Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 471: 471

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

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Longcheng, north.

On the boundless ocean, hundreds of fish rushed out of the water.

There is a silver shining on each body and head, like a sharp knife, flashing dangerous and fatal silver in the sun.

[highly toxic dagger fish]

level: moufan first level

level: ordinary

Description: a fish with highly toxic blood will die painfully if it is stabbed through its body, just like a dagger with highly toxic blood.

But in front of the thousands of fish that burst out of the water, a man was stepping on the water.

In his hand, he held a sword with a transparent body and only a few blood spots inside. Facing the nearby fish, he didn't move.

All the way up to now, the poisonous fish swarms that even the ocean overlord creatures above the fifth level will fear have rushed to within 100 meters of him.


A white light just appeared on the transparent sword in his hand.

With his wrist waving, a white light rushed out of a hundred meters, shrouded in the incoming "poisonous dagger fish"!


See white light and blunt in the first poison dagger fish after contact.

Dagger fish's sharp as a knife's impact angle tip quickly emerged a layer of white frost, and then quickly spread to its whole body!

When he got close to the man with the sword, he was covered with ice.

"Pa, PA, PA..."

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Then, hundreds of dagger fish, like rain, fell on the ice below.

It's called "ice".

Because, just now, under this white light.

Not only this wave of "fierce flying dagger fish" leaping out of the water was frozen, but also hundreds of tons of sea surface in front of the figure nearly ten feet changed into ice form.

"Really, very strong!"

Ji Ye holds this sword in her hand, which is four feet long and thick on the whole.

There was satisfaction in his eyes.

[Millennium ice dragon sword]

level: extraordinary first level

grade: excellent · rare

Description: the sword made by the Lord of Longcheng city with Millennium ice of dragon blood has the power of "ice sealed ten li" and "Millennium cold", and contains a few drops of "real dragon blood" inside!

Compared with "Gatlin Bodhisattva" and "hundred dragon soul sword", the material of this sword is the simplest.

Because both Millennium ice and dragon blood have strong exclusivity.

Therefore, what Ji ye did was just to use her talent to fuse several pieces of "Millennium ice" containing dragon blood together and make it into a sword shape.

Even so, the sword's rating has reached the "excellent rare" level.

Not under the trident of karma.

The main reason is that it has excellent attributes.

Just like this move "ice ten li", if Ji Ye fully releases it, it will be enough to ice the sea within ten li!

Of course, this refers to the situation of moving continuously and exhausting the power of the sword.

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Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to freeze such a large area in an instant with the "extraordinary first-order" weapon power.

In addition, the frozen target level and size can not be too high or too large.

For example


All of a sudden, the frozen sea was severely shocked, as if it was hit by something huge.

Then, a huge shadow smashed the ice and rushed out of the sea beside Ji Ye.

But it's a trigeminal tail whale with a full length of more than 15 meters, a huge head and a mouth of blood basin!

[three tailed dragon whale]

rank: moufan eighth level

rank: quasi commander

Description: a whale with a high concentration of dragon blood and a very irascible temperament likes to catch "highly toxic dagger fish".

Obviously, this three tailed dragon whale should have followed the poisonous dagger fish.

Although this guy's level is less than extraordinary level, but because of his body size is big enough, his blood is very strong, but he is not "frozen" by his strength!


However, after breaking out of the ice.

Before it did anything, there was a flash of white light.

But Ji Ye shakes her hand and throws out the "Millennium ice dragon sword", turning into a white rainbow and flying towards it.

After stabbing it on the body, a layer of dense white gas came out from the sword body and quickly covered the whole body of this dragon blood creature!

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This is the second ability of this extraordinary weapon - "Millennium cold".

The difference between this cold and freezing force is that it does not make the water and blood in the target body condense.It's going to slow the target down a lot.

And this kind of slowness not only affects the physical body of the other party, but also affects the mental perception and thinking ability!

Because, this kind of chill belongs to "extraordinary level" strength!

Because of this, Ji ye made this "Millennium ice dragon sword" before attacking the yecha clan.

Because the trouble for the Yaksha is their high speed.

This high speed even allows them to dodge bullets at a long distance.

But they certainly can't avoid this kind of "Millennium cold" of large-scale nature, and once they are invaded by the cold and unable to expel them, their various speeds will become slower than human beings.


And the three tailed Orcas seem to feel something.

However, the huge body on the ice, but there is no spare force to struggle, and even some shivering.

It's only because the Millennium ice dragon sword contains a few drops of "real dragon's blood" which is sealed by ice and retains a large part of its strength, besides "cold and frozen", and emits a very strong breath of real dragon!

For this kind of dragon blood creature, it belongs to the double suppression of the blood and will of the lower creature.

However, Ji ye did not kill the Dragon whale.

He even took out the "Millennium ice dragon sword" from his body and put it on the sea.

In the twinkling of an eye, the ice on the sea was shrunk and disappeared.

This is the third ability of "Millennium ice dragon sword", which absorbs "cold air".

Therefore, it can not only be "frozen", but also be "unsealed".

After the release of the seal, the "Millennium ice dragon sword" in Ji Ye's hand was waved again. With the sword body moving, the sea water with a large number of "poisonous dagger fish" fell into the mirage dragon warship of the Dragon City Navy not far behind.

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Since there is dragon blood in the body of the sword, it's natural to control the sea like the original black snake sword.

The venom of these "highly toxic dagger fish" is semi-solid, which can be refined and used on arrows and bullets. The effect is very good.

The only problem is that it takes the fish to live to extract it.

However, this is not a problem.

Because, after falling into the special device on the mirage ship, the "highly toxic dagger fish" are frozen and return to life, swimming around in the device and trying to escape.

This is another characteristic of "Millennium ice dragon sword", because the whole process of freezing is completed in a flash.

Therefore, after the "Millennium ice sword" has sucked away the Qi of the village, the frozen target can still recover its "vitality", just like the "human body freezing method" researched by the earth science and technology circles.


And when Ji Yeh put the fish away.

The body of the "three tailed dragon whale" on the sea is undergoing some changes. Some armor pieces similar to dragon scales appear quickly, and the breath of rank is also fast approaching to the ninth stage of moufan.

"Sure enough, does it promote the growth of dragon blood organisms?"

In the face of this situation, Ji Ye has nothing to worry about.

Just because this kind of "change" is actually an ability of "Millennium ice dragon sword".

Because the inside of the sword contains a few drops of "real dragon's blood", Jiye can inject these "real dragon's blood" into the target's body if necessary, which will produce the effect of breaking the opponent's body like the "legendary real blood" when he was promoted.

This is also because "dragon blood" is very domineering, and most of the creatures are difficult to coexist peacefully.

However, if the target is "dragon blood creature", it is likely to be able to withstand a drop of "real dragon blood (non legendary real blood)".

It may even have evolved as a result.

That is to say, if you want to rely on the "Millennium ice dragon sword" to deal with the extraordinary third-order "qingjiao" approaching Longcheng, it should be unreliable!

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