Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 419: 419

"Who is this?"

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"How powerful! The opening has its own background change? "

Compared with a few new players, the core of the old players are more calm, and even some jokingly said.

In fact, it is also because the stronghold core of Longcheng has now been promoted to the extraordinary level, which can provide a greater degree of assistance for the arrival of talents.

For example, in the past, the battlefield background was completely condensed by the power of "sacrifice", but now it is also influenced by the power of the coming heroes themselves.

For example, this person who is suspected to have been born in the Tang Dynasty may have something to do with "Feng" in his life story!

"It's him..."

The faces of several Taoist heroes and Meng Lao were all surprised.

It is obvious that they know the identity of this rare "civil servant" from the "ancient words" just read.

This shows that this outstanding person is absolutely well-known, and has a certain influence in the Taoist school!


In the battlefield, while the figures of the heroes in the Tang Dynasty civilian costumes had just gathered together, the northern king of the Yuan Dynasty had already taken the lead and started directly.

One arm is like a poisonous snake spitting out a message. It's very hidden. It claps a cold palm force across the air and attacks this civil servant's chest.

"Be careful!"

Qin Yueyu couldn't help saying this.

In contrast to the domineering moves of the southern king of the Yuan Dynasty, this female northern king of the Yuan Dynasty's moves are similar to "Huagu mianzhang", in which all the internal organs and bones of the victim will be destroyed.

If the person who participated in the "assessment" didn't notice her action, he would be seriously injured after being hit.

"If the wind comes up from Zhen Xun, it's the winner; if it comes up from Kun, it's impossible! 】

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however, it seems that civil servants have taken precautions for a long time.

With a word in his mouth, the book in his hand emits a white light.

The wind around formed a track of eight trigrams, and then this very "insidious" palm force was directly moved by the blue wind, which deviated his own direction!

Fell behind on the water, quietly appeared a pressure into the water three feet deep thin handprint!


A cold hum from the woman of the Yuan Dynasty.

Although it only belongs to a projection, she is obviously as unwilling as the West King and the East King to die in the hands of the dragon city.

This battlefield itself is very beneficial for her, because she can act on the water with "dingshui stone", but it is inevitable that she will fall directly into the water after the other party appears.

Once you enter the water, you only need to use the power of the "water fixing stone" to control the water surface, which is enough to form a "cage" and directly take revenge on the other party!

It can be said that at the beginning, it occupied absolute geographical advantage, but the emergence of these winds made the other side level the disadvantage through "Tianshi".

Even seriously affected her actions on the water.

Can only rely on the hands of the "water stone" to stabilize the river around him, there is no way to rush up close attack.


Therefore, her arm once again a pat, a "bone palm strength" directly hit the opposite hero and go, this time also hard to cover up.

The strength Qi is ten times stronger than the previous one, and because the real Qi is integrated enough, it can no longer be blown by the wind!

"It's windy in the afternoon, it's late, it's sick, it's disturbing to move the fort!" 】

however, the outstanding civil servants were not too flustered.

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With another sentence and the white light of the book in hand.

After the wind from all directions reached him, it combined and changed to form a strong upward driving force. The hunter with his robes directly flew out of the water and into the sky, which was just right to avoid the fierce "huaguzhangjin" of the northern king of the Yuan Dynasty!


The northern king of Yuan Dynasty gave a second cold hum.

But see her a palm direct toward slant bottom clap.

The huge strength of the palm directly shook up the sea water within a few feet, and raised a large transparent water wave to the heroes in the sky.

However, the civil servants have manipulated the wind to the highest position in the battlefield. Even if they hold the power, these waves can not rise to the corresponding height. They just skim around the foot of the heroes.

"Be careful!"

However, a few core players who watched the sacrifice were nervous.

Only because the man who controls the wind really avoids the water wave which contains the "Huagu mianzhang Jin" of the northern king of Yuan Dynasty!

However, at the moment when the water wave flew behind him and was about to fall back into the water, the water wave suddenly burst, condensing two people to pounce on the back of the hero.

Yuan people under the command of the North special arms, water ghost!

Obviously, like the West King and the East King before him, the northern people of Yuan Dynasty didn't mean to fight alone at all.

Instead, part of the power of the sacrifice was transformed into an unknown number of "water ghosts" hidden in the huge waters.["clouds are like dragons. Where you see, the general loses his spirit!" 】

in the face of this "sneak attack" from behind, the civil servants seem to have noticed it, and the books in their hands shine again.

Then a dragon like cloud enveloped him.

Two of the soldiers, however, seemed to have lost their souls.

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His expression and action were delayed a lot. He flew past the clouds and fell into the water again.

"Yisizhan, Vol. 1. Astronomical phenomena!" 】

but in the clouds, the voice of civil servants sounded again.

Then, the background of the whole battlefield changed again.

In addition to the wind still sweeping over the water and the "dragon cloud" shrouding him, the whole sky is also full of illusory scenes of the same sky as the sun, moon and stars!


However, neither Beiwang nor Shuigui were afraid of these changes.

As a matter of fact, many of the people in the Yuan Dynasty mastered different methods, such as the Western King and even the northern king himself.

As a result, it did not stop.

But under the continuous flapping of Beiwang's palms on the water, more than a dozen water ghosts merged into the waves and surrounded them in all directions towards the "clouds" in the sky!

"Fu Yue, the essence of Taiyin, accumulates and forms an image. His spirit contains shadow and reflects the light of the sun to illuminate the night!" 】

similarly, the civil servants in the sky did not stop talking.

With the hands of the book again shine, but see the sky that round of illusory moon suddenly lit up.

And with the silver like moonlight, all the water ghosts hiding in the water showed their body positions!

["Jia lives in the bend of the river. There are demons in the sky, and they come out in ten days!" 】

followed by another sentence.

That round of the sun in the sky split into a pile of the sun in an instant. At the same time, it sent out a terrible high temperature, which directly evaporated the water waves rushing into the air.

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"Ah, ah, ah..."

The water ghosts, who are hidden in the water waves and have been exposed by the moonlight, scream in pain after being illuminated by the power of the sun.

This battlefield belongs to the evolution of "the power of Qi Movement".

In addition to their own strength, the fight between the two sides also involves some kind of "spiritual" competition.

Therefore, the scene is so huge, and some places are not reasonable.

And since the people under the command of the northern king are "water ghosts", they can't bear the burning of the "sun" power, which symbolizes the punishment of demons!

"The meteor is the envoy of the emperor, and the essence of the five elements is scattered!" 】

next, the third sentence comes out.

But see a star in the sky continuously light up.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Immediately after that, he suddenly fell from the air and turned into a "Water Ghost" with rolling red flame and black smoke, who was also falling from the air after the water waves on the surface were dried!

"Poop, poop, poop..."

Several water ghosts were directly killed by meteors!

You should know that the "soul of civilization" of this outstanding person has fallen to the Ninth level, which means that the outstanding person can really exert his strength at this level in the assessment.

The strength of these water ghosts is no more than the fifth level, which is the fourth level. Without the cover of water, they can't bear the impact of the "meteor".

"The meteor falls to the ground in one day, the red drought is thousands of miles, the spring is dry, and the king is killed!" 】

in the fourth sentence, seven meteors far larger than before fell down in the sky at one time, emitting terrible high temperature and black red tail flame.

However, this time is not an attack on the "Water Ghost", but all towards the position of the female king of the Yuan Dynasty!

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