Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 488: 488

However, Ji ye did not rush to exchange.

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Because, in these days, something happened.

There is a beta player who has died three times in the land of inheritance.

After a full 100 days of waiting time, the fourth time I entered the inheritance place, I found that it took 10 rare meritorious points to enter!

The problem is that before he died for the third time, he exchanged all his rare merits before the stronghold was completely destroyed.

This means that he has no way to enter the land of inheritance, equivalent to losing the qualification of "player".

It's obvious that the saying "nothing more than three" is also applicable to some extent in the place of inheritance.

Moreover, according to the rules of the place of inheritance, the fifth time may cost 100 or even 1000 points of rare merit.

Also because of this reason, the players' crazy use of rare meritorious deeds to exchange for inheritable things to compete for the market on the earth and earn commercial money benefits has been poured a basin of cold water.

After all, it is more difficult to obtain rare merit than experience and merit.

Some of the more ordinary players, perhaps up to now, have not gathered enough ten points.

Although it is not difficult for elite players to gather 10 points, they may not have the balance of 10 points because of consumption.

"There are three more opportunities for me. It's not too rare and I don't have enough merit. But intuition tells me that this rare merit should have other hidden abilities! "

Ji ye made up her mind.

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Then, he began to focus on the harvest of the war.

First of all, similar to the previous nocturnal journey of a hundred ghosts by the yakha clan, after being destroyed in the fog, a special quality item, a skill ball with a trace of silver light, was also revealed.

[misty dream classic]

rank: special

rank: perfect · rare

Description: after studying the abilities of the misty people, the Terrans acquire the cultivation methods, which can refine their consciousness and enable people to walk and fight in their dreams. With the "mist beads" formed by the mist clan after their death, they are more able to pull their sense of purpose into their dreams!

"Dream" training skills!

This is quite valuable, because as the spoils of destroying alien strongholds, the whole stronghold personnel can learn this skill without restriction.

Once mastered, you can have the ability to fight in your dreams.

Most importantly, with some external conditions, we can even pull all the enemies into the "dream" battlefield like the fog clan.

This means that dragon city can train a "dream arms" to kill enemies through dreams.

In this way, it can reduce the damage to the environment of the stronghold in the battle, and it can also include more complete booty including alien bodies.

In particular, in addition to the "misty dream Sutra", the misty clan also revealed another trophy of the same "special" quality.

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[fog core]

level: special

Description: the core of the fog clan only exists in dreams and cannot be approached and destroyed in a conventional way. After the transformation of the stronghold core of human civilization, you can build a sub stronghold with this core, and the sub stronghold will also have this function!


Ji Ye's eyes suddenly brightened.

Before, Longcheng has determined to establish the first branch in Guobei County, but this new booty has changed Ji Ye's mind.

To be honest, it is not the best choice to set up a branch in Guobei county.

In fact, Guobei county is a little far away from Longcheng. The straight-line distance alone is close to 100 Li, not to mention all kinds of obstacles and monsters in the middle. Even some players and aboriginal elites who have practiced the Shenju Zi Maling's "Shenxing Fa" need no more than an hour to get there!

Once there is a battle, reinforcement can not be carried out in a timely manner.

Previously, Guobei county was chosen as a stronghold, mainly to attract the attention of the yecha people and the Huangjin army.

Now that the yecha clan has been destroyed, all the Scouts of the yellow scarf army have died in lanruo temple, and their original strategic position has suddenly weakened.

In contrast, it is obviously a better choice to build a "dream stronghold" with this "fog core". After all, this thing is so special that it can be called a "rare" existence in the core of the stronghold.

It is difficult to destroy a stronghold hidden in the "dream" that only consciousness can enter.

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After the "dream stronghold" was built, two sub strongholds were set up with the location of yecha nationality stronghold and Guobei County as horns, forming a balance with Longcheng.

On this basis, it will expand around and carry out a new round of "legendary road" mission.

Ji Ye has a clear mind.

Judging from the previous two rounds of missions, although the "legendary road" did not specifically mention the time limit, the sooner it started, the better.Since the task requires "to subdue all ethnic groups and spread the reputation of" dragon city "throughout the mainland", the simplest and most direct way is to destroy all the alien strongholds that are unwilling to "surrender"!

Of course, it's not easy.

Because to achieve this, it means that "dragon city" has to be the enemy of hundreds of alien strongholds on the whole land.

Even in the face of the yakha clan and the mist clan, the battle in Longcheng is very easy, showing a state of almost crushing!

But if you want to "fight against a hundred with one", the difficulty is absolutely amazing.

Fortunately, the "dragon city" is not fighting alone. The whole mainland is dominated by human civilization, such as Guobei county and Huangjin army.

Although most of these people are "villains", just like the villains who dared to take advantage of the "promotion assessment" against Longcheng before, when facing the alien race, a race will definitely tend to "fight the outside first and then settle the inside"!

Compared to the villains, of course.

Outstanding people, especially outstanding people, are the key to enhance the strength of Longcheng.

"A total of 16" misty crystals "have reached a special level. Among them, 13 have the attribute of sacrifice, the worst quality are excellent, and there are three excellent and one perfect."

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Sensing the attribute of the spoils burst out by the giant "misty creature", Ji Ye's face is full of expectation.

That is to say, Longcheng will welcome more than ten "extraordinary talents" at one time!

Moreover, because these heroes are sacrificed by "fog crystal", once they are introduced, they will have the combat ability of "dream", which can greatly increase the strength of "dream" sub stronghold!

"Lord, the Lord has come out!"

After destroying the core of the miaowzu stronghold, they left the dream and returned to Longcheng.

And the battle outside is also over.

"What about the casualties?"

"Three hundred and twenty-seven injured and twenty-three killed!"

Su nongying, who has a population book, can get accurate and detailed data at the first time.

In the case of knowing that the core of the stronghold could not be protected, the mist clan controlled a large number of "puppet" creatures, adopted the way of suicide attack, barely broke through the "Fengshui formation" in which Longcheng was not the strongest state, causing hundreds of casualties.

But that's all.

With Li Chunfeng, the master of "huntian seismograph" and Li Guang, who has reached the extraordinary level, these puppet creatures, who lack real intelligence, have not been able to turn out too much trouble. Instead, they have all become the "spoils" of Longcheng.

The harvest of this war is no less than the yecha stronghold with a large number of "extraordinary treasures"!

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