Easy Cultivation

Chapter 5

"Brother Ming!" Lin Xiaodong called out.

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I was suddenly awoken from my daze and turned to look at him.

When Lin Xiaodong saw Lin Ming turn his way, he couldn't help get a bit frightened. His eyes were red while tears streamed down seemingly without end, his fists were also balled up tightly while clenching his jaw, as if trying his best to hold in the tears.

It was a tragic sight.

Lin Xiaodong couldn't help but sigh and shake his head as he approached his crying brother. Patting his shoulder as gently as he could, he consoled, "Brother Ming, you can let it all out. Your brother is here for you. That bitch Lan Yunyue doesn't deserve you anyway."

I nearly choked on my tears when I heard that. Brother, can you not? I'm crying over something completely different! You know what, I can't be bothered explaining. He wouldn't understand anyway.

"It can't be helped. Sometimes, life is just..." he was about to continue on his speech, but upon seeing the intense glare I was giving his way, he decided to say something else.

"Okay, okay, I understand. She's not a bitch. I won't mention her anymore." He waved his hands as he said that, as if doing so would sweep away the issue.

I turned my head away and weeped for a few more moments before I decided that the atmosphere was no longer suitable. I then wiped the tears off my face with a white cloth I kept in my backpack.

Meanwhile, Lin Xiaodong stared unblinkingly as I did all of that.

"Xiaodong, I changed my mind." I said as I turned to face him, a bright smile on my previously depressed face. A 180 degree turn.

"En." He nodded, signalling for me to continue.

"I don't want to travel the world anymore." I said while maintaining my bright smile.

"En." He nodded once more.

"I will also register for the entrance examination." I continued, smiling all the same.


"But for now, I need to ask for a little something." I finished.

"En." He nodded, "Eh?"

Lin Xiaodong was momentarily startled as he heard that and couldn't help but smile, "We're brothers, aren't we? Ask away and I'll see what I can do."

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"Haha, it's nothing much. Just a bit of money." I replied while rubbing my palms as if a greedy merchant seeing money.

"Aiya, Brother Ming. Vices are bad for your health, it's not good to overly indulge yourself in it." Lin Xiaodong said while trying to cover his pockets jokingly.

"You're slandering me." I retorted snappily.

"Haha, alright. It's just money, isn't it? I still have some to spare. How much do you want?"

"Not too much," I pointed a finger upwards as I said that, "Just one gold tael."

Lin Xiaodong was a bit surprised, "Just one?"

"Just one." I confirmed before recalling something else, "or do you have one of those gold bills instead?"

"No, no, no. I'm just a poor man. How could I possibly own gold bills worth a hundred gold taels each?" He immediately shook his head in denial.

Hearing that, I felt a bit disappointed. However, it didn't really matter. It'll just be a matter of time before I get myself one of those anyway.

"Here you go." Lin Xiaodong's voice sounded as a golden shine reflected from his palm from the sun shining overhead.

I received it happily. But upon thinking of what I had to do next, my face immediately turned bitter.

The system said I need to personally consume things to get them. Dammit, do I really have to eat this?

I wondered for a bit. In the end, I remained clueless. I took my backpack from Lin Xiaodong and walked to a tree, sitting down on a piece of rock while leaning upon the trunk. Relaxing, I took out some herbs from the backpack. It was iron thread grass, a cheap medicinal herb that could help heal wounds.

Looking at the herbs on my hands, I felt terrified. From what I remember, iron thread grass was given this name because the green juice produced from squeezing it could help heal wounds, but would cause a terribly painful sensation akin to having iron threads brushing upon the wounds.

If I were to eat this, wouldn't I just be killing myself? Just imagining myself eating bundles of literal iron threads kept sending chills up my spine.

After a few more moments of hesitation, I inwardly asked, 'System, do I really have to eat this?'

[Ding! Eating is a viable method.] mechanically answered the system.

'Method?' my eyes lit up in hope, 'So you're saying there are other methods?!'

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[Ding! Correct.]

"Hahaha!" I suddenly laughed out loud, elated.

Joyful! This is too joyful!

Meanwhile, Lin Xiaodong's gaze never left Lin Ming the entire time. Upon seeing Lin Ming suddenly laugh out loud seemingly out of nowhere, he couldn't help but sigh in pity. Why is Brother Ming so weird today? Is this what they mean by heartbreak changes people?

After letting out some of that happiness, I abruptly remembered a certain keyword. Earlier, the system said I can only get things from the Shop if I were to consume the item beforehand. But, what does it even mean by consume?

'System, define consume.'

[Ding! Consume: To use up a resource.]

For a moment, I blanked out. After which, I couldn't help spouting vulgarities.

'F*ck! Why didn't you say so earlier?!' I cursed.

[You didn't ask.]

'You're a stupid system.'

[You're a stupid host.]

I can't be bothered bickering any more with the damned thing, so I ignored it and took a deep look at the iron thread grass before taking a deep breath and resolutely giving it a tight twisting squeeze.

Faint sounds of grass breaking echoed as green juices seeped out. Following which, I applied it on the bruises upon my fists gotten from before I came to this world.

"Urgh..." I groaned in pain. Damn! What a crappy herb. Rubbing alcohol almost feels blissful in comparison to this.

After using up the entire stack of grass, I soon heard the wonderful sound of the system.

[Ding! Congratulations, Iron Thread Grass is now available in the Shop.]

'Finally, my first success!' I smiled happily. Although the grass is completely useless to me because I have the Blood Ginseng, at least it proves that I'm on the right path!

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'All right, I can use up iron thread grass, but how do I use up this gold tael?' I wondered. It's not like I can apply money onto my wounds, can I?'

But then, I came to a realization, 'Wait, I can't use it up for my wounds, but I can still use it up for myself! I can use it to buy something instead! Haha, I'm so smart!'

[The System is speechless.]

I ignored the sound, turning to face my fat relative, "Xiaodong, sell me something for one gold tael!"

"Huh?" Lin Xiaodong was bewildered.

"Come on, just act like a vendor. What do you have for sale?" I came up to him in eagerness.

Lin Xiaodong was still confused, but he nodded regardless as he picked up a random rock on the ground to play the part, "This rock is worth 1 gold tael."

My face twitched, "Isn't that just a rock?"

"A rock worth 1 gold tael, yeah." Lin Xiaodong replied playfully.

"Whatever, I'll buy that from you." I gave him the coin he gave me earlier as I took the rock from his hand.

After which, I waited. Five seconds passed and there was no response.

"Huh?" I froze.

'System, how come it's not working?'

[You simpleton, you're doing it the wrong way. Your methods are completely wrong and utterly stupid.] mechanically scolded the system.

'Huh?' I was momentarily stunned before I felt furious, 'Who's stupid? You're stupid! Your whole family is stupid!'

[You are the only family I have.]

For a moment, I felt awkward. I wanted to retort, but after I heard such a humanly sad response, I shut up. I also felt shameful after realizing I just scolded myself.

Not wanting to linger any further on the moment, I changed the topic, 'Hmm, if my method is wrong, are you saying I should buy from real shops instead?'

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[That's up for you to discover.]

I felt dejected, 'I don't wanna waste my time anymore. Maybe I'll just eat this... I mean, it's just a small coin. How hard can it be?'

I stared at the golden coin on the fatty's hand. After a moment of thought, however, I shuddered, 'I don't want to eat it anymore. I don't want to eat something so dirty. Who knows how many times that coin has changed hands?'

Hearing no mechanical response, I asked, 'Why not just let me buy from the Shop?'


I was about to sigh depressedly, when I suddenly had an epiphany.

"Eureka!" I subconsciously shouted as if discovering an idea worth a Nobel Prize.

Lin Xiaodong felt that he was getting startled a lot today, "Brother Ming, what's 'Eureka'?"

I shook my head as I happily smiled, "Oh, it's nothing. I just had an idea."

"An idea?" He looked at me questioningly, but I ignored him as I paused in thought.

Seeing Lin Ming dazing off and ignoring him again, Lin Xiaodong felt helpless. This Brother Ming of his suddenly became so eccentric today and he didn't know what to do about it.

'If I remember correctly, you said that to buy from the Shop, I had to personally consume things?' I asked tentatively.


'All this time, I've always been thinking that I myself had to personally consume it.' I paused suspensefully, 'However, aren't you a part of me too?!'

The system remained silent.

'In other words, I didn't have to eat this! Dammit, you could eat this for me! And since I can buy from your Shop, I can sell things too! If to consume is to use it up, then wouldn't selling things to you use it up as well?' I thought with the most convincing tone I could mentally muster.

[Ding! The Host has finally used his brain and realized things for himself.]

[Hidden Task: "The Host Isn't So Dumb, After All." has been successfully completed.]

[A new system function has been unlocked as your reward - Regeneration.]

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