Easy Cultivation

Chapter 13

"Chase them!" Wang Yigao was in a fury. To think that he was so easily tricked! If the other young masters of his circle were to know of this, they would surely laugh their heads off!

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Meanwhile, I was skillfully weaving in through the alleyways like an experienced thief, escaping from the bunch of hooligans.

'Damn it! I didn't even see him and left the registration area to avoid trouble, but this happens anyway! Am I really fated to meet with that minor character?' I thought helplessly.

The techniques that I learned over the days were indeed very powerful. However, I only started practicing it for a few days and it wasn't enough for me to take on so many people at the same time. No matter what, I was only one person at the First Stage while the other group had eight at the First Stage and three at the Second Stage. No doubt, there was no way for me to overpower them all.

But even if I could overpower them all by myself, Lin Xiaodong wouldn't. Most likely, he would even be heavily injured or taken hostage during a fight which would only serve to further increase my troubles.

Not to mention, I don't even have any real fighting experience! Even Lin Ming's previous memories aren't of much help. After all, he was only a struggling martial artist before this. To fight the group was simply a foolish move no matter how I thought about it. Even if I won because of the existence of the system, that would only escalate the matter and put me in a spotlight. People weren't dumb, who would believe a single First Stage junior defeating eleven martial artists with more or less the same cultivation? Suspicions would definitely arise.

Losing was also not an option. Knowing how these type of people work, although they weren't the type to kill indiscriminately, crippling people was something they did on a regular basis. Losing also meant losing face, and with my and Xiaodong's personality, we would rather die than lose face!

And to have a civilized discussion with such a group, the sun would have to rise from the west! It was simply impossible!

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Left with no other choice, I could only trick them and speed away, pulling Lin Xiaodong in hand. It was a good thing that he was very cooperative. Otherwise...

I also had to thank the wonderful soul who got me the movement technique I was using. It was very fast and didn't have a very strict requirement. It was called 'Galewing Flow', a unique technique that differentiated from the usually draconic-aligned techniques. It was a technique that only required an understanding towards the element of wind. The higher your understanding towards wind, the faster you will be. At higher levels, one could form wings made from energy and wind that could blow powerful gales to boost their speed.

I only managed to learn this after running for hours on end while 'feeling the wind'.

The truth was, aside from this technique, although I would like to say I was having steady progress in all other techniques, there was no progress at all. The reason for this is because many of them required a minimum cultivation at the Xiantian realm. With my lacking cultivation, no matter how I scratched the surface, I could only rely on my imitation of the sequence of movements to be able to barely use them.

I liked to think of it as climbing a coconut tree. At my level, I was still far from the tree. But once I reach Xiantian, I could finally climb the tree, which is the technique. The higher my cultivation, the farther I climb up. Once I reach large success in the technique, I can finally pluck a coconut. However, to truly reach perfection of the technique, I had to break the coconut and drink its juice.

It was a very lengthy yet straightforward process.

Right now, I was already ready to climb up the coconut tree known as the 'Galewing Flow'. However, the cultivation technique 'The Tome of the Dragon King', the martial skill 'Raindragon', the spear technique 'Dragon King's Domination', all of these and a few others were still out of reach.

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However, although useless in action at the moment, the few understandings that I managed to attain from the various profound texts and laws it contained still helped me form a better foundation for my cultivation and overall training.

After a while, I finally managed to rid the nuisances off my tail, heaving deep breaths as I stopped. Regeneration promptly kicked in and brought me back to prime condition, including the clueless Lin Xiaodong.

"Brother Ming, good escape!" Lin Xiaodong laughed out loud, his adrenaline still pumping. After a bit, he then began to complain, "But who were those people anyway? How can they be so rampant?"

"I'm not sure myself, but I think his father is a major figure in the army." I said, unsure. He was just a side character after all. Information about him wasn't something I kept in mind.

"Damn, no wonder he's so rampant. He has such a big backer!" Lin Xiadong gritted his teeth in anger. Then he suddenly hesitated, "With them around, do you think we can still go to the fair?"

"Hehe, that's no problem. Remember what I told you? My master taught me various techniques. You've already experienced my movement technique for yourself. Now, I'll show you my disguise technique." I smiled reassuringly. Following which, I formed a few gestures and circulated the method used in the disguise technique 'Illusory Visage'.

With my perception, I could say with confidence that we were alone. I also asked the system for insurance and the surroundings were clear. With this, I safely activated the technique. Gradually, my appearance changed from a lean youth with long black hair to a burly middle-aged man with a thick beard and short brown hair.

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Looking on, Lin Xiaodong was shocked and his jaw was threatening to dislocate from widening so much. He couldn't believe how the appearance could have change by so much. Even if he were beaten to death, he would've never believed that this middle-aged man was Lin Ming if he didn't see it for himself.

"Hehe..." a deep bass voice sounded as the middle-aged man chuckled.

Lin Xiaodong subconsciously took a step back, his back already drenched in cold sweat. What is this sorcery?!

"B-brother Ming... is that really you?" Xiaodong stuttered, shaken.

"Haha, who else could I be? Xiaodong, do you wanna learn this technique? Don't worry, my master said that I can share a few techniques to people I believe are trustworthy." I smiled.

"I can?" Lin Xiaodong's expression lit up, "Please teach me!"

"All right, don't resist." I approached and stretched a finger to his forehead. Lin Xiaodong was a bit confused at first, but he kept silent when he felt a flow of warm energy imprint itself into his mind.

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After which, he was in disbelief once more. How was this possible?!

He was all the more shaken when he learned the contents of the technique. This... what rank of technique is this? He discovered that using this technique could even fool the senses of Pulse Condensation martial artists. If someone at the Houtian realm didn't look closely enough, even they could be fooled!

Lin Xiaodong suddenly felt that Lin Ming had become very awesome and mysterious. He then took a deep breath as he said, "Brother Ming... I believe you now."

I wanted to look away in shame when I saw his worshiping gaze, but I had to remain steadfast. Nonetheless, a tinge of red could still be seen on my face, "Enough of that. What do you think about the technique?"

Lin Xiaodong immediately gave two thumbs up as he smiled. Clearly, he was happy.

But he wasn't the only one who was happy. I was happy as well because I finally confirmed that I could also transfer knowledge of techniques from the Shop to other people.

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