Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 470: 470

Ji Ye is ready to strengthen her "soul" strength.

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Because, strictly speaking, "yecha" is actually a kind of ghost. Compared with the original ghost clan, it not only has a very powerful physical body.

It also has some special means of soul attack.

For example, the former yakha King's "fire Trident" and "enchanting chain", either of which is actually a threat to Ji Ye.

Especially the "soul enchanting chain", if it is not the soul mask instead of his own soul, Ji ye will definitely fall into the long lost life danger!

According to Li Qing's information, the other side also has two "Yasha kings" of extraordinary level. A single "soul mask" is obviously not enough to solve the problem. The most fundamental way is to upgrade the soul level to "extraordinary" and enhance the corresponding ability.

But different from the cultivation of physical and spiritual strength, his soul level has always mainly relied on the "totem wolf skin" to transform the soul, and did not directly point to the extraordinary cultivation method, so the fastest way to improve the soul combat effectiveness is to fall on the "integration".

As for the choice of integration, Ji Ye has many items related to soul.

We don't need to talk about those with different levels. Only those with special qualities include totem wolf skin, soul chopping knife, soul staff, soul prisoner mask, as well as those with extraordinary qualities such as fire Trident, soul enchanting chain and devil's scroll!

"Well, there are too many soul equipment. In battle, even if there is a ring of void, it is difficult to switch quickly and make the best use of everything. "

Ji night's heart ponders.

The stored items in the ring of void need to consume "energy" constantly. If there are too complex things stored in it, the general enemy Jiye naturally doesn't need to care.

However, if we are faced with an enemy of equal strength or even higher rank than ourselves, then any increase in the burden may affect the final outcome.

"All of these things, except the trident of yehuo, will be" integrated. "

Ji night in the heart had a decision very quickly.

The reason why the trident of karma fire is not integrated is that this item is very special. The effect of karma fire itself is to burn the target soul through karma!

It is inevitable that there will be some incompatibility when it is combined with the power of a bunch of soul attributes.


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Along with Ji Ye's thoughts, the soul staff, the soul chain, the totem wolf skin, and several other items, such as the soul chopping knife and the soul prisoner mask, are taken out from the ring of void.

All the silver light appeared!


This time, the integration process lasted for a full day.

When Ji Ye opened her eyes again, the front of her body had completely turned into silver, and the light dispersed, revealing a shape similar to the original "soul chopping sword", but the length increased by about one-third, which was close to 1.5 meters. The body was translucent black, and a wolf shaped straight knife could be seen inside, which could be grasped with both hands On the handle of the knife, there is a semi substantial enchanting mantra chain!


rank: extraordinary level 2

rank: outstanding · rare

Description: in the process of integrating five items, soul staff, mask of soul prisoner, soul chain, soul chopping knife and totem wolf skin into one, qualitative changes have taken place to some extent, forming a higher level artifact!

It's an extraordinary second level equipment.

Although the grade is only "excellent", it can not produce "perfect" quality.

However, between the extraordinary second order and the extraordinary first order, there has definitely been a huge improvement.

In fact, in the land of inheritance, the upgrading of the grading of items after the extraordinary level will comprehensively consider "quality" and "quantity", and any aspect can improve the grading of items.

However, there is a big gap between each level. The value of an extraordinary first-order item is not as good as that of an extraordinary first-order creature.

However, the value of a second-order treasure is absolutely equal to or even more than the existence of a first-order one to a certain extent!


Ji Ye stretched out her hands.

The length of this sword is similar to that of the former "black snake sword", which can be regarded as the "soul chopping sword" in the category of two handed weapons.

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Then a backhand knife, toward behind a similar "vase" of booty cut!


In a flash of black light, the narrow and sharp blade cut off the vase, but the vase was still intact.

Because, the knife that Ji Ye holds in the hand, the color has already transformed from the substantial black to the translucent "illusory" shape.

This is the first ability of this knife - [emptiness].

The whole Dao can be transformed between the virtual and the real.

This attribute obviously inherits the original attributes of "soul chopping sword" and "soul enchanting chain", and has been enhanced to a certain extent.Now, whether it's "soul chain" or "soul chopping knife", you can really kill or lock each other's soul through the body!

In addition, since it can be "virtual".

Naturally, the whole sword can still be directly hidden in the body as before, and it is more convenient to use in battle than "void ring".

This is the first attribute.

Next, Ji ye turned her wrist and poured her soul into the "Rune chain" on the handle.


The chain on the handle, in the black light, began to change and extend.

In just a few seconds, dozens of enchanting Rune chains with a length of more than 100 meters appeared in the underground treasure house.


The tips of some of the chains are more than two meters high. The whole body is full of the power of soul, and a pair of eyes are red like fire.

This is the second ability of this sword - [soul locking].

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A large number of "soul enchanting chains" can be extended from this knife, which can lock the soul of creatures, absorb the soul power through the chains, and increase the power of the blade itself!

Even with the help of chains, they can manipulate some souls that have been "taken in" to fight.

Of course, the premise is that the target's soul level cannot exceed the upper limit of the level that "soul chopping sword" can master.

Moreover, the total energy of the locked soul cannot exceed the control power of the soul chopping sword.

But it's already very tough.

With this extraordinary second-order soul chopping sword, Ji ye can kill some creatures with soul characteristics, enslave their souls and turn them into her own fighting power.

In addition, because of the combination of "totem wolf skin" and "soul wand" of lich, these enslaved souls can even gather again after death in battle.

However, at that time, the "spirit" in the soul will be lost, and it will become like the wolf king of the soul. She has no independent consciousness and needs to rely on Jiye's own "one heart n use" to control her mental power!

Of course, it's not so easy to kill these "soul servants.".

Because this knife also has the ability to put these locked soul creatures into the blade.


Ji Ye's wrist moved again.

The runes on the five chains around the wolf king's soul are lit up, and the power of his soul is quickly absorbed, so that his body size is rapidly reduced. At last, he is pulled back into the body of the sword, and becomes a black "relief" in the shape of a wolf inside the body of the sword!

And the third ability is completely inherited from the spirit wand!

Both the blade and the chain contain the soul virus. Once attacked and hit, they will be infected, and the creatures below the extraordinary level can hardly be exempted. This virus, which can make the soul feel extreme pain and distortion, is also the best way to subdue the enchanted target.

As for the fourth ability.


I saw Ji Yexian cut his finger with "soul chopping knife", and let it be stained with a touch of extraordinary blood containing strong vitality.

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Then, throw the knife out.

The soul chopping sword grows rapidly in the air, and turns into a black dragon about ten meters long in one breath. Only one pair of eyes is blood red!

Is that the finishing touch?

Strictly speaking, it's not. In fact, it belongs to the ability of "soul mask".

Because at the beginning, Ji Ye replaced her soul with "soul mask" in the process of "promotion to extraordinary", and was transformed into "dragon soul" by "legendary real blood".

This article can be retained to a certain extent, and even has been greatly "strengthened".


But there was another dragon chant, and the wolf king, who was entangled in chains, rushed out of the dragon shaped blade.

But at the time of rushing out, the shape changed rapidly from wolf to dragon.

Just like the wolf skin, the totem of "blood sacrifice" in the past Jiye, formed the "Jiaolang king", but this time the transformation is more thorough, and the "soul wolf king" has almost completely changed into the "soul dragon".

This weapon is rated as "extraordinary level 2", just because it can be like the "legendary blood" when Ji Ye was promoted to the extraordinary level at the beginning, and gradually transform the form and attribute of these souls bound by the enchanting chain into a very powerful offensive "dragon soul".

It means, if Jiye wants to.

In theory, hundreds of dragon spirits can roar out after one cut, covering the whole battlefield scene.

"Well, why don't you call it" hundred dragon soul "

Hundred dragon soul, this is more modest.

In fact, if this knife continues to upgrade.The number of souls that can be controlled may reach a thousand or ten thousand levels. At that time, people don't even need to control them. They just throw their swords at them. Maybe a stronghold has already surrendered in a hurry.

Now that we have dragon soul sword.

Next, Ji Ye decided to merge into an extraordinary "Dragon Blood Sword".

The fusion material, of course, is the "Millennium Dragon blood ice" which contains weak real dragon blood inside Longfeng!

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