Easy Cultivation

Chapter 6

The Seven Profound Martial House stood before the Zhou Mountains. At the base of the mountain, a snaking queue could be seen extending for dozens of meters despite the scorching heat of summer.

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The reason for this is simple. Today was the day of registration for the entrance examination of the Seven Profound Martial House, the largest martial house of the entire Sky Fortune Kingdom, as well as the only martial house established by the Seven Profound Valleys, a martial arts sect with over six hundred years of heritage.

In comparison, the Sky Fortune Martial House, which is a part of the kingdom and also the kingdom's second largest martial house, only had eighty years worth of history. The difference between the two was like the difference between the clouds and the mud. They were on completely different levels.

Naturally, as the largest martial house, many young aspiring martial artists traveled from all over and took the entrance examination which takes places every six months. However, the number that qualified to be recruited was pitifully low. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say only one in a million could qualify

In truth, this wasn't without reason. In the Sky Fortune Kingdom, half of the citizens possess no martial talent to speak of while the other half mostly possessed a mediocre first grade martial talent. Even if they were to be diligent in their practice of martial arts, not many would accomplish anything. Even if one were to accomplish something, becoming a master would be near hopeless for them.

In the path of martial arts, what one needed were talent and resources! Most of the citizens do not possess even one of the two, so it was only natural that not many would achieve anything. Relying only on one's determination alone was considered a fool's dream.

Currently, from the back of the crowd gathered on the field before the Seven Profound Martial House, two youths could be seen newly arriving. One was a fat youth wearing white robes while the other was a slim youth wearing black. Although the contrast between their appearances were quite stark, the arrival of the Yin-Yang duo caused no disturbance whatsoever within the crowd.

Naturally, the Yin-Yang duo were not me and fatty.

We were the guys behind them.

"Damn, looks like we underestimated the number of applicants." Lin Xiaodong grumbled helplessly as he stood in line. He was wearing a simple black robe and black pants. The exact opposite of the white-robed fatty.

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"We will have to wait," I nodded in response. I was also in black, but because I was training earlier, I was wearing my training outfit. Of course, this was a different one. I made sure to change because I really didn't want to smell that wonderful while strolling through the city.

"Hey, there are very few people there," Lin Xiaodong pointed towards a small gate nearby.

"You do know those are reserved for nobles?" I couldn't help rolling my eyes. There was literally a sign that read that it was specifically for nobles. Not to mention the ground was also covered with a red carpet. It was only natural to assume that the place was exclusively designed for 'special guests'. Unfortunately, the two of us didn't have such a privilege.

Although we were both from the Lin Family, it was only a wealthy family back in Green Mulberry City. The Lin Family wasn't the only wealthy family in the kingdom, so no matter wealthy they were, they weren't a noble family and thus had no real form of power. After all, nobility was something only the Imperial Family could grant.

"Damn it," Lin Xiaodong muttered in discontent. As if not satisfied enough, he continued cursing off at the nobles while consoling himself as we waited for our turns. However, judging by the looks of things, it would most likely take at least an hour before that.

I felt a bit despondent at such a predicament. Even though I deliberately came here late, I still have to line up for an hour... or so it would be if I didn't have a cheat!

"Excuse me." I cheerily called out to the Yin-Yang duo in front of us.

"Mm?" the duo turned to look at the one who called, only to see the handsome me.

"Is your spot for sale?" I asked with a friendly smile.

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The two were taken aback. The white-robed fatty asked warily, "What do you want?"

"No need to be so hostile, I just want to buy your spot. 1 gold tael, what do you say?" I spoke in a friendly manner, emulating what I knew about a conman to the best of my ability.

"Are you playing a trick on us?" it was the wary fatty again.

"Surely not. See this?" I closed and opened my palm to reveal a golden coin, ironically performing a magic trick.

"What? How did you do that?" the two were startled while their interests were piqued. Strange, they didn't see him holding anything, but he suddenly had a coin in his hand!

Of course, this wasn't a magic trick, but because of the system. After the earlier fiasco about completing the hidden test, I quickly sold off all of the things that I thought were essential that I kept with me, including Lin Xiaodong's. Naturally, that included gold taels.

"It doesn't matter how I did that. So, is your spot for sale or not?" I smiled professionally.

"Hmm..." the fatty went into thought, his eyes flickered with desire. His eyes looked towards his companion for opinions. They whispered for a bit while the slim youth nodded slightly at times. In the end, the fatty said, "I'll sell for 3 gold taels."

"Hmph, don't be too greedy. One gold tael is already good enough for both of you!" Lin Xiaodong suddenly said. All this while, he'd stayed silent and simply looked on from the side. However, upon the seeing these two trying to take advantage of Lin MIng, he could no longer keep silent.

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"Hmph, It's just three. If you can't even pay for that, then don't bother us both." the fatty snorted in contempt, glaring at Lin Xiaodong.

"Son of a..." I was just about to curse at both, but upon thinking things through, he didn't want to break his professional image so soon.

"It's okay, Xiaodong. It's just three gold taels, isn't it? It's just one more than two." I said, as if totally unbothered. Following which, I took out two more coins the same way I did earlier, "Here you go."

"Hmph," the fatty took the three coins while moving aside. However, the slim youth remained on his spot.

"I already gave you the coins. Why are you not moving?" I said unhappily to him.

"Well, you see, I said earlier that I will sell my spot for three gold taels. You'll have to pay my friend here another three for his." the fatty suddenly reminded with a smile.

"Don't push your luck." I said, my cheery expression slowly fading. I swear if there's one more wordplay...

"Hehe, it's just three more gold taels, isn't it? Paying three more wouldn't hurt." the fatty said playfully.

"Damn! Brother Ming, let's just fight these two! These bastards are just asking for a beating!" Lin Xiaodong shouted furiously, his hand already holding onto his sword's hilt, as if ready for a battle.

In the next moment, however, the slim youth suddenly took a step forward and released an oppressive pressure. He was actually at the peak of the First Stage of Body Training!

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For a moment, Lin Xiaodong's rising momentum was momentarily halted. Hesitation arose in his heart. That black-robed youth is actually so strong! Brother Ming and I aren't even close to the peak yet, so how can we even win against him?

"Pay up or get lost." the slim youth finally said something for the first time, but it wasn't very welcoming.

Meanwhile, the surrounding crowd suddenly noticed the commotion. Upon seeing that a fight was about to erupt, many of them gathered around to watch the show.

"Brother Ming..." Lin Xiaodong called out in worry.

At the commotion, I remained completely silent. However, it was only the calm before the storm.

"What? Not gonna pay up? Then get lost!" the black-robed youth suddenly shoved me down...

... Or at least tried to.

I fucked him up before he could do so, hard.

"Aaargh!" the slim youth instantly paled. He suddenly fell down on his knees as gave a bloodcurdling shriek, "My elbow! It's facing the wrong way!"

Mm, that was definitely an accident...

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