Easy Cultivation

Chapter 4

"Are you gonna head to the entrance examination yet?" Lin Xiaodong asked, remembering his purpose in coming here.

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"Hmm..." I started wondering. Oh yes, today was the day of registration for the Seven Profound Martial House. If it were Lin Ming, he would've definitely went there. Me, on the other hand...

"I don't want to." I refused immediately.

"Huh?" Lin Xiaodong was stunned.

"Don't tell me you're still sour over Lan Yunyue?" Lin Xiaodong suddenly recalled.

"What?" It was my turn to be stunned. Who the heck is Lan Yunyue and what does she have to do with this?

However, at the mention of her name, I could feel a slight bitterness stirring within me. After which, old memories resurfaced and I remembered the girl.

Lan Yunyue, she was Lin Ming's childhood sweetheart. In short, they grew up together and developed feelings for each other. However, despite their mutual feelings, neither of them admitted to it. Due to their lacking backgrounds, they promised earlier that they'd take the entrance examination for the Sky Profound Martial House even though it was nowhere near as good as the Seven Profound Martial House. But in the end, she never showed up and got engaged to Zhu Yan instead.

"Ah, no. Definitely not. No." Of course I'm not sour over her. Well, at least not me, but I could feel the Lin Ming inside me bothered over it. However, it was only slightly. Although I can't fully transition from being Jack Flay to Lin Ming just yet, I could strongly feel how Ling Ming's heart pulsed for the Martial Way, influencing even my own personality. In time, the matter of Lan Yunyue will not even matter to him.

"Then what do you plan to do?" Lin Xiaodong couldn't help asking. What's up with Brother Ming?

"Hehe..." I chuckled mysteriously, "I plan to..."

Lin Xiaodong stared unblinking.

"Travel the world." I grinned.

Lin Xiaodong's eyes widened.

After a few moments of silence, Lin Xiaodong quietly came up to Lin Ming while putting a plump hand on his forehead. He was wondering if this brother of his was sick in the head or something.

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"What are you doing?" I asked, my grin freezing.

"I'm checking if you were hitting the trees with your head instead of your fists." He said with a serious face.

I immediately slapped his hands away. You're the one who hit your head!

"Aiyo! Brother Ming, what was that for?" Lin Xiaodong said pitifully while exaggeratedly holding the hand I slapped.

"What do you expect? I am not sick! Also, what are you complaining about? I didn't even hit that hard!" I huffed in indignation.

"I am just concerned for your health." He chuckled.

"You don't need to worry about that." I smiled.

"How can I not be worried? First, you say you won't join the entrance examination, then you say you want to travel the world? That's no different than sending yourself to your death." He sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.

"What? Do you not believe that I am capable?" I asked while raising an eyebrow.

Lin Xiaodong shook his head once more, "It's not that I think you're not capable, but you're only at the First Stage of Body Training. If any vicious beast sees you outside, it would eat you up without even bones remaining."

I couldn't help but snort in contempt. What about vicious beasts? Do they have cheats? Can they compare with my system? Are they the main characters?

"Hmph!" I snorted and walked to my backpack. Secretly pulling out one ginseng from the inventory, I put it inside the backpack and proceeded to give the backpack to Lin Xiaodong.

Lin Xiaodong was immediately dumbfounded, "What are you doing?"

"Give this backpack to my parents and have them sell what's inside," following which, I arrogantly strode off into the forest without a pause and without a care for the world.

"I'll be back in a month!" I said from afar while Lin Xiaodong remained frozen on his spot.

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"Brother Ming, don't go!" Lin Xiaodong finally woke up from his daze and got frightened pale. He hurriedly chased after Lin Ming while carrying the backpack, his rolls of fat jiggling as he ran.

It didn't take long before he finally caught up with Lin Ming while gasping for air. However, when he saw the look on Lin Ming's face, he was suddenly startled.

"Brother Ming..." He softly called out, but upon seeing the look of utter despair on Lin Ming's face, he decided to shut up.


Earlier on, I was merrily going on my way and decided to open up the system.

'Status!' I enthusiastically called out.


Name: Lin Ming (Jack Flay)

Age: 15 (20)

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Title: None

Condition: Healthy (Slightly Injured)

Martial Talent: 3rd Grade

Rank: Strength Training (First Stage of Body Training)

What a refreshing feeling! To think that one day, I too would have my own personal system!

Even so, I couldn't help sprouting a strange feeling when I realized that even the system calls me Lin Ming...

I felt a bit sad and nostalgic, but in the end, I came to a decision, 'System, remove my previous name and age.'

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[Ding! Command confirmed.]

'Also, remove gender, race, title, and martial talent. All of them are unnecessary...'

Following which, I saw my new status displayed in the translucent virtual screen in front of me.


Name: Lin Ming

Age: 15

Condition: Healthy (Slightly Injured)

Rank: Strength Training (First Stage of Body Training)

I nodded in appreciation. Clean and simple. Just how I like it.

Although I may have previously been Jack Flay, It is time for me to turn over a new leaf. The past is past and the present is now. Life must be lived forwards, not backwards.

'System!' I mentally called out.

[Yes, Jack?] answered the eternally mechanical voice.

'From now on, call me Ming... or Lin Ming. Whatever suits your tastes.'

[Yes, Ming.]

Now that that's handled, it's time to check out the Shop! With this, it won't be long until the arrival of the day where everyone knows the name Lin Ming!

'System, open the Shop!'

[Ding! Opening Shop...]

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[Ding! Because you have chosen to buy the Blood Ginseng as your first item, special options have been unlocked which includes the choice to buy higher-quality Blood Ginseng.]

I nodded in satisfaction. That better be the case.

Although I didn't really understand nor cared about it too much, it was nice to have certain privileges even if it was really meaningless.

Getting back on track, I suddenly thought about this world. This was Martial World. It was a nearly limitless world filled with countless natural treasures and artifacts. However, there were three artifacts that could be called the greatest among all.

They were the Magic Cube, the Demon Bead, and the Purple Card.

Each of them could be called the ultimate treasure of a certain aspect. The Magic Cube for the soul, the Demon Bead for the body, and the Purple Card for energy.

In truth, the original name of each artifact was different. But I like to keep things short and simple.

Upon thinking of the three ultimate treasures, I couldn't help getting excited. In the original story, Lin Ming became so overpowered with just one artifact. But what if I got all three? Wouldn't that make me invincible?

Immediately, I searched the Shop for the best and most expensive items in terms of system points.

Soon enough, I found what I was looking for and gasped in awe.

On the virtual screen in front of me, the three artifacts resembled three absolute overlords as they topped the list side-by-side while plastered in boxes that resembled the universe, looking down upon all other items below.

However, when I tried to buy all three, my face fell.

'What's going on?' I panicked.

[Ding! To make things clear, the System was originally designed to be able to buy any item in the world. However, due to your insistent wish, the Genie compromised and gave you infinite system points. But the condition for doing so resulted in your right to be able to buy anything taken away. In addition, you can only buy things which you have personally consumed. In other words, this is all your fault.]

All of a sudden, the world seemed to turn black as my dreams of being unstoppable was brutally and mercilessly crushed apart.

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