Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 412: 412

"Ang (not good)!"

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Ji yelongmu, who incarnated as qingjiao, showed the color of pain.

I want to speak, but what comes out of my throat is the tearing sound of dragon chanting!

His body was really split, just because in the promotion into extraordinary completely transformed into "green Jiao" moment.

The drop of "legendary blood" in the spine, which has been silent all along, suddenly vibrated violently as if it were alive.

Immediately after that, an invisible force spread out around with this drop of "dragon blood" as the center.


Then, the dragon's blood all over his body seemed to be activated and "burned" crazily.

The scales and bones of the "green dragon" which has been successfully condensed are cracked. The scene of the dragon's body collapsing and the red dragon's blood falling into the lake appears!

Just a drop of "legendary blood" can shatter a whole body of "qingjiao"

You know, although it has just been condensed, it has not been tested immediately as before.

However, Ji Yeh can be sure that the strength of this "green dragon" is absolutely very strong, especially the metallic blue scales on its surface. Compared with the real natural metal, the strength of this layer is absolutely no lower. Conventional bullets and even shells can't cause any obvious damage.

After all, at the beginning, the scales of a black snake could resist bullets to a certain extent. It was only with the powerful destructive power of "bronze bull crossbow" and the fusion of "rocket" that it could be killed!

The body of qingjiao, however, is the body of a real dragon. It is also the body of an extraordinary third-order dragon.

Even if it's just a projection structure, it's very powerful.

But such a strong dragon's body was shattered by the fluctuation of only a drop of "legendary blood"!

Although seriously speaking, it should be with the "legendary blood" that all the dragon blood in the whole body resonates, thus breaking the "green dragon" body.

But it is enough to show that the power of this "legendary blood" burst out by the black snake is far beyond his initial cognition.

Now in retrospect, because of the lack of information, we actually ignored some things.

First of all, the black snake's body, which has only one stage of metamorphosis, should not have such a drop of legendary "true blood" at all.

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This trophy is more likely to be a "reward" for his "perfect" evaluation in the first stronghold mission.

It's like the black snake of the first level of ecdysis and the black snake sword of the third level of ecdysis. It's a cross level item that has been blessed by the power of human Qi.

And maybe he should have thought of that.

After all, the second round of stronghold mission can give a stronghold a huge advantage, and the first round of "reward" can't be any worse in theory.

If only the potential is limited to "manipulating the flow" and "strengthening the body" at the ecdysis level, how can it be called the legendary level, and even less can it make an extraordinary third-order green dragon show greed and desire!


What Ji Ye doesn't know is that.

After the power fluctuation of the drop of "legendary blood" in his spine was sent out.

It not only broke the body of qingjiao, but also spread out from his body.

As a result, the lake, which is more than one kilometer in diameter, suddenly stagnated.

And the aquatic life in the lake, even if it is moufan level, but also one by one into a coma, sink into the bottom of the lake.

Even the impact of this wave is not limited to the lake, but it rushes all the way to the lake bank, along the terrain from fangla army's territory to Erlong Island, across the metal man's territory

When this wave spread to the original name of Erlongshan "Longfeng".


As if there was a strong resonance, the mountain, as high as 1000 meters, shook violently.

"What's the matter?"

It's in the Erlong mountain village in the middle of Longfeng.

Many of the soldiers who were carrying the goods of the Shanzhai to the "dragon city", which was set as the center of the stronghold, were unstable for a moment, and fell to the ground, as well as a lot of pots and bottles in their hands!

"No, the earthworm has turned over."

"Go quickly and invite leader Gongsun and leader Lin!"

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Hu Feng, the oldest person in Shanzhai, is in a hurry to find Gongsun Sheng and Jiushu.


Of course, what happened in Longfeng is not clear to Ji Ye.

Because, at this time, his situation has fallen into an absolute crisis.


That drop of "legendary blood" after the first wave.

He didn't stop moving. After a few seconds, another wave rushed out of his spine, causing the "dragon's blood" to burst out, which made the bloodstain on the cracked "green dragon's body" further expand!"What would it be like that?"

"Because of the subtle differences in blood, can't the legendary true blood and qingjiao's body be compatible?"

Ji ye, who incarnates as qingjiao, clenches her teeth with blood color. Her whole body has been covered with red dragon blood, but her heart is full of doubts.

According to reason, this is impossible!

Because he thought about it before he merged.

Although it is indeed in accordance with the body structure of "qingjiao", it is from the "dragon's blood" as the source of the transformation!

Even if there is "conflict" between the two, it will not be so strong.

Even Jiye can feel it.

Now it is absolutely the biggest crisis he encountered after he entered the inheritance place and completed the "internal test".

Once he can't control the "legendary blood" of this wave of changes, he is likely to be "possessed" in a way similar to "possessed".

Contribution is the first death since it entered the land of inheritance!

This is totally unexpected!

Now his strength is in the top position among the nine stages of ecdysis.

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Not to say invincible, at least the same level of human.

Even Zhao Yun and Li Yuanba, the top fighting heroes, can't easily surpass him.

Longcheng has successfully passed the "promotion assessment" and completed the task of "competing for the best", which can be said to have finally relieved a lot of pressure on the stronghold all the time. With the presence of a group of top talents, Longcheng can finally "break through" with ease!

Who would have thought that the first eight days had been very smooth, just at the moment when the breakthrough was completed.

Unexpectedly, it happened.


In the spine, there was another wave of legendary true blood, which further cracked Ji Ye's body. Some big cracks almost broke Ji Ye's body.

Ji Ye has actually guessed the reason for the change of "legendary real blood" in her heart. It should be that after he was promoted to extraordinary level, he triggered a certain "inheritance" condition that had been set up in this drop of legendary quality "real blood"!

As for the reasons for the serious conflict

"I'm not sure I'll be transformed into a" green Jiao "structure!"

"Because before, qingjiao all coveted the blood of the real dragon, which means that the two sides can't have a high degree of conflict Is it because I'm not really a descendant of Jiaolong? "

Ji night thought of a thing in the heart.

That is, after all, he is not the real "legendary blood" owner!

He does integrate the "legendary blood", but in fact, he is "clever" in a sense.

In order to ensure that he can get 100% legendary blood, did he use the trophy light ball according to the "instructions".

Instead, he used his talent to fuse the "blood of the black snake" into his body, stripped off the "impurities" and directly retained the last "legendary real blood"!

But because of the lack of fusion talent level, this drop of "legendary real blood" in his body has been very independent, and did not really integrate into the body.

And there may be some way to identify descendants in this "legendary true blood".

Because Ji ye can feel the fluctuation of "legendary true blood", which not only impacts the body of "qingjiao", but also his soul.

Ji Ye's body really belongs to Jiaolong, but her soul must still be human!

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In order to improve her strength more quickly, Ji Ye stopped practicing her soul after the battle of Qi transportation. Even if she got some increase in the cultivation of Taoism indirectly, her soul level still stays at the eighth level of ecdysis!

In the face of the fluctuation of power from the legendary level, I really lack the ability of confrontation.

Fortunately, after all, the "legendary blood" is only a drop, and it can trigger the "dragon's blood" like the body, but it doesn't directly destroy his soul!

As long as it is not destroyed directly, Ji ye will not die immediately.

Because, he also has "cure" talent!

However, even the perfect quality of talent skills can not completely change the crisis faced by Ji Ye.

Because the level of "healing" talent is still at the level of exuviation, and whether it is "body of green dragon" or "legendary blood", it belongs to the level of transcendence or even legend!

Even if you know Jiaolong's blood like the palm of your hand, the healing talent can cross the level of healing to a certain extent, but you can only barely keep Jiye's body from breaking up suddenly and gain a certain amount of time.

What's more, "legendary true blood" continuously sends out waves, tearing his body again and again, consuming his Qi power (healing talent) every second, which is impossible to last too long.

"Do you really want to stop here?"

In the face of this life and death catastrophe, Ji Ye's heart for the first time became a little impetuous!

Perhaps, for the internal test player, the loss of one death will not be as great as that of ordinary players.After all, talent skills can be preserved after the first death.

But the problem is that the advantages accumulated over the past few months are no doubt directly lost!

Even if he was once the "Lord of dragon city" and the "No.1 player on the earth" in many people's eyes, he may not be able to rise easily, or even be deliberately suppressed.

In particular, many of the strongholds are dominated by indigenous people, and it is almost impossible for them to regain the advantage of "dragon city" today!

"It would be better to break through and fail earlier."

"At least, some people have" specially invited "places, but now all of them have been used up."

Ji night clenched her teeth tightly and suffered from the pain of being torn inch by inch.

In order to collect enough dragon blood and make full preparations, he has been in this lake for seven days.

In other words, a few days ago, the fourth batch of players quota has been announced, and the quota of Longcheng has been given out.

It means that if he died of "breakthrough failure", he will not be able to be reborn directly in the "dragon city" stronghold!

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