Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 429: 429

"Who is the hero?"

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"What level of talent? Can you be a great man? "

"I don't think so! Isn't it true that the extraordinary need the sacrifice of extraordinary level? "

"But it's not only extraordinary sacrifices. It's not said in the forum that the last time in the battlefield of Qi transportation, we could get 'special' level sacrifices. But our dragon city is the leader in the whole southwest province. It killed one emperor and three kings of the Yuan Dynasty

Some players said with pride.

He obviously entered the state very quickly, has completely replaced the identity of Longcheng personnel.

"Yes, it's one emperor and three kings, but that's four. Zhao Yun, Zhou Yu, Li Yuanba and Li Chunfeng add up to four Wait a minute. Is it even the sacrifice of the Yuan people in the south? "

And in the excitement of a bunch of players.


There is a dragon chant in the sky, a dragon with five Zhang Qi.

Each of the two claws holds a soul of civilization, which is a quasi leader of the ninth rank, and falls into the center of an altar with a ball that seems to be a "thunder".


Then, a golden light from the left eye activates the "thunder halberd" as a sacrifice.

Yes, this ball shaped object is "thunder halberd". Although the name is "halberd", in fact, it should be a special weapon condensed by the power of thunder.

Thunder is an immaterial energy, but this "thunder ball" can be transformed into various forms.

Including but not limited to thunder knife, thunder gun, thunder sword, thunder halberd, thunder shield This is the reason why the pure thunder can only be regarded as the exuviating level of power, but the ball contains the extraordinary power.

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And because of this, although the sacrifice is "thunder halberd", but the hero who receives is not necessarily the one who uses halberd!


Just like the previous sacrificial offerings, the thunder halberd was activated to form a battlefield, on which the southern king of the Yuan Dynasty and his fifty "divine arms army" appeared. The whole battlefield environment was also very favorable for him, with dark clouds surging in the sky, thunder falling and silver snakes dancing!

This scene, compared with the previous Yuan Dynasty North King, is undoubtedly a huge number of points.

"Nanwang of Yuan Dynasty, should have lost!"

However, after seeing this scene.

Ji night is eyebrow a pick, mouth calm tunnel.

"Ah? No, it's a loss! "

In the "dragon sound" channel constructed by Skynet that has been started, some of brother worm's voice comes out in a daze.

"Yes, he will lose!"

Jiye affirms the tunnel again.


While Ji Ye was talking.

On the other side, the spirit of civilization, which was also inspired by the golden light of the dragon of Qi transportation, also changed immediately. A very tall and burly figure holding a pair of weapons in his hand quickly took shape.

From the appearance, it should be a "general".

Well, to be more precise, the probability should be a "fierce general".

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Because, this is Ji Ye's own choice of "request".

It's only half a day away from other strongholds to approach Longcheng. In theory, after midnight tonight, Longcheng will attract new "enemies" because of its own attribute of "fighting for the best", so it's inevitable to fight.

Therefore, it is more preparation to recruit one more general.

The reason why Ji Ye thinks that he is a "fierce general" is that the strength of the southern king of the Yuan Dynasty is absolutely the strongest among the four kings, even no less than that of the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. Combined with the special attribute of "Lei Ji", if you want to defeat him, you have to be a "fierce general" of the same level.

And this kind of duel between fierce generals

"What a big figure!"

Ji ye did not explain why "the southern king of the Yuan Dynasty has been defeated", but looked to gather the earth's generals from the soul of civilization on the "thunder battlefield".

Because this person's figure is really big and majestic. Before Longcheng, Lu Zhishen was the biggest figure.

At the beginning, the height was close to two meters, and the arm was equivalent to the thigh of ordinary people, and the figure of this "fierce general" was not inferior at all.

Even compared with Lu Zhishen, there is a very obvious "evil spirit" in his body!

Yes, the evil spirit, even if not passed the "assessment" before the face is completely blurred, but just eyes and eyes there is a kind of "evil spirit" of the air!


Even through the live broadcast, many of the fourth batch of new players were softened by this fierce look.

Even, some people can't help kneeling on the ground!

"The artistic conception of extraordinary level?"

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Ji Ye's face didn't change at all.

Because he knows that this is a kind of "war spirit" similar to Yang Zhi's, but the quality is still a step closer.

Is also a breakthrough to the extraordinary level, Ji night just understand a thing.

That is the "extraordinary" in the land of inheritance, which actually contains two concepts.On the one hand, it refers to the "transcendence" of power.

For example, the "dragon body" he has now belongs to the extraordinary level. The harder the diamond is, the more powerful the absolute majority of the power of the exuviation level can't have any influence on it.

For example, most of the energy itself does not have substantive, such as Qi, magic elements.

However, after breaking through the limit of the Ninth level, the "true Qi" can be transformed into "true yuan and vigorous Qi", and the "martial image and vigorous soldier" can be condensed through internal force!

Similarly, if the "spiritual power" enters the transcendence, the spiritual power will be able to transform into the "divine mind".

It not only has strong detection ability, but also with some supernatural powers, it can condense the true sense of "separation", like the "dragon projection" of "qingjiao".

In addition, some special powerful forces are also classified as "extraordinary" by the place of inheritance, such as "space movement, kinetic energy manipulation" or "nuclear bomb, antimatter" and other weapons.

In addition to the transcendence of "power", there is also the transcendence of "consciousness".

Before Ji ye, the extraordinary artistic conception of "dragon subduing palm" actually belongs to the category of consciousness.

Only when the consciousness and body reach the transcendence level, can they belong to the real "transcendence" level, which will be qualitatively different from ordinary life!

However, the soul of civilization that led to this outstanding person is just a transformation from the ordinary level.

Even if there is the extraordinary power of Qi in Longcheng, in theory, it can't use the real extraordinary artistic conception!

"Well, maybe this" ferocity "belongs to his natural ability. Who will be such a ferocious person?"

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Ji Ye stares at the tall figure curiously.

It seems that such "ferocity" should appear in the villains. It's rare to appear in a celebrity hero.

However, when the nine foot body of the "fierce general" was completely condensed, the weapon in his hand was also completely shaped in the white light, but it was a pair of super large black "iron halberds" nearly five feet long and comparable to the thickness of ordinary adult arms!

In addition, there are ten gray "halberds" about one foot long on the dark red armor!

["on foot, we chase tigers across the mountain stream and drive to kill people in the downtown. The world looks at the shadow all soul mourn, the great general is famous also timid. 】

at the same time, the long lost sound of Hongzhong's "poem number" finally sounded over the altar.

"Well, it's this one..."

Ji ye, Guo Wei, Zhou Lao, Meng Lao and other thinking old playwrights suddenly look on their faces.

"Eh, this shape seems to have been seen in any game..."

Among the fourth batch of new people, some also saw their identity.

For example, a 15-year-old boy who is wandering around and looking at his surroundings also shakes his long-term Patty glasses. After he enters the heritage site, he recovers his eyesight and has some unaccustomed eyes. He is a "double halberd hero" relayed by the clouds in the sky!

"It's him!"

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun, who also watched this time through the "live" broadcast, were even more moved.

["a pair of ape arms with heavy halberd, nine foot tiger body hanging iron clothes, World War I blood, ten thousand people died, eternal rebirth, one evil." 】

the following sentence "Shi Hao" undoubtedly fully reveals the identity of the coming heroes, who were the famous generals of the state of Wei at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The evil of ancient times, Chen liudianwei!

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