Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 515: 515


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"Be careful."

Facing the real dragon.

Zhao Yun and Wu Song, who are being manipulated to stay under 100 meters of sea water in the air, are retreating from the commanding personnel. Their faces change color and they shout!

"Stop it!"

At the same time, start intercepting immediately.


Zhao Yun's armor is no longer silver white, but dyed red. The ice dragon gun in his hand triggers the sea water behind him and turns into a tens of meters long "ice dragon" roaring to the real dragon vein!


Under the body of the "blood tiger" has been broken, into a walking Wusong mouth roar.

On the sword, with a lot of blood of the sea people, it turns into a "bloody sword" and goes straight to the sky, as if tearing space.

"Thunder halberd!"

And Dian Wei, who had at least a dozen wounds on his body, also roared in his mouth.

The blood vessels of the whole body appeared, and the hands that had split and oozed blood in the battle were holding a 100 meter long semi substantial purple "thunder halberd", which was smashed from the ground to the front in an exaggerated way.

"Heaven and earth are limitless, heaven and earth borrow the law..."

Yan Chixia, who has run out of mana, has just killed an extraordinary sea monster to open up her talent ability. She tries her best to borrow a little mana and release hundreds of slightly dim golden flying swords!

There is also a long gun broken, directly burning blood, triggering the "power of faith" to summon a bunch of "flame believers" to rush to the sky of Lin Chong.

Zhou Yu, pale and waving his feather fan to "summon" a flaming Phoenix

A total of seven or eight people noticed the attack on Ji Ye's "real dragon" and roared, trying to stop it!

However, in the face of a pile of attacks, "real dragon" does not stop at all. At the same time when the body meets with a pile of attacks, the "real dragon heart" in the chest beats a drum.


Suddenly, the ice dragon is broken, the thunder halberd is broken, the blood knife is destroyed, and the Phoenix is scattered

No matter Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Wu Song, Zhou Yu, Yan Chixia, all the heroes of Longcheng, their attacks were all smashed by the "real dragon vein".

It is in the "heartbeat" generated by the impact of violent sound waves, one by one fly upside down, mouth, nose, eyes and ears are all bleeding.

Injury on injury!

The level gap between the two sides is too big. The outstanding people in Longcheng are no more than level one and level two, while the real dragon is no more than level Four. Even among the level Four, they are very strong, and can beat qingjiao.

Even if several outstanding people try their best, they can't stop it or even delay it for a few seconds!

In fact, it's not just these people who can't stop them, even Ji ye, who is a third-order man, can't stop them. Although the body of black dragon is very strong because of its legendary blood, it can't stop the dragon's blood with the blessing of "real dragon heart", which is the difference between "son" and "father".

In the face of the "real dragon pulse" coming from both eyes, it is the most correct choice at this time.

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It was obviously an immediate "retreat" or even escape.

Otherwise, qingjiao is a "lesson from the past"!

However, at this time, there are thousands of wounded Longcheng fighters under the sea, and the evacuation has not been completed.

Once he stops manipulating the water, these people will be directly involved in the water.

Then, he died in the sea, in the mouth of tens of thousands of sea monsters.

Even ordinary soldiers, including Yan Chixia, Wu Song, Dian Wei and others, who have just been seriously injured by the heart beat of the "real dragon pulse", can hardly survive.

Life and death line, how to make decisions?

"You Let's go

In Longcheng, the city master's mansion, Su nongying looks at the "real dragon vein" in the sky net projection, which is less than 100 meters away from Ji Ye. He holds the "population book" which is dim because of the excessive consumption of Qi Yun, and cries out in his heart.

But in this case, the "black dragon" still did not evade. The dragon's breath still firmly suppressed the 100 meter high and heavy sea water.

Obviously, Ji Ye's individual has made a decision!


We can also see this scene through Skynet.

In the altar area, the aborigines protected by "Qi Yun Long" and even some players are crying bitterly.

After all, compared with most individual players, there are many relatives among the thousands of soldiers under the sea!


The distance of 100 meters is only a matter of an instant for the real dragon.

In the twinkling of an eye, the "real dragon vein" shrouded in a layer of black gold light has already bumped into the "black dragon" incarnated by Ji Ye!

The next moment, there is no imagination of the earth shaking, dragon blood flying, huge waves into the sky.


The terrifying "real dragon" passed directly through the "black dragon".The latter's figure, nearly 100 meters long, is like a phantom in the water, rippling slightly in the sight of tens of thousands of people in Longcheng.

Jinghua · Shuiyue!

In the past two months, Ji Yeh took the time to merge the most powerful treasure in the hands of the female yecha king, the son of Qi Yun, and then mastered the new supernatural power of the same name. She could "void" herself for a short time to avoid all attacks.


And the "real dragon" suddenly bumped into the sea water with a height of more than 100 meters behind Ji Ye.

In order to pursue, those sea monsters who concentrated on the first line directly killed more than a dozen!


However, in a pool of blood.

More sea monsters are swimming towards the "real dragon veins" in the sea, surrounded by black.

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Because all of them are covered with colorful silk threads, there is no fear of running away from the powerful real dragon.

Only that end broke the water camp of Longcheng before. It was hundreds of meters in size. It was like an extraordinary second-order dragon Kun on an island. It showed some struggle. As a dragon blood creature, it felt the breath of the real dragon very strongly and felt the danger of life!

However, the surface of the water raised by the chimpanzees is not wide.

A large number of sea monsters are concentrated together. With its huge size, it is impossible to find a way out!

"Dong, Dong, Dong..."

Next, in the dark sea monster group, several consecutive thunderous "heartbeat" sounded violently.

"Poop, poop, poop..."

Nearly ten thousand sea monsters, including the Dragon Kun, who has reached the extraordinary second level, are all broken in shape, and the blood makes the water within a few miles completely turn red.

All kinds of broken meat and internal organs float, with the skeleton of the residual meat slowly sinking into the sea floor, like a Shura field.

However, it seems that the red light on the heart of the real dragon, which is inlaid in the chest of the real dragon, is completely dimmed due to the continuous beating for many times, which consumes the original energy.

Then, the green dragon is looking to empty, the top of the sea "colorful dragon"!


However, it has not yet been waiting for further action.

The defending green dragon roared and jumped into the water from the air and hit the real dragon.

Push the body of the latter further into the water, trying to press it to the bottom of the sea.


The dragon's veins wave their five toed golden claws and slap them heavily on qingjiao's body, breaking up a large piece of scales and even bones on the latter's body.

Even without the blessing of "real dragon heart", it still belongs to the level of transcendental level 4. Facing the level of transcendental Level 3, qingjiao is absolutely superior in strength.

However, even if injured, qingjiao is still entangled in the real dragon.

The two became the same blood and water of Shura field, entangled for about dozens of seconds.


The real dragon roared, biting qingjiao and tearing off his head.

The qingjiao, who had no head, turned into a Green Qi and flew towards the "colorful water dragon" on the water, making the latter's breath more powerful and vaguely entering a critical point.


It seems to feel a huge "threat", the real dragon roared and rushed directly from the sea towards the "colorful dragon" above.


The "multicolored dragon" suddenly opened its eyes, but the original green dragon's blood red longan turned into "dark gold". Facing the real dragon veins coming from underwater, it waved its tail and swept heavily on the "real dragon veins".


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On the sea, there was a huge wave.

However, in the sea water, the body shape of a hundred meter long real dragon, swept by the "colorful dragon" tail, suddenly fell back and hit the bottom of the sea heavily, smashing a pile of coral reefs and the bones of sea monsters that had just been killed.

Form reversal.

The power of the real dragon can not absolutely suppress qingjiao, but relies more on the power of the "real dragon heart".

However, in the continuous fury, the power of "heart of the real dragon" was consumed excessively, and after getting the power blessing of the chimaera, qingjiao was infinitely close to the level of transcendental level 5.

More importantly, with the integration of "separation", qingjiao's power continues to grow stronger

"Can't stop, absolutely can't stop, it really can enter the extraordinary five levels!"

In front of the sea, the black dragon's golden vertical pupil is extremely heavy.

The extraordinary fourth level green Jiao's strength is very terrible. If it's not for the real dragon, no one in the dragon city is his opponent alone.

At this time, qingjiao has been blessed with the power of thousands of people. Its power is about to enter the "extraordinary level 5". Once it is fully promoted, Longcheng can't stop it.In the face of this situation, is there really no way?

"Lord! Tiangang Disha stele

At this time, in the sky net channel, came the voice of Meng Lao with some anxious.

"Tiangang Disha stele! Not bad. "

Ji Ye's eyes suddenly moved.

He almost forgot that after Longcheng was promoted to "extraordinary", he had a place to cast two heavy weapons with the power of Qi Yun.

One is the "huntian · seismograph" that Li Chunfeng has just modified fengshui, and the other is the "Tiangang Disha stele" that came out of Shuihu and ranked in order when Liangshan gathered together.

[Tiangang Disha stele]

level: extraordinary level 4

grade: perfect · rare

Description: it can make people obtain the life status of 36 Tiangang and 72 Disha stars.

Note: the level of this treasure has been greatly improved by the nourishment of the dragon city's Qi and the power of the people who sealed the star above.

The basic attribute of this heavy weapon is that it can modify the "Mingge" through "Fengxing".

In the past, after the promotion of Longcheng stronghold, he was once canonized as the "108 generals of Tiangang Disha". Most of the outstanding people in Longcheng were among them, and Ji Ye's name was the first "Tiankui star" on the list.

As a result, Ji Ye discovered another "hiding ability" of this heavy weapon.

Although "thirty six Tiangang and seventy two Disha" are named after "Tiangang and Disha", they are not led by the two, but by "Tiankui".

This hidden ability is also related to "Tiankui star".


After a little perception, Ji Ye directly aroused the power of "Tiangang star", and a huge bright star appeared above his head.

Then, a lavender star burst through the air and went straight to Longcheng. Unlike Gongsun Sheng and Lu Junyi, it directly projected into Ji Ye. Instead, it fell to the ground, on the "Tiangang Disha stele" in the altar area of Longcheng.

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The "Tiangang Disha stele" shrouded by the pillar of starlight was shocked.

Then, all the 108 names above were lit up in turn.

"Tiangang star · Lu Zhishen, Tianji star · Meng Lao, Tianxian star · Gongsun Sheng..."

There is a wave of power, through the pillar of stars, into the sky "Tiankui star", and towards the surrounding impact.

Then "Tianyong star, Tianying star, tianmeng star Earth spirit star, earth evil star, earth strange star... " Stars are emerging in the sky.

This is the special feature of Tiankui star.

Can not enhance the strength of the individual itself, but can control the rest of the 107 stars!

In short, people who are able to take advantage of the destiny of "Tiankui star" can gather the strength of the other 107 stars in one body.

According to the intelligence of the joint affairs bureau, the attribute of Song Jiang's talent ability [Juyi] is to gather the strength of the rest of the "Tiangang Disha" in the same stronghold, so as to transform his combat effectiveness from the third class level to the top!

Therefore, the three-star country is trying to "sacrifice" to attract heroes from the water margin.

Although Ji Ye doesn't have this kind of talent like Song Jiang, she can do the same with the help of "Tiangang Disha stele".


After the appearance of "Tianying star" in the sky, a layer of starlight suddenly appeared on Zhao Yun's body.

"Tiangang Disha stele" contains not only heroes of Water Margin, but also players and other background heroes.

For example, Zhao Yun is "Tianying star", while Meng Lao is "Tianji star"!

Under the traction of heavy weapons, a part of Zhao Yun's strength turned into the power of the stars and went straight into the sky, throwing himself into the "Tiankui star" on the top of Ji Ye's head.

"Hum, hum, hum..."

It's not just the people in dragon city.

In the direction of Guobei County, among the people who are trying their best to drive to Longcheng, some aborigines, even the players, are also shining, turning into a star column into "Tiankui star" in the sky!

Of course, because some of the "Fengxing" people have already died.

So there are not 108 stars that have responded, only more than 90.

However, the power of nearly 100 stars has all been injected into the "Tiankui star", and each collection of power makes Tiankui star bright.

After the light collected all the stars, Tiankui star suddenly bloomed, forming a purple star light column, which shrouded Jiye in the form of "black Jiao".


In the purple light, "black dragon" began to show some changes.

The horns of a pair of dragons become sharper, just like a pair of swords and sharp knives. The scales are covered with a more substantial layer of black awn, while some thin dragon claws are covered with some faint purple light.

At the same time, the breath of Heijiao.From the beginning to the peak of the third level, and then to the fourth level

Even at this time, the strength of all the people is far less than before, and it is very terrible to gather them together. Ji Ye's rating is directly promoted, and she has stepped into the extraordinary fourth level!

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