Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 503: 503


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Over Longcheng, there are torrential rains, thunder snakes surging, and black clouds pressing the city.

A blue dragon with a length of 200 Zhang rolled violently in the black clouds over the whole dragon city, entangled with a yellow dragon with a length of about 100 Zhang, biting each other!

Judging from the size of both sides, qingjiao should have the upper hand.

And that's exactly what happened.

"Human beings, do you think a" pseudo dragon "generated by the earth's atmosphere can stop me? How naive

With one claw, Huang Long's body was torn apart, which made his body a little dimmer. In the mouth of qingjiao, which was 200 Zhang long, there was a roaring sound. It was not human words, but a kind of spiritual fluctuation to convey the message!


And with the roar, the surrounding black clouds are surging violently, and the majestic lightning turns into silver tracks, densely covering the bottom.

In addition, a large number of water droplets were infected by the "Dragon Spirit" around the green dragon, which was covered with a layer of faint blue, and fell on the heads of some frightened people in the dragon city below.


To the east of Longcheng, above Yingfeng, a green dragon with a length of 100 Zhang emerges and roars.

A lot of thunder force was absorbed, fell uncontrollably in its direction, and was swallowed by its mouth.

However, the shape of "Qinglong" is also uncertain under the impact of lightning!


The western science and technology center, a white tiger nearly 100 feet high, seems more calm in the face of falling lightning.

Because, when the overwhelming thunder fell on it the moment before.

The "silver liquid pool" of the science and technology center below is bursting with brilliant blue light, which produces a force of attraction and leads away all the thunder and lightning shrouded in it.

Under the rule of the place of inheritance, even "supernatural powers" will be restrained by the same level of "extraordinary" technology.

However, in addition to the thunder, there are rainstorms.

The rainstorms that turned into "cyan" were so terrible that they fell on the "Huanglong" who was fighting with qingjiao and could corrode the scales of the latter.

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When it fell on the wall of the Dragon City, it was like hot oil pouring on the snow, corroding holes one by one. It can be imagined that it really fell on people, and there would be no resistance below the extraordinary level!

Fortunately, the "five geomantic array" is a total of five "divine beasts"!


South, above the devil volcano.

A rosefinch with a wingspan of 100 Zhang and a red reflection on half of the sky is singing. It vibrates the towering flames rolled up by a pair of fire wings and evaporates the falling blue rain in the air.

Even, a large number of flames turned into a small rosefinch in the air, trying to impact the dark clouds in the sky, but the sky was clear and sunny. Just swept by the tail of the green dragon, it burst into flames in the air!

Huanglong, Qinglong, Zhuque, Baihu.

The combination of the four "beasts" barely resisted the attack of the green dragon.

But that is not enough for the urgency of the situation.

Because, the source of the dragon city crisis is not just the qingjiao noumenon in the sky, which exudes the power of the third level or above!


Longcheng north.

Xuanwu, the last one of the five geomantic array.

At this time, the body shape is even bigger than the other "four beasts". The height is more than 100 Zhang, and the area on the ground is larger. The snake body wrapped on it is enough to compare with the other four beasts!

However, the opponent it faces is bigger than it!


In the north of Longcheng, where the mirage was originally located, the whole sea water hung upside down and rose to a height of 100 meters, whistling in the direction of Longcheng.

In the hanging sea water, there are human like upper bodies and faces, but there are colorful scales on the cheek. Under the colorful brocade clothes, there are not legs, but fish tail like creatures.

[shark man]

rank: moufan level 7

rank: quasi commander

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Description: it is said that the shark man lives like a fish in the water, and his eyes can shed pearls when he cries. It is also said that there are sea demons who are good at singing, and all the nationalities in the sea are easy to be enslaved!

Yes, shark!

This sea tribe is called the mackerel.

It is a kind of creature, similar to the metal group and the mist group, who is born with the power of exuviation.

At this time, in the sea water, the number of these "shark people" is more than 5000!

It is precisely by virtue of the ability of "controlling the current" that 5000 sharks exert together that the sea water can be raised to such a high level.

However, the five thousand Everyman are not all the "enemies".In the hands of these chimpanzees, there are many colorful ribbons refracting in the sun, and the end of the ribbon is connected with a sea monster of other races.

For example, the crocodile turtle, tiger shark, sepia, giant skin shrimp, Overlord jellyfish that Longcheng once killed Compared with those crocodile tortoise warships that were only about the size of Zhang Xu in Longcheng, none of these "crocodile tortoises" that were tethered by the "shark man" like a pet were below 10 meters in size, and all of them were above level 5!

Even the "gauze" in the hands of these "chimaeras" now binds the creatures, and there is no lack of transcendental level.

For example, one head is full of fiery red, with thick ground armor growing on its head. It is more than 500 meters in size, just like a small island super sea animal.

[dragon Kun]

rank: extraordinary second level

rank: Commander

Description: a creature with the blood of dragon and Kunpeng is almost invincible for the life below extraordinary!

I have never seen it with my own eyes. It's hard to imagine what 500 meters is?

You know, the largest aircraft carrier on earth is only over 300 meters, and even if the length of a creature is only increased by half, the total volume will be increased by three times!

With such a huge body, even if the "Kun" has poor fighting skills, it can easily destroy the target it wants to destroy.

In fact, in the mouth of this dragon Kun.

At this time, is carrying "a boat", a golden body, the length of about 50 meters of triple building ship.

Golden building ship, which was the spoils of the battle after Longcheng defeated Fang Lajun, can be regarded as a relatively powerful "heavy weapon" and belongs to the "sub flagship" of Longcheng water army.

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Such a ship with extraordinary significance was directly held in the mouth by this dragon Kun?

Just because, just now, the water army barracks in Longcheng had been directly knocked down by this huge dragon Kun, and the fleet almost disappeared.

Even the modern "steel warship" newly built in Longcheng has no fighting power in front of this huge dragon Kun!

The gap is too big.

Perhaps only on the extraordinary power, this dragon Kun just belongs to the "extraordinary second level".

But if you consider the power of the body, I'm afraid the extraordinary fourth or fifth order creatures may not be able to compare with it!

A dragon whale destroys a large number of defensive naval barracks. In addition to a dozen sea animals that are similar to long Kun and emit extraordinary breath, there are also five digit ecdysis level sea animals.

What level of combat effectiveness is it?

The whole dragon city, at present, does not even have so much combat power of moufan level.

Because before, although the strongholds of the yecha and the misty tribe were destroyed and a large number of moufan level spirits of civilization were obtained, there was no corresponding number of moufan level sacrifices.

After paying homage to the old black mountain demon, I now have enough sacrifices, but I don't have time to "sacrifice"!


The sea is still rising.

Obviously, the aim of the chimpanzees is to "flood the dragon city", just as many outstanding people in the dragon city worked together to submerge the "magma tribe" stronghold.

It's just that this time it's offensive and defensive. They've changed each other.

"It's absolutely not enough for the chimpanzees to break through the" town and city array "!"

In the city Lord's mansion, Meng Lao, who is watching the battlefield through Skynet, looks dignified.

It's just that it's not easy to stop the "shark"?

It's true that Longcheng has water army, and the number of water army is more than 3000.

Everyone is able to dive in the water for half a day at a time. They are even more familiar with water warfare than the land war masters!

However, compared with "terrestrial creatures", no matter how familiar human beings are with water, they can not be compared with those creatures born in the ocean.

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After all, the latter's advantage in body structure is unmatched by human beings.

In fact, after the water stronghold was broken, most of the water troops in Longcheng were torn up by some carnivorous sea animals and used as food before they could run away.

Among them, just before long Kun swallowed nearly 100 people in one gulp, including even two outstanding people of eight or nine ranks.


Long Kun uttered a huge roar in his mouth, biting the golden warship to pieces and swallowing it directly.


Then he swung like an island and hit Xuanwu heavily, making his body not inferior to it. However, the more virtual "Xuanwu" body suddenly vibrated violently, and even moved a short distance to the rear.

"It seems that we are about to reach the limit of the five elements geomantic array!"

In the Longcheng Lord's mansion, looking at the rising sea water, Su nongying's face changed.

"Can he come back in time?"In my heart, I felt some uncertainty for the first time.

The strength of the chimaera can be compared with that of Longcheng.

Moreover, because they carry a huge amount of sea water to attack, they are not at a disadvantage in the "terrain" like the general siegers.

Not to mention, there are countless huge "sea animals" directly hitting the "five elements Fengshui array" with their bodies.

That is to say, relying on the core of Longcheng stronghold to advance to the extraordinary third level, relying on the huge power of Qi transportation to transform into the power of geomantic omen, continuously injecting, plus the left behind fighters in Longcheng cooperated with each other to form a "military array", and cooperated with the "twenty eight star flag" left by the Liao army to share part of the strength, "Xuanwu" was able to resist such a huge amount of sea water .

But after all, it's just an "array", and there is an "upper limit" after all!

In particular, it's not just the chimpanzees that are under pressure.

The black clouds in the sky just above Longcheng are generated by qingjiao's magic power of "calling the wind and the rain", so that the use of the "huntian seismograph" to change the astronomical phenomena can only remove part of them, but can not completely change the weather.

After all, although huntian seismograph is a "heavy instrument", its own level is not too high.

As a result, the falling rainstorm falls into the sea water, and the growth rate of the sea water is faster, even reaching a higher level of any building except Longfeng.

It also means that once the "five geomantic array" is broken, the whole dragon city will be completely submerged by the sea.

In that case, even if a bunch of outstanding people in Longcheng return, they will not be able to save the situation.

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