Easy Cultivation

Chapter 16

"I say, Brother Ming, you really are filthy rich! Who exactly is your master?" Lin Xiaodong exclaimed in awe.

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"Hehe, that's a secret." I shook my head, "Anyway, how much do you have left?"

Lin Xiaodong took a look at purse underneath his chest, "Mm, let me see. One, two, three, four... there's only four banknotes and about a dozen gold bills left."

"That's good, there's still enough." I nodded, relieved.

"Hm? Enough for what?" He was a bit confused.

"Enough for my parents to buy the restaurant." I smiled.

Xiaodong was suddenly stunned as he remembered, "Ah! That's true. Brother Ming, do you want me to send the remaining money to your parents?"

"That's right, I'll let you handle that. Three thousand is enough to pay, but send a few extra gold bills so that they can enjoy themselves. You can keep the rest."

Ever since I've reincarnated, a strange feeling had always been bubbling at the back of my mind. It was a sense of filial piety.

Although many things happened over the past few days and I've come to accept becoming a resident in this new world, the matter of Lin Ming's parents were still a foreign concept that I couldn't accept wholeheartedly.

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Nonetheless, even if I never met and interacted with them, they were still Lin Ming's parents who never hesitated to take care of their son's martial arts. Because of that, I couldn't help but feel a strong sense of gratitude and responsibility towards them.

"Brother Ming, I really should say, with this amount of goods along with your unfathomable master, it probably won't be long until you surpass Qin Xingxuan and soar to the skies! Although I said earlier that nobody in the kingdom was worthy of her, I'm starting to think on whether she'll even be worthy of you!"

I didn't know what to say, so I could only reply helplessly, "Let's not talk about that. Let's meet up tomorrow at the glade I usually train in, I'm gonna give you some materials."

"Brother Ming, it's okay. You bought the materials with your money, I don't wanna trouble you." He waved dismissively.

"I don't care, let's meet up tomorrow. I won't take no for an answer." After which, we both went our separate ways.


It was already late at night when I got back to Grand Clarity Pavilion. Immediately, I went straight to my room and lay down on my bed, quickly opening the inventory.

The inventory had a simple layout. The square screen's length and width stretched for three feet and rows of boxes in nine columns could be seen. Unsurprisingly, the inside of these boxes were the previously bought items in the fair.

The inventory wasn't very different from the type I read in my past life. Here, time was completely frozen, so I never had to worry about anything ever going rotten. But to store items in the inventory, I noticed that I had to physically touch them, so it wasn't as convenient as I thought. Another thing to note was that although I was using it outside, I could also choose to view the screen inside my mind. The screen was also customizable, so depending on my mood, the entire screen could even cover the entire palace. It was all a matter of preference.

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As I scrolled through the contents of the inventory with shining eyes, I was a bit stunned. There were plenty of items, ranging from the thousands. However...

"Thunder Lizard's Scale, Thundergrass, Thunder Ore, Yellowflame Rock, Redthorn Vines, Volcanic Snake Venom... why the hell are there so many fire and lightning materials?!" I was stupefied as I looked at the inventory's virtual screen in front of me. Out of the thousands of items, at least thirty five percent of them were related to fire or lightning!

It was as if the heavens were giving me a sign.

"Doesn't matter..." I said thoughtfully to myself, 'Just sell them all!'

[Ding! All items in the inventory has been sold. Congratulations, you have obtained...]


The system went silent.

I heaved a sigh of relief. I don't want to hear thousands of alerts!

I then began pondering on what I should do next. As I lay down on my bed, various thoughts flew past my mind. After a while, I then sat up from the bed and decided resolutely.

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"I should befriend Qin Xingxuan. If nothing else, at least her master can help me get out of sticky situations." Without any more hesitation, I called out to the system.

A few moments later, I was in that familiar dark space once more. It was the space inside the Magic Cube!

At the center of the Magic Cube's space, the sphere of light remained unmoving. Clearly, it didn't realize anything. This was naturally because of the system's illusions. As long as it's something within me, anything can be tricked!

"System, locate the memories of an inscription master. The size should be a bit larger than a grain of rice." I ordered. Even with the system's help, integrating with new memories weren't easy. This was probably the limit of what I can handle for now, until I breakthrough to the next realm.

[Ding! A soul fragment has been found.]

"Lead the way!"

Soon enough, I arrived at a bright speck of light. Comparing it with the last soul fragment, although it was a bit larger, it was a few shades darker. Regardless, it was still better than most. Stretching a finger, the process of agonizing torment repeated itself once more. Thankfully, the reliable system was quick to help.

In the center of the Magic Cube's space, however, a slight fluctuation flickered imperceptibly as the soul disappeared.

A night passed and daybreak arrived.

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Fusing with the new memories this time, it took me about eight hours. Two hours longer than the last time. Along with the memories, I could feel myself getting very knowledgeable and familiar with many things of the world. This was only natural because an Inscription Master was someone who studied their whole lives learning about the natural treasures of heaven and earth.

In the previous soul fragment, the ownerless was previously a supreme figure who excelled with the spear as it gave me endless inspirations and experience when it came to using the spear. However, this soul fragment instead gave me an encompassing familiarity towards many items.

It was only to be expected. Inscription Masters were similar to pill refiners in which they also utilize natural treasures to form a product. But instead of pills, they form inscriptions symbols that can boost the effects of items, the body, and even the soul!

However, because of the limited amount of memories, there were a lot of missing details. But this was good enough. Nobody becomes a master overnight.

Or so I thought.

[Ding! You have learned the basics on creating Inscription Symbols. Congratulations, you have become an Inscription Apprentice!]

[Ding! Because of the amount of knowledge you possess, you have leveled up to Level 10 and directly promoted to an Inscription Expert!]

[Ding! Congratulations, you have become an Inscription Expert!]

[Ding! Congratulations, you have leveled up. You are now a level 8 Inscription Expert!]

With how much my jaw was hanging, an ostrich's egg could've fit with room to spare.

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