Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 501: 501

"Hoo, fortunately, the boss solved the old black mountain demon. Otherwise, maybe I will be buried with you! "

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Outside Guobei County, lanruo temple.

Brother Chong threw a spear with a large number of yellow seal characters into the ground.

Then, covering the blood hole on his chest, he leaned against the stone tablet engraved with lanruo temple and gasped.

This magic weapon is made by Jiu Shu himself. It's very effective to kill ghosts. Combined with his fighting power, which has reached the peak of the ninth stage, the number of yellow scarf army zombies that he solved last night is close to 100.

However, in this "lanruo Temple", which is the only one outside Guobei county and is mainly attacked by the black mountain old demon forces, the main fighting force does not belong to him.

It's the "Millennium tree demon" behind him, which is so huge that it covers the whole lanruo temple. On the black branches and bloody vines, there are a large number of pieces of zombies of the yellow scarf army.

To be exact, it should be "Millennium tree demon · blood"!

It is quite similar to the old black mountain demon who suffered the attack of yehuo. The Millennium tree demon also left its own "demon body" after its death.

Because of the "homology", the blood spirit demon vine "blood", as a contract creature of Jiye, has been successfully integrated into this "extraordinary" tree body.

Also indirectly broke through to the extraordinary level, at the same time mastered some special powers belonging to the Millennium tree demon.

For example


In the distance, in the direction of the golden chariot, there was a crow.

Soon, a crow came from the sky and landed on the "Millennium tree demon" in the lanruo temple. Its legs became a branch and connected with the tree body.

[black crow Yin emissary]

rank: special

rank: excellent

note: This is a special communication prop refined by granny tree demon with the soul of black blood crow, which can quickly transmit information within a hundred miles!


time, move slightly forward.

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Longcheng, conference hall.

"I don't know what's going on in Guobei county now?"

"There should be no problem. The strength of the black mountain old demon should be at most three levels. The city master has already gone to the battlefield, so he should be able to win, but the casualties can't be determined..."

Although it is night, the whole dragon city is always bright.

Su longying, Meng Lao, security and other players, as well as Cao Cao and Li Chunfeng, were all present, waiting for news from Guobei county a hundred miles away.


At this time, there was a sharp sound. The base in the conference hall was made of pure silver metal, and the top half of the three rotating spires suddenly accelerated.

In addition, whenever you turn to a specific direction, a representative red warning indicator is on.

"It's a psychic detector. Hostile creatures from the north have entered our stronghold."

Safety suddenly stood up and looked at the direction of the red light.

"Mind detector!"

Opposite him, a red cape, gold and black armor, armed with a big beard, boss Cao, a pair of squinting eyes, quickly turned to the past.

After noticing the direction of the indicator, I was relieved for no reason.

"Isn't the north a sea area? Is it the sea people who come into China?"

But then he became more serious and reached out to open a three-dimensional projection map of Skynet.

As the only legendary hero in the whole stronghold, Cao Cao was left in the center of the dragon city when Ji Ye left.

Compared with the previous arrival, some thoughts in the boss's heart have been completely eliminated.

Not only because of the "soul detector", but also because in these days, he learned some things from the players. He knew that after his death, Cao Pi forced Emperor Xian to abdicate and usurped the Han Dynasty to build the Wei Dynasty. He also knew that the Sima family died and usurped the Wei Dynasty to build the Jin Dynasty

In a sense, boss Cao's mood is somewhat complicated.

Shame, sigh, disappointment It's also hard to avoid the resentment and anger of Sima family. It's estimated that the "Zhong Hu" will not be willing to come to Longcheng in the future.

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"Contact the" Water Ghost camp "immediately. I want to know what happened in the North!"

Meng Lao looked at the red dot on the map in the sky and said.

"The water army headquarters replied that all the patrol officers of the water ghost camp lost contact this evening!"

Safely pick up a notebook which is transformed from the stone of civilization and has "Skynet mark" on it. After a few maneuvers on it, some eyes stare and shake their heads.

"There's a big problem!"

That's what everybody thought in the chamber.

In the mainland environment formed after "competing for the best", Longcheng can be said to be "besieged on all sides".Guobei county (black mountain old demon, yellow napkin Army), yecha tribe and misty tribe occupy the East, West and south directions respectively, while the rest of the north is a kind of humanoid alien race similar to the legendary "mermaid, sea demon".

Because of the large-scale attack of the black mountain old demon, most of the senior fighters in Longcheng were transferred to Guobei County today.

It can be said that now is the weakest time for the defense of the whole dragon city.

Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, the whole management of Longcheng did not have any rest this evening. After all, when attacking the yakha clan, the "mist clan" took the opportunity to attack.

"So, this time, did the Hai people start?"

Like the yakha and the mist, the Hai people have the same strength. They are good at confusing with the sound wave containing spiritual attack, and the sea is the natural protection.

At the beginning, it was Zhou Yu who beat back the suspected "Hai clan" who came to detect the virtual reality of Longcheng.

However, the follow-up Longcheng did not further pursue this "sea tribe".

The main reason is that although Longcheng has a "water army", its scale is not large enough to deal with the alien strongholds on the land.

For some alien people living in the water and sea, the advantages are not obvious, and even the possibility of "disadvantages" can not be ruled out.

And even if it defeats the sea people, it is far less powerful than the other three directions. After all, human beings mainly live on the ground, and even if they occupy the sea, it is difficult to develop and defend.

Therefore, the Longcheng Navy took defensive measures. On weekdays, the "Water Ghost camp" conducted underwater patrol with the newly developed "Qianlong" submarine.

However, just in this short time, all the patrol personnel of the water ghost camp "lost contact"!

"According to the Navy headquarters, the total number of the missing warships, including four" QIANJIAO warships, "is more than 200."

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"Leader Li, can you detect the location of the water ghost camp?"

The lid of the celadon tea cup in Meng's hand kept turning, facing Li Chun's wind tunnel, who was holding a "book" in his hand.

"The huntian seismometer can monitor the vibration of the air and the ground in the sky, but it is not enough for the monitoring of the sea."

Li Chunfeng, standing in front of the "seismograph" placed by his companion in a corner of the hall, shakes his head.

This is not a loophole in Longcheng's defense.

Because of the existence of Ji ye, a strong "dragon blood", marine life is not a big threat.

But the problem is that Ji Ye is not in Longcheng now. She has gone to reinforce Guobei county.

"If it's really the Hai people, they should have noticed that the city leader left the city before, so they should take the opportunity to pull out the patrol Water Ghost camp first."

"In the next step, we may choose to attack the water stronghold, thoroughly solve our water war forces, and divide our land and sea."

Said boss Cao.

Like Zhou Yu, the boss is also quick to integrate into modern culture, although he is not good at water warfare.

However, he still has a voice in the current situation. After all, he had a deep understanding of the first World War in Chibi.

"Can you contact the Lord?"

Meng Lao is facing the safety road.

"No, there seems to be interference outside the Fengshui array, unable to connect the communication device of the city Lord."

Security manipulated the laptop and shook its head.

"When the city lord left, he left a messenger crow for me. In case of emergency, he can tell me through the crow, and the information in this room will not be intercepted."

Su nongying opens the code lock of a metal box beside him, takes out a branch wrapped with black gas, bites his finger and drops blood on it.


Soon, a red eyed Crow full of black air flew out and headed for Guobei county.

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And it's in the north, out of the range of the mind detector.

Hidden in the sea water at night, a pair of vertical blood red pupils, watching the black crow break away, showing some color of thinking!


Then, a pair of pupils gradually separated into two pairs.

After that, a translucent blue light rushed out of the sea and flew away with the black crow.

And in this pair of pupil's color, in the sea above has exposed a corner of the sun wave light, the sea appeared countless back and underwater shadow.

Dense, thousands, even more.


"It's an urgent message from Longcheng."

"Well, a hostile target intruded into our stronghold from the waters of the north, causing a violent reaction from the mind detector. Two hundred soldiers belonging to the" Water Ghost camp "and four submarines in charge of patrol lost contact."

In Guobei County, after reading the "letter" brought back by brother Chong, Ji ye, Zhou Yu and other commanders' faces also changed.After obtaining the background of "Red Alert", Longcheng's heavy weapon "mind detector" has two objects.

One is the core of the stronghold, and the other is Ji Ye himself.

The existence of hostility towards the core of the stronghold or itself will be detected once it is within the scope of the power of the dragon city.

Moreover, the more hostile the target is, the more intense the mind detector's response will be.

"Judging from the response intensity of heart detector We can be sure that the target has a very strong desire to attack us, and even belongs to the kind of heavy hatred However, in order to avoid fighting on all sides, I just forced back the two "Hai clan" spies before, but I didn't kill them. Normally, the Hai clan doesn't hate us so much? "

Zhou Yu gently shook the spark flashing feather fan in his hand, and his face was a little confused.

"Leave some people behind and clean up this place!"

"The rest of the people, especially those above the extraordinary level, all follow me and go back to Longcheng!"

But nearby Ji night seems to have thought of something, suddenly get up, look some dignified tunnel.

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