Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 516: 516

"What a powerful force

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And feel the change of the strength on the body, Ji night in the heart also not from sigh.

The first level of transcendental level is qualitative change, excluding the influence of talent skills.

At this time, the strengthened body of the black dragon can even suppress ten extraordinary first-class talents at the same time.

Only this black dragon, with legendary blood, can tear steel and crack mountain peaks, can withstand such a huge increase in strength.

It's just, that's it.

At this time, almost everyone of the heroes in Longcheng was injured and tired after a long battle.

In addition, some of the "stars" have been killed. Even with the help of the "Tiangang Disha tablet", he can only enter the "extraordinary fourth level", which is roughly equivalent to the "real dragon vein" without the heart bonus of the real dragon.

However, on the opposite battlefield

Ji Ye raised her head, and her golden "eyes of the real dragon" looked at the "colorful dragon" shining in the sun on the sea.

[colorful dragon]

level: extraordinary level 5

grade: quasi leader

Description: the shark people, with hundreds of millions of "shark yarn" and thousands of vitality of Shui people, weave a "dragon body", which has almost the power of a real dragon!

Compared with Ji Ye's "black dragon", the body of "five colored dragon" condensed by five colored silk threads is even larger, and its level has really entered the "extraordinary five levels".

This is also reasonable.

After all, Ji ye only integrated the power of the "108 generals", not even complete.

However, qingjiao has integrated the power of the whole shark people.

The most important thing is qingjiao's own strength, which is stronger than him. Therefore, he can bear more powerful bonus!

"Not enough, not enough!"

In the Golden real dragon's pupil, it reflected that she was hit by the "colorful dragon" and flew backwards again. Moreover, there were even some transparent "real dragon veins" on the shape. Jiye's mood fell from the joy of strength enhancement.

The power of the "real dragon" which could no longer break out the "heart power" was roughly equal to that of him at this time, even the "real dragon" was almost broken up.

Even if he went up at this time, he would not be defeated.

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Perhaps, from the tactical level, he can choose to attack "colorful dragon" together with "real dragon vein".

However, from the strength level, two extraordinary fourth level really may not be able to defeat a extraordinary fifth level.

In particular, the real dragon vein is now translucent under the continuous attack of "colorful dragon", and its breath is seriously declining.

What's more, judging from the previous "real dragon" moves, it may not cooperate with him. It is more likely that "real dragon" attacks Heijiao at the same time in the battle. After the two consume each other, Longcheng is finally destroyed by "qingjiao" and "Jiren".

"In that case."

"Can only Take a chance

Looking down at the "golden seal" in the dragon claw, Ji Ye has a decision in her heart.


A silver light appeared on the "golden seal". Jiye showed her talent of "fusion" on the battlefield for the first time.

There are clearly some dangers.

However, it is not impossible.

Because the opposite "qingjiao" and "Jiren" should not have completely stabilized the "colorful dragon" realm, so they can't directly attack and interrupt him.

What's more, there are real dragon veins on that side.

For the chimaera, the first target must be the core of the "dragon city" stronghold, but for the "qingjiao", the real dragon vein, especially the heart of its chest, should be the first target.

The pace of the two may not be the same.

In addition, Heijiao's body defense is very strong. Even if he is in the "fusion" state, ordinary attacks can't kill him.

No, he can also directly interrupt the "integration".

Of course, the most important thing is that there is no choice!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

And just when Ji Ye directly opened "fusion" on the battlefield, ready to transform the power of this "golden seal".

On the opposite side of the sea, the "multicolored dragon" beat back again, and the shape of the edge itself seemed to feel something.

Suddenly, he turned his head and stared at Ji Ye.

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Then, he abandoned the "colorful dragon".

Roar into a golden light, again toward the direction of Ji night.


The people of Longcheng are changing color again.

At this time, Zhao Yun, Wu Song, Lin Chong and others were all seriously injured, and they couldn't resist the "real dragon pulse"!

And, to be honest, it won't stop.

Even though the state of "real dragon" is not as good as before.

At this time, the breath on the body has almost dropped to the level of extraordinary level 4, but for the extraordinary level 1 and level 2 Longcheng Renjie, it is still unbeatable.At least, you have to have the extraordinary third level to fight with it.

however, besides Ji ye, is there any extraordinary third level in Longcheng? ,

in terms of level, No.

However, in terms of combat effectiveness, yes!


A magical figure, shrouded in the purple flame and full of black smoke, crossed the body of the black dragon, with a roar, and collided with the "real dragon vein".

Li Yuanba manipulated a demon corpse burning with purple fire in his eyes. His hands "Red Dragon Warhammer" waved out of the air, and a full ten red dragon figures emerged. All of them were blessed on the "Warhammer". With a roar, he hit the "real dragon vein" on the opposite side!

Before the real dragon attack, he had no time to stop because of the distance.

This time, however, when Ji Ye began to "merge", she began to "accumulate strength" secretly.

Li Yuanba's "endless physical strength" talent allows him to continuously accumulate his strength after promotion. This time, it seems that he just smashes it alone, but in fact, it is equivalent to dozens of hammers!


Huge sound, earth shaking, the grassland in the north of Longcheng like a storm, vegetation, mud and stone, flying.

The "Purple fire demon" with a height of 100 meters regressed, and two trenches with a depth of more than 10 meters were made on the ground by his feet. The "magic dragon hammers" in his hands both flew out of their hands and flew into the sky for 1000 meters. After falling to the ground, two big "craters" were smashed out!

However, the real dragon veins on the opposite side didn't get much benefit.

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After fighting with the "colorful dragon", his translucent body became completely unstable this time, showing signs of collapse.

Breath, is all of a sudden fell to the extraordinary level of three!


Therefore, even though it broke through the obstruction of "demon · Li Yuanba", it hit the "black dragon" in the process of integration.

As a result of the collision, it itself was shaken back.


And the "Purple fire devil" manipulated by Li Yuanba rushed up again.

Without the two magic dragon hammers, they use double fists as weapons to attack continuously, making it impossible for the real dragon to follow up!

In this process, part of the "golden seal" on Heijiao's paw has been integrated into Ji Ye's body.


There was an anxious voice in the mouth of the real dragon.

The next moment, a roar.

Before the fist of "demon · Li Yuanba" which was pasted up again like Xiaoqiang fell, he took the initiative to collapse his body, turned into a golden dragon about several meters long, and flew directly into the mouth of "black dragon" with the dim color of "real dragon heart".


"What's the situation? That dragon, after shrinking, took the initiative to enter the mouth of the" black Jiao "in the incarnation of the city leader?"

"What does it want to do, is it Want to give up? "

Seeing that Li Yuanba, who controls the "Purple fire demon", has stopped the real dragon vein, the people watching the battle in the dragon city are relieved.

See this situation, but the color of worry.

In the air, after the "real dragon vein" and "real dragon heart" enter Heijiao's body, they are in the "fusion" Jiye. With a sudden shock, the closed longan moves.

Seems to feel something abnormal.

However, it did not stop "fusion" immediately.

On the contrary, the silver light that represents the talent of "fusion" is bright, in which there is a trace of orange gradually!

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"Well, orange light, this is Legend? "

In the Dragon City, some players' faces are surprised.

"How can there be legendary light? Lord, is this going to be a legend

Ji Ye naturally did not advance to legend.

The only thing related to legend level is "real dragon blood".

However, the origin of the orange light is related to the blood of the real dragon, that is, the heart of the real dragon!

When the narrowed real dragon vein with the real dragon heart into his mouth, Jiye was really scared, and almost immediately wanted to stop "fusion" and expel it.

But then there were some unexpected situations.

The fusion talent that is being used has taken effect with "real dragon heart" for "real dragon pulse".

You know, there is a condition for fusion talent, that is, it is aimed at the items that belong to "he".

And whether it is "real dragon vein" or "real dragon heart" should not meet this condition?

But strictly speaking.

Although the real dragon vein seems to show some "self-consciousness".

However, it is actually just a collection of some afterthoughts after the fall of the real dragon. It is not a real life without a complete resurrection.

Therefore, even if the real dragon heart is occupied by it, it can not be regarded as "owner". Although the real dragon heart is "legend", but legend only belongs to quality.In terms of hierarchy, it still belongs to the category of "transcendence" and can be naturally integrated.

In particular, the two actively entered the body of Ji ye who was in the state of "fusion", which triggered a certain judgment and was directly included in the fusion!

However, it is not so easy to integrate the two.


It seems that she felt some kind of crisis. The heart of the real dragon, which had been completely silent, began to beat again after being shrouded in the silver light of "fusion". Although it did not release the terrible destructive power before, there was also an invisible "real dragon power" spreading in Ji Ye's body.

"Poop, poop, poop!"

A large amount of blood appeared in the heart, stomach, flesh and blood areas of Heijiao's body, and dense cracks appeared on the bone.

Even if the hardness is much higher than that of diamond, the scales are also broken under the explosive force from the inside, and strands of pale gold blood ooze out from the wound.

Even the "fusion" talent of inheriting quality can't completely suppress the power left by a legendary creature whose living level exceeds level 5!

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