Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 468: 468

"Gu, gu..."

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From the air the Yaksha king after being hit by an arrow.

This is evidenced by the fact that the body stops and can't move.

The throat itself is not the key of the Yasha clan, especially for the extraordinary level of the Yasha king, but the arrow shot by Li Guang not only has the power of talent, but also contains the essence of the war spirit of honing his life and death battle after reaching the extraordinary level of the general!

When the arrow penetrates into the body of Yasha king, this sense of war also penetrates, directly destroying the consciousness of Yasha king himself remaining in a pair of wings.

It also makes its body start to burst out golden light with the throat as the center, and collapse rapidly around.


However, Li Guang, who only shot an arrow to win, did not stop. Instead, he suddenly raised his head and looked over the northwest of Longcheng.

Then, the hand of the black bow suddenly raised, raised a pull, is the bow string such as the full moon!


The next moment, another iron arrow flew out.

It turns into a red rainbow and goes straight to the northwest of the sky.

Will pull the bow, such as the full moon, looking northwest, shooting Sirius!

However, what Li Guang wants to shoot is obviously not "Sirius".

The red rainbow light flew out of several kilometers and into a cloud at one stroke.

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After a brief silence.


Among the clouds, a figure fell from the sky.

It describes ugly, ferocious, blue faced, tusks, and a pair of silver wings. Blue blood flows out of the blood hole on the head which is completely penetrated by bow and arrow!

"Yecha again!"

"It seems that we have to get rid of the yakha as soon as possible. After all, we can't guard against thieves for thousands of days! "

In the city Lord's mansion, Meng Lao, holding a celadon tea cup in his hand, frowned a little.

"The extraordinary level of sacrifice reception can really have an impact on the surrounding areas of the stronghold, which is a matter that needs attention."

Zhou, standing next to him, was thinking about the significance of Li Guanggang's arrow.

At this time, the Yasha king has not completely dispersed, and the "assessment battlefield" is still in a continuous state.

Because Qi Yun Shuanglong didn't stop him, Li Guang's arrow could rush out of the dragon city and kill a hidden flying night fork several miles away!

"Maybe you can use this method to attract some people to release some skills at the cost of consuming Qi transportation?"

Imagine all of a sudden, a certain stronghold has a mythical civilization soul and sacrifice, and it is continuously introduced to Fuxi, Nuwa, Wudi, donghuangtaiyi

Each of these powers releases a permanent blessing spell on a stronghold and then "fails the assessment". Can't a stronghold be blessed by a large number of top talents?

Sounds like it makes sense.

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But if you think about it carefully, it is not feasible.

For one thing, most people are confident and proud of being able to be an outstanding person of a race. It is impossible to say that they are willing to "fail the assessment".

Secondly, the strength used in the "assessment" is actually the consumption of the strength of the stronghold itself when the talent is not coming, which may not be profitable.

And the third most important point.

If a hero fails in the test, he will lose the chance to come to this stronghold forever!

The price is too high.


In Longcheng people's different thoughts, the Yasha king on the altar has been completely unable to resist the erosion of Li Guang's "war spirit" in the arrow, and has become a golden light all over the sky, and then re condensed into a set that is completely consistent with Li Guang's body shape, and is covered by the "Yasha king · Ming Guang Jia" which has slightly changed before.

The blur on Li Guang's face also disappeared, revealing his true face.

Indeed, Li Guang, an old man, is even more old-fashioned than people in Longcheng originally thought.

According to the appearance of the ancients, they were at least 60 or 70 years old. Their temples were covered with wind and frost, and their faces were covered with traces of years carved with axes and knives.

"Well, when Li Guang committed suicide, he seemed to be in his sixties."

Ji ye thought of one thing.

Does Li Guang belong to the "inheritance place" after he committed suicide?

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If so, his feelings for his own destiny are obviously above the others.

However, even though he was slightly old in appearance, Li Guang's eyes were as bright as a tiger's eyes, and his tall figure was not angry.

"Dragon city What a city

After the arrival, Li Guang, who was standing on the altar, looked at the huge city with a wall of 50 meters around him, and his eyes were quite moved.

[Li Guang]

rank: extraordinary first level

rank: quasi leaderExplanation: the famous general of the Dragon kingdom of the earth's Terrans is called "general Fei.". One of the sixty-four generals of the temple of Wucheng king, one of the seventy-two generals of the temple of the Song Dynasty and one of the hundred generals of the seventeen history!

Remarks: Feng Tang yilao, Li Guang is difficult to be sealed; Tao Li is self-evident, and the bottom is a mystery.

"Li Guang, it's really Li Guang!"

"But if you make the Dragon City fly, don't teach Hu Ma to go to Yinshan. "Feijiang" has really fallen into our "dragon city" now. If the news is sent back to the earth, it is estimated that it will be popular in the forum again. "

The fourth group, new players are very excited, more proud of the population.

That is to say, the reason why Longcheng was named "Longcheng" at the beginning.

It is because someone mentioned the two lines "but make the Dragon City fly in, don't teach Hu Ma to go to Yinshan" at the beginning, which means that the "dragon city" exists in the place of inheritance, which will surely make the "alien" unable to cross a cent.

Now, it's true that this "flying general" has been introduced to us!

From the perspective of metaphysics, this should be a good omen.

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Of course, Longcheng management obviously does not believe in "metaphysics", but more from the actual situation analysis and consideration.

"With leader Li, we will attack the yecha stronghold in two days, and we will be more confident of annihilating them all..."

Ji Ye's face was full of smiles.

According to the information detected by Li Qing at present, the number of yecha is close to 2000, which is absolutely inferior to the number of tens of thousands and more than 5000 fighters in Longcheng.

Even if all the members of the yecha tribe start to moufan, the number of "Feitian yecha" above the fifth level is more than 300, and Longcheng is sure to defeat them.

The only problem is, what if the yecha clan can't fight and choose to abandon their stronghold to escape?

In particular, the two extraordinary level of the Yasha king.

Previously, in the city of Guobei County, if the male yecha king didn't despise the enemy, he was injured by Ji Ye's paw after he was transformed into Heijiao for the first time. It's very unlikely that Ji ye would want to kill him!

And once escape, the Yaksha king will certainly follow up with hate guerrilla massacre of Longcheng people.

At that time, without the involvement of the stronghold, there was no worry about the yecha tribe, but more trouble and danger.

But now with Li Guang, it's different.

Li Guang, as an outstanding person of extraordinary level, is also an outstanding person with extremely powerful long-range attack ability. Equipped with this set of "night king bright armor" with wings, he can burst out fast enough to catch up with the night fork king.

As long as the layout is proper, the two Yaksha kings will not escape.

"Well, to ensure absolute victory."

"It's better to use the talent after promotion to fuse some extraordinary equipment and skills. For example, the previously conceived "Bodhisattva Gatlin in the south, six pure depleted uranium bombs"! "

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