Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 431: 431

"Poop, poop, poop..."

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On the "thunder battlefield", more than a dozen people of the "divine arm army" hit by the short halberd directly scattered and disappeared.

In the sky, the surging clouds and thunder are also weakened.

However, because the "divine arm army" set up a battle array when shooting, showing high and low positions, the "short halberd" thrown by Dian Wei could not be said to hit all the key positions of the target.

And the rest of the Shenbang army, seeing that the "heavy arrow" was invalid, decisively chose to take out their long guns and rush to Dianwei's close combat.


And in the face of dozens of moufan five level divine arm army's swarming siege up a row of long guns.

Dian Wei still didn't mean to give way.

"Bang, bang, Bang..."

With a wave of the black iron halberd on the right hand, the terrible force directly smashed more than ten spears to break and fly out!

The burly figure is a step up, the left hand on another black iron halberd with a low angle lightning general swing.

"Qiang, Qiang, Qiang..."

In an instant, the armor of the seven or eight divine armed forces broke, their necks or chests were cut off by the crescent blade on the black iron halberd, and their blood was sprayed out!

"Well, the Lord of the city is sure to see it!"

"Nanwang of Yuan Dynasty is sure to lose!"

"Yes, after all, this is Dianwei. He can't be an opponent at all."

In the communication channel, several management players praised Ji Ye's initial "judgment".

Because the long-range attack of the "divine arm army" would be shattered by that terrible "fierce force" before it fell on Dianwei, so it had to give up its greatest advantage in close combat.

However, close combat was also suppressed by Dian Wei's "evil spirit". Even if these "divine arm army" were experienced in all kinds of battles, they also softened in the fierce impact action, and the gun in their hands completely lost its accuracy!

It can be said that they did not have any threat to dianway.

Before Li Chunfeng came to the test, Ji ye thought that it was a mistake for the northern king of the Yuan Dynasty to turn into a group of "water ghosts" to disperse his power.

Now, the southern king of the Yuan Dynasty chose to transform into a "divine arm army", which is even more a "failure".

Because before in the battle of Qi transportation, Ji Ye felt that her true Qi attribute was very "domineering" when she was treating Huang Rong.

And a domineering martial arts, need the same very domineering mood with it to play the most powerful.

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For the southern king of the Yuan Dynasty, one-on-one fight with Dian Wei without fear is the most likely way to win, rather than condensing a bunch of "divine arms" to help fight.

"However, the southern king of the Yuan Dynasty may not be unaware of this."

Ji Ye stood high and looked at the "thunder battlefield" evolved above the altar.

It is different from Beiwang, a woman of the Yuan Dynasty, who was angry when the ghost was killed.

From the beginning to the end, Nanwang of the Yuan Dynasty has a calm look on his face. He hasn't even done it himself. Instead, he seems to be waiting for something with his eyes closed!

In a few seconds, they were killed by a pair of iron halberds.

"Lock his arms and his limbs!"

So that there were less than 20 people left, who took the most desperate measures against the terrible "ferocity" that the inanimate things on the other side of pawey could collapse. Some people tried their best to lock and poke the black iron halberd with their hands, while others rushed forward regardless of life and death and bound pawey's limbs with their bodies.


While Dian Wei was forced to lie down by more than a dozen soldiers wearing "individual exoskeleton".

Lightning flickering battlefield, dark clouds in the sky surge, is a new thunder brewing is completed, will fall.


At this time, the southern king of the Yuan Dynasty suddenly opened his eyes and grasped the sky with both hands.

The lightning falling from the dark cloud turned directly into a purple halberd, and fell heavily on Dianwei who was bound!


"Be careful!"

The fourth batch of new players, some people can not help shouting.

Even on the thunder battlefield, Dian Wei, who had been locked up by a group of divine armed forces, did not change his face at all. It was also the first time that his eyes showed seriousness.


There was a big drink in my mouth.

The majestic arm directly lifted up with the "divine arm army" lying on his body, crossed the black iron halberd with each other, and instantly blocked the path of the "thunder halberd" falling from the sky.

The silver halberd crossed the sky straight, almost 100 feet long.

Even though Dianwei's height is close to two meters, he is extremely small by comparison. The extreme size gap makes this scene seem to be "beyond our capacity"?

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"Thunder halberd" tip and crossed with the black iron double halberd hit the moment, a violent burst of thunder,.Let the new players, everyone's eyes white, dare not look directly at.

"The southern king of the Yuan Dynasty..."

Ji night's a pair of eyes suffused with a slight golden light, but it was not affected.

On the central ground of the thunder battlefield, all of his hair and eyebrows were upright. There was silver thunder force on it, and his red armor was melted away quickly by the force of thunder.

And those "divine armed forces" who were climbing on him all around were blown to ashes by this terrible thunder!


Even the 80 Jin black iron halberd on Dianwei's hand turned red under the impact of the 100 Zhang high "thunder halberd". The power of thunder was so destructive that even the blood vessels on Dianwei's arms burst.

So that his body was quickly covered with blood.


However, when his whole body was covered with hot metal and bleeding, he seemed to be stimulated.

In an instant, it burst out ten times more intensely. After several seconds of stalemate with the thunder halberd in the sky, the latter began to collapse from beginning to end.

And at the same time, there is the face of the opposite is always calm yuan Nanwang!

"Therefore, the final strength of Nanwang is also a man of extraordinary and perfect level. Maybe Legend? "

Ji Ye's face is a little moved.

From a comprehensive point of view, Dian Wei's grade should not be as good as Zhao Yun, Zhou Yu, Li Yuanba and others before.

Because, although these people all came as extraordinary level, they also have the qualification of legendary level in theory, and Dianwei belongs to the top group of extraordinary perfect talents at most.

The southern king of the Yuan Dynasty is obviously in the assessment, just like the original emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

First, they gathered 50 "divine armed forces" and consumed a large part of the strength of the sacrifice. Then they allowed the divine armed forces to attack by themselves. Only at the last moment, they gathered all their strength and exerted this "thunderhalberd strike" with great power but a little flashy.

If you don't succeed in one blow, you will lose your power.


As the figure of Nanwang dissipated, the thunder on the battlefield began to gather.

Finally, it covered Dianwei's body, condensed into a piece of lightning shining armor, and extended a pair of strong purple crescent double halberds with high compression on his hands!

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Finally, the thunder completely dissipated.

It shows the face of Dian Wei's burly body. His eyebrows are as heavy as knives, his eyes are as big as bells, his forehead is wide, his body is as powerful as a tiger!

[Dian Wei]

rank: moufan ninth rank

rank: Commander

Description: a strong general in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, with strong appearance, excellent physical strength, ambition and integrity, and chivalrous personality. Cao Cao praised it and said, "evil comes from ancient times!

"I've seen the Lord of the city!"

Dianwei had already arched his hand to Jiye, who had changed into human form and landed from the air.

In the previous battle, the overflowing "ferocious force" is completely convergent, and more of it is a kind of personal temperament with both power and stability!

"When commander Dian comes, another tiger general will be added to dragon city."

"Well, why don't you step into the barracks and take the post of commander of the" blood battalion "

Jiye smiles and nods to Dianwei.

After the success of talent comes, we need to continue to improve ourselves through experience.

For generals, in addition to fighting, they can also gain experience and meritorious service through military training.

"One is not good at unifying and training troops."

He said, shaking his head.

"I'd like to defend the account of the Chinese army for the city Lord, or please board first when fighting with other races..."

And hear Dian Wei say so, Ji night is not vexed, on the contrary in the heart secretly happy, say in the mouth.

Because of the Han Dynasty background in Longcheng, he has read the romance of the Three Kingdoms these days. Naturally, he knows that Dian Wei is not good at military training, because Dian Wei, like Xu Chu, was the personal guard of boss Cao in history.

"Well, let's entrust commander Qu Dian to command tiefutu for the time being."

Ji night immediately interface says.

His face was slightly unnatural when he spoke, but his bronze skin completely covered it up.

Tiefutu's position in the dragon city itself is equivalent to the "Pro guard" of the city leader.

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In other words, Ji Ye succeeded in turning this "guard type" hero who was enough to rank in the top three in history into her own "Pro army" leader.

After all, although there is an extraordinary level of "Golden Dragon car" and its security at the time of "integration" is sufficiently guaranteed, it can not avoid being disturbed by people. Once it is interrupted by an attack, it will waste time and energy.

With Dianwei, a strong general of the Three Kingdoms, security and stability will naturally increase greatly.However, what is more important is the sense of achievement.

After all, this one used to be boss Cao's personal guard, and who is familiar with the Three Kingdoms doesn't want to have such an "ancient villain" as his own guard.

Ji Ye knows her mind.

Because I've seen a lot of "celebrities", in fact, he won't have too much excitement in the face of these "celebrities".

But it seems that because there are many celebrities in Longcheng, his potential addiction seems to be induced

That is, the "collection addiction" of famous celebrities!

"It's really Dianwei!"

"It's terrible. I just took a look at him and felt that my heart was going to stop beating."

"This is the evil of ancient times. Of course, it's very evil!"

And after the identification of Dianwei.

Some of the newlyweds wiped the cold sweat caused by watching the war, and their eyes were excited, while others looked unnatural.

This time, all the qualified people will come to "Longcheng" correspondingly. In the full seven days of preparation time, it is inevitable that they will meet some people who come to Longcheng to get "intelligence"!

And for various purposes, it is inevitable that someone secretly chose to agree.

But when I really entered the Dragon City, I found that there seemed to be danger everywhere. Whether it was the armed guards around the altar, armed with guns and armor, or those terrible "Feng Shui sacred beasts" the size of a mountain peak, or the 50 meter city wall around the dragon city like a hill, it was frightening

In particular, Dian Wei, a well-known evil "ancient evil", almost knelt down at a glance.

But there is one thing these people misunderstand.

Dian Wei's so-called "ancient evil" does not mean that he is very "vicious", but like Hua Rong's "Xiao Li Guang" to praise by the ancients.

Hellai, himself a powerful general under the command of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, is famous for his ability to fight with bears and tigers and tear up rhinoceros, which is very similar to Dianwei's "chasing tigers across the stream".

The most important thing is that although the name carries "evil", evil is loyal to King Zhou.

It is roughly equivalent to Wen Taishi and Shen Gongbao who are very loyal to the monarch in Fengshen.

It is also the reason why Cao Cao used "evil" to compare Dian Wei.

Most people only know that Dianwei has the nickname of "ancient evil", and understand it as "evil" according to the literal meaning, which is probably the reason for his "super fierce" talent in the place of inheritance!

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