Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 430: 430

"Dianwei? This is a real strong general. "

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"One LV, two Zhao and three Dian Wei, the famous generals of the three kingdoms are second only to Lv Bu and Zhao Ge in force, and they are also above Guan Er ye, the fourth in rank..."

Bug brother some excited voice in the communication channel.

This "brother Zhao" naturally refers to Zhao Yun,

brother Chong is very good at dealing with outstanding people, and now he has a thick face and is a brother to Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu.

Of course, Li Yuanba met a snag.

After all, Li Yuanba's character will never be called brother.

"Another hero of the Three Kingdoms?"

And Qin Yueyu's voice is a little curious.

Today, there are Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun in the Dragon City, and now Dianwei is really like Ji Ye's words of "winning is certain".

Well, each of them has a top talent of Wei Shu Wu.

At least, it's easy to understand why "heroes of the Three Kingdoms" appeared in succession under the background of having Shuihu, Yuejiajun and Han Dynasty.

The heroes of the water margin are not historical figures, and their ranks are limited. Except for Luo Zhenren, a small number of figures are only at the ordinary level, and Luo Zhenren can not reach the perfect evaluation, which does not meet the requirements.

There should be some extraordinary people in the Yuejia army, but Yue Fei's contribution is too great, just like the wings of Jin Peng's covering the light of others.

Lead to other generals, have the estimation of perfect qualification also on its son "Yue Yun"!

Compared with Yue Yun, Dianwei's popularity and popularity must be higher, with priority.

As for the background of the whole Han Dynasty, there must be a lot of people who are more popular and well-known than Dian Weiqiang.

Such as Han Xin, Zhang Liang, Wei Qing, Huo Qubing and other figures, but their historical status is too high, in the eyes of the vast majority of people who know these people, they are absolutely "legendary" existence!

It's not likely to say that Zijiang and Dianwei compete for a perfect place.

However, for those who are weaker than them, their popularity and popularity can hardly be compared with those of the heroes of the Three Kingdoms. After all, the romance of the Three Kingdoms is related to all kinds of games and novels.

The outstanding people of the three kingdoms also had a relatively unique position in the whole history, which was also suitable for other dynasties.

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"Well, there should be another reason."

"That's to say, the traditional" villager "complex of the Dragon kingdom is easy to form a" gathering effect. "

Zhou said something in the communicator.

When receiving the citation, Renjie will consider the background of the characters in the stronghold.

Naturally, there is no need to say too much about the characters. For example, Lu Junyi came to Erlong Island first, and Yanqing was more likely to come next time. Similarly, Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, Zhou Yu, sun CE and other people who are close to each other will be more willing to come.

On the other hand, such as "Jiu Shu", if it is not amnesia, it is unlikely to take the initiative to choose Longcheng.

After all, although Longcheng has great potential.

But without the background of the Republic of China, he could not let his related people come unless he passed the "invitation quota".

This is obviously something that needs serious consideration.

Therefore, even if the range of rare and high-quality offerings is among the talents of the civilizations created by the whole earth, the talents of a stronghold background will not be too complicated at all.

Even the hero will not only consider the relationship and background of the characters, but also the resources of the stronghold.

At present, the resources of the Dragon kingdom are most suitable for the cultivation of historical, mythological and legendary talents.

Therefore, there will be more generals and monks.

And like the magic side, the power side of the hero, such as long Ma, Gandalf, Gianna, X-Men these characters.

Even if they meet the conditions, they will not choose too much.

Of course, it's not absolute.

After all, Longcheng now has "Skynet", "radiant spring" and "magic crystal" produced by tyrant lizard stronghold.

It is not impossible for some non background talents to choose to come to Longcheng, a resource that no one competes with.


And in Ji Ye's thinking, the battle on the "thunder battlefield" has begun.

In the form of a battle array, a pile of divine arm soldiers directly shot a pile of large heavy arrows at Dianwei with their "divine arm".

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"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

These heavy arrows are bigger than the bronze bull crossbow of Ji Ye.

And because it is shot by the "divine arm" of ecdysis level 5, its power is more than the sniper bullet of Longcheng!


However, Dianwei did not mean to dodge at all, so he chose to confront him with "tit for tat".

First, he put a pair of large black iron halberds on the ground. Then he took off the ten short halberds from his waist and threw them directly towards the "divine arm army"."Pa, PA, PA!"

The halberd made of black iron collided with the incoming heavy arrow in the air.

A flash of fire, but it is directly in contact with the heavy arrow to volley smash and smash fly.

The black iron halberd itself is constantly across the distance of tens of meters between each other, bumped into the head of shenbanjun, who is half kneeling in the front row, and has no time to escape after shooting the heavy arrow!


As if he had opened a dyeing workshop, the helmet of the God arm army was directly penetrated by the black iron halberd.

When he came out from the rear, the black halberd had become red and white, but the speed did not stop at all.

And then toward the next person's chest position to hit high speed.

"Qiang, Qiang, Qiang..."

Finally, a completely red halberd ran through the four people's bodies.

Even when he hit the last person, he tried to pass through, and a piece of blood stained halberd pointed out from behind his back armor!

You know, different from the fact that the arms under the three kings rely more on special abilities, the biggest characteristic of the shenban army is that its equipment is very luxurious.

This kind of equipment, similar to "individual exoskeleton", is absolutely superior to the above quality among the five level armor.

That is to say, Dian Wei just hit, directly penetrated the full ten layers of moufan five levels of armor, which is not the power consumed by smashing the "heavy arrows" before!

Most of all, he threw ten halberds together!

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That is to say, it is only one tenth of his strength.

"Hiss, my God, that's awesome!"

"Is pawey's strength so terrible?"

A core player's tone is full of surprise.

"Of course, strictly speaking, Dian Wei should be regarded as the" strongest man of the Three Kingdoms. "

Meng Lao's voice sounded in the communication channel.

Among the generals of the Three Kingdoms, there are many powerful people in terms of unofficial history or romance.

For example, Zhou Cang "can bear 500 Jin and travel 700 Li a day", while Huang Xu'er and Cao Zhang can "have excellent physical strength, can handle fierce beasts and bear 10000 Jin bell". Guan Yu's green dragon Yanyue sword weighs 84 Jin, and his arm strength is absolutely excellent!

However, as far as the historical records are concerned, the real Hercules can only say two people.

First, Xu Chu was able to "drag the tail of the ox with his hands and walk more than 100 steps.".

Second, Dian Wei was able to "carry a pair of halberds with a weight of 80 Jin" and even use his arms to hold two enemy soldiers as weapons!

In a sense, it is the heaviest weapon recorded in the whole history.

Even, throughout the historical records, there are only a few people whose weapon weight is higher than that of Dianwei.

For example, Yue Yun, the son of Yue Fei, also used a pair of iron spears of "80 Jin".

However, because the Jin of Song Dynasty is heavier than that of modern times, this pair of weapons is equivalent to 100 Jin, which must be exaggerated.

In addition, the hammer used by Zhang Liang to ambush Qin Shihuang in bolangsha weighed 120 Jin, which was also equivalent to 100 Jin, but strictly speaking, it was not a conventional weapon.

"Pa, PA, PA..."

However, unlike the five soldiers sloughing at the top of ten armor with one halberd,

those armed forces use the powerful "arm" to shoot heavy arrows that are comparable to the bullets of the powerful sniper gun, within three feet of Dianwei.

He burst out in the air!

"Does it protect the body?"

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"No, it seems not!"

"The heroes of the Three Kingdoms don't seem to cultivate their internal power very much!"

As a matter of fact, the core of cultivation is not "internal power", whether they are heroes of the three kingdoms or heroes of the water margin.

To a greater extent, it is similar to Ji Ye's initial "Manniu quench body strength" to strengthen her body and Qi and blood power!

This is also a characteristic of Battlefield Heroes. Compared with the true Qi that will inevitably be consumed in combat, the powerful physical body is undoubtedly more suitable for continuous combat.

"It was shattered by the evil spirit This "evil spirit" can even take effect on a lifeless target

Ji night is to see some clues.

In theory, the power of "artistic conception" can only produce effects on life, especially the outstanding people themselves have no extraordinary level.

But Dianwei's "ferocity" can even shatter the lifeless throwing gun, which shows that this kind of power really belongs to his "natural ability"!

This is not groundless.

In historical records, Dian Wei is not only powerful, but also a great general.

Compared with the official history, the deeds of many generals in the three kingdoms are suspected to be exaggerated, such as Zhao Yun's "seven in and seven out, killing 54 generals" and Zhang Fei's "one man at the gate, drinking the enemy generals".However, the description of Dianwei's deeds is consistent with the historical facts to a great extent.

For example, Dian Wei's "downtown killing", "holding the flag with one hand", "ten step killing" and so on.

Especially the last battle of his life.

He had already surrendered to Zhang Xiu of Cao Cao. He was ashamed of Cao Cao's acceptance of his aunt Zou, so he rebelled and raided Cao Cao's camp at Jia Xu's suggestion.

At that time, Dian Wei led his soldiers to fight to stop Zhang Xiu's army from entering the camp.

In the case that all the followers have died, and that they have been injured by dozens of arrows and gunshots, one man will fight to the death!

Zhang Xiujun wanted to come up and capture him alive, but Dian Wei, who was seriously injured, killed two Zhang Xiujun with his arms, so that the rest of Zhang Xiujun was too scared to come near.

After that, Dian Wei, who couldn't survive himself, rushed forward to Zhang Xiu's army. After killing several people, he was seriously injured. He opened his eyes and angrily cursed to death.

It was not until he was completely out of breath that Zhang Xiujun's soldiers dared to come forward and cut off his head, which attracted the attention of the whole army.

It is also the origin of the saying "die Dian Wei, refuse to give birth to thief army" that makes Cao Cao take advantage of Dian Wei's delay and ride away!

It has to be said that perhaps because boss Cao, who is controlled by his wife, knows that he did not do it very well this time. After hearing the news of Dianwei's death, he cried bitterly for his subordinates for the first time. He recruited spies to find a way to retrieve Dianwei's body for burial, and every time he passed by, he had to hold a memorial ceremony!

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