Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 434: 434

In the sky.

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The moon is bright and the stars are few.

However, on the ground, the dragon city is full of lights.

Today, tens of thousands of members, except for some children who can't stand it, are all sleepy.


When standing on the "armillary sphere" above Longfeng, the circular track shows the time of turning to midnight.

All of a sudden, the persistent fog on the sea around Longcheng stronghold began to surge violently. Then, a series of peaks, trees, lakes and rivers appeared in a dark state because of the light.

Then, the whole space seems to shrink in general, with Longcheng as the center, quickly approaching and "fitting".

If it's "shocking" that dragon city used the rest permission to "change the world" to give new players the feeling before, now this kind of picture that combines mountains and earth must use the word "shocking".


Drastic changes in the environment, and even caused extreme reactions in the sky.

The moon dissipated, dark clouds surged, the whole dragon city began to pour rain.


However, along with Li Chunfeng on the top of Longfeng, he reached out to move the "armillary sphere" ring track on the observation platform.

I can see that the whole dragon city and even a certain area around it, the wind stopped and the rain scattered in the sky, and a half empty sun appeared in the sky.

This is one of the abilities of this extraordinary product, changing the "celestial phenomena" of Longcheng.

And because of the appearance of the sun, the whole dragon city also becomes close to the day, which also means that dragon city does not need to worry about the problem of night vision in the future.

"Lord, the ground in the southwest fluctuates regularly. Several creatures are approaching quickly!"

At the same time, the voice of Yi He, a guard of "seismograph", suddenly sounded in the communication channel.

Consistent with the armillary sphere, the seismograph can monitor the ground motion in a certain range with Longcheng as the center.

"There's a change in the western sky, too!"

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Li Chunfeng, who had settled the storm in the sky, also felt the biological approach through the armillary sphere.

"The sound of a horse's hoof?"

With the enhanced perception of "golden wind does not move cicada xianjue", which has reached "Dacheng" among the attributes, Ji ye also heard a voice at the same time.

It's like the hoof of a horse, and there's more than one.

But I'm not sure, because maybe it's another creature with hooves, because the environment outside Longcheng is still disturbed by storms.

Even he can't tell clearly.

"Ah! Help me

However, soon there was a sound that was quite different from the sound of wind and rain around.

Unexpectedly, it's human voice, and it's still asking for help!

"Commander Dian, let's go there together!"

Ji Ye's expression moved, and the white dragon Qi rose at her feet and condensed into clouds. Holding him and Dianwei, who was wearing the soft gold armor that only protected the important position, holding a pair of thundering halberds in his hands, they flew towards the direction of the sound!

"Da, Da, Da..."

At the same time, it originally belonged to the edge of Longcheng stronghold area.

There is a man riding a jujube horse running full speed. He is wearing very simple leather armor, crossbows, knives and other standard weapons, and a piece of yellow cloth is tied on his forehead.

At this time, this piece of yellow cloth has been completely wet.

There's rain in the sky, and there's sweat out of fear!

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Because, behind him, there are two creatures chasing.

These are two creatures whose appearance is roughly human, but they are slightly smaller than ordinary human, only about 1.5 meters, and their body structure is also thinner.

His face was cyan, his huge nostrils were turned out, he had a pair of upward tusks, his jujube red ears were pointed, his triangular eyes were emitting green light, and he felt cruel and bloodthirsty. His legs were running on the ground, and his speed was no less than that of a four legged horse.

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Especially because of the rain, the road became muddy quickly.

Let the speed of the jujube horse decline, the distance between the two sides is rapidly narrowing, also makes the human look more and more scared.

"Come on, come on!"

The whip in his hand lashed the ragged and bleeding buttocks of the jujube horse, trying to speed up the panting and foaming horse.

Obviously, this chase should have lasted for a long time.


And this human's fear was relieved after entering the Longcheng area.

Because, in the environment comparable to the daytime, he has seen Ji ye and Dian Wei who are flying over from the air.

He looked desperate and cried for help."Jie, Jie!"

Not only him, but also Ji ye and Dian Wei, two humanoid monsters pursuing behind the jujube red horses.

Then, they looked at each other, and the green light in their triangular eyes suddenly became bright, and their speed even became faster. In just a few seconds, they caught up with the jujube red horse who had been foaming and bleeding.


A thin monster is very flexible to drill into the belly of the horse, the hands of the claws covered with a layer of dark blue light, even from below the belly of this jujube horse directly to open.

Because of its high-speed running and violent beating heart out, also make the jujube horse suddenly lose strength, four feet soft fall, fell on the muddy ground, mouth wailing.


The other monster, with green light in his eyes, fell down from the horse and rolled several meters on the ground. His legs were unnaturally twisted and he was wearing a muddy yellow scarf on his head.

Obviously, more than one bone of the human scouts who fell from the high-speed running horse was broken, especially in the case of broken leg, there was no way to continue to escape or dodge.

In the face of the blue eyed tusk monster, he can only take the crossbow in his hand and shoot a crossbow at his head!


However, this kind of humanoid agility that can catch up with horses has obviously reached the extreme.

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In the process of high-speed attack, you can still dodge in the case of close range, and the side of your body will give way to the crossbow aimed at your head.

Then, a pair of claws shrouded in the blue light, directly to the forehead tied to the yellow cloth of the human chest.

And the result of being hit by this pair of claws, the jujube horse has obviously predicted

As a result, the pupils of a pair of human eyes have been filled with the fear of impending death.

However, the next moment, the pupil, suddenly emerged a number of crisscross, like the sun hanging over the dragon city as bright golden sword!

"Poop, poop, poop, poop..."

As soon as the humanoid's claw was about to touch the human's chest, the blue light suddenly dissipated, and then it broke off at the elbow position. Not only the claw, but also its arms, legs, and even the ferocious head also slipped from the neck to the ground.

There was no blue blood from the neck of his head, and even a big ball of it splashed into the mouth of the yellow scarf man, which was wide open because of fear.

["kill dixingyasha (moufan Level 3 · elite), gain experience: 448, gain merit: 15!" 】


With a flash of yellow light, the relatively slow "dragon cloud" was scattered. Ji ye, who arrived on the ground with "shrinking the ground into inches", felt the killing information in her head and moved.

Yasha, this is not a very strange term for the earth people.

Because, like the archetype of the golden winged Mirs, kaluro and dragon, it is one of the "eight tribes" in ancient Buddhist legends!

Even in addition to Buddhism, there are many other ancient books that also record yecha.

For example, in Ji Xiaolan's notes of Yuewei thatched cottage, there is Hai yecha. In Fengshen, Nezha also killed Hai Long Wang Aoguang's "patrol sea yecha" when taking a bath.

In Pu Songling's Liaozhai, there is a special article called "yecha", which tells the story of a man surnamed Xu who went to sea to do business, was abducted by a female yecha, forced to mate, gave birth to a mixed race, and then returned to human society to make contributions to the country.

In addition, among the water margin, sun erniang, as one of the leaders of "Erlong mountain stronghold", is nicknamed "Mu yecha".

It is said that Yasha is a kind of devil.

Men are small and ugly, women are tall and beautiful, like to eat people and animals live!


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And see his companions suddenly head, split.

Another just dug out, is still beating heart jujube horse into the mouth of the blue fangs, like a very enjoy to swallow the fork, eyes a Leng.

Immediately, the blue light in eyes is big prosperous, toward Ji night a roar, immediately follow high speed toward Ji night pounce to come over.


However, he didn't wait until he was near Ji ye, and the "Xuantian Hunyuan sword" turned into a black rainbow had already passed his neck.


So much so that when the head of yecha head rushed to the sky, the lower part of the body was still on the ground, and then fell into the muddy water in front of Jiye.

["kill dixingyasha (ecdysis level 4, ordinary), gain experience: 288, gain merit: 8!" 】

the strength of the two sides reached the level of moufan, and the alien creatures in ancient literature and legends pursued a human race to Longcheng.

What information does this reveal?

Well, No.

Not just at both ends!"It should be three heads!"

Feet again appear dragon gas, Ji night body floating for a distance, toward the two night fork of the road above.

About a mile away, another yellow horse fell to the ground. The belly of a soldier with the same forehead and yellow cloth had been cut open. One of them had a pair of silver wings on the back. Compared with the two "dixingyasha", it was bigger. It was not inferior to human beings. The blue faced Yasha had upturned tusks and mouth corners, which revealed that it had just had a good meal Blood after that.


And seemed to be very keen to feel Ji Ye's eyes.

This silver winged Yaksha suddenly turns back and looks at Ji ye, who is surrounded by dragon Qi on her foot!

Compared with the two "dixingyasha" on the ground, this one with a pair of silver wings is much stronger.

However, after making eye contact with Ji ye, the expression on a pair of bloodthirsty green faces soon appeared, including feelings of surprise and fear.

Then, without hesitation, a layer of silver light appeared on the wings behind him, and he flew away.

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