Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 432: 432

"Well, look, isn't that Zhou Yu's Phoenix boat?"

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After the successful arrival of Dianwei, it was found that Zhou Yu's "Phoenix harp boat" had just entered the dragon city through the moat connected with the sea.

Later, he was dressed in a white Confucian costume, full of spirit like jade, with a red lyre on his hands and a jade box on it.

On the altar of Ji ye and Dian Wei.

"Is this to meet dianway?"

It makes new people a little curious.

Because according to historical records, it seems that there is not much intersection between the two heroes of the Three Kingdoms?

"Well, I don't think so. There's no need to bring a piano. Eh, the tail of this piano seems to be burnt. Is it the "burnt tail" of the four famous Qin

"Lord, I want to use the altar."

And so it is.

After Zhou Yu stepped onto the altar, he just politely nodded to Dian Wei, a man of the same period as himself. Then he turned to Ji ye and said.

"Oh, has Gong Jin made up her mind?"

Ji Ye looked at the jade box on the Qin, and her expression couldn't help moving.

"Yes, after all, tonight is the deadline."

Zhou Yu nodded with a smile, and then continued to carry the Red Piano toward the center of the altar.

"Eh, is Zhou Yu going to play a song?"

in addition, the fourth batch of new players on the altar saw this situation, and they could not help talking about it with expectation and fear.

After all, most people have heard of the allusions of "Gu Quzhou Lang", especially Nie Xiaoqian's, which proves the extraordinary ability of "music" in the land of inheritance!

As Zhou Yu walked step by step to the center of the altar, he lifted the white robe ring and sat on the ground, placing the red lyre on his legs.

"Holy dragon, please!"

Then, with a wave of his clothes, he opened the jade box on the piano, and then raised his head like a spring breeze to the dragon road of Qi transportation suspended in the sky.


After the arrival of 5000 players in the air, it has changed into a dragon of eight feet in size.

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A golden light from his eyes fell into the jade box on the piano.


Suddenly, with a clear cry, a "phoenix" with a light golden red flame on its surface flew out of the jade box!

However, careful observation shows that it is a gold like and jade like hairpin in the form of a Phoenix.

[Fengming hairpin]

rank: moufan level 7

Description: excellent · sacrifice

Description: the hairpin presented by Wang Qingjun to his Empress Duan Sanniang can emit the wind sound with extraordinary power.

Obviously, Zhou Yu's action is to make a "sacrifice" in person.

Although his arrival was not early, he also got an "invitation quota" because of his absolute achievements in this battlefield.

After careful consideration, Zhou Yu finally decided who he would invite.

"Well, is the person invited by Zhou Yu..."

Looking at a "Fengming hairpin" that should be a female object, the old players actually have a guess.


After being stimulated, a large number of red flames appeared on the "Phoenix hairpin", making the whole altar invisible for a while.

When the light of the fire eased slightly, there was a woman on the altar who was very attractive and unforgettable.

How unforgettable is it?

She had a fierce light in her big eyes. She had thick eyebrows and a big belly. She had no amorous feelings at all. She had a thick face covered with heavy powder. She had gold hairpins on her head and jade bracelets on her hands.

"This Is this the legendary Jiangdong "Xiao Qiao"

The spring of radiation, through the live broadcast to see this scene of rabbit eyes, almost unable to hold his "peerless beauty" camouflage appearance.

After all, there is a big gap between this woman and the "Little Joe" in our imagination.

You know, the face of the people in the inheritance place is related to most people's cognition, but historical figures are also affected by their real appearance, if the Little Joe in the inheritance place looks like this.

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The real appearance of "Jiangdong Erqiao" is expected to be even more amazing. By now, the Eastern Han Dynasty will definitely replace the Tang Dynasty and become the most aesthetically biased Dynasty in history!

"Hello, Little Joe. Open your eyes wide and see clearly. This is the person formed by sacrifice, not the soul of civilization! "

Insect brother a face of disdain.

"I'll go. Yes, it's a sacrifice. This person should be Duan Sanniang, the queen of Wang Qing."

"Almost scared to death!"

Rabbit patted himself in a woman's dress, covering the beating chest, a look of lingering fear."Damn, Wang Qing's taste is really heavy!"

According to the original records, Wang Qing, who was born with a good skin, was the same master of "attracting wind and butterflies" as another person with the same name.

He even offended the famous "four thieves" by colluding with women. Fortunately, he was recruited by Duan Jiabao as his husband.

As a result, they also gained the foundation of their own rebellion and nation building!

Now it seems that the price is It's obviously a little big!


After realizing that this man is not Joe.

Everyone was staring at the other side of the altar, a civilization soul that was emitting white light.

In the white light, a woman appeared wearing a straight skirt of goose yellow Hanfu, whose face was fuzzy but could not hide the charm of the city!

Huang skirt was sitting on the ground, and a twenty-five string "Jinse" with carved patterns like brocade was placed in front of her. She just sat opposite to Zhou Yu, who had a Qin in front of her outside the Qiyun battlefield, several feet away from each other.

"The shadow of the painted building is dipped in the clear water, and the song resounds through the clouds. Curtain Yan Shuangshuang, green poplar low Ying window. There is a special mistake in the song. Try Zhou Langgu... " 】

at the same time, more bold and graceful women sing.

It's the first time that the voice of "poem number" rings out when you are not a hero!

"Hateful, my husband and wife all died at your hands. Now I'm still trying to get together. How can I let you succeed? "

"Burn you to death!"

In the "assessment battlefield", Duan Sanniang, who is also attractive in appearance, roared angrily and raised her thick arm.

A golden red flame burst out on the blade, but it changed into a flying phoenix shape in the air, and rushed to the goose yellow woman with the golden zither in front of her body!

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In the face of this, Duan Sanniang's attack is stronger than her own grade in theory.

The woman's face was slightly flustered, and a pair of slender fingers pressed on the string post of Jinse.


But before she was about to pluck the strings, there was a sound.

In the sky of the whole battlefield, a ray of rhythm suddenly appeared, first bumping into the flying flame Phoenix.

Above the altar, Zhou Yu, dressed in white, began to play the piano.

While Mingming people are outside, the music is introduced into the "battlefield of assessment"!

Player's invitation can make people get "quota" directly, and aboriginal's "invitation" has something special.

That is to say, invitees can get part of the support of invitees during "assessment"!

"Ding, Ding..."

In the battlefield, the Phoenix condensed by the fire was hit by Zhou Yu's zither, and its body shape was suddenly stunned, and the original ferocious momentum disappeared.

Then, not only did not attack suspected Xiao Qiao's hero, but also he turned around her affectionately and called softly.

Zhao Yun's "power of gentian", Li Yuanba's "endless physical strength", Dian Wei's "ferocity"

Every perfect outstanding person has extraordinary talent. How can Zhou Yu not have it?

In fact, Zhou Yu's natural ability is to use the "temperament" to transform the extraordinary power and even extraordinary power contained in things into the form of fire, and to manipulate indirectly.

This is also the reason why he can fully stimulate the internal strength of "Phoenix harp boat" before, and the Phoenix hairpin is essentially the power of fire.

Naturally, we can't break away from Zhou Yu's control!


And originally because of the Phoenix attack, slightly flustered Hanfu woman, fuzzy face on the eyes is turned to joy.

Then, with ten fingers moving, in response to Zhou Yu's rhythm, he played the string of Jinse in front of him!

"Ding, Ding, Ding!"

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Along with the rhythm, a blue Phoenix flew out of the sky and danced with the flaming Phoenix in the air.

In the sky, the sound is clear and crisp. It seems that they are telling each other the pain of missing and parting!

"Wow, I'm so angry!"

This scene undoubtedly made Duan Sanniang, who was opposite the altar, so angry that her fat and white flesh trembled violently, and she roared like a pig.

It's better to directly hold the big knife like a pig in your hand and kill a pair of dog men and women who seem to have no one talking with each other.

However, she soon found out in despair.

He simply can not rush up, because although the two players only have each other in mind.

However, in the process of moving around them, qingluan and Huofeng in the air form an invisible wall.

No matter she cuts, punches or even bites, she can't break through at all!

They can only shout and dance around the periphery of the two people, which looks like "Dancing" for them."Ding, Ding, Ding..."

Finally, when Zhou Yu finished playing a song.

Duan Sanniang was very mad and unwilling to find that her body had been exhausted because of the sacrifice, and began to disappear from the inheritance place!


Before he disappeared, he could only point at Zhou Yu and scold him.

"It's probably something like" burn to death. "

Qin Yueyu is thoughtful.

The process of this assessment is absolutely the most bizarre in history.

But naturally, there was no accident. With the disappearance of the battlefield, the true face of the woman in the straight skirt of the Yellow Han suit was also presented. Her young face was slightly shy, and her temperament was as gentle as that of the water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

"My husband!"

Zhou Yu's address has fully indicated his identity.

"Little Joe!"

And the Phoenix in the air is in the clear sound of song.

Finally, it was transformed into a "luanfengming" style designed by a top jewelry designer who has the identity of an internal test player and reincarnated in Longcheng. After being held in his hand by Zhou Yu, who is wearing a white robe with a Confucian crown, he gently inserts it into Xiao Qiao's black cloud temples, which makes the latter feel more noble on the basis of national color and natural fragrance!

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