sleeve sword can cut off water flow, and the wound damaged by its blade will be difficult to heal.

This is a red dagger about nine inches long. The blade is only five inches long. It is very small, but it can stimulate a "red sword" about seven feet long!

In terms of power, it is not even under the "Taiyi gold lightsaber" that Ji Ye used before. It can be said that it is a very good equipment.

"Well, let's put it in the treasure house for a while..."

Ji ye put it in the ring of void.

Although he can directly take this item as his own.

However, now he is ready to form a certain standard for the whole stronghold by taking responsibility for himself. All the spoils obtained inside the stronghold go through the process of "handing over the public".

For example, this "Dragon Lake" is the material of the stronghold, so the aquatic products in the lake are also one of the resources of the stronghold.

Even if he is a "city Lord", he needs to pay a certain "contribution" after killing these creatures.

After all, now Longcheng has gone through the stage of barbaric development, and the biological resources in the four villains' strongholds should be as sustainable as possible.


In the process of Ji Ye's speech, more than a dozen people around her were killed by the "Taiyi gold lightsaber Jue" which has reached the great realm.

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Under the control of Jiaolong's blood, he collected the blood of "Longxu carp" in his hand and formed a red ball with a diameter of about five feet.

"Almost. Many of these exuviating creatures have the blood of the dragon family, which is combined with the blood of the dragon in my body."

"In theory, it should be enough for me to" transform Jiaos. "

Ji night in the mouth light voice way.

"Fusion!"With Ji Ye's next thought, the top of the "red ball" glowed with white light.

Ji Ye directly chose to "merge" in the lake water!

The fish life in these lakes obviously has a lot of metamorphosis.

But the really aggressive ones have been cleaned up by him these days.

This "Longxu carp" is the last "overlord" creature at the commanding level in this lake. It is a quasi commanding water race with more than ten elites!

No matter how low their IQ is, they don't have the courage to be close to him!

Besides, there is a bodyguard who has signed a "contract" in the lake.

Of course, there is one last reason.

That is, since he is going to "transform Jiao", he will not wear too many clothes.

To be exact, I didn't wear anything except a pair of "seven wolves" underwear that I had been wearing for several months.

Naturally, it is more convenient to break through in this water.


With the white light of the talent skill.

The number of "blood cells" in Ji Ye's hands is less and less, while Ji Ye's body is gradually changing in the white light.

A pair of eyes completely transformed into blood, the body emerged a substantial blue dragon scale, hands and feet are all transformed into the lean form of dragon claws!

However, although the whole body shows obvious characteristics of Jiaolong.

However, it has never been changed to the last step of "humanized Jiaozi".

Because "qingjiaozhu" is a special quality, although almost 99% of its strength is really transformed by four Dragon materials and Jiye's own blood.

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However, it also contains a trace of extraordinary power.

However, it is this crucial "extraordinary power" that cannot be fully analyzed by the "fusion" talent.

Therefore, even though Ji Ye has completely mastered the structure of "qingjiao projection" through integration, she has accumulated enough "dragon shedding blood", and there is still a little distance to break through the extraordinary!

In fact, it's not so easy for the dragon blood creatures to transform into Jiaos.

It is said that the snake can be transformed into a dragon after five hundred years of cultivation, and the dragon needs to be transformed into a dragon after one thousand years of cultivation.

Jiye's cultivation has been going on for 20 or 30 years according to the time of experience acceleration.

Although in many novels, human beings, as the spirit of all things, are much faster than other people's cultivation speed. A Taoist of ten or twenty years can hang a demon of hundreds or thousands of years!

But obviously, this rule is not suitable in the place of inheritance.

At least, it won't be suitable when compared with other people who belong to intelligent life.

Although the initial level of all races is not necessarily the same, the difficulty of cultivation is similar after reaching a certain level.

This last trace of distance, for many dragon blood creatures, may be even greater than all the previous levels.

"It's good. I've expected that!"

However, since Ji Ye thinks that she can break through the extraordinary level, she is naturally prepared for this situation.

The white light of fusion talent dissipates. Ji Ye has absorbed the dragon blood in her hand, but there is still a ball of unrelated blood about the size of her head thrown into the water.

Then, it is absorbed quickly by several transparent roots.

However, the purple light of the ring on Ji Ye's hand flashed, but there was a thing, a special treasure of perfect quality, the finishing touch!

The finishing touch can't be directed at living things.

However, because of the "integration" with Jiye, there is a very special relationship between them.

Therefore, it can play a certain role in him.

After that, Ji Ye infuses all her dragon Qi into the "painting dragon and lighting up brush". After arousing it, she manipulates it with her mental power and points it directly on her forehead!


The nib of jade falls.

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Suddenly, a large number of blooming white light of the dragon will Ji night to completely shrouded.

And about half a minute later, a breath full of oppression suddenly came out of the White Dragon air and swept around!

"Pa, PA, PA..."

Where they passed, the aquatic creatures that had retreated to a hundred meters around them trembled one after another.

The next moment, crazy to escape to the edge of the lake, and even some because of a high degree of fear, like before the head of a Longxu carp rushed out of the water.

Some small aquarium creatures below level 5 were scared to death by a strong oppressive breath!


The upper part of the Dragon Qi glowing with white light.

Wearing a blue dragon body, each scale seems to be made of blue high-grade metal, full of ferocious texture, which makes some people feel scared.In the lower position, a three toed green dragon claw is exposed from the Dragon Qi, with several inches of sharp blade on it!

Then, in the middle of the Dragon Qi.

A green dragon head without a dragon's horn emerges, and the bloody longan is full of a ray of yellow light, and the blood is full of a sense of nobility,

killing, hegemony and cruelty.

The shape of the dragon is almost the same as that of the dragon!

This is natural. Jiye's "Huajiao" is completed by fusing "qingjiao projection". In order to ensure success, she tries her best to copy the appearance (sorry, this is slightly different from the previous one).


However, just after the head of the "bald green Jiao" stretched out the white dragon Qi range.

Compared with the "black dragon" that used to be, it seemed a little bald. Suddenly, a crack appeared on its head, from which a wisp of red light came out!

Is this a step closer to growing a blood colored "jiaolongjiao" under the effect of "Dianqing hualongjiao"?

"Pa, PA, PA..."

However, this is not the case.

Because the next moment, there was a continuous crackling sound on qingjiao's body.

There are a lot of cracks between the blue scales, and what emerges from them is not the blood red Jiao Long's horn, but the "Jiao Long's blood" which contains powerful energy!

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