Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 489: 489

Longcheng, the northern sea area.

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The distance was foggy and the near was sparkling, reflecting the sky and the sun on the sea.

Three people, in a triangular state, stand separately.

A silver armor ice gun, the hair on the crotch emits a little light of the demon white horse, and the frozen air at the foot forms an ice layer on the sea.

It's Zhao Yun.

On the other hand, a pair of gold wings are suspended above the sea, and the whole person exudes a sense of dignity and sharpness.

It's Li Guang.

"You two, come on!"

And in two people opposite, Ji night is directly step on the sea water and stand, to two people suddenly nod.

"Yes, good!"

Two drinks.

Then Zhao Yun's jade lion turned into a white rainbow, breaking through the sea and coming straight to Ji Ye.

However, before one person and one horse arrived, the sea water aroused by the super-high speed of the commander-in-chief fighting horse, which has reached the Ninth level of moufan, has been transformed into an ice gun with a length of tens of feet, pointing straight at Jiye on the sea.


In the face of this blow, Ji ye did not move at all.

The light of the "ring of void" on my hand flashed, and a black Trident burning with fire appeared!


Hold the halberd in one hand and wave it.

All of a sudden, the flame above rose against the wind and condensed into a nightmare with a head more than ten feet long and a purple soul flame on all four hooves.

Eyes in the fire, face the huge ice gun!

Industry fire halberd · summon nightmare!


The ice and fire forces belonging to the extraordinary level collide with each other.

All of a sudden, the whole sea surface was tumbling, and hundreds of meters were covered by the white fog generated by the surging sea water and ice fire.

"That's great."

"Is this the power of the transcendental level?"

On a mirage a few kilometers away.

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Some new players who watch the battle from a long distance are all excited and surprised in the face of this attack.

At this time, ten days have passed since the settlement of the yecha clan and the mist clan.

Just yesterday, as the first special talent to come to Longcheng, Zhao Yun successfully promoted to "extraordinary" and became the fifth existence with real extraordinary combat effectiveness in Longcheng.

Today, Ji ye, who has been closed for ten days, has also "gone out" to compete with Zhao Yun on the sea!

This is what Ji Ye has been looking forward to for a long time.

Because of the existence of fusion talent, his own strength has been improved even faster than the talent.

This time, because of the consumption of a large number of spoils gained by defeating the mist clan and the yakha clan, they have touched the edge of "extraordinary second level". Many of the outstanding people in Longcheng are not his opponents.

But Zhao Yun is different. Although he has just been promoted, his talent of "gentian power" makes him completely able to fight against Ji Ye head-on.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

On the sea, the giant ice gun and the flame nightmare are both annihilated.

But Zhao Yun's offensive continued.

In the hands of a snow gun shrouded in the "power of the gentian" white light, into the sky of gun shadow, shop tiangai location to Jiye!

At the same time, the white fog in the air also atomized again in the offensive, condensed into hundreds of white ice spears, and blocked all the retreats of Ji Ye.


And with the ice and snow gun finally shot out.

The gun awn all over the sky, more indistinctly combined into a "ice fog dragon" to be surrounded by Ji ye one swallow.

"Well, come on!"

In the face of this powerful blow, Ji Ye's eyes are bright.

Then, a pair of light wings formed by the real golden light suddenly appeared behind.

On this pair of gold wings, each feather is a sword or sharp knife shrouded in the golden light!

Together, the intensity of the light is more like a small sun.

[sun sword wing]

level: extraordinary first level

grade: excellent

Description: with the combination of one yakha '. Has a very amazing speed and excellent sharpness, and can combine the power of light, super strike.

"Qiang, Qiang, Qiang!"

Hundreds of golden swords collided with hundreds of ice guns in the air.

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All of a sudden, the ice and snow broken dragon splashed, and the sun sword was shining everywhere!

"Ah, my eyes."

Some of the players watching from afar have blood stains in the corner of their eyes.

Because the extraordinary attribute of this pair of "sword wings of the sun" is given by Ji Yexin's talent of "refining treasure" inherited from the female Yasha king. It can integrate the power of "sword wings" into the light, which also means that every light in the collision contains destructive power, some of which are similar to the strong light of nuclear bomb explosion.The result of this extraordinary level strike is that the "sun" melts the "ice fog dragon".

After all, Zhao Yun has just completed the breakthrough, and Ji Ye has now reached the level of extraordinary second level.

But in this competition, Ji Ye's opponent is not only Zhao Yun.

"Lord, be careful!"

While Zhao Yun and the lion charge on the sea, Li Guang's "Yasha · Ming Wang Jia" is also brilliant.

A large number of gathered in their arms above, volley a pull, forming a substantial golden giant arrow.

With a reminder, shrouded in a layer of red light, straight to Jiye!


The speed of this attack can be said to be extremely fast, far exceeding the conventional bullets and even shells.

Almost at the beginning of Li Guang's voice, the golden arrow appeared in front of Ji ye, and then it penetrated through her forehead in the red light, which represented the power of "invincible" talent!



On the mirage, someone exclaimed.

However, the cry of surprise still did not fall, and the color of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Because, pierced Ji night forehead "golden arrow", by another Ji night suddenly appeared a grasp in the hand.

[distracting and transforming shadow]

rank: extraordinary

rank: excellent

note: it is a secret method that combines the separation skill of the yakha clan with the method of the thousand year old tree demon "demon transforming thousand bodies" and part of the power of mirage dragon ball. It is not only able to split the body, but also to divide the "divine consciousness" and use it with one mind.

This is the second product of the extraordinary level that Ji Ye closed the pass for ten days.

As an extraordinary skill, the most powerful part of this move is that the separation is not entirely "virtual". It can not only display its own skills, but also deal with some things independently!

"Leader Li's arrow can really pierce the cloud crack mountain, which is enough to threaten the extraordinary second level or even higher existence..."

Ji night mouth in praise of a sentence.

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Although he weakened Li Guangjian's "natural red light" through his separation, and then covered it with "dragon Qi" and "dragon scale", he caught the arrow with his right hand.

But you can see that the palm of the hand that received the arrow still exuded red blood.

As one of the most famous bow generals in history, Li Guang is really strong in talent and ability. Even if there is a real extraordinary level 2 or even an extraordinary level 3, if he hits the key with his arrow, he will be defeated!

"But it's still blocked by the Lord."

"But, Lord, I can't easily block my sword next!"

Li Guang on the opposite side smiles.

Then the bow and arrow disappeared.


Behind the "yecha Ming Wang Jia" a shock, suddenly a shape, the essence of the golden knife gas toward the direction of Ji night.

Skill name, [Yasha Tianyue Dao].

It was the spoils that Li Guang had won by defeating the extraordinary king of the yecha clan.

The name sounds overbearing, and the power is really good.

The most powerful thing is that the sabre Qi released by the golden wings of the Yaksha clan can change its trajectory in the air under the control of the releaser's mind.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to resist.

In the face of this blow, Ji Ye smiles.

However, he raised the golden arrow in his hand.


The golden arrow trembled in his palm and quickly absorbed the blood on it.

Then, with a dragon chant, it turned into a mini dragon about three feet long, turned into a golden rainbow, and rushed to the opposite Dao Qi!

"Golden knife Qi" can change direction, and this "Golden Dragon" can also change direction.

[finishing touch to turn dragon]

level: extraordinary (upper limit: Level 5)

grade: perfect · rare

Description: with the "finishing touch" pen and the "blood of real dragon", you can obtain a very rare magic power.

This is Ji Ye's first excellent skill that she tried to integrate the "legendary blood" and "finishing touch" in her body!

Compared with the original "finishing touch dragon brush", the effect is more powerful.

Because the ordered items not only have their own combat power, but also can gain some real dragon power.

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Moreover, not only can he enlighten in a short time, but according to the information Ji Ye got at the time of fusion, if he is willing to "legendary true blood", he can even permanently enlighten his own life conscious target objects!

Of course, the legendary blood in his body has been consumed in the process of fusion.

But it doesn't matter, because in the interior of Longfeng, there is still a whole frozen "real dragon heart"."Boom!"

"Dao Qi" and "Xiao Long" collided with each other over the sea. It was another loud noise!

"Oh, my ears!"

"I'm done. I can't see my eyes, and I hurt my ears. Is it so terrible to fight at an extraordinary level?"

On the mirage dragon battle ship, blood oozed from someone's ears.

The battle between the super strong, the scope of the spread is already in the unit, where the level of existence, even the light is the afterwave can not withstand.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

And then, Ji ye and Zhao Yun and Li Guang exchanged views for more than ten minutes.

I have verified the harvest of closing the door one by one in these ten days, and I have the feeling of breaking through the extraordinary second level in my heart.

"The transformation of the city master's stronghold core has been completed!"

At this time, Su nongying's voice came from Skynet.


So the three stopped fighting.

Ji night body appeared a layer of golden light, shrouded in the body.

Then, it turned into a golden rainbow and shot in the direction of Longcheng.

It is worth mentioning that in the process of integrating "the wings of the sun", Ji ye once again realized a thirty-six magic power of Tiangang - [vertical golden light].

By covering the surface of one's body with the power of gold, one can turn it into a golden light and travel at high speed.

However, it is the same as the previous "shrinking the land into an inch".

Because "Tiangang five thunder Dharma" is only a skill at ordinary level, it is not really a skill at extraordinary level.

Otherwise, maybe you can really turn your body into "light", and the speed will be extremely fast!

"I hope that the next ten outstanding people will be able to be introduced to a Taoist who is familiar with the changes of Tiangang and Disha."

The golden light on the body dissipates, and Ji ye, who appears in the mansion of the Lord of dragon city, has some thoughts in her heart.

Of course, one more thing needs to be done before that.

It is to build the first branch of Longcheng by making use of the "core of mist clan stronghold" which has been transformed by Shuanglong.

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