Easy Cultivation

Chapter 2

One wish of any kind?

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Sweet Maple Syrup!

Three words came to my mind as I read this.

Domineering. Overbearing. Tyrannical.

Needless to say, I could already feel my blood boiling within me. The flames of passion rekindling the 8th grader syndrome inside me.

This Genie is truly... a dream come true!

"I can wish for anything?" I asked in disbelief and excitement.

[The Genie's Gift can grant any wish at all as long as it isn't unreasonable.]

"Alright, if that's the case, I won't make it too hard for the Genie. I wish for Infinite System Points." I declared with a humble smile.

[...] I wasn't exactly sure, but I could almost feel that the System was stunned speechless.

The response was a bit unexpected. Was the wish too much? But it's just Infinite System Points! It's not like I wished for Omnipotence or Invulnerability. How could it be too much?

[Jack, the Genie hopes for you to reconsider. Although he can grant you any wish, there are still certain limits because the Genie is not above the System God in terms of authority and power. Please choose another wish.]

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"What?" it was my turn to be stunned, "Isn't it just System Points? What's the big deal? Come on, it's just a simple wish. That's all I want." I pleaded.

[The Genie really hopes for you to reconsider. However, if you are truly adamant on that choice, then the Genie can reluctantly compromise and still grant you your wish, but there will be certain conditions.]

I grinned happily, the smile threatening to disfigure my face. So what if there are conditions? I'll still have Infinite System Points!

[Will you change your mind?] the System asked one last time.

"No." I answered with the same stance - INFINITE SYSTEM POINTS!

[Ding! Congratulations, your wish has been granted. The Genie will now take back his gift.]

"Hell yeah!" I was immediately overcome with immense joy and ecstatically jumped around in happiness.

It took me a minute or so before I managed to cool down from my celebration.

"Alright, System. Show me the Shop!" I declared.

[Opening Shop...]

[Ding! The Shop has been opened. Because it is your first time opening the Shop, you can freely obtain any single item of your choice.]

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"Hahaha!" I almost jumped in joy once more as I heard that. "Good, very good. I'll just take a look around for now. No hurries."

Browsing through the Shop, I couldn't help but marvel at the countless amazing choices I could see. Just the first few items on display were already this amazing and heaven-defying based on their descriptions, how much more if I scrolled further? It wouldn't surprise me if it went to the levels of 'earth-shattering and heaven-shaking'. Moreover, this was only the beginning of the [All] category of the shop, so I haven't even checked out the other specialized categories available yet!

For now, I was satisfied browsing through the general items. So many good stuff! And these were probably items with the lowest values. Later on, I'll have to scroll further down the list and also check out [Bloodlines], [Pills], [Weapons], and the other specialized categories.

I wasn't in a hurry for now. What's the hurry? I can buy anything whenever I want anyway. It was especially satisfying to look at whenever I see that striking "∞" at the bottom right corner of the virtual screen of the Shop. Aiya, I think I'm falling in love. What a wonderful figure!

Feeling that I've indulged myself enough, I decided to take a look at my surroundings.

Trees... trees everywhere.

It couldn't have been more obvious that I was in a forest. However, the trees here are a bit peculiar. Just from the visual aspect alone, I couldn't be sure, but when I walked up and held my hand to a tree, I was astonished. This feels like... iron?

An iron tree? Why is this familiar? I feel as if I've encountered this before. Now that I think about it, I probably read this in those Xianxia novels. Wait, Xianxia?

Just then, the faint sounds of footsteps could be heard behind me. Turning around, I could see a fat youth come into view. The youth carried with him a sheathed long sword on his right side, and as he saw me, he grinned and spoke, "Brother Ming, today is the registration day for the entrance examination of the Seven Profound Martial House. Did you happen to forget about it? Why are you still training your fists here?"

"Brother Ming?" I was surprised.

[Ding! Ming is your new name.]

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"Huh?" I was surprised once more.

[Ding! The System advises you to use your brain.]

"Uh... who are you?" Confusion was still evident on my face, but I decided to ignore the System for now. Prioritizing the fat youth in front of me instead.

"Brother Ming, what kind of joke are you playing at?" he confusedly asked, "Did you forget me, Lin Xiaodong, already?"

"Lin Xiaodong?" I was momentarily confused before my expression changed to shock. Wait a second... I know this name!

"Did you catch a fever, Brother Ming? You've been acting very strange." Lin Xiaodong took a step forward as he approached me.

"Wait! Where is this place?" I subconsciously took a step back, totally dumbstruck.

Lin Xiaodong paused his steps, "Brother Ming, did you hit your head while training? You've been training here all this time and you don't even know this is the Zhou Mountains beside Sky Fortune City?"

I was stunned once more and a foreboding feeling appeared in my heart.

Iron Trees...


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Lin Xiaodong...

Great Zhou Mountains...

Sky Fortune City...

"Don't tell me... am I Lin Ming?"

Lin Xiaodong tilted his head in confusion, "Brother Ming, who could you be if you're not Lin Ming?"


At that moment, it was as if a nuke suddenly exploded in my mind. Nani?!

My head immediately spun at the realization. After which, as if on cue, new memories flooded my mind, feeling both foreign yet strangely familiar as if an experience that I have personally gone through!

I clutched my head from the sudden surge of pain, almost fainting as I kneeled. But while the memories poured down like a torrential river, I came upon numerous information which was basically a confirmation of the world which I have reincarnated into.

This was...

The world of Martial World!

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