Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 504: 504

"Hoo, you're so cruel

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After the water camp was destroyed, Ruan Xiaoer, who climbed on Xuanwu's back in blood, gasped and broke his elbow with the back of a knife. His left arm was bleeding wildly. He looked at the people who were catching up with him and scolded them.

For him, the destruction of the water army barracks in Longcheng is more than physical injury.

As Zhou Yu went to Guobei County, the whole Longcheng water army was under the command and responsibility of his stronghold elder.

It turned out to be a crushing defeat in the face of the attack by the chimpanzees, almost annihilating the whole army.

As the "first general" of the water army, company Ruan Xiaoqi, who has been promoted to an extraordinary level of strength, was separated after the destruction of the camp. In addition, Ruan Xiaowu, who had been leading the patrol of the "Water Ghost camp" before and then disappeared directly.

The two brothers are uncertain, which also leads to Ruan Xiaoer's extreme hatred for the "shark people"!

"Brothers, go back with me and take revenge for my dead brother!"

Therefore, after climbing on Xuanwu's back and taking a rest for a moment, and simply dealing with the broken arm, Ruan Xiaoer did not choose to retreat.

Instead, with his left hand, he lifted up a dark red sword with cracks on it, jumped on the head of the Xuanwu snake, and attacked a group of fierce beasts roaring from the sea.

Although, did not like some perfect grade outstanding person to break through to the extraordinary level.

However, as a member of the elder of Longcheng, Ruan Xiaoer now has the strength of the top nine. In the hand of

, the "hundred scalpel" is even after the dragon water army has killed an extraordinary level of "100 wing blood blade fish" before taking the best essence of its body, which can easily cut off the scales of the steel warship, and then use it to make use of the talent of "passing the treasure" of the yinkwan Queen's inheritance level talent.


With Ruan Xiaoer's sword, the dark red body of the sword blooms with a strong red light.

Then, it suddenly broke into hundreds of dark red blades, and after falling into the water, it changed into "red fish" of palm size, thin as cicada wings and sharp as blades, forming a "fish school" like meat grinder, and oncoming sea animals.

"Poop, poop, poop..."

In the twinkling of an eye, more than a dozen sea animals were caught up by the "red swordfish group", and a large area of sea water turned dark red.


However, there are too many sea animals.

This small piece has just died, and the larger one behind has been surrounded by a lot of bloody stimulation.

"Come on, I'll kill as many as I can."

Ruan Xiaoer scolded angrily, and the "hundred scales" in his hand waved out again, strangling most of the sea animals in front of him.

However, just as the "fish" scurrying, ready to take a step closer to gnaw off this group of sea animals.

"Come back!"

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Ruan Xiaoer suddenly stopped.

Because, after a large number of sea animals were killed and emptied, several human figures appeared.

One of them has a thin Blue Leopard tattoo on his chest, his hands are like iron bars, and one arm is wearing a strange weapon similar to "crocodile claw". The other arm has been bitten off by sea animals, and the fracture has been swollen. Because of excessive blood loss, people are in a semi coma state.

Surprisingly, it was Ruan Xiaowu, the deputy leader of the water ghost camp, who lost contact with the water army camp at the beginning of the battle.

Around it, there are several soldiers of the water ghost camp fighting with sea animals.

It seems that they are surrounded by sea animals and are breaking through the encirclement. It is because of the protection of these soldiers that the unconscious Ruan Xiaofang is not eaten by sea animals.

After all, every soldier in the water ghost camp is an elite at the ecdysite level, and even the surviving soldiers are at the ecdysite level above five.

"Don't panic, brother. I'll help you."

Ruan Xiaoer's face brightened when he saw that his brother was still alive.

Regardless of jumping into the sea, he waved the "scalpel knife" in his hand, and the "fish" opened the way, sweeping out a path. In addition, several soldiers of Longya camp also jumped into the sea with him.

"Poop, poop, poop..."

More than ten seconds later, the sea animals besieged Ruan Xiaoer were all repulsed and killed by Ruan Xiaoer and the soldiers of Longya camp.

"Come on, we'll cover you up!"

Later, Ruan Xiaoer gestured to several soldiers of the water ghost camp.

"Follow me!"

Because the chimpanzees have noticed the fighting situation here, more sea animals are coming back, and even the chimpanzees themselves are moving towards this side.

Ruan Xiaoer did not dare to delay, carrying the comatose Ruan Xiaowu on his back, waving a knife with one hand to open the way of "fish school".


However, just as he turned and swam back towards Xuanwu.

Several soldiers of the water ghost camp suddenly exchanged looks.

Then, a soldier of the water ghost camp standing on the side of Ruan Xiaoer suddenly moved his wrist.He stabbed Ruan Xiaoer's invisible dagger made of special materials into his abdomen.


However, as the commander of the "dragon tooth camp", Ruan Xiaoer has always been equipped with a "dragon tooth" that has been tempered by Ji Ye.

You can sense the subtle changes in the water, so the moment a soldier of the water ghost camp takes his hand, he turns over in time, and flashes the blow when he has no time to do it.

However, Ruan Xiaoer's roar at the soldier of the water ghost camp just started.

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A bloody "crocodile claw" came out of Ruan Xiaoer's chest, holding a beating dark red heart.

"Five, you Grunt

Ruan Xiaoer's face was dull.

A pile of blood comes out of the throat with bubbles of speech.

On his back, Ruan Xiaowu, who had been in a coma, had opened his eyes, and only the remaining arm was directly pressed on Ruan Xiaoer's back.

Because, attention is completely focused on a few soldiers of the water ghost camp, and then Ruan Xiaowu is also the strength of the Ninth level, quick and fierce.

Even though Ruan Xiaoer had been through many battles, he did not respond at all.

"Big brother!"

With a roar, the sea burst, and a human figure rushed out from the sea animals.

His body is bronze and looks like iron. His eyes are wide open on his face. In his hand, he holds a transparent fishing fork which is broken into two pieces, but he is Ruan Xiaoqi.

Although the arrival time is not the earliest, Ruan Xiaoqi is the only one among the three brothers who has broken through to the extraordinary level.

Because, in terms of popularity, he is one level better than his two elder brothers, and has greater potential under the rules of the place of inheritance.

However, because of its extraordinary level, when the water camp was conquered, it was mainly attacked by the sharks and besieged by two sea beasts of extraordinary level.

By virtue of his "King soul" talent inherited from "ghost captain", he gathered a large number of killed souls of the Dragon City Navy around him, and fought his life to get out of the siege.

However, what I saw for the first time was the scene of "brothers killing each other".

"Ah, ah!"

Not only Ruan Xiaoer, but also several soldiers of Longya camp who followed Ruan Xiaoer to save people were attacked by other water ghost camps. They cried out in pain and spat out a bunch of blood bubbles in the water.

"It's from the water ghost camp!"

"How can people in the water ghost camp kill their own people?"

On the top of Xuanwu, a group of people are preparing to go into the water to meet the guide. When they see this scene, their faces change like Ruan Xiaoqi.

"There seems to be some silk thread on their bodies and under their skin It's the chimpanzees

People with good eyesight still see the clue.

Under the cover of the floating mass of broken meat and the darkened bloody sea water, a lot of silk threads extended from Ruan Xiaoer and several soldiers of the water ghost camp, and finally condensed into a bunch, which gathered into the light white hands of a beautiful and enchanting female shark behind him.

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"I'll hold her, you Let's go

A prospective commander of Longya camp, whose abdomen was injured by the attack of Shuigui camp and whose intestines were half exposed, yelled.

Then, he urged the "dragon teeth" in his hands to turn into a white light, straight to the female shark with a ribbon in her hand. The sharp "dragon teeth" stabbed the female shark into the ditch in the middle of the huge evil wrapped by a pair of black shell scales.


However, a layer of blue light suddenly appeared on the female shark, blocking the attack of the Dragon tooth.

"Well, well, well..."

Then, the female shark began to sing slowly, with some sadness in her voice, and even tears falling from her bright eyes.

But the sound wave enters the ear, originally on the murderous dragon tooth camp commander, in the hand "the Dragon tooth" above light gradually weakens.

Then the body began to tremble, hands covering his neck, it seems that there is a "drowning" situation.

You know, every member of the water army in Longcheng is very good at swimming in the water for several hours. Theoretically, this kind of drowning is impossible.

Unless their own consciousness is affected, they can't control their bodies completely.


Facing the drowning, suffocating commander of Longya camp, the female shark stopped singing unexpectedly.

The small and ruddy tongue reaches out and catches a drop of tear that just falls from the corner of his eye. After the tear is on the tongue, it solidifies in an instant and turns into a pearl emitting light.

Then, with her mouth and teeth, the female chimaera crossed into the mouth of the eighth rank commander of the Dragon tooth camp.

At the same time, he scattered the blue light and put the colorful ribbon in his hand like a scarf on the neck of the commander of Longya camp.This kind of scene, like a pair of lovers in love.

However, through Skynet projection to see this scene of Longcheng personnel, but all feel not cold and millet.

Because, closely following the female chimaera, with their slender and transparent nails, they picked out a piece of silk on the colorful "Ribbon" and pricked it like a needle on the blood vessels of the neck of the Longya camp soldiers.

Then, along the blood vessels and nerves occupied by longyaying, the silk thread with faint light went all over the body of the latter.


After these steps, the soldiers of Longya camp opened their eyes, but they held the "dragon teeth" and rushed to the companions trapped by sea animals.

"Can these chimaeras be slaves like dogs and manipulate the rest of the creatures through these" chimaeras "

Su nongying's eyes widened from the view of the sky taken by the UAV through Skynet.

This is probably the right answer, which explains why the chimpanzees can gather such a huge army with only one stronghold!

And this kind of "enslavement" ability is more strange than the "mist tribe" who takes the body instead of their own soul. No one is really simple in the degree of "ten races fighting for hegemony".

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"These guys, it seems that they are called Chao Jiji in the game. They still have the skin of the spirit of the river!"

Some players around the "array flag" to form the "twenty eight night" group, looking at the war situation projected by Skynet on the screen in the air, murmur to ease their nervousness.

"There's something like that. If you want to say, what should we choose for the assistant "call Chao Jiji"

"The robot belt is ignited, and the score is guaranteed!"

"But where are robots?"

If you want to talk about robots, there are real robots in Longcheng.

"Use the silver dragon guard!"

Due to the northern Xuanwu garrison, the sea water controlled by the shark couldn't break through for a while.

But the current is invisible, at this time, the west, East, the sea has also been submerged to nearly Zhang's height.

In the science and technology center, where the sea water is second only to the core of the stronghold, Jiao reaches out his hand and presses a button heavily.


After absorbing the thunder and lightning released by qingjiao in the sky, the "silver pool" as the energy center of the whole stronghold has been whirling around.

With Jiao Lao's instructions.

Several silvery creatures with heads similar to "Jiaolong" emerge from them, and their arms stretch out to release silver light.

Over the top of the head of the Baizhang white tiger, hit the wave is constantly approaching towards Longcheng.

Every cloud of silver light, hit into the sea, quickly spread around.

Next, with the hit area as the center, the surrounding surging sea water suddenly stagnates, and in a twinkling of an eye, it changes into a solid similar to ice, but with a metallic color.

[Silver Dragon Guard]

level: extraordinary first level

grade: Elite

note: a special creature born in Longcheng has the extraordinary ability to transform anything that is not metal!

After Longcheng was promoted to "extraordinary", it once upgraded the "silver liquid pool" of the science and technology center to "extraordinary resource".

Not long ago, Ji ye made a special attempt to integrate "silver liquid pool" and "Skynet".

As a result, there is a very unexpected harvest, that is, the "Silver Dragon guards" in front of us have dual characteristics similar to the "terminator T-1000" and "metal man" in Skynet.

In addition to being able to directly communicate with Skynet and operate various scientific and technological weapons, it also has the extraordinary ability to "transform everything" into metal. It is also the first kind of "extraordinary" level arms in Longcheng.

It's not even just Longcheng. If the information collected by the Intelligence Department of the "Longcheng group" on the earth is correct, among the 8000 remaining strongholds in the inheritance area of the whole earth, although there are already hundreds of them promoted to extraordinary, Longcheng, which has cultivated extraordinary level arms, is the only one!

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