Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 472: 472

"Take care of this dragon whale in the cold water!"

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Let the water army on the mirage dragon boat control and take care of this dragon whale that has started evolution.

Ji ye came to the grassland on the bank with the "Millennium ice dragon sword".

"What's the situation?"

"I've been trained to be able to fight..."

Li Guang, a "yecha Ming Wang Jia", nods to Ji Ye.

Next to him, erha, whose strength has reached the peak of the eighth level, is sitting on a teenager, but he is the 15-year-old "child" who has participated in the live interview of Longcheng and won hundreds of international generals.

He is holding a fist sized gray ball in his hand, which is the "fog" formed by Ji Ye's Yin and Yang Twin Dragons, and has the function of manipulating "unicorn".

This gifted young man did not enter Longcheng through "special quota", but he was one of the fourth batch of candidates.

Because he was born with the ability of "multitasking", he was quickly trained after entering Longcheng, and now his strength has been pushed to the fifth level or above.


In front of them, there are 20 unicorns lined up to form a battle array. On each unicorn, there is a man holding long-range weapons such as bows, arrows and guns made of Guangjin, wearing armor made of "fojin", and hanging a pair of machetes and a bottle of "holy water" collected from the Unicorn area!

This is the new "unicorn camp" formed by the "heavenly army" of Longcheng. The two commanders are Qin Yueyu and Hu Sanniang, and all the staff are women!

The reason why the whole "unicorn camp" is full of women is the collective appeal of some female players.

Most of the fighters in dragon city are men, especially among the special arms, male players account for 90%. After all, although they will not really die in the place of inheritance, men still have the upper hand in terms of their ability to bear all kinds of injuries and attacks.

However, now there are tens of thousands of Longcheng personnel, and there will certainly be no lack of female players who dare to go to the battlefield.

After Longcheng obtained these unicorns, Qin Yueyu and Hu Sanniang took the initiative to apply for the establishment of a new "heavenly army".

And with the rest of the management staff after some discussion, Jiye also agreed.

This is because the 20 female players in the "unicorn camp" are all above the fifth level, and they have passed extremely strict training. Each of them is rated above the elite, and their combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of some men.

Moreover, if Jiye remembers correctly, "unicorn" in Western legend belongs to female mount.

Some even say that the healing and light power of Unicorn symbolizes the holiness and nobility of light. Only the purest virgin can be recognized by unicorn.

"Hey, don't move!"

Several female combat players sitting on the unicorn's back, some of them are not angry and yell at the unicorn who is constantly twisting.

It's not because they're not virgins.

Perhaps, the real Unicorn does have a non virgin must not ride on its body cleanliness.

However, these unicorns in Longcheng have been engulfed by the fog, so there is no such thing as choosing their masters.

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However, in order to make up for the lack of soul of these unicorns and the problem that they can't fully take care of each other when fighting alone with "children", all of these unicorns' bodies are temporarily integrated into the souls of some lower level male players through "soul shifting Rune" under the advice of Jiu Shu.

To a certain extent, they cooperate with the "children" to control the body of the unicorn, and give full play to the maximum combat effectiveness of this creature with dual exuviating attributes.

The reason why it's all male is that female players certainly don't want to be ridden by their own homosexuals.

As for men

Posture up and down what, does not exist ah!


In addition to the 20 female players of "unicorn camp", in fact, in the past two days, dragon city has also set up another kind of "nightmare camp", which is composed of 20 nightmare horses whose appearance is 50% similar to that of Unicorn, but the unicorn on the head is black, and whose eyes are burning with fire, and whose hooves are red.

[nightmare horse]

rank: moufan level 5

rank: Elite

Description: The Unicorn that has been induced to degenerate by the power of nightmare has mastered the extraordinary power of darkness and fire.

The power of nightmare!

This naturally comes from the "nightmare corner" which contains extraordinary power after destroying the fog at that time.

In the past few days, Ji ye not only combines "Gatlin Bodhisattva" and "Millennium ice dragon sword", but also integrates an extraordinary object.

It's a nightmare corner with "perfect" rating but "broken" attribute!

His original intention is to see if there is a way to "repair" it.However, when Ji Ye uses her talent to fuse this "nightmare corner", something strange happens.

That is, his consciousness was pulled into a gray space just like the original fusion of "Buddha shadow, light and gold".


In this space, there is a head that looks unreal and gloomy. It has a nightmare with a faint and extraordinary smell. Its body is full of scars and frantically moving, and the fog around it is constantly trying to pour into its body.

Let this nightmare mouth in continuous wail, body out of a number of dim red flames will be forced out of the fog!

However, in the twinkling of an eye, the flame disappeared and was engulfed by the new fog.

"Hey, Lulu!"

And when Jiye's consciousness appears.

Already seriously injured and lax, the extraordinary nightmare King seems to have found a way out.

But on the four hooves, there was a dark red flame, and forced out a road. With a large amount of maggot fog, they rushed towards Ji Ye.

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In the face of this obviously want to "disaster water east lead" scene, Ji night a pair of knife eyebrows suddenly pick.


At the next moment, a dragon song shakes the soul.

But I saw a black, straight and heavy sword on him!

After rushing out of his body, he turned into a black "dragon soul" with a length of ten feet in the air and rushed out fiercely.


Under one knife, not only that end has been half illusory, weak "nightmare" has been cut into two parts, even the whole fog space has been split.

["kill nightmare King (extraordinary first level, quasi leader),, experience: 10498, merit: 807, rare merit: 30!" 】

then, Ji Ye has a kill hint in her head.

Even, from this, we got an extraordinary level of quasi leader's soul of civilization!

"There's some meaning..."

And from the "misty space" out of the eyes after Ji ye, looking at the hands of the "corner of nightmare" mouth whispered tunnel.

After a little thought, Ji Ye continued to open the "fusion".

However, this time, it is not a single fusion, but a fusion of the broken "nightmare horn" and the "fire Trident" from the ring of void!


With the silver light on the two treasures with extraordinary power, you can hear something burning on the corner of nightmare.

Even some gray fog rushed out, but in the silver light of fusion, it was compressed in again and became the material of this round of fusion.

It took hours for the silver glow of the treasure to dissipate.

Emerging in front of Ji ye, the black Trident has a dark red flame. Its shape has changed little compared with the original, but it has changed a lot in terms of attributes.

[nightmare · karma fire halberd]

level: extraordinary second level

grade: perfect · rare

Description: from a nightmare soul and horn that has initially entered the extraordinary level, karma fire Trident is also a weapon formed by the fusion of unknown forces. It has three magical powers: "falling", "summoning nightmare", "dominating dream" and "karma fire burning" !

It's another extraordinary second-order weapon.

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There is no doubt that the power of this weapon is not under the "hundred dragon soul sword", and even beyond it in some aspects.

After all, this is the same "perfect" quality as the finishing touch.

And its attribute, the first "fall" against unicorns, can rely on the "power of nightmare" to turn those unicorns into "nightmare". Although there will not be much change in the level, but the attribute is changed from "lightning · light" to "fire · dark"!

The second "summon nightmare" is to summon a semi substantial "nightmare king" to help fight with this "nightmare · fire halberd".

In contrast, the third "dream master" is the real transcendental category, which can be used to invade other people's dreams and peep into other people's subconscious world.

Jiye inspired this ability.

Some curious in the dream of the whole Longcheng personnel shuttle, but also really found a lot of small secrets!

"Xiao Jie, you are really promising!"

"Ah Jie, you won the honor for our Hengjiang No.2 Middle School!"

"Brother Jie, I was not sensible at the beginning. I dare to rob my sister-in-law with you. It's a million dollars. Don't worry about me."

"Ah Jie, the general manager came to you personally and wanted to talk about the cooperation with you..."

For example, some new players dream of returning to the earth, enjoying all kinds of flattery in front of relatives, friends, superiors and passers-by.

"Zhou Yu is mine, Yan Qing is mine, Hua Rong and Zhao Yun are mine My, my... "There are female players lying in bed sleeping, mouth watering.

In her dream, Zhao Yun, who is in silver armour and white horse, Yan Qing, who is embroidered with flowers all over her body, Hua Rong, who is in sword eyebrow star, and Ru Guan, who is in white, are all around her, all kinds of concave shapes!

Of course, as the head of a city, and is not inferior to the appeal of several handsome brother.

Ji night himself, also appeared in some players' dreams.

For example, a core female player who appears to be very cold in her daily life, wearing glasses and a picture of strangers not allowed to enter, the content of her dream is to "fall in love at first sight" in the palace Lord's mansion, and put on a palace fight drama with her imaginary rivals. After the failure of the palace fight, she went into the cold palace for ten years and felt sorry for herself.

"Your majesty

After finally meeting him, the expression suddenly appeared full of surprise, a pair of eyes is full of tiger and wolf color.

It is the whole Ji night very embarrassed, wear dream "escape"!

However, there is no idea of making mistakes right. After all, "nightmare" is also a widely spread creature on the earth. If it comes out of chaos, there will be problems.


As it happens, Ji Ye just broke into the dream of a monster similar to brother Pingtou, which is located in the peripheral area of Longcheng. The master of the dream, who is also in the dream and lies on a brother Pingtou, is scared to shiver.

Then he bared his teeth and roared at an uninvited guest.

However, this flat headed brother didn't get close to Ji ye at all. He had been directly burned to ashes by the "fire of industry" flying out of nightmare's head at his feet!

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At the same time, the badger creature in reality, which has five stages of metamorphosis, is paralyzed, but on the surface of its body, it is not hurt at all.

Even, it can control its body movement after injecting soul with "hundred dragon soul sword"!

This kind of picture is obviously a little familiar.

"I guess what kind of means these mists used to destroy the unicorn people who have the ability to fly and heal!"

Ji night's facial expression has a little dignified slightly.

"Lord, all of a sudden, the fog is tumbling, and there is an area in the middle, which seems to be on fire."

In particular, when Ji Ye completely integrated and left the "treasure house", she immediately received the information from the people guarding near the "fog" from the "Skynet" channel.

"Did the fog move towards us?"

"It's not. Instead, it's moving away from us, and the concentration seems to be getting dimmer!"

"Well, that's OK. Keep watch and watch closely

Then, Ji ye will increase the number of people who used to defend the "fog" line to a full 1000, and arrange Li Chun and Zhu Wu, who have mastered the strength of "Fengshui array" and are about to break through the extraordinary, to guard.

"Everyone, all drink the" Ganlu Xingshen soup "provided by commander an. No one can sleep during the defense period!"

And, strictly ordered.

In addition, he secretly handed the supernatural civilization soul to Su nongying, who stayed at the stronghold, and ordered him to say a few words.

After that, Ji Ye got up and went to a new underground military industrial base in the radiation area.


"Are you ready?"

Ji Ye nodded to a pile of scientific researchers in protective clothing and several heavy metal boxes with yellow clover logo beside them.

"Well, thanks to the structural drawing of your Liugen Qingjing bullet, it gives us the idea of miniaturization. Otherwise, it's really difficult to fully achieve the requirements! "

He Lao's face was covered with blood, looking a little tired.

However, because of the abundant nectar and stone milk in Longcheng, he is now in his 50s or 60s, but there is no big problem.

"This time, let the alien race also see the real" extraordinary power "that belongs to us on earth!"

But a university specialized for the nuclear engineering player, the facial expression is quite some excited tunnel.

"Yes, we should also let foreign people see what it means to have a peaceful world all of a sudden!"

Ji ye also smiles on her face.

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