Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 435: 435


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It has to be said that its choice is undoubtedly very wise.

Because, the next moment, a black flying sword with the intention of killing has passed its original position.

The sword exudes extraordinary power, cutting a short gap of 100 meters between it and Ji Ye.

Thanks to the speed of this silver winged night fork, it is even more than twice as fast as the "Dixing night fork" which can catch up with horses, so that it can dodge the attack of "Xuantian Hunyuan sword"!

In addition, because the distance between the two men has reached the limit that the "Xuantian Hunyuan sword" can be manipulated, there is no way to follow the pursuit of heaven.

In addition, its speed is still higher than Ji Ye's speed of "flying through the clouds and driving through the fog". Theoretically, even if Ji Ye presses the cloud head to "shrink the ground into an inch" to pursue, it can also respond by raising its flight altitude.

However, just when "silver winged yecha" was about to fly away successfully,


A silver rainbow with purple light cut through the night sky of the city, chasing the "silver winged night fork" which was also covered with silver light on this wing.

But after Ji Ye scattered the "dragon Qi cloud", Dian Wei, who arrived on foot, raised his hand and threw a "thunder halberd" towards the silver winged night fork in the air!


The speed of silver light is very fast. After all, the "thunder halberd" is actually equivalent to the real lightning. Even the astonishing "silver winged night fork" can't react and is directly hit in the back by the "thunder halberd".

There was a black hole on her back, full of the size of a bowl. A silver wing was destroyed by the force of the thunder. She fell from the air at a high speed. When Ji Yeh walked by, she found that she had lost her breath.

["take part in killing Feitian yecha (moufan level 6 · commander), gain experience: 1050, gain merit value: 10!" 】

"it's Dian Wei who has done too much. He should have left his mouth alive to ask for information!"

And then came to find this situation, Dianwei's face had some self reproach.

"That's OK, you're doing the right thing..."

Ji Ye stares at the corpse of "flying night fork", but doesn't blame Dian Wei.

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Just because in the dead "flying night fork" body, out of the white light of the spoils, a stone of civilization suddenly appeared!

In addition, there is a similar property of the whistle like items of concern.

[Yasha bone whistle]

grade: moufan level 5

grade: excellent · rare

note: the communication tools of the Yasha family are made of their own bones. Only the Yasha can use them, and they can send out special communication sound waves that can be heard by the Yasha family.

"Player, alien!"

This undoubtedly directly proves that it is a player, and also shows that these "night Forks" are alien rather than monsters.

What's more, it shows that there should be an alien stronghold near Longcheng as expected, and the wisdom of the "yecha" race recorded on the earth is definitely not comparable to that of the forest monsters and mud monsters when the ten races fought for hegemony.

In the past, the two "dixingyecha" clearly could catch up with the war horse in front, but they were hanging behind the horse all the time. It was obviously intentional. The purpose was to follow the horse to find the "stronghold" of human beings.

And this should be the leader of "flying night fork" before killing another companion of the man wearing the yellow scarf, it is estimated that it is also to further increase his psychological pressure.

Or, because of entering the scope of Longcheng, I think this is the "stronghold" of this human being.

Therefore, it is safe to kill one of them as "blood food".

He even does not rule out the fact that he intends to lag behind his two companions. In this way, once the people of Longcheng come out to meet him, the two "dixingyecha" can be used as cannon fodder to test the enemy.

And it can get information by itself, and has enough safe distance to escape.

If this is the case, it is absolutely right for Dianwei to "second kill" it directly.

After all, this "flying night fork" really knows the location of dragon city, even not just the location, because this commander level flying night fork's eyes change violently at the first sight of him, which indicates that it is likely to have detection equipment or talent like Li Qing!

In addition, the "bone whistle" on its body, if it is not "second killed", even if it is seriously injured.

It is also very likely to "blow the whistle" and inform the "yecha crowd" in their stronghold.

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As for the relevant information, you can also get it from the one who was chased by Yasha.

"Who are you? From where

Together with Dian Wei, who mentioned the body of silver winged yecha, which had been blasted to death, he drove the "dragon cloud" to stop in front of the man who broke his leg after falling off his horse. Ji Yeh asked in a deep voice."If you go back to immortal, my name is Li Dayan It's the Scouts of commander Zhang Niujiao in Heishan I entered here by mistake

Head tied yellow scarf of human lying on the ground, forehead because of broken leg pain and covered with sweat, but the mouth atmosphere dare not gasp to kneel on the ground, there are some stuttering said.

Because Ji Ye just used the means of "flying through the clouds", "flying sword" and "sword spirit", plus the Dragon City, which is totally different from the surrounding daytime environment.

Obviously, he has regarded Ji Ye as a kind of "immortal".

What's more, even if Ji Ye is not an immortal, just Dian Wei, who is carrying the body of the miserable "silver winged night fork" in his hand, his body like a hill is enough to make him shiver.

"Well, Zhang Niujiao, black mountain army?"

At this time, a slightly surprised voice came from the side.

However, Zhao Yun, with a snow gun in his hand, rode a silver BMW with a little white light on his head, which was as fast as the one before.

These scouts came from the west, just outside the "science and technology center" in charge of Zhao Yun.

"Oh, does Zilong know the black mountain army?"

And Ji Ye looks back at Zhao Yun riding on the horse he named "jade lion".

"Back to the city master, because the area where the black mountain army operates is the boundary of Changshan in my hometown In addition to this big horn, Chu Yan is also the leader. Like me, Chu Yan is a real person from Changshan. He has excellent martial arts skills and is very agile. He is known as "flying swallow."

"And this" Black Mountain army "was originally a chaotic army under the banner of the yellow scarf army after it was eliminated by the imperial court. Strictly speaking, it is also a resurgence of the" yellow scarf army ". It has always been suffered by general Gongsun!"

Zhao Yun nodded.

"The yellow scarf army?"

The "Black Mountain army" is certainly not impressive to most people, but the great name of the "yellow scarf army" naturally does not need to be mentioned.

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Ji night also can be regarded as understood why this person's head top can bind a piece of yellow cloth.

"This General, are you from Changshan? I'm also from Changshan, and I've heard the name of general Baima Gongsun! "

After hearing Zhao Yun's words, the scouts on the ground immediately became excited.

"How did you come here, and how did you get chased by these night forks?"

However, Ji Ye interrupts this person's attempt to "talk about hometown" with Zhao Yun.

"Ten days ago, when we were returning to the camp, we suddenly fell into a fog. When the fog cleared away, we found that we didn't know anything about them..."

Ji Ye listens to the confession of the yellow scarf army scout, and analyzes the information at the same time.

Obviously, these yellow scarf soldiers should also suddenly cross the "inheritance land", which is very similar to the "crossing" situation of the four villains in the water margin world before.

Ten days is the time when the success of Longcheng promotion has been determined to become the "end point" of the competition!

In this way, they were introduced to the place of inheritance after Longcheng became the "destination". Although the yellow scarf army was considered a villain in theory, they did not have the task of attacking "Longcheng".

"Because the army is running out of food, the commander sent us to search for food yesterday At sunset today, we found a county called Guobei county. Yu touer left some people in the city, and we went back to report to the commander. Who would have thought that he was chased by these monsters on the road and ran away in a panic... "

At this point, the yellow scarf scout's eyes showed fear, and his face even turned blue.

There were more than ten people in his scouting team, who were chased by the night owls and mice all the way, and now he is the only one who survived.

"Dead, all dead!"

So much so that the look of the scouts became a little confused and murmured.

"Wait, you found a county? What's the name of the county! "

Ji night is facial expression suddenly move, fiercely stare at him to ask.

"Guo Guobei County.... "

The black mountain yellow scarf army officer was lying on the ground with his head down, his body shape and voice trembling violently.

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As a "extraordinary level", Ji Ye has a strong sense of fear in his heart even if he doesn't deliberately aim at it.

"Huangjin, Heishan, Guobei County Are you... "

Ji night's face peeped out to think facial expression, in the heart faintly had some thoughts.

"So, where is the location of Guobei County, and where did you meet yecha..."

Ji Ye continues to ask questions.

"In West Southwest About thirty miles Ouch

However, the yellow scarf army scouts who kept their heads down all the time spoke more intermittently.

While speaking, he raised his head abruptly, and his skin was covered with a layer of fuzzy green air.

A pair of eyes had turned gray, and the pupils gave off a dull blue light. From the throat came the roar of pain like a beast, with a look of confusion and irritability."Kill..."

Then, unexpectedly raised the crossbow in the hand, aimed at Ji Ye directly.


Ji Ye didn't even do it directly. She just frowned and let out a ray of dragon Qi, and then she knocked the crossbow in the scouts' hands to pieces. Even she was shocked by the threat of dragon Qi, and her gray eyes turned and fainted.

"Some kind of mind control toxin?"

"Is it because the blood of Yasha splashed into his mouth before?"

Later, Ji night just stretched out a finger to point at the brow center position of the yellow scarf scouts.

A white light shrouded his whole body, and the blue air on the yellow scarf army's forehead disappeared directly into black smoke.

However, people are still in a coma, it is estimated that they are exhausted and their mind is seriously injured due to the panic escape all the way.

"Take him back so that he can be looked after!"

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Meng Please come to the chamber

Ji Ye motioned to the two Pro guards "tiefutu" who had caught up with him to carry the yellow scarf scout back to Longcheng. At the same time, she called the nuclear personnel of the "strategy Department" to discuss the matter in the communication channel.

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