Easy Cultivation

Chapter 14

The fair was held at the outskirts of the city. Every year, this would be the place where the biggest number of business transaction was conducted where even martial artists from neighboring kingdoms would come over to buy items.

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At the entrance of the fair, there was a black-clothed burly middle-aged man following behind a pompous young master wearing white silk robes embroidered with golden patterns.

Upon arriving, the two were astonished at the bustling crowd of people and high range of goods on display. Without a doubt, this was a place of luxury, a world for the wealthy and powerful. It wouldn't be a surprise to see someone at the Pulse Condensation among the crowd.

As the two were observing, a disturbance occurred nearby. Turning their gazes, they saw a luxurious white carriage drawn by eight Draconic Snow Horses. These horses were very precious due to their great speed and endurance, each one could even fetch up to ten thousand gold taels in price. Among the rich families of the kingdom, not many were willing to purchase them.

Upon seeing the crest depicting a knight with a golden spear, the burly middle-aged man accidentally blurted out, "Qin Xingxuan?"

The pompous young master was surprised, "Brother Mi... ahem, Yi Yun, you know Marshal Qin's granddaughter?"

Obviously, these two were the disguised Lin Xiaodong and Lin Ming.

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During these days, I wasn't just training while ignoring everything else. I also did some research among a few characters in the kingdom. But because of my limited capabilities and time, I wasn't able to learn much aside from their basic information. Qin Xingxuan was naturally included.

From what I've gathered, Qin Xingxuan was the most talented youth in the entire kingdom and the only one with a martial talent of the Sixth Grade. Her background was also powerful since she was the granddaughter of the Marshal, Qin Xiao.

As for Qin Xiao, he was the Kingdom Protector who saved the Sky Fortune Kingdom from the invasion eighty years ago by the neighboring Eastern Sun Kingdom, as well as the Honorary Principal of the Sky Fortune Martial House which was also established back then after Qin Xiao's victory.

Ever since, Qin Xiao became one of the most powerful and influential men in the kingdom and established his own Marshal's Quarters. He was even more renowned than the current emperor. However, his cultivation eventually stagnated at the middle Houtian realm.

"Young Master Xiao, I only know her name. I saw that Qin Xingxuan is the one inside the carriage." I replied towards the pompous young master, which was Lin Xiaodong in disguise.

As if to confirm what I said, the carriage stopped and the curtain was pushed aside as a beautiful young lady wearing a white dress came out.

Upon seeing the young lady, Lin Xiaodong's eyes instantly became glued straight at her. For some reason, I suddenly had the urge to smack his head.

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You little rascal, this is Lin Ming's first woman! You dare stare? Only Lin Ming can... oh wait, that's me.

Ignoring Lin Xiaodong's annoying gaze, I looked towards the young lady.

Waist-long black hair, jade-like skin, eyes that shone like the waters of autumn, a fine raised nose, pointed chin, slender neck, an aura of wisdom and purity...

Hot damn! Talk about a kingdom-toppling beauty!

Escorted by her bodyguards and maids, Qin Xingxuan strolled through the fair, her beauty seemingly adding color as peach flowers blossomed wherever she went. All eyes gathered on her got lost in a reverie until she disappeared from their sight filled with reluctance.

I suddenly patted Xiaodong on the back while giving him a glare, "Are you done looking?"

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Lin Xiaodong nodded absent-nodded as he praised, "Qin Xingxuan... she is truly perfect."

I fell silent as I nodded in contemplation. At the same time, strange feelings bubbled within me. What should I do with her?

"Xiao... Young Master Xiao, if you knew you could have her as your wife, what would you do?" I asked softly.

"Yi Yun, that girl is too far away from me, I cannot have those kinds of thoughts. The number of people who would line up to court her could stretch the entire kingdom, but none of them are worthy. She would surely enter a top clan in the future like the Seven Profound Valley. Even now, she's already a core disciple of the Seven Profound Martial House." Lin Xiaodong said his honest thoughts.

"That's not the question, what would you do?" I glared.

"I already told you, I'm not worthy! Even if I want her, do you think she'll want me? She's the exact opposite of my type anyway, ambitious in life! Why are you so insistent on this anyway? Are you aroused? Well, considering what a heavenly beauty she is, that is understandable." He suddenly nodded in understanding.

"Why would you evade such a beauty?" I was bewildered.

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"What would you do then?" He answered with a question.

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking!"

"Then that's easy. If you're a man, just go for it!"

"Are you not a man yourself?" I was stunned.

"A man's gotta know his limits as well." He said as if a matter of fact.

I was speechless.

In the end, I decided to think about this on a later date and focus on the more important matter at hand - The Annual Martial Arts Fair!

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