Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 462: 462

Ji Ye's body appeared a white light of "fusion".

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At the beginning of this fusion, nothing was abnormal.

By daybreak the next day, his surroundings began to change gradually.

First, the silver "power of gentian" came out, which refracted the golden sunlight in the sky.

Then, a large amount of golden sword Qi came out, flying more than ten feet, a total of 99.

Next, a semi substantial transparent "Golden Bell" appeared, and then a black air appeared, showing a golden general, and ice mixed with fire covering the whole altar

All kinds of "visions" lasted for half a day.


When time, again into the night.

Ji night's body above of fusion white light suddenly a shock.

From his 108 orifices and acupoints, a lot of essence came out and condensed into two semi substantial dragon shapes, one black and one white!

"Up, up!"

Then, the two dragons whirled around each other, forming a shape similar to "Taiji diagram".


With the formation of Taiji Double Dragons, the surrounding environment suddenly surged.

All kinds of free energy around the altar, the vitality of heaven and earth, all seemed to be drawn towards this "Yin Yang Taiji dragon", which was engulfed by its mouth, making the shape of "Yin Yang dragon" change more and more.

It soon covered the central altar Ji Yeh sat on, and even involved the other nine altars!

"My God Where is this? Has it been hit to the core of the stronghold by the enemy? "

A player who has just arrived is terrified to see this scene.

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After all, under normal circumstances, the core of the stronghold should be the most peaceful. How could this happen?

In fact, the reason why the movement is so big is not only because of pure "integration".

It's because Ji Ye's integration process is also equivalent to his breakthrough process.

Although he has reached the extraordinary level, it belongs to the "idea" and "dragon blood". Martial arts is still at the level of the Ninth level!

However, if a martial arts of extraordinary level is only integrated with the martial arts of ordinary level, it is no doubt just a matter of paper. It is impossible to obtain any practical skills, or even fail.

The best way, of course, is to make a breakthrough at the same time in the process of "integration", so as to promote yourself to the extraordinary level of martial arts.

Therefore, the scene will be more magnificent than any previous fusion.

"Ang, ang..."

Because it was expected that it would be more destructive, Ji Ye specially chose this altar to be protected by two air carrying dragons.

Even when Ji Ye's "Yin Yang Double Dragons · Tai Chi diagram" has reached its limit and started to tremble slightly, it seems that it is somewhat unstable, the Qi Movement Double Dragons in the sky also spit out a "Golden Dragon Qi" towards the eyes of the Yin Yang Double Dragons in the Tai Chi diagram below!

"Ang, ang..."

All of a sudden, the black-and-white Double Dragons of yin and Yang seemed to be alive, and a high pitched sound of dragon chanting came out in their mouths.

A few seconds later, it soared.

The body sent out a bright light and prestige, intertwined with each other, straight into the sky, facing the moon hanging high above Longcheng!

This is not satisfied with the previous fusion after picking up things on the ground test.

This time, after the breakthrough, directly blow up a moon?

Of course not.

As a matter of fact, after the "Taiji map" dashed into the sky, the two black and white dragons rotated one step closer.

But it turned straight and killed over Longcheng, facing a blank place under the moon.

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The next moment, the moonlight in the sky suddenly shakes.

Then, a cloud of "black light" appeared out of thin air.


"Is there an enemy hiding in the air?"

"It can hide the detection of the armillary sphere!"

Within the scope of Longcheng, I can see this scene.

Many of them were shocked.

Because of the existence of the "armillary sphere and seismograph", every alien or monster who intrudes into the scope of Longcheng is detected in advance these days, and then arrange personnel to clear it easily.

It's the first time that we have been able to get close to Longcheng!

"Sun elephant!"

As soon as Li Chunfeng, who is sitting next to the armillary sphere, changes and points his finger, the night sky suddenly turns into the day.

It also makes the air environment suddenly appear, but you can see a humanoid with wings on its back in the dark light!

"Dada dada!"

On the ground, in order to deal with the air threat, the newly built anti-aircraft machine gun fired a series of red bullets directly at the black light.This kind of attack, which is enough to threaten the sixth or even seventh level of ecdysis, is like a stone sinking into the sea.


However, in the face of the "Yin Yang double dragon" this group of "black light" obviously has some fear.

But chose to cover in the dark light, toward the rear quickly away!

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It's just when it's a long way back.

However, the black-and-white Double Dragons of yin and yang are intertwined with each other, and a ray of gold appears on the boundary of the corresponding Taiji diagram.


Immediately after that, a very thin Golden Dragon appeared, like a sharp blade, which cut the "black light" which could resist the fierce attack of anti-aircraft guns into two parts.


Then the black light dissipated.

A blue faced tusk corpse cut in half fell from the sky. A pair of bright silver wings were also completely broken, and a lot of blue blood turned into rain.

["kill Feitian yecha, gain experience: 3650, merit value: 256, rare merit value: 5!" 】

"be careful, it's the night fork at the command level!"

Zhao Yun's expression above the altar moved.

The ice gun in his hand instantly pointed to the sky and shot a white light. The extraordinary level of freezing force quickly frozen the corpse that fell to the ground. At the same time, the blood condensed into green snow and did not scatter a drop.

Without the purification of Buddhism, once the nine step yecha infiltrates into the water source, it is enough to poison hundreds of people.

"No wonder we can avoid the detection of the" armillary sphere ", even Li Qing didn't send back the information..."

In the center of the altar, a small gray bead, which had been divided into two parts, fell into Ji Ye's hand.

[hidden dust bead (damaged)]

grade: special

grade: excellent · rare

note: the body shape of the wearer can be in a different space, leaving only the volume and breath equivalent to a grain of dust!

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A few days ago, Li Qing had explored the location of the yecha stronghold.

After some people were killed in the battle in Guobei County before, these yecha cleverly chose to shut up.

However, now it seems that Yasha is not so honest on the surface. Now this one is hidden in the sky of dragon city.

It shows that the other party has probably locked the position of Longcheng for a long time, and the layout of Guobei county has undoubtedly been greatly reduced.

Fortunately, Ji Ye's momentum of breaking through the extraordinary makes the spirit of the leader of the nine rank yecha scouts unstable, which leads to some fluctuations. Ji ye, who has been promoted to the extraordinary by her mental power, is aware of the abnormality.

And it can kill an alien who has a special treasure in his body at a distance of nearly 1000 meters.

It is enough to show that the power of this move is extraordinary.


level: extraordinary (upper limit level 1)

level: perfect

Description: Based on the integration of Liangyi Scripture and dragon subduing palm, and a large number of martial arts ideas, you can absorb all kinds of energy and condense a trace of powerful xiantiangang Qi!

Remarks: Taiji gives birth to Liangyi, Liangyi gives birth to Sixiang, Sixiang gives birth to Bagua!

Does this description seem to be Taoist? The core of the

, the nine Yin Manual of truth, is the master of martial arts.

Today, after Ji Yelu's cultivation of 100 Classics, it has become a "Taoist martial arts" to a certain extent.

While the two dragons of yin and Yang gather together, Ji Ye herself "enters the Tao from martial arts, and enters the congenital realm". Under the joint action of internal force and spiritual force, she condenses the extraordinary level of "congenital true yuan"!

It's not only Liangyi Zhenjing, but also the origin of Jianglong ShenZhang, who is proficient in the extraordinary level of the book of changes and created after observing the shape of Jiaolong. Therefore, the move contains six hexagrams of qiangua in the book of changes, such as no use of Qianlong, seeing dragon in the field, flying dragon in the sky and regret of KANGLONG

In fact, both of them are vaguely related to Taoism.

Therefore, the formation of this kind of "Yin Yang double dragon diagram" similar to Taiji diagram can absorb the surrounding "heaven and earth vitality" and greatly compress the heaven and earth vitality.

Finally, form a "congenital vigorous Qi" that is enough to cut gold and jade, cut ghosts and kill demons!

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