Easy Cultivation

Chapter 17

Minutes eventually passed as the notifications came and went. I remained in disbelief until the system went back to its tranquil silence.

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"Holy crap!"

This was unbelievable!

To think that this would happen! But upon careful thought, other systems DID do this. It was only to be expected!

'But I don't feel any different though.' I thought oddly.

Aside from the encompassing knowledge that I gained from the memories, I didn't feel any different. It was as if being an Inscription Expert was nothing but a title.

However, feeling nothing didn't mean there was nothing at all. After a moment of thought, I figured that this must have something to do with my practical skill instead of theoretical knowledge.

Upon reaching that conclusion, I decided to test it out. Reviewing the newly-received memories, I decided to create one of the simplest inscription symbols I could find.

Luckily, all the materials for that symbol was readily available in the Shop. Collecting all sorts of items had already become a daily habit of mine and along with the newly-bought items from the fair, my new habit of being a collector was finally paying off.

With a swish of my sleeve, all sorts of items were immediately spread out all around me as a strong medicinal fragrance assaulted the senses.

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Revolving the Overbearing Soul Tactic, I began to familiarize myself on the use of soul force.

Every living being possessed a soul, and thus every living being possessed soul force. When engraving inscription symbols, one need not only true essence, but also soul force. That is because if one cannot use soul force, one cannot even utilize the materials!

This was why soul law formulas were required. With soul law formulas, one can learn how to control their soul force. At the same time, this also directly influenced their ability to use it.

Naturally, every Inscription Master had their own personal soul law formula. However, just like martial skills, some were better while some were worse.

Without a doubt, the 'Overbearing Soul Tactic' derived from the Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians was at the apex of soul law formulas!

Because of the experiences contained in the memories of the Inscription Master's soul fragment, a feeling of deep peace and familiarity overcame me. It was as if I've been practicing inscription techniques for a lifetime as I felt a kind of comfort. Before long, I began the process of creating my first inscription symbol.

As I extracted the juices of each material with the invisible soul force, I first practiced changing the juice into various shapes to further increase my familiarity.

Afterwards, I began drawing a series of brilliant and colorful lines as I condensed them into various sparkling runes...

Time passed. In the end, I failed dozens of times and ran out of both soul force and true essence.

[Ding! You have gained 1 EXP! Next Level Up: 39/100 EXP.]

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I sighed helplessly. I confirmed that practicing inscription techniques does slowly increase my level and even increased my profiency over time. Unfortunately, no matter how much of an expert I am, the amount of true essence and soul force I have is far below my knowledge and skills!

Indeed, even if you gave a toddler a car, the toddler would have a hard time simply reaching the brakes!

Taking out a true essence stone, I absorbed it and could immediately feel the refreshing effects. Unlike pills, true essence stones were very pure and contained little to no impurities, making it very easy to absorb. Because of this, they were very valuable and couldn't be bought in the market.

The reason why the Seven Profound Valleys even decided to establish the Seven Profound Martial House in the kingdom had mainly to do with true essence stones. In the kingdom, there was a true essence stone mine. When the sect came to know about this, they immediately seized the mine for themselves, mining for stones and collecting the majority for the sect while handing out the rest to the royal family, aristocracy, until only a trickle passed in the hands of the public.

After a while of absorbing the true essence stone, it cracked as it ran out of energy and crumbled to dust.

"Hmm..." I began thinking, 'This is too slow... how can I absorb this faster? Oh wait, isn't the Regeneration function is exactly for that?'

I then had the system absorb the stone into the Regeneration function. Soon after activation, I could feel a refreshing stream of true essence flowing through me.

It was a bit of a pity, but because I wasn't at the Pulse Condensation Stage, my meridians haven't been completely opened and connected. This resulted in the flow of energy within me to flow like a muddy swamp.

After ten seconds, the stone cracked and disappeared.

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I was startled, 'Well, that was quick. System, buy another one.'

Ten seconds later.

'Another one!'

Another ten seconds.

'Okay, System. You really should buy that automatically from now on.'

The system was silent.

Ten seconds later.


Ten more seconds came to pass. I was finally annoyed and about to complain furiously when out of nowhere, I suddenly had a revelation.

"Wait a minute..." Why is that function called Regeneration anyway? Suspicions instantly began to arise as various thoughts sprouted.

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'I mean, it's regenerating me, that's true. But if I had to constantly provide the system with a stream of items just to regenerate me, wouldn't that make it a generator instead?' I was dumbstruck by this reasoning. All of a sudden, a tinge of red covered my cheeks... that actually makes sense!

So I could confirm my suspicions, I decided to buy the low-grade human-step broken sword from the fair. I still haven't had the system repair it yet. And without hesitation, I sent it into Regeneration and activated the function. As soon as it began...

[Ding! That will cost you xxx System Points.]

Without a pause, I pressed yes and when I saw the results, I was dumbstruck once more.

The sword started regenerating!

By this point, I could feel my face heat up as I already had a rough idea on what was going on. No, maybe it wasn't even a rough idea anymore since this was exactly the case!

And as if to confirm my shameful realization, the mechanical sound of the system rang out.

[Normally, the user would first discover the main function of a new System Function before the secondary function, but for some reason, you managed to discover the secondary function instead before the main function and even assumed that it was the main function all along. Congratulations, even the System God is speechless!] The system explained without mercy.

I was wrong! I've been using Regeneration the wrong way all along!

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