Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 433: 433

"How beautiful

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"Luan wind and song, Qin and Se are harmonious, so sweet..."

"I want someone to give me a hairpin, too!"

Among the new players, many female players' faces are amazing and envious.

In fact, there is no shortage of beautiful women in Longcheng, and modern women are very good at dressing up.

But it's hard to compare with Xiao Qiao's antique style and the temperament of a lady from a big family and a jasper from the south of the Yangtze River, not to mention the beauty of Zhou Lang!

"Wow, it's dead. I didn't expect to be hit by historical figures!"

"It's so uncomfortable. It feels like a mouthful of dog food has been stuffed. It's sour and astringent."

More single players to see such a scene, is to feel their heart a pain.

"In front of so many fans, this governor of Soochow is showing his heart! He will not sink into the love between children, but is more determined to make contributions in Longcheng. "

But Meng Lao said in a low voice, seeing the extra intention of Zhou Yu's action.

After all, in the Three Kingdoms period, he died young and his ambition was not really realized, just like sun CE.

The early arrival of Longcheng is also to gain a greater advantage compared with competitors at the same time.

In particular, the future is also likely to come to the dragon city that was almost "God" opponent!

"However, Zhou Yu actually gave the quota to Xiao Qiao? There are some surprises

"Well, I'm not surprised that he gave the place to Little Joe. Because Zhou Yu is a smart man, he must know that Xiao Qiao's "potential" is far ahead of other family members. "

In the player's communication channel, there was a discussion.

"However, I thought Xiao Qiao would be an outstanding person of extraordinary level..."

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"From a historical point of view, Xiao Qiao is certainly not. Even because of some games, she has mastered extraordinary power in theory, but after all, most people's cognition of her is mainly historical image."

Although for various reasons, "Jiangdong Erqiao" is well known.

But big and small Qiao did not leave any substantial life records in history. They only mentioned two sentences in the biographies of Zhou Yu and sun CE.

So it's not surprising that Xiao Qiao, like Nie Xiaoqian, only comes as a "quasi human hero"!

But there is no doubt that in terms of potential, she should not be inferior to any outstanding person, and it seems that Xiao Qiao and Zhou Yu are more able to "sing together", which is likely to have the same effect on Zhou Yu's strength as "asking the magic talisman" on Liangshan outstanding person.

It is worth mentioning that there is another female historical figure who has been invited by Longcheng.

That is the elder sister Li Shishi invited by Yanqing!

However, perhaps the level of sacrifice is not enough. This brothel singer, who is enough to be listed in the top ten in history, has not yet chosen to come.


And then, to prepare for war.

Longcheng has attracted another ten outstanding people.

For example, Wang Qing's outstanding sacrifice "the remaining Dragon Spirit" led to "tianguixing · xiaoxuanfeng · Chaijin". His natural ability is "Royal descendant", which can, to a certain extent, promote the dragon power and "Fengshui jade seal".

And the outstanding sacrifice that the commander of the state of Liao revealed also led to a Tiangang hero, Shi Jin, who had a very fashionable nine dragon tattoo like Lu Zhishen and Yan Qing.

And perhaps by Joe's stimulation, and then unexpectedly out of a female hero.

"Yuxue skin, lotus like, has a natural standard. The gold armor is brilliant, the scales move, and the silver infiltrates into the red. The jade hand is delicate, and both of them hold precious blades. " 】

in the sound of the trumpet, one place appears on the golden battlefield.

A female hero in a green robe, with a pair of silver double swords in her hand like the sun and the moon flying into the sky, killed a "golden armor God General" with a magic wand in her hand.

"You are a hero. You can see all kinds of enchanting things. At present, the frost blade is like the wind, and the officers and soldiers should be cut off. " 】

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"Qiang, Qiang, Qiang..."

The silver awn and the gold pestle collide with each other, accompanied by a dense sound of fighting!


In just two or three seconds, the silver double swords in the hands of the green robed female general have already split more than 50 swords, and the last one will behead the Jinjia God general.

Let it in the golden light, into a slightly dim color of the BRICs!

"The dust of the powder face is flying, the sweat of the robe is wet, and the murderous Qi is rising in the chest and armpit. When the soldiers come back from victory, they will smile 】

and the fuzzy color that shrouded the head of the outstanding woman in the green robe disappeared, revealing a face with apricot face, peach cheek, moth brow and white teeth, just like the lotus on the moon!

[Hu Sanniang]

rank: moufan level 7

rank: CommanderExplanation: named "earth comet" and nicknamed "yizhangqing", one of the 108 generals of Liangshan, he has beautiful appearance and excellent martial arts.

One Zhang Qing, Hu Sanniang.

This outstanding woman should be called "the first beauty in Liangshan"!

Although, in Liangshan a group of outstanding people choose "the first beauty", this kind of feeling is like engineering colleges, from the whole professional only a few girls picked out of a "department flower" general strange!

But I have to say that Hu Sanniang's appearance is really good.

Maybe she is a little inferior to Xiao Qiao in temperament, but compared with Xiao Qiao from Jiangnan people in ancient times, Hu Sanniang, nicknamed "yizhangqing", is very outstanding in body shape. She wears a pair of blue deer skin high boots on her feet, even slightly higher than Ji Ye. She is absolutely outstanding among ancient women.

In addition, her strength is not weak.

Just now, this piece of "gold brick" was discovered by Zheng Biao, an apprentice of Bao Daoyi, who was killed by Ji ye in the water war.

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Although, this person is vulnerable in Ji Ye's hands, but after all, he is also a skilled man. Hu Sanniang can easily defeat him, and absolutely has the fighting power of outstanding people.

In fact, this "yizhangqing" ranked 23rd in Disha Renjie, far higher than the "female big bug" and "female night fork" who both ranked after 100.

In other words, she is not only "the first beauty of Liangshan", but also "the first female general of Liangshan".

"It's Hu Sanniang!"

"It seems that the heroes of sanxinguo have been" poached "by us again. Song Jiang should be very angry when he knows..."

And the core player, with a smile on his face.

Just because there are still some "enmities" between Hu Sanniang and Song Jiang.

In the original work, "yizhangqing" Hu Sanniang is the wife of "short legged tiger" Wang Ying, and Wang Ying is the "big head leader" of the "Qingfengshan" stronghold of the three-star country, which has been renamed "Liangshanpo" after being introduced to Songjiang.

This person's appearance is very consistent with his nickname. He is short, tall, and has a rough personality. He is greedy for money and lust, and likes to set fire to kill people.

Even the people on Liangshan Mountain don't think highly of him!

It is because Song Jiang is a matchmaker that such a man can take Hu Sanniang as his wife.

Song Jiang is going to "Qingfeng Village" to go to Huarong because he has killed people, but he is caught by Wang Ying's men on the way.

Because "Shandong timely rain" is famous enough, Wang Ying and his group not only didn't kill him, but even took a bow and left him to live. At this time, the wife of the leader of Huarong's "Qingfeng Village" was caught by Wang Ying and went up the mountain, ready to stay to be his wife.

Song Jiang, who wants to go to Huarong, naturally can't sit back and ignore him. He persuades Wang Ying to let go of the woman and promises to be a matchmaker to find a beautiful woman for Wang Ying.

However, it is impossible for Song Jiang to think that this woman should take revenge later. After he arrived at Huarong, she usurped her husband and arrested Song Jiang and Huarong. Fortunately, she was saved by Wang Ying and others!

Because he resents this woman for setting up Song Jiang, his younger brother directly cuts him down in order to vent his anger for Song Jiang, but he doesn't want to annoy Wang Ying, who is in charge of lust. He is so angry that he wants to kill him.

Song Jiang busily said that he would make it up to him in the future. Only after a marriage did he settle the dispute.

This is also the reason why the "first female general of Liangshan" finally fell into the "fire pit". Even to show more righteousness, Song Jiang asked his father to take Hu Sanniang as his "adopted daughter" and become his sister before he married Wang Ying.

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Similar to Qin and Ming Dynasties, Hu Sanniang had no idea of resisting the marriage because of Song Jiang's "Tiankui star".

However, now Hu Sanniang chose to come to Longcheng.

If Song Jiang wants to get married and woo Wang Ying, he will only be able to get a "righteous sister".

However, Song Jiang is not short of "tool man" now.

After all, there are so many beauties in sanxingguo that Wang Ying will stare at them directly!

"Thank you, Lord!"

Hu Sanniang, holding a changeable size of gold brick in her hand, knelt down to Ji Yexing with great gratitude.

Only because after coming, she has understood her original track and is very happy to avoid Song Jiang's fate as a tool to win over her subordinates.

In addition, because of the established fate, she died at the hands of "Zheng Biao" in the end. Of course, we need to thank Ji ye for killing Zheng Biao!

"There's no need for this. There's no need for this kind of etiquette in dragon city."

Ji Ye shakes her head. The Dragon comes out through her body and holds her body to stop Hu Sanniang's kneeling in front of the live broadcast.

"Well, Mr. Hu, you can lead the women's camp in the future."

And to tell the truth, Ji Ye is quite satisfied with the arrival of this female hero.

Not because of each other's appearance, but because the dragon city really needs such a person.

After all, there are many "women men" who have chosen the combat camp. They can't always let Zhao Yun, Yan Qing and others educate them.In that case, it is hard to avoid the suspicion that "the wolf enters the tiger's mouth". Modern people are much bolder than the ancients.

You don't see, even if Zhou Yu has shown his love to Xiao Qiao in public, there are many women in the players who are secretly discussing the matter of "digging the bottom of the wall".

However, these things are not what he needs to worry about.

Now, everything is ready, just until midnight "the next stage" starts!

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