Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 527: 527

The sky, a large red and black clouds, blocking the sky, rolling from!

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"Boom, boom, boom..."

On the ground, one head is about seven or eight meters long, and its back is as wide as a city wall. Its body shape is comparable to that of a moving fortress. The head falls to a pair of horns rushing forward, but its body is not fur, but a layer of dark black crustacean. Its limbs are cattle like creatures burning dark red flames, running on the ground.

[demonization · purgatory bighorn cattle]

level: moufan eighth level

grade: Elite

Description: after the demonic erosion and transformation of "demon clan", purgatory bighorn cattle has become a special "demonized creature".

There are thousands of such "demonized" Purgatory giant horned cattle.

In the case of running, the ground is shaken by its huge weight, but also set off a rolling dust explosion of yellow sand, and the goal of these demonized purgatory giant horned cattle is a tall and towering black hill hundreds of meters high!


When these demonized purgatory cattle rush to the foot of the mountain, there is a loud wolf howl on the mountain.

"Ouch, ouch..."

Then, one by one, appeared on the black towering black mountain, although smaller than the demonized purgatory cattle.

However, the momentum is not inferior to the number of "skeleton wolf.".

There is a layer of blue ghost fire burning in the eyes of these skeleton war wolves. There is no flesh and blood on them, but most of them are smooth gray bones. There is a large black fur on their back, which is similar to the saddle. On these saddles sits a semi illusory Yin soldier whose body shape is condensed by the power of black anger!

[undead · Black Mountain Wolf cavalry]

level: moufan level 7

grade: Elite

Description: Longcheng cultivates the corpses of tens of thousands of iron backed black wolves in the "wolf mound" into undead with the "soul blood spirit" method, and uses the huge Yin Qi in the heavy weapon "Black Mountain" to cultivate them into a special arms combined with "Yin soldiers"!


The huge "demonized purgatory giant horned cattle" group, with rolling sand and thunder general vibration, rushed to the foot of the mountain.

The speed is not slow at all, with a pair of sickle shaped impact angles close to one third of its length, just like a heavy truck moving at high speed, it directly hit it!


The huge impact force made the black mountain become hard after a lot of Yin Qi infection, and the black stone like metal broke up, and the head size stone flew 100 meters away.

It's like big caliber shells bombarding those "skeleton wolf cavalry" on the mountain!


However, these "Black Mountain Wolf cavalry" are very flexible.

A head of "skeleton wolf" eyes burning soul fire, rushed to the foot of the mountain, wrapped in black limbs, leaping at high speed on the black rock ground, dodging a huge destructive gravel shells.

Step on the huge sickle shaped horn and step on the back of these "demonized giant horn cows". A pair of hard tusks bite hard at the crack of their body shell, making a sound like sharp tools tearing iron plate. With sparks splashing around, they tear off a large piece of "cowhide" with flesh and blood.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

More than 5000 "Black Mountain Wolf cavalry" and thousands of "demonized purgatory giant horn cattle" fought together with the silent shouts of those Yin soldiers on their backs!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

And on the ground, the fight starts at the same time.

The big "red black cloud" in the sky has also been flying to the top of the black mountain, accompanied by the sharp cry of eardrum pain!

This is because it's not a cloud at all. It's a group of demonized creatures that are similar to birds in appearance, but also have no feathers on their bodies. Instead, they are similar to bats with thin films and dark red eyes.

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[demonization · purgatory sound bat]

level: moufan zero level

level: Elite

Description: after being captured by the demons, the "sound bat" is usually transformed into a "sound bat" with tens of thousands of heads working together. The resonant sound waves generated during flight are enough to crush all obstacles along the way.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The strong resonance sound wave bombards the ground, and "black mountain wind wolf riding" in the battle with "demonized giant horn ox" is immediately seriously affected.


A "skeleton wolf" was bombarded by the sound wave, the soul flame in the eyes swayed, and the body shape was also a little slow.

Immediately, he was hit by a pair of huge horns of the demonized purgatory cattle. Even with the "iron back", his body was smashed into hundreds of pieces in the powerful impact.

It's not just skeleton wolves.

The "ghost generals" of the "Yin soldiers" are also exposed to the attack of the sound wave, and their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

"Up, Zhang Fei of Yan people is here, and the devil dare to be presumptuous!"

Suddenly, a bone dragon with a length of more than 30 meters appeared on the top of the black mountain. The white bone was stabbed like ten sharp swords. A pair of bone wings were partly broken, but the sharp edge could easily cut off the rocks. It was covered with a thin layer of dragon wings formed by black flames!And on the head of the bone dragon, it was the "ghost King armour" with a large number of Yin soldiers, dressed in black air, staring at a pair of giant leopard eyes, Zhang Fei!

"You demons, two against one, you really don't talk about martial arts!"

However, if this word lets the player hear, afraid is must murmur in the mouth.

The second master learned this stem from which player. The place is right.

However, it seems that you don't "talk about martial arts" very much?

He scolded the "three family name slaves" to Baotou, and went up with his brothers to fight three against one. With thick eyebrows and big eyes, the second master also learned that "we don't need to talk about the morality of the river and the lake for the scum, we all go up side by side."!

Of course, it's just a joke.

As a matter of fact, it is ridiculous to talk about morality and justice on the battlefield!

As for Zhang Fei, who has the title of "ten thousand enemies", he doesn't care whether the other party is "morally minded"!

Because, the big fist is "morality"!

And Zhang Fei's "fist" is undoubtedly very big.


Because, while he was drinking, the power of the black soul on the whole black mountain was churning violently. In the sky above his head, he condensed into a huge face whose head was more than 100 feet in diameter, and opened his mouth to the overwhelming "demonization · purgatory sound bat"!


A rolling sound wave, with a lot of black air, rushed out from the black face.

The sky is like a hurricane of magnitude 15, which envelops the whole black cloud formed by "demonized hellbat".


Countless "demonization · purgatory sound bats" have lost their souls in this roar, falling from the air to the ground like rain!

After this roar, the sky, which was originally covered, directly restored its brightness.

This is Zhang Fei's natural ability -- "break the bridge and drink".

It is similar to Yang Zhi's "fighting spirit" in that it is a kind of spiritual attack. Any target whose willpower is weaker than Zhang Fei's will will power will be hurt in light, and will be destroyed in heavy!

With just a roar, tens of thousands of "Purgatory sound bats" were wiped out, which is enough to show that Zhang Fei's fighting power is no less powerful than Ji ye, who was the incarnation of "five clawed Golden Dragon" in the first battle with qingjiao and Jiren.

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Half a year has passed since the war.

In the past six months, based on the urgency of the "big dark", Longcheng has been expanding all around, carrying out the "main task" of the "legendary road"!

Zhang Fei, as a top talent, is naturally the main force. Ji ye not only gives him the "black mountain stone" which is refined from the core of the black mountain old demon and can manipulate the "Black Mountain".

What's more, the wolf tomb, which contains a large number of iron backed black wolf bones and extraordinary "resources" found in the expansion of Longcheng, is also integrated into this black mountain.

The "iron backed wolf carcass", which contains a lot of soul power, has been raised by the "Yin Qi" of Heishan, and its level has been further improved. With the "Black Mountain Wolf cavalry" composed of 10000 Yin soldiers, its combat effectiveness is quite strong.

In the past six months, this "Black Mountain", which can move independently, has destroyed seven alien strongholds.

However, this time, the alien group fighting with "Black Mountain Wolf cavalry" is particularly strong, which is called "demon group" alien stronghold.

Not only belongs to the extraordinary level, even in the stronghold, but also has a legendary level of combat effectiveness!


One of them is very big and has a pair of extraordinary "Purgatory giant horn bull king" which is similar to the red meat wings.

On its back, there is a creature with a pair of sickle like horns on its head, a triangular purple tail on its back, and a whip like weapon burning purple flame in its hand, which is quite similar to the "abyss devil" in ancient legend!

His momentum is no less than that of Zhang Fei. After he appeared, he killed one dragon and one man on the top of the black mountain!

"Ha ha, it's good. It depends on your third master's method."

Zhang Feibao's eyes glared, and the black face of Gengen steel beard showed a happy look. He didn't mean to give way at all. He raised his arms and hands.

A peak in the shape of a snake's head above Black Mountain vibrates violently.


Then he rose from the ground and changed into a black snake with a green head and a huge mouth.

Then it changed into a black snake spear with clear blue eyes, and fell into Zhang Fei's palm!

[spear of Ba snake]

level: extraordinary level 5

grade: quasi legend

Description: after killing a powerful Ba snake, the Lord of dragon city refines his body into an extraordinary weapon, which is as heavy as a hill and has terrible lethality.

"Come on!"

Holding this Zhang Ba snake spear, which weighs as much as a hill, Zhang Fei waved his hand, and the spear tip enlarged into the shape of "Ba snake" again with the wave of the spear. The mountain smashed at the demon leader riding on the ox!“%¥#@#*!”

However, the demon leader on the other side didn't have any timidity in the face of the blow. The purple fire whip rolled in his hand, wound it heavily on his arm, and then punched out.

In the sky, formed a huge purple magic fist that occupied half of the sky!


When the two collide, the sky and the earth change color, and the wind and cloud move rapidly.

The terrible shock wave made those lucky "demonized sound bats" in the air unable to bear and burst out of thin air. Even the "demonized hell giant horned ox" and "Black Mountain Wolf cavalry" who were fighting on the ground were kneeling down under strong pressure!

Only the two mounts, whose strength has reached the extraordinary fourth level, can barely withstand the fight between the two strong men.

Each other, but also with the master to attack.

"Hum, roar!"

The "giant horn purgatory bull" headed by the demon clan smashed and twisted his head, cutting off the small half of the body of the "bone dragon". In the eyes of the "bone dragon", the fire was also jumping, opening his mouth and spitting out a large mass of dark green poison fog, which covered the head of the "demonized purgatory bull", making its speed drop greatly.

"Big bull hit!"

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"Pour out the energy!"

"Poisonous breath!"

"Withered and weak!"

All kinds of tactical firepower, from the top of the black mountain to the bottom of the black mountain, has turned a large area from the flat into a Canyon!

And this is just a small part of the whole battlefield.

When the line of sight is drawn up into the sky and extended to all sides, we can see that within a radius of more than 100 Li, there are war areas everywhere.

"Quack, quack, quack..."

In the sky 20 miles to the east of Heishan, nine heads are more than 30 meters in size, their feathers are covered with a layer of dark red magic flame, and their abdomen is equipped with an extraordinary second-order "magic · sanshuwu" with three feet.

They are in a tactical encirclement posture from all sides.

Kill a creature with nine tail feathers, which is similar to the "rosefinch" in legend!

"Well come!"

On the back of the "rosefinch", the "wind thunder" bow in the hands of taishici in red armor was pulled to the extreme.

A dragon made of thunder is shaped on the bowstring!


A loose finger, the sound of wind and thunder.

This Lei Jiao roared and rushed to the "magic · sanshuwu" that was coming. He broke a desktop sized hole in his chest and let him tumble down from the air.

With a dark red flame body, smashed out a piece of magma on the ground.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Then, without stopping, the "wind and thunder battle bow" was continuously pulled.

A head of Lei Jiao rushed out and shot down all the nine heads of "magic · sanshuwu" from the air.

Taishici's talent is called "shenting battle". His ability can maintain the peak state for a long time, which is undoubtedly a little similar to Li Yuanba's "endless physical strength".

Because of this, you can open nine bows and shoot nine extraordinary second-order creatures!

While taishice shot nine magic sanshuwu, a large number of waves surged in the dark red lake below. A "fish scale beetle" with black fish scales on his body, and a "magic fish demon" with dark red magic in his eyes came out of the lake and hit the edge of the lake. There were thousands of armed "Dongwu water army" groups It's a great front.


In the center of the lake, a tall fish demon with the size of a washbasin, like golden scales of armor, rushed out of the lake.

After he appeared, the whole lake was shaken with a wave of his golden tail, and a huge wave of several feet was set off, which rushed to the "Dongwu water army" on the surface of the lake and overturned hundreds of people at once!

"Just waiting for you!"

All of a sudden, there was a strong cry, and a general with a long gun stepped out of the water army of the eastern Wu Dynasty.

In his hand, a long gun made of overlapped red "dragon scales" exudes great power, and instantly condenses into a huge "dragon Kun"!

Then the long gun fell down.

The huge dragon Kun also fell from the sky, its body shape, almost covering the whole lake.


The billowing surface of the lake suddenly stopped, and thousands of fish demons were all driven into the sea.

When it resurfaced, it was all turned up and fainted on the sea.

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And that one reached the extraordinary level 4, and its combat effectiveness was even close to that of the "king of fish demon" of the original green dragon. It was directly hit in the forehead by the "dragon Kun" gun, and became a prototype goldfish with a length of more than 100 meters.

"The master of the city gave me this skill of" overlord color and domineering spirit "which complements my talent"It's hard to have a united enemy under your command."

"Little overlord" Sun CE laughed.

His natural ability is "domineering", and he can add full power to the attack.

More from Ji ye, he obtained a cultivation method called "overlord color". Now, just the breath of attack can stun the creatures whose strength is far from his own!

"My situation has been decided. Zhang Wenyuan, what's the matter with you? Won't you be defeated?"

About ten miles away from the sea, Zhang Liao, who is leading 800 cavalry at a high speed, hears sun CE's voice coming from "Skynet channel", and his face is expressionless.

"Here it is

In the sky in front of him, a "red vortex" with a diameter of more than 100 meters, similar to the structure of a black hole, kept spinning, sending dark red to a Longcheng sub stronghold below, emitting the smell of sulfur.

"Hee, hee, hee..."

In the evil spirit, each one has a sharp head, big eyes, pits on the skin, and looks like a deformed baby.

With a sharp smile in his mouth, he flew around the city, attacking the aborigines in the stronghold.

However, the guards of Longcheng, who are mainly armed, are in a bitter battle.

Because the "magic gas" is as viscous as "water", which can greatly reduce the speed and lethality of bullets.

Even some small demons directly hold bullets in the air with two rows of sharp dark red teeth and swallow them like fried beans.

More because of the "red vortex" in the air, a steady stream of "magic gas" poured in, and soon the whole stronghold will be all "demonized"!

"Jie, Jie, Jie..."

Looking at Zhang Liao who came to help, a small devil's mouth gave out a sharp laugh, with the smell of provocation.

"Don't you know that what I'm good at most is stopping children's night crying?"

Zhang Liao eyebrows pick up, picked up the waist hanging, holding a jade gourd drink.

A pair of eyes suddenly changed into a vertical pupil shape similar to the dragon, emitting a strong golden light, and then jumped up from the galloping horse, holding the "Yellow Dragon hook sickle" in both hands suddenly cut forward!

"Qingyu Huanglong chop!"

The single sword remnant body drinks the cold wind, today has the drunken Huanglong!

"Poop, poop, poop..."

A golden knife gas in the shape of a brilliant dragon rushed out of the body of the knife and crashed into the stronghold at high speed.

It's like a high-temperature fire knife bumping into the white wax, which instantly evaporates the magic gas in the whole stronghold!


Finally, the golden "knife dragon" broke through the air against the trend, accompanied by the red light of a small nuclear bomb explosion.

In one fell swoop, destroy the "red vortex" which is the source of "magic gas" in the air!


After Zhang Liao dispelled the evil spirit, the sharp smile of the "little devil" suddenly stopped!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Immediately after that, the 800 "great Wei elite soldiers" with a "Tyrannosaurus rex-v" light machine gun burst and smashed in the air!

It is worth mentioning that, just like sun CE's "domineering color", Zhang Liao's "Qingyu Huanglong chop" is also a "thing" created by Ji Ye.

Because of his talent of fusion, he has the chance to get the "things" created by the Dragon civilization in every fusion. There are not only "Qingyu Huanglong chop", but also three points of return to vitality, God of war atlas, Vajra's immortal skill, anti life triple, God's prison energy, fire seed fragments, flat peach seeds, devil fruit, ripple breathing method

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