Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 420: 420


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In the battlefield.

In the face of seven meteors falling from the sky, the northern king of the Yuan Dynasty once again snorted.

Although people in the battlefield don't communicate with each other in language, they can feel the opposite meaning to a certain extent!

Therefore, she understood that the attack of the Tang Dynasty heroes was to make her "king be killed", and she didn't want to dodge even when she was angry.

A pair of slender palms, directly flip up to shoot down from the sky "meteor"!


Relying on his own extremely feminine strength, the northern king of Yuan Dynasty made a meteor fall from the sky directly.

However, the powerful power contained in this meteor, even though she has some color change, although her noumenon actually belongs to the extraordinary level of existence.

However, due to the limitation of the level of sacrifice itself, it also exerts the power of devolution at most.

With this "meteor" on the hit, not dominant!

"The northern king of Yuan Dynasty made a mistake!"

Li Qing's mouth said.

After so many battles, the core personnel of Longcheng now have a strong sense of fighting.

In the case of onlookers, we can see at a glance that the northern king of the Yuan Dynasty made a wrong decision. She should choose to transform only one person just like the eastern king at the beginning. In that case, she will have the ability to fight continuously!

It should be possible to block the "Seven Star" attack.

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However, because the power inspired by "dingshuishi" has also formed a certain number of "Shuigui", her own power has been further weakened.

These seven "meteors" fell from the sky at one time. After the northern king of the Yuan Dynasty forcibly destroyed four of them, his power was obviously lost.

In the face of the remaining three meteors, we can only reluctantly choose to "dodge".

"Boom, boom, boom..."

After three flaming meteors fell into the water.

A large area of water all of a sudden become boiling, let the hidden water ghost scream and scream to escape one after another!


This made the northern king of Yuan Dynasty roar in his mouth.

She is now extremely regretful that she is practicing palm skills instead of long-range weapons.

Otherwise, even if the weapon is thrown out, it is enough to kill the civilian who just relies on the "magic" in the sky!

"Ziri is windy, the sun is sunken, and the soldiers are in the water." 】

however, the civil servant in the sky didn't care about her reaction, and continued to "recite" the sentence.


And with the "book" on his hand, it glows again.

I saw ten suns in the sky, and they began to "slant to the west" quickly.

Finally, just like the seven meteors just sunk into the water, but each sun is still emitting crazy high temperature.

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And with the "ten days into the water", there is no doubt that the temperature of the whole water area has been raised, which makes the remaining "water ghosts" no longer able to stay in the water.

Had to change into human form, rushed out of the water to take refuge.

["Yin day gale, red gas four plug, for fire also!" 】

however, when these people thought it would be safe to rush to the water, the civil servant hero holding the book in the air once again said a word.


The book in my hand is shining again.

Then, the blue wind on the water turned into a red flame wind!

"Ah, ah, ah!"

One by one "Water Ghost" suddenly fell into a dilemma, or was ignited, in the end was scalded to death by water.

And after death, it turned into a white light representing the power of dingshui stone!

"Damn it

The northern king of the Yuan Dynasty also suffered.

Because the "sun" in the sky is shining crazily, the whole water surface is quickly evaporated, and the "red wind" from the flame is even more fueling.

So that the whole water surface is falling at the speed visible to the naked eye, although she can use the "water fixing stone" to forcibly settle the water, in order to reduce the effect of "celestial attack" such as "sun" and "red wind" and "meteor"!

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However, it is clear that the situation has completely fallen into the background.

This is the first time in Longcheng, in the introduction of outstanding people of extraordinary level, there is the same absolute repression as when Wu Song, Lu Zhishen and others came!

"Who is this man? What a cow

”The northern king of Yuan Dynasty had no power to fight back. "

even a bunch of well-informed core players, at this time, their faces are also surprised and curious.

"I'm so good at using the ability of celestial phenomena in the sky. I don't think there are too many qualified people on the whole earth.""Combined with the needs of feng shui master we gave him, and with the previous discussion of grading Feng Shui, his identity is very clear!"

Guo Wei raised his own science and technology glasses.

"Ah, it's Li Chunfeng we're leading this time!"

However, in the case of Guo Wei who is still playing tricks.

But he saw three princes wearing heaven and earth circles on his arms and a pair of Feng Shui wheels on his feet. He rushed into the sacrifice area and said excitedly.

"You know Li Chunfeng!"

This makes Guo Wei a little embarrassed, but more curious.

"Of course, I know. This is a big bull!"

"It's the Taishiling under Li Shimin of Tang Dynasty, proficient in astronomy, geography, calendar, yin and Yang, Fengshui and Taoism..."

Don't underestimate your social brother.

"Zhang Heng's improved" armillary sphere "was the first person in ancient times to give life to the wind, and he also made equipment to detect the wind and wind direction!"

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Obviously, this is the reason why Li Chunfeng is able to fight with wind alone and attack with "celestial phenomena" when the "water" in Feng Shui is completely limited!

"However, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang created the ancient first wonderful book" pushing back "

And speaking of this, brother worm looks a little excited.

"I've heard of the name" Tui Bei Tu "before. However, has not known the specific content! What's the name of the most wonderful book in ancient China? "

After hearing this, Qin Yue said curiously.

"Shouldn't the most wonderful book in ancient times be Jin x Mei?"

And another core player is also puzzled.

"Hey, I haven't seen it. I just heard that it is!"

Then, looking at the tacit expressions of a group of people around him, he quickly made an excuse.

"For different fields, the titles of the first wonderful book actually belong to different fields."

"As a matter of fact, push back chart can only be said to be the" first wonderful book "in the field of prophecy strictly, and the word" ancient "may not even be added in front of it."

Fortunately, Meng Lao, who habitually made up lessons for us, helped him out.

"It is said that Li Shimin has two famous Taoists, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang."

"One day, Li Chunfeng watched the sky at night, and after seeing into the future of Wu Zhou Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, he was in a great mood. On the spur of the moment, he began to extrapolate the affairs of later generations by means of changing divination. As a result, he became addicted to it and became uncontrollable. He even calculated the history of two thousand years after the Tang Dynasty. It was not until yuan Tiangang pushed him on the back and said, "Heaven's secrets can't be let out any more. You'd better go back and have a rest.".

"After that, they recorded the events in the form of poems, riddles and pictures, forming 60" tuebai pictures. "

"It accurately predicted a series of major social and historical events from feudal society to Datong society in the future, such as" Wu's reign "," an Shi rebellion "," Huangchao uprising "," the change of Tu Tu Bao "," the establishment of song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties "," the first World War " And so on, and even predicted some difficult things in modern times! "

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