Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 500: 500

In the middle of Guobei County, the core of the sub stronghold is surrounded by the power of qi movement.

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A Taoist altar with hanging portraits and burning incense candles has long been in place.

"Three times in front of the disciples' altar, please Bless the emperor of zhenzhai, master Zhong Kui is coming

Jiushu, who is holding a magic weapon made of Millennium peach wood in his hand and painted with purple gold "please magic talisman" on his body, has completed all the steps.


After a purple and gold lightning burst, the ninth uncle on the edge of the altar had changed his shape.

The thick one character eyebrow turns into the murderous inverted knife eyebrow similar to Yan Chixia's, and the thin body also becomes burly, with iron face, curly temples and leopard head with eyes, which is exactly the image of Zhong Kui, the legendary "Heavenly Master".

As the original veteran of Longcheng, Jiushu, like Lu Zhishen, has broken through to the extraordinary level.

And his talent also has a certain change, now please God does not need others as a "carrier", can directly "God" to his own body.

"Hell king? How dare you disturb the world

After the arrival of Zhong Kui, seeing the "black mountain old demon" in the sky, the leopard's eyes stare.


Mouth a roar, suddenly strong wind.

A strong attraction made the souls on the ground, who were flying towards the old black mountain demon, change their direction and fly to Zhong Kui's mouth as big as a washbasin.

Master Zhong Kui is good at eating ghosts!

Jinwu and Zhongkui belong to the category of nemesis for ghosts.

Now Shuangshuang appears on the battlefield, which immediately limits the souls who fly towards the black mountain old Demon Under the puppet curse.

Stop the black mountain old demon to break through the level step by step.

However, it can only be stopped for a while.

Because, like Zhou Yu, Jiu Shu devoted a lot of energy to "logistics and research", resulting in his strength only surpassing one level.

It means that neither Jinwu nor Zhongkui can last for ten seconds.

But ten seconds is enough.


At this time, a loud roar of the dragon, has emerged in the early morning of a glimmer of white light in the sky.

A semi substantial golden dragon was flying towards Guobei county with a golden chariot in the air. It was very fast. Ten seconds later, it had reached the periphery of Guobei county.

"Bang, bang!"

Then, only two weapons sounded.

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Two weapons rushed out of the carriage of the golden chariot pulled by the Dragon at the same time.

One is black, with several dragon spirits intertwined inside, and a sabre with runic chains on its handle; the other is a trident shaped halberd with a nightmare relief and a purple flame!

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Two all exude a strong level of extraordinary atmosphere, pointing directly at the black mountain old demon who is absorbing the soul to recover.

"It's the Lord of the city!"

"The Lord of the city has gone out of the pass. Has he been promoted to the third level?"

In the core of the stronghold, the Dragon City players, who were already in a little uneasy mood, were surprised and seemed to find the backbone.

In the air, around the old black mountain demon's body, there are those weapons that can burn steel to ashes, whose width is comparable to the blue ghost flame of a lake. Facing these two weapons, they all emit strong soul power.

For the first time, I didn't have much blocking ability, and I was broken through at one stroke!

"Bang, bang!"

Even gathered on the surface of "black mountain old demon", the "soul battle armor" that other dragon city heroes can't break through.

Under these two weapons, they no longer have absolute defensive power and are continuously penetrated.

"Stop for me!"

However, the old black mountain demon has recovered most of its strength after all.

The movement of the "eight armed ghost king"'s arm is to hold the body before it is cut off by two weapons again.

Even the color of violence flashed through the red eyes the size of a lantern, and eight arms tried to break it at the same time.


However, "ghost arm" to hold in the hands of the long black knife, suddenly issued a heart shaking dragon roar.

Following the sound of the sword, the finger with sharp nails of the eight armed ghost king was cut off, and a black dragon spirit came out of the sword, twined and locked one arm of the eight armed ghost king.

It is Ji Ye's most powerful weapon, the hundred dragon spirit, which is composed of five extraordinary things!

"Roar, roar..."

And since it is named "Bai", there is not only a dragon soul in this sword.

In fact, following the continuous shaking of the sabre, seven similar dragon spirits were drilled out of the sabre, which completely locked the other arms of the "eight armed ghost king".


Then it didn't end. The Rune of the black chain on the handle lit up. Before it didn't react enough, it tied up the head, legs and other parts. It also produced a strong pulling force with the eight headed dragon spirit. It moved the blade tip of "hundred Dragon Spirit" forward and penetrated into the body of the black mountain old demon!"Woo

Black mountain old demon condensed into the "eight armed ghost king" in the mouth of the angry roar, suddenly burst out a powerful body.

With the eight arms waving, the body of the eight dragon spirits was almost torn apart, and the cyan "ghost flame" attached to the body turned into a more terrible purple, which caused the "soul chain" to melt.

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You know, a hundred dragon spirits are composed of "soul mask", "soul chopping sword" and "soul enchanting chain".

Any one of them has a strong suppressive effect on the soul creatures. The combination of the three and the manipulation of Jiye can't completely lock the old black mountain demon.

However, the hundred dragon soul itself is not Ji Ye's trump card.

For the black mountain old demon, another weapon is the assassin's mace!

At the same time when the Dragon Spirit rushed out of the sword, the halberd burning with flame also transformed into a super "nightmare king" with more than ten feet, three sharp horns of flame on his head, and flames on his four hooves. A purple black flame was burning in his eyes, which seemed to have life, and he rushed to the blackness that was temporarily locked On the old mountain demon.

Yehuo, Trident!


The whole body was bound, and the body was pierced by the blade. It was just the furious black mountain old demon, shaking the whole battlefield. Fear appeared for the first time in the voice.

Because he was born in "hell ghost king" and had some enmity with "dizang king", his understanding of "yehuo", which belongs to Buddhism legend, is far better than that of other villains.

You should know that the lethality of Hellfire cannot be calculated by common sense, because the more karma you have, the more lethality you will have.

Whether it is to kill tens of thousands of yellow scarf soldiers and refine them into zombies or enslave tens of thousands of soldiers who died in the war to become ghost soldiers, the black mountain old demon is infected with a lot of cause and effect.

As a result, as soon as the fire from nightmare came into contact with the body made up of the spirit of the black mountain old demon, it immediately became as if it had been contaminated with gasoline, and directly exploded, covering half the body of the "eight armed ghost king" in one fell swoop.


The old black mountain demon made a quick decision.

Decisively, he gave up the part of his soul that had been infected with the fire of the industry, and turned all his bodies into "black Qi", so as to get rid of the blockade of "hundred dragon spirits" and try to escape back to Heishan.

After all, at this time, the strongest radiation period after the nuclear explosion in heishanli has passed, and it can once again run away (heishanli), or directly flatten the whole Guobei county.

However, the reaction of the old black mountain demon is really fast, but some people are faster than it.


He had already flown to the golden chariot over Guobei county and rushed out a weapon again.

A transparent flying sword, which looks completely made of ice, turns into an ice rainbow in the air and bumps into the black mountain old demon, whose body size has shrunk a lot.

Immediately after that, it released the ice sealing force as good as that of the ice dragon gun of the previous millennium, and it was completely frozen.


Although the black mountain old demon roared, forced to burn his soul power, released a large number of purple flames, the fastest way to resolve the "Millennium ice dragon sword" power.

But the body movement speed is also inevitably delayed a lot.

And the dragon city a group of people, at this time is obviously to see the intention of its escape.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

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"Shura Dao!"

"Heaven and earth are limitless, heaven and earth borrow the law!"

Dao Qi, Jian Mang, fo Li, missile, power

A lot of extraordinary heroes, a large number of unreserved attacks fell on the black mountain old demon, even the extraordinary third level "ghost king" can no longer survive.

["kill the black mountain old Demon (extraordinary third level leader), gain experience: 30480, merit: 5398, rare merit: 128!" 】

in the golden chariot, Ji Ye senses the information in her head.

Tens of thousands of experience points and more than 5000 merit points are not the biggest gains.

In the air, after the death of the black mountain old demon, the power of those souls who have no master scattered around is of greater significance to Ji Ye.

"On, on, on..."

The eight headed dragon spirits are moving wildly in the dead position of the black mountain old demon, robbing and devouring the power of these ownerless souls.

Because the dragon soul itself is a combination of "soul mask, totem wolf skin", which has the conditions to absorb the power of soul. After absorbing these forces, the color of the whole blade becomes more profound, and more than a dozen new "dragon souls" are gathered at one stroke!

The most important thing is that it seems to break through a certain limit, and the light sound of "hundred dragon soul" even promoted to become an extraordinary third-order excellent weapon.

In addition, after the death of the black mountain old demon, there are still several booty left.

One of them is made of gold, not gold, and jade, not jade. The fist size is similar to the reduced version of "Heishan" items, but also exudes a very bright silver light."Wow!"

As soon as the old black mountain demon dies, those ghost soldiers on the ground and the yellow scarf zombies will be liberated from the "soul sucking" state.

Later, because Junlong had no head, it became chaotic. Some destroyed the surrounding environment crazily, while others continued to attack Guobei county.

Others are trying to escape the battlefield.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Even, there are two extra powerful ghost generals, who should have been close to the extraordinary level, turned into two black winds and left a reduced version of "Black Mountain" towards the death of the old black mountain demon, which seems to want to take it away.

However, the gold chariots pulled by Jiaolong move much faster than they do.


Out of the carriage, Ji Ye didn't even do it herself.

Just after the "Sun sword wing" was shocked, dozens of golden awns shot from it penetrated the body and soul of these two ghosts. Even the copper armor corpse, which could resist the "sentry gun" bombardment, was as vulnerable as tofu under the "Sun sword wing".

At this time, Ji Ye's breath is already extraordinary level 3, which is not inferior to the black mountain old demon.


Ji night hand a stretch.

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The "hundred dragon soul" in the air changed back to the shape of the sword and returned to his hands. At the same time, he brought back the fist sized miniature "Black Mountain" entangled by the enchanting chain!

[Heishan stone]

level: extraordinary third level

grade: excellent · rare

Description: the demon heart of Heishan old demon can manipulate its demon body, Heishan, and has other uses!

"Manipulating Black Hills?"

Ji night heart move, will consciousness into it.

All of a sudden, I felt my mental power spread to the whole mountain.

Every plant and tree, every flower and stone, even every ghost above will be in their own induction.

He felt that he could control the movement of the whole "Heishan" through the black rock. Such a huge mountain, even if it has no other use, is definitely a very powerful "heavy weapon".

What's more, when his mental power sweeps by, those ghost soldiers and zombie yellow scarves who are fighting or running away will all stagnate.

"Well? Do you mean Stop fighting

Ji Ye's heart moves.

Immediately, the order of "stop fighting" was passed through the spiritual power.

"Pa ~"

and tens of thousands of ghost soldiers and zombie yellow scarves who are fighting really stop all of a sudden, even kneel to the ground in his direction.

Just because there are "puppet marks" of black mountain old demons in the bodies of these ghost soldiers and zombie yellow scarves, they are naturally controlled by this "demon heart".

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that Ji Yeh found that the whole black mountain is actually a huge "training base" through perception.

Similar to the "soul clan" stronghold, you can throw the corpses of all kinds of creatures into it and refine them into two kinds of special arms, which focus on soul "Yin Soldier creature" or body "Zombie creature".

And these arms are also manipulated by "Heishan stone".

And with the more soul power absorbed, the more "Yin soldiers and ghost generals" that can be refined, and the whole black mountain will become more powerful.

It can be said that this "heavy weapon" also has a very good potential, even if there is no other income, this war is also a harvest for Longcheng.

Let alone this "black mountain stone".

The black mountain old demon also revealed a perfect and extraordinary sacrifice called "ghost burning crystal", that is, the extraordinary ghost flame that can burn the city wall to ashes.

In addition, Zhang Yan, the king of Jinjia corpse, is also famous as the outstanding sacrifice of "Heifeng crystal".

You just need to cooperate with some of the remnant spirits of civilization in the previous Miaoyu and yecha strongholds, and then you can lead to the two heroes again.

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