Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 469: 469


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Dragon City, underground treasure house.

With Ji Ye's will, there are more than ten kinds of materials and semi-finished parts placed in front of him, all of which are shrouded in white and silver light, and gradually merge with each other.

When the light dissipated, the one that appeared in the treasure house was a three meter high statue, which looked like a golden Bodhisattva standing with three closed eyes, with six arms similar to the previous one!

However, if you look carefully, you can find that this statue is made of gold and has a layer of Buddha light on its surface. It is in the palm of six arms.

All of them have a dark hole. After watching for a long time, it gives people a kind of golden and angry look, and the feeling of fiery prison.

[Gatlin Bodhisattva]

level: extraordinary first level

grade: excellent · rare

Description: the extraordinary level combat weapons made by the Lord of Longcheng combine Buddhism, Taoism and earth science and technology, and have great lethality in the battle field!

Remarks: there is no Bodhisattva Gatlin in the south, six pure depleted uranium bombs. One breath three thousand six hundred turn, great mercy to the world!

"Really, it's fused!"

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Open your eyes and look at the "Bodhisattva" standing in front of you. Ji Ye's look is a little strange.

He really didn't think he could succeed in the cross type integration of technology and Buddhism.

However, after careful consideration.

Ji Ye found that nature may not be unable to do it.

Especially after consulting the leading figures in the field of Longguo nuclear bomb who were invited by the special invitation this time, who are more "he Lao" than Jiao Lao and others, and who have mastered more detailed data and materials about nuclear weapons, and who have mastered the power of Buddhism.

Ji night finally decided to have a try.

As a result, it was actually done.

Of course, the most important reason for his success should be his talent. After his promotion to "extraordinary", he has the new attribute of "automatically approaching something in the culture of his own civilization".

After all, Nanwu Gatlin Bodhisattva, who is "3600 revolutions per second, merciful to the world", is absolutely well-known and famous on earth.

However, strictly speaking, "Gatling Bodhisattva" is different from the sentence "3600 turns at a breath". For example, six Bodhisattva arms that act as gun barrels or gun barrels can move in a wide range of 270 degrees, but seriously, they are not Gatling barrel machine guns!

However, this little detail obviously does not need to care too much.

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What's more, compared with "Gatlin Bodhisattva", in fact, what really has high-tech content is the "Liugen Qingjing depleted uranium bomb"!

"It's very beautiful."

Ji Ye looked at two "ammunition boxes" one meter high on the ground.

Each bullet in it is the size of an egg, with a diameter of 15 cm. Its translucent shell is completely condensed by the real Buddha force. It is precisely because of this Buddha force that this kind of "mini nuclear weapon" which is difficult to realize theoretically with earth technology can be produced!

However, although the total volume is small, and the uranium content of each "liugenqingjing depleted uranium bomb" is even less than 100 grams, it is actually very powerful. It is estimated that one "liugenqingjing depleted uranium bomb" will be enough to destroy one tenth of the materials in the Longcheng treasure house.

This is still in the treasure house, with some defensive array and special settings. Therefore, Ji Ye is unable to open the "destruction test" directly!

"However, although we can't test the power of nuclear bomb, we can try another function!"

Ji ye first removed her excess clothes, then reached out and pointed to the "Nanwu Gatling Bodhisattva" eyebrow.


Later, however, the "Gatling Bodhisattva" appeared to emit golden light.

The body made of gold is surging and changing like a stream of water, first wrapping Ji Ye's arm, then the upper part of her shoulder and head

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Finally, Ji Ye was swallowed up!

"Dong, Dong, Dong..."

Then, Nanwu Gatlin Bodhisattva, who is close to one Zhang high, suddenly opens his eyes and walks around in the "dragon city treasure house".

Then, it became more and more light, and the six arms with gun barrel inside became more and more flexible with naked eyes, and even played a set of "Seven Star Mantis Boxing" in the treasure house!

"Well, that's right. There's no lag at all!"

And after a set of boxing stops, the golden body of "Nanwu Gatlin Bodhisattva" glows and deforms, and then spits out Ji Ye completely.

The second use of this "Gatlin Bodhisattva" is to allow people to enter the internal control like "mecha".The main material of the whole "Gatlin Bodhisattva" is a kind of extraordinary alloy called "fojin".

After the promotion of the stronghold, "silver liquid" was selected. In the end, although it still failed to produce the desired "metal man", it also gained a very good harvest, that is, the extraordinary level of "silver liquid" was able to extract all kinds of exfoliated metals and synthesize them into extraordinary level "alloy".

The "extraordinary Buddhist gold" formed by the fusion of "light gold" and "gold" containing Buddhist power can be "soft or hard" under the control of silver liquid.

Therefore, the whole "Nanwu Gatlin Bodhisattva" can move freely on the battlefield, and even replace other weapons to fight when the "six pure depleted uranium bombs" are empty!

Moreover, the Buddhist power contained in the "Buddha gold" is similar to the Dragon Qi to a certain extent, that is, it repels the rest of the energy, and the operator hides his body in this "Bodhisattva mecha".

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Most of the attacks below the supernormal level can't work.

This is also absolutely necessary. After all, it has such a "heavy weapon" to kill. Once it appears on the battlefield, it is definitely the enemy's priority target to destroy.

"Well, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe we can take advantage of it Now that Gatlin Bodhisattvas have appeared, it is estimated that the "Dongfeng Dharma protector" and "hell is not empty, the great hydrogen Buddha" will not be far away! "

Ji Ye smiles.

The only pity is that this "Gatling Bodhisattva" was acquired through the attribute of "automatically approaching something in the culture of this civilization". Therefore, Ji ye could not fully grasp its principle, nor could she make Longcheng directly imitate mass production.

That is to say, at present, the whole dragon city is the only one.

Of course, if you really want to make a few more, Jiye can still use the same raw materials for "fusion".

However, Ji Ye doesn't plan to make a few more "Gatlin Bodhisattvas" for the time being. It's just because the integration of extraordinary items consumes much more power of Qi transportation than before.

Even with Ji Ye's contribution to the Dragon City, it is estimated that it can support the fusion four or five times.

Therefore, every piece should be carefully calculated and good steel should be used on the blade!

"Well, the second thing is to choose to merge the treasures related to the soul!"

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