Easy Cultivation

Chapter 3

"Brother Ming!"

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Lin Xiaodong worriedly called out as he saw me fall down. He hurried over to help me up, but I stopped him from doing so because I really didn't want to be bothered at the moment.

A quarter hour passed in silence as the torrent of information finally subsided. I sighed in relief, glad to have ridden of that uncomfortable feeling.

Although it was a bit painful at the start, that was only because I was caught off guard. Even so, integrating with fifteen years worth of memories in a quarter hour was far from a pleasant experience.

Suddenly -

[Ding! The System has been updated.]

[Ding! The System has been modified to perfectly fit in with the Host's current world.]

[Ding! The System is now the Martial World System.]

Hearing the continuous notifications, I was startled. Martial World System? Does that mean I can only buy things from Martial World? Damn, what a waste!

Seeing the color slowly return to Lin Ming's complexion, Lin Xiaodong was finally relieved, "Brother Ming, what happened to you?"

"I..." I turned to face Lin Xiaodong and was momentarily lost for words. I can't possibly mention that I was assimilating the previous Lin Ming's memories, can I?

"I... I am very tired from all the training..." I muttered softly in embarrassment. I doubt even an idiot would believe such a blatant lie, but I don't really have a choice.

"I see. Aiya, this is what happens when you train too much. Brother Ming, too much is never good. You should be more like me, I fish every three days and dry the fishing nets every two days. I train, but I also rest." Lin Xiaodong shook his head in pity.

I was momentarily startled. Huh? That can work too?

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[Ding! The System is here to help!]

I was startled once more. So it's the system's handiwork... I guess that makes sense.

As I was lost in thought, I suddenly recalled memories of this new fatty brother of mine. I said suspiciously, "You say you train and rest, but I've never even seen you train..."

Lin Xiaodong's face slightly turned red in embarrassment, quickly changing the subject, "Brother Ming, you shouldn't say that. I have no talent for martial arts and don't have much ambitions in life. I just want to continue holding on to my position as a direct descendant of the Lin Family. As long as I do not end up losing this position and my next generation could also successfully maintain their place in the Lin Family, that is enough for me."

I was suddenly reminded about Lin Xiaodong's background as I heard that. Not to mention my newly integrated memories, as someone who has finished reading Martial World long ago, although I've already forgotten many things, I could still clearly remember the novel's fatty, Lin Xiaodong. He and Lin Ming could be considered close brothers. He was a direct descendant of the Lin Family, but he was only part of the lowest ranked based on the Lin Family's ranking system.

Oddly enough, despite having just met with the other, I could already feel a deep sense of closeness with him. It was a strange yet intimate feeling. As if Lin Ming is me and I am Ling Ming.

Truth be told, I still can't fully accept my new identity. First of all, it's bizarre. Second, it's too sudden. Lastly, and more importantly, Lin Ming's destiny is too much for me to handle!

As I mentioned earlier, I've already completely read all of Martial World. Personally, I liked the novel. I don't wanna bore anyone with all the details, but I can only say it was among the top of all the Xianxia that I've read. However, reading is a totally different story in comparison to reality.

Evil schemes? Powerful enemies? Life and death battles? Arrogant young masters? Unrelenting pressure? Hope of Humanity?

I don't want any of that!

I don't want to be Lin Ming!

Alas, nothing I say will change reality.

[Ding! Correct.]

As I was inwardly flipping the bird on the system and crying out my indignation, Lin Xiaodong was looking around the area. As he saw the hollows caused by fists and the traces of blood that stained the nearby trees, he turned to see my bruised hands. He then let out a sigh of disappointment. "You really are crazy, to be able to damage ironbark wood to such an extent.

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He then shook his head, "However, with your current training methods, if you keep this up, your hands will become crippled!"

I didn't respond. Inwardly, however, I felt peculiar. Why does this sound so familiar?

Lin Xiaodong sighed and pulled out a bundle from his bosom. He unfurled the bundle layer by layer and said, "Brother Ming, take this."

Glancing over, I saw a crimson colored ginseng lying upon the cloth bundle. If it were the previous Lin Ming, he would've been shocked. This was a hundred year old Blood Ginseng! It was a high-grade medicine worth at least a hundred and fifty gold taels, the equivalent of Lin Ming's family's annual income.

However, I was only slightly surprised since I was already expecting it.

Seeing such a gift, I couldn't help but smile and shake my head, "I can't accept this Blood Ginseng."

As someone who possesses a cheat specifically for this, why bother troubling this brother of another mother of mine when I could obviously buy an even better one from the system? Not to mention, something this expensive would definitely take a toll on their family's savings. How could I possibly take advantage of him?

Lin Xiaodong forcibly pushed the Blood Ginseng into my hands and said, "I bought this Blood Ginseng just for you..."

I waved a hand and cut him off mid-way, "I really can't accept this. The reason is because..." I paused as I slowly put a hand behind me.

I placed both hands in front, but this time, I held a crimson colored ginseng, "I already have one!"

Needless to say, Lin Xiaodong was shocked. He turned to look at me in a daze, "Brother Ming, how did you get this?"

Of course, I bought this from the system. But how could I say that? I just gave a toothy grin in response.

As he took an even closer look at the item, he rubbed his eyes, bewildered.

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"T-this... Brother Ming, this Blood Ginseng... how old is it?" Lin Xiaodong stuttered as he stared with wide beady eyes.

"Oh, not too old. Just a thousand years old." I answered nonchalantly.

Lin Xiaodong nearly stumbled. Brother, are you pulling my leg? How is this not old?

"Where did you find this?" Lin Xiaodong immediately asked in a mix of confusion and excitement. Since when did this Brother Ming of his suddenly become so awesome?

"Uh..." I was at a loss once more.

Thankfully, I was good at bullshit and thought up of an excuse, "I found this by a tree while I was training."

"How is that possible? This hundred year old Blood Ginseng is already rare on the market and you say you just randomly found a thousand year old Blood Ginseng?" Lin Xiadong asked in astonishment.

"Exactly, but that's not all..." I sneakily put my hands behind me once more, "I found two!"

This time, Lin Xiaodong's jaw dropped, "Impossible!"

I couldn't help but grin. This fatty brother of mine has such amusing facial expressions.

Then, I suddenly remembered a fitting quote, "With love and patience, nothing is impossible."

Lin Xiaodong was speechless. What does love and patience have to do with this?

"So are you still adamant in giving me your Blood Ginseng?" I smiled, totally unbothered by my shameless act.

"That..." Lin Xiaodong hesitated for a moment before he eventually sighed and said, "I guess I'll go sell this."

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"Good. That's a good choice. You can buy a lot of good things with a hundred and fifty gold taels." I was in a good mood after showing off. I was especially heartened after realizing that Lin Xiaodong didn't even have a shred of greed when he saw me showing the two ginsengs. He was a true friend, a true brother.

"Xiaodong," I called warmly.

"What is it?" Lin Xiaodong looked back.

"You can have this," I said as I put one ginseng in his cloth bundle.

"What?" he was astounded, "How can I accept this?" he forcibly pushed it back to me.

"Why not? I insist." I pushed it back.

"Brother Ming, you found this, so it's yours. I have no need for it anyway because my bodies' injuries are no more than a fart's worth. You need it more than I do. I cannot sell it either since it would only attract the unnecessary greed of others." Lin Xiaodong shook his head and pushed it back, only taking his cloth bundle containing the hundred year old ginseng.

Seeing the resolute look on the fatty's round face, I couldn't help but sigh. How can someone be so selfless? I was moved. After which, I came to a hard decision. I reluctantly received the ginsengs into my backpack on the ground while in truth storing it into the inventory.

"Very well, I won't argue with you. For the sake of these ginsengs, I shall break through and reach the peak of martial arts!" I stated with a firm determination. No matter what, even if I just met him for the first time, I'll bring him to the skies!

"Haha, now that is more like it. The peak of martial arts is too much, you should be thinking of breaking through into the Pulse Condensation realm first. Then you must also turn that son of a bitch Zhu Yan upside down. That bastard has been an eyesore for a long time!"

Zhu Yan?

I suddenly remembered. Zhu Yan was in fact the story's first antagonist and Lin Ming's first goal when he started his journey...

And now, this burden has fallen on me.

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