Earth's Best Gamer

Chapter 528: 528

And the fusion talent after promotion.

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It can not only integrate weapons and equipment, but also "integrate characters and mounts".

Dozens of miles from the East where Zhang Liao broke the little devil and the "devil's eye", a giant wolf with a body length of 10 meters and a few feet long hair covered with silver light stood on a mountain covered with snow several kilometers high with football and roared.


A pair of yellow wolf pupils reflect a dark red icebound castle on the top of the mountain.

As well as a bloody moon emitting strong red light on the castle, this is a kind of supernatural demonized creature named "moon demon". It can change itself into a "Blood Moon", and the creature illuminated by the light of the blood moon will start to demonize and frenzy!


Therefore, the human beings in the castle are fighting each other with red eyes, and even directly biting each other with their teeth.

As a last resort, the extraordinary man named "Green Pheasant", who was arranged to guard the castle, blocked everyone temporarily with the technique of ice sealing.

However, this can only be a temporary cure but not a permanent cure, which basically needs to destroy the "Blood Moon" in the sky.

It's just that "Blood Moon" is very strange, similar to Ji Ye's "Mirror Flower Water Moon". No matter it's air-to-air missiles, bombers, or even the long-range attack "fierce pheasant beak · ice bird" launched by the outstanding human pheasant, it can't be destroyed!


But after the wolf howled, erha stepped up on all fours.

It's like a silver moon, rushing to the "Blood Moon" in the sky, suddenly burst out a strong extraordinary breath, just like a pair of silver wolf teeth of daggers, biting the moon in the illusion!


Blood red moon, directly bitten off half.

As an "alien" creature who comes to Longcheng with elite level, erha's promotion to the extraordinary level is undoubtedly inconceivable.

The reason is that thanks to Ji Yexin's "Huangdao Longqi" talent, he can regard the creatures contracted with him as his "belongings" and directly display his talent of fusion.

Therefore, erha is not only promoted to activate the "Sirius" blood.

Even after Ji Ye killed a quasi leader level "heavenly dog" in her body, she got a talent ability called "heavenly dog eats the moon"!

In a sense, the name "erha" is completely in line with its current ability.


The moon devil, who was bitten off by one bite, uttered a scream. He could not control his retreat from the "Blood Moon" state and turned into a red eyed "rabbit" who ran away at a speed similar to his real body.

"I'm afraid it's not good to just leave. Or Stay

But underneath, the "Green Pheasant" who built a ladder from the edge of the mountain to the sky with ice and snow pinched its neck with one hand and frozen it into an ice carved "Jade Rabbit".

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Thanks to the equipment and talent improvement of Jiye's multiple talents for the whole stronghold.

Although the battle front of the demons has been extended to a hundred Li, in most of the battlefields, Longcheng has an advantage.

However, in almost all the battlefields are turbulent and fierce, the sound of fighting in the sky.

There is a special battlefield, but it is a "calm"!

Dream · dragon city!

This is a "mixed city" with high-rise buildings, shuttles and aircrafts, like a science fiction world, and antique pavilions.

In terms of scenery, among all the demarcation points of Longcheng today, they are enough to rank among the top three.

However, in the gorgeous dream opposite the dragon city.

At this time, there is an alien stronghold, which is more majestic in momentum and exudes strong coercion and aggressive momentum. It is a silver island floating in the dream air, and the whole island exudes noble and dazzling silver glow.

More importantly, the whole floating island is lined with giant dragons.

There is a "black dragon" whose body is covered with armor spikes, and its whole body is like a black scale made of metal. It is almost immune to magic. It has eyes like lava balls, and its body is full of "red dragon" with the smell of fire and sulfur. The scales of the blue dragon are constantly popping, and one thunder after another is springing around, and the breath is full of "Blue Dragon" with a sense of irritability ”……

In addition, the body is completely composed of invisible wind, making it almost impossible for people to see the shape of "sky dragon"; the body looks like a "gem dragon" which is completely composed of diamonds, but its hardness is far higher than that of ordinary diamonds

There are even some dragons with obvious signs of multi civilization collision and fusion.

For example, a large part of the body has been transformed into a "mechanical" shape, with gun barrels of different sizes exposed on the body, and a "mechanical dragon" with "magic steam" energy on the back!

These dragons are all extraordinary.Even, half of them have reached the extraordinary level of third or fourth order.

The whole "Dragon Island" is surrounded by a translucent, slender silver dragon with an indescribable sense of nobility and elegance, surrounded by six transparent Dragon Wings on its back.

[dream casting Dragon King isera]

level: extraordinary level 6

grade: Legend

Description: the legendary queen of the dragon clan, the master of the "Silver Dream", can drive the "Silver Dream" freely between dream and reality!

The dragon race is a race widely spread in human novels and historical records.

And the name "isera" makes me feel familiar.

Of course, it's not the same dragon. In fact, among the dragon people, the name "isera" is just like Zhang Wei in the Dragon Kingdom, Ivanov in the northern Bear Kingdom and Smith in the Miying Kingdom Popularization!

However, the title of this legendary female dragon is not popular.

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Dragon city's "dream sub basis" can't move freely, but this legendary dragon named isera can drive the whole "Silver Dream" and carry hundreds of extraordinary level dragons to move together.

It can even move freely in the dream and reality, which means that the whole dragon clan can sneak attack a race that does not master the power of "dream". With the extraordinary strength of all the members and the extraordinary level of "dream casting Dragon King", it is almost impossible that the enemy can stop it!

Even "dream · dragon city".

Although a large number of fighters have been deployed in this city at this time, with a total number of tens of thousands, most of the personnel in Longcheng only belong to the moufan level.

In the face of the extraordinary level of the dragon clan, even if the gap between them can be bridged by the number, the casualties will be very large.

Especially because of the particularity of dreams, fighting is essentially based on "spiritual power". All kinds of extraordinary weapons of Longcheng on the level of science and technology can not play their real power here!

However, under the absolute advantage of rank power, hundreds of extraordinary dragons in the opposite side didn't attack at this time, and even the longan with different colors and shapes all showed dignified color.

Because, in the "dream of the dragon city" clouds over.

At this time, there was a golden dragon with a length of more than 1000 meters.

In the clouds, looming, seems to be resting.

In the body of a far more than ordinary creatures powerful breath, and even let the whole dream sky appear the trace of fragmentation!

[Lord of dragon city · Jiye]

rank: extraordinary level 7

rank: Legend

Description: the young and Heroic Legendary strong man of the human race dominates millions of human beings, personally destroys dozens of alien strongholds, and has all kinds of mysterious talents and powers.

This is the information of the golden five clawed dragon that covers half the sky in the eyes of some giant dragons with detection talent or magic like "eye of knowledge"!

If we say that the extraordinary "Dragon King of casting dream" of the sixth level belongs to the existence that makes ordinary human beings feel very afraid and difficult to resist.

So Jiye, the extraordinary seventh level dragon, is more deterrent than the dragon, even if their individual strength is far higher than that of human beings.

Because, it is precisely because the dragon clan belongs to the existence of the extraordinary level of the whole staff.

Only then do they know more clearly what the extraordinary seventh level means, which means that even if all the dragons embrace together, they may not be able to kill Ji Ye!

Because, the existence of supernormal five levels below, can't cause substantial damage to Ji Ye.

Moreover, the dragon city is not only the "five clawed Golden Dragon" formed by Ji Ye.

It's on the defenses of dragon city.

Among the white dragon Qi, there are also "golden Jiaos" with various extraordinary weapons in their hands!

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[dragon blood Guard]

rank: extraordinary second level

rank: quasi commander

Description: the Lord of dragon city, the "Pro guard" cultivated on the basis of his own "dragon blood", is well-equipped and has absolute loyalty and faith to the Lord of dragon city!

Long Xuewei, the reason why it is called this name.

It is because the extraordinary power source of these soldiers is the "blood of five clawed Golden Dragon" drawn from himself.

At the beginning, the legendary Dragon King's "a drop of real blood" could make him break through the ordinary realm and turn into an extraordinary "dragon!

Today's Jiye has already become a legendary level, and even has surpassed the former "Black Dragon King" in terms of level. Nature and methods have created an extraordinary level of Pro guard.

Three hundred "dragon blood guards", all of them are quasi commander evaluation, and they are equipped with a weapon or armor of extraordinary level. In the case of burning "dragon blood", they can even "open five" with the commander of the same level!Moreover, these pro guards were all selected from the people who worshiped Ji Ye most in the Dragon City, and all of them signed the "emperor Road dragon contract" with him.

These "dragon blood guards" can also rely on their blood contact with him and borrow his strength. Jiye has mastered some magic power similar to the "colorful silk" of the shark people to gather strength, and can draw some strength from these "dragon blood guards" and even the personnel of Longcheng who worship him!

These people are now all placed in the dream dragon city.

It can be said that the defense strength of the dragon city on the ground and the five clawed dragon in the sky are actually completely integrated.

It also means that the dragon clan can't use the tactics of sending extraordinary members above level 5 to entangle Jiye, and the rest of them directly break through the core of the dream stronghold.

As a result, there is a slightly strange "calm" state in front of us.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

However, it is not completely calm

in the dream sky, there are white clouds floating in the sky broken by the smell of the five clawed Golden Dragon.

It's not empty, it's floating out, it's floating out of the battlefield.

On the other hand, the attention and sight of most of the players (Dragons) are unconsciously focused on the most spacious picture.

The center of the picture is a "blood devil swamp" composed of countless nearly materialized dark red blood demons. In the "blood devil swamp", there are magic giant apes with blood light in their eyes, demonized pterosaurs with blood dripping from their bodies, and fallen angels with rotten bodies

All kinds of demonized creatures rise and fall and roar.

"Boom boom!"

And this piece of "magic swamp" has been surrounded by Longcheng fighters from all directions.

All kinds of guns, missiles, hot weapons and extraordinary cold weapons bombard the city's location, and even fighters fly over the sky and drop the next nuclear bomb on it.

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But "blood devil swamp" above that rich become the essence of the blood devil gas, for all kinds of attacks have a strong ability to resist!

Even if the nuclear bomb explodes, it can't kill all kinds of advanced "demonized creatures" hidden in the swamp.


"Be careful, there's something wrong with these plants!"

On the contrary, it is the Dragon City soldiers who surround this bloody swamp.

At the time of approaching, many people were wrapped around their arms or feet by dark red "demonized demon vines" suddenly springing out of the soil.

If the people around can't be rescued in time, they will quickly drag into the magic swamp, into the dark red wet soil like blood, and then soon, a blood red "flower" will open out from the soil!

[magic · other shore flower]

rank: extraordinary level 5

rank: leader

Description: after being "demonized", the other shore flower has a strong bloodthirsty ferocity, and every life swallowed by it will be transformed into a new other shore flower!

Every flower is a life, and the number of such bloody "other shore flowers" here is more than tens of thousands?

Its root system is hidden in the deep underground, which is more protected by the bloody swamp.

Even if the dragon city uses the special technology missile or evades the earth skill and so on the supernatural power, also is difficult to eradicate this sea of flowers!

"Get out of the way!"

It's on the screen.

At the foot of Guan Yu, a "red dragon" with fiery hair was suspended above the sea of flowers.

Holding the "green dragon Yanyue sword" transformed from the "qingjiao" sacrifice in one hand, Danfeng squinted slightly and cut it out with a knife.


A blue dragon shaped knife gas burst out of the body of the knife, spinning around the bloody swamp at high speed. The fierce knife gas cut off all the "demonization · other shore flowers" around the swamp.


The broken flower vines shed a lot of blood, the smell of blood and evil spirit scattered.

As if because of this knife and suffered heavy damage and stimulation, the bloody swamp ground began to heave violently.

Then, countless broken vines, dripping with the stench of blood, burst into the sky. With a scream, they all attacked Guan Yu, who was riding on the "red dragon". His eyes in the air only opened a gap!

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