Easy Cultivation

Chapter 15

Roaming around the fair, a handsome young man with a luxurious air could be seen eyeing the items of an old man's stall. After doing a once-over, he impatiently asked, "Is everything prepared?"

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The old merchant selling his goods immediately made a wide and accommodating smile as he nodded hurriedly, "Young Master, here it is!"

The old merchant then carefully handed a neat box to the burly middle-aged man following the young man who he assumed to be his bodyguard.

Carefully receiving the palm-sized box, I put it away in my backpack while secretly putting it in the inventory. More than an hour has already passed since we entered the fair and we have bought a variety of useful goods. Pills, herbs, ores, vicious beast blood and carcasses, and plenty more. As long as we didn't have one of them, we bought it straight away!

During this hour, Lin Xiaodong, disguised as the rich young master, had gotten a bit of fame in the fair. It wasn't a surprise considering how he bought one of almost every single item in every single stall we passed without a care for the price. Because of this, rumors spread and plenty of merchants came to know of him to the point where they even prepared one of each item in a box before we even arrived.

It was an unexpected privilege.

I got to hand it to Lin Xiaodong as well. He had some talent when it came to not caring about what other people thought about him and doing things in a very straightforward way, so the process was very smooth.

There were a few occasions in which we suspected a few sellers trying to swindle us, but with the temptation of money, the other sellers immediately ganged up and exposed those swindlers, handling them promptly.

In the end, Lin Xiadong wasted a lot more money, but nobody dared swindle him anymore. It wasn't about the money, it was about his face.

Although we didn't account for this in our earlier plan, we welcomed it gladly. It was also helpful how nobody could see our cultivation due to the disguise technique, so no one was willing to risk offending us. At least not yet and not in the open.

Soon enough, we arrived at another stall with a wrapped box.

"What's in the box?" Lin Xiaodong asked expressionlessly.

This time, the seller was a scrawny man in his thirties. He rubbed his palms together as he welcomed, "Young Master, you will surely like my items. I have here a bottle of Clear Stream Pills. These pills can remove the impurities from the body like a clear stream cleansing your impurities. Bottlenecks wouldn't be a problem anymore if you consume this."

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Lin Xiaodong furrowed his brows, "Is that all?"

The scrawny immediately replied, "Young Master, I also have a magical pearl that can keep your clothes clean all day long and a spatial ring. However, it is badly damaged and will only last for three more years."

Lin Xiaodong was surprised, "A spatial ring?"

He looked towards me with a gaze that seemed to say, 'Do you want it?'

I nodded.

"All right, pack it up. How much is it?"

"Ten thousand eight hundred gold taels."

Lin Xiaodong then coolly paid eleven banknotes, "Keep the change."

The scrawny man's face instantly brightened.

After which, I immediately wore the ring and put my mark as the owner. With this, I no longer needed to act so secretively with the inventory.

As we were just about to leave, a disturbance suddenly occurred nearby that caught our attention. But as we came over to take a look, we were immediately disinterested.

"It's a rare herb! A six-hundred-year-old Blood Ginseng!"

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"I must definitely have this. Sir, how much are you selling for?"

"Keep dreaming. Can you even afford it?"

"I will not be selling for money. I will only trade for precious items." The seller loudly announced. He was a swarthy man with a crooked nose.

Oh, so it was just this. Without a shred of hesitation, we then left.

However, just as the two of us turned our backs and walked away...

"I'm willing to trade ten of Master Baihong's inscription symbols."

"Don't bother, I have a low-grade human-step treasure sword."

"Who are you trying to fool? Nobody wants your broken sword!"

"I don't have much, but I have a true essence stone."

We instantly did a U-turn.

"Young Master Xiao, no matter what, you have to get the true essence stone!" I immediately pulled Xiaodong who was just about to go over to the next stall, hurrying over to the gray-haired man who offered a true essence stone.

"Don't worry, this Young Master will not disappoint!" Xiaodong proudly patted his chest. It was a good thing that he was quick to understand and didn't ask too much.

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"Senior, do you really have a true essence stone?" Xiaodong smiled in a friendly manner as he approached the gray-haired man.

"Why does this little brother ask? Do you want it?" The gray-haired man chuckled lightly.

"I'm willing to trade for it, Senior." Xiaodong said confidently.

"You! Stop disturbing my business! Sir, I'm willing to trade this Blood Ginseng if you have any more of those true essence stones." The crooked-nosed man said in eagerness.

"Pui!" Xiaodong spat scornfully.

"Why don't YOU stop disturbing MY business? Senior, why don't you see for yourself what I have to offer first?" Xiaodong then flicked his fingers, following which I took out a wooden box from the newly-bought spatial ring and handed it carefully to him. The scene was as if he truly was a Young Master calling for his lackey.

As Xiaodong received the box, he then carefully opened the box in front of the gray-haired man.

Upon revealing the item inside the box, the crowd gasped in shock.

"Is that... a thousand-year-old Blood Ginseng?!"

"It should be. Its aura is even richer than the one in that shop!"

"Young man, I'm willing to trade a low-grade human-step sword..."

When the gray-haired man heard that, he finally awoke from his stunned daze and immediately closed the box to prevent the medicinal efficacy from decreasing. "Little brother, I am willing to trade with you!"

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With this Blood Ginseng, I finally have hope of healing my old injuries! Hahaha! The gray-haired man was already mentally laughing in wild celebration.

"Young man, let me trade with you!"

"No, me!"

"Go away, he's trading with me!"

Seeing the commotion, Xiaodong felt helpless. However, as he heard what I whispered to his ear, he regained his spirits once more.

"Now, now, settle down, everyone. I still have one more left."

The crowd was instantly energized.

Meanwhile, the seller at the side felt very gloomy. All his customers were suddenly taken just like that and he couldn't even fight back. Why is life so depressing?

In the end, the trade was successful and Lin Xiaodong exchanged the two thousand-year-old Blood Ginsengs for five true essence stones and the low-grade human-step broken sword.

For the rest of the day afterwards, both of us carried on merrily with our shopping spree and eventually became famous throughout the Capital as the kingdom's legendary spenders.

For some reason, I also got the title "Walking Gold Mine".

When the annual fair finally came to an end, Lin Xiaodong and I then secretly hid somewhere as we undid our disguises and changed our outfits.

After which, we happily went home without a care for the world. The bunch of baboons who thought of getting rich overnight by ambushing us after we left can also keep on dreaming...

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