Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 463: 463

"So this time, because of the status of" son of Qi Yun ", did the power of Qi Yun of the human race give a special assistance?"

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Ji Ye's heart has some guess.

"Perfect" evaluation means that at least his "fusion" talent will not be weakened.

But in fact, this strand of "congenital vigorous Qi", which is rated as perfect and pure, was not originally fused by himself.

But at the last moment, the "Qi power" of the two dragons was obtained after fusion and transformation.

Without this golden ray of inborn vigorous Qi, Ji Ye estimated that her creation of "Yin Yang Double Dragons Taiji diagram" is only an excellent evaluation at most.

It's very rare. After all, he doesn't have a deep understanding of the extraordinary level of martial arts. It's not uncommon for him to create a "excellence" assessment in just ten days.

Of course, strictly speaking, the time he spent on the deduction of experience and merit in these ten days is almost equal to "ten years".

But this still belongs to the outstanding existence of the human race. After all, even the top scientists are hard to say that they will develop a nuclear bomb within ten years, and they have to meet the structural evaluation of "excellence" level!

["you have completed the assessment task of inheriting talent promotion. Your talent has been promoted to extraordinary level!" 】

["according to the result of your integration, you can completely inherit the skills of ecdysis level. And obtain some extraordinary level attributes, including.... " 】

while thinking about it, Ji Fang's mind has come up with a new attribute after the "fusion" talent has been promoted to extraordinary.

There are three main changes after the promotion of fusion talent.

First, there will no longer be "two" restrictions on the merged items.

It's a great promotion.

Because although he can integrate two composite structure objects that can be regarded as a whole in the physical objects, he can only honestly integrate them in terms of skills and skills.

For example, this time, it took nine days to integrate a lot of martial arts skills, but there are still dozens of them!

Now, it can be compressed into three or four doors.

Second, the level of integration is promoted to the whole "extraordinary" category.

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The reason why the word "whole" is used is that "legend and myth" are also included in the application scope of fusion talent after promotion.

In other words, Ji ye can now directly melt the "legendary blood" in her body.

"However, the integration of" legend "and" myth "can only rely on my own ability!"

"In other words, there is no small probability of failure in rash integration."

When integrating the extraordinary things, compared with the previous metamorphosis, the level changes are more obvious.

It's like the last time when "Buddha's shadow, light and gold" was fused, the power of "kaluro Buddha" interfered with him.

And this is only the extraordinary level, his drop of "legendary blood" is enough to crush qingjiao's body.

If you don't have enough assurance, you can't move about. As for things at the level of myth, let alone say that even if there are no offensive mythical things in themselves, you can't bear the rash fusion and the "spirit" will be destroyed!

Of course, the risk is great, the harvest will be great.

If you really get the "myth" level items now, the same level will be invincible after fusion.

After the promotion, the third item is that in the process of integration, we can automatically get close to some things in our own culture.

"That is to say, in theory, I can select some things and combine them to create some 'imitations'!"

For example, the ring of void + mahogany door = any door?

Smart chip + armored vehicle = transformers?

Dingshui stone + extraordinary cold iron + dragon blood = dinghaishen needle iron?

In other words, soul Treasure + power Treasure + space gem + soul gem = half an infinite glove?

There are also the Bible of the dead, the list of gods, the magic cube of carnet, the death note

"This attribute is very meaningful!"

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Ji Ye's eyebrows are slanting, and her face is full of excitement.

Of course, step by step to the present, as the leader of the first stronghold of the human race, his mood has now stepped into the extraordinary level.

It's not as exciting as it was when I first entered the land of inheritance.

But it has to be said that the new attribute acquired after the promotion of "fusion" talent really gave him a big surprise.

"Moreover, this kind of" fusion "also applies to" sacrifice. "

"In other words, some corresponding items can be integrated to enhance the attraction of specific talents."

"For example, the combination of green dragon Yanyue Dao and Guan Erye, the combination of Buddhist broom to attract the floor sweeping monk, the combination of infinite gloves to attract mieba, and the combination of widow wife to attract boss Cao..."

Well, it seems that something strange has been mixed in.But this one is also very practical.

You should know that before he was able to integrate sacrifice, but only for the same type of integration to improve the quality.

If the use of different types of sacrifice fusion, the result is bound to fail.

Now, it can be integrated across all kinds.

After all, the entire human civilization has created hundreds of millions of things, as long as they are not too big brain holes, such as the fusion of drinks and excrement.

Should not appear "failure"!

In addition, there is a fourth change, that is, the fusion talent after promotion can integrate some items prefixed with "civilization".

Yes, it means "the stone of civilization" and "the soul of civilization"!


Ji ye took out two pieces of the soul of civilization.

This is what the residents of Guobei County burst out after they were killed. Both of them are the souls of ordinary civilization at level 6.

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After a few minutes, the white light has become the soul of "ordinary civilization" with higher brightness.

"The combination of two into one is just a step up? In that case, some of them are not worth it

Yeji shook her head.

Because after the fusion of the two "souls of civilization", they become one, which is equivalent to the loss of one population in the stronghold, whether it is level 6 or level 7.

For the current Dragon City, in fact, there is no real gap, excluding the fourth batch of new players are only belong to the lower combat effectiveness.

However, it is not totally meaningless.

For example, if these are two souls of civilization that have fallen into the fourth level and merged into one soul of civilization that has fallen into the fifth level, it will definitely be of some use.

After all, there is a certain degree of "qualitative change" between the two, and the role of a fifth rank moufan can play in combat is still that of two fourth rank moufan or above.

"In particular, if the two spirits of civilization, which have fallen into the Ninth level, can merge into a spirit of civilization of extraordinary level..."

The gap between the extraordinary level and the Ninth level of moufan is even greater, even comparable to the fifth level to the Ninth level of moufan.

In the previous battle, even Li Yuanba, who was originally an extraordinary level of existence, could not withstand the frontal attack of Yasha king. If only two pieces of nine steps of devafan fused into a soul of extraordinary level of civilization, it would be very profitable.

Even, it is not necessary to shed the soul of ordinary civilization.

With the ability of fusion, even the soul of civilization at the first level can finally merge into the extraordinary level!

Of course, it's not cost-effective.

Because one is calculated according to the ratio of two in one, even if it is the soul of civilization of the Ninth level, it needs more than a thousand to be able to be transformed into an extraordinary level.

Unless faced with special needs.

Otherwise, the value of one thousand ordinary level nine must be above one extraordinary level!

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The most important thing is that "integration" needs to consume his own energy. If he really integrates a thousand souls of civilization, even Ji Ye's contribution to the stronghold will be drained!

But a thousand won't do.

It's OK to test with more than a dozen.

"Eh, after a large number of soul of civilization merge, can you still change the grade..."

Ji Ye specially takes out some common evaluation of the fusion of the soul of civilization, and finds that after the fusion of five, it becomes the "elite" level, and after the fusion of five, it becomes the "quasi commander"!

After that, Jiye stopped merging.

However, it can be roughly speculated that the fusion of about 100 ordinary civilization souls can produce a civilization soul at the "command" level!

In general, this promotion after the "fusion" talent attributes really strengthened a lot.

"The only pity is that I didn't really do my best."

Ji night in the mouth light voice way.

This time's "promotion task", he relied on his own strength to fuse a "perfect" grade item.

It seems that he has been "perfect", but in fact he has not done enough.

Because, in the extraordinary level, "perfect" above there are "legend" and "myth" two evaluation.

If we say that this time, he can integrate the extraordinary things assessed by "legend".

Then the "fusion" talent will be able to directly obtain the more advanced features of the "legend" level.

Fortunately, according to the information in his head, this talent still has the chance to continue to upgrade when he is promoted to "legend".

Now that the promotion has been successful, it is time to solve the hidden danger faced by Longcheng.

These days, the alien forces that have been detected around Longcheng are not just Yasha and Huangjin army!

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