Easy Cultivation

Chapter 20

Outside a graceful building that was three floors high, a young man in silk clothing stood motionlessly.

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This was Lin Ming, and the building in front was the Zither Department's Public Lecture Hall.

Under normal circumstances, non-students of the Seven Profound Martial House were never granted entry into its premises. However, there were certain places where non-students were given special permission.

These were the Lecture Halls. As these were available for non-students, the Seven Profound Martial House laid down rules to enter. In these lecture halls, non-students were able to attend public lectures as long as they had the qualifications. Without these qualifications, however, the only other way to enter was to possess a Pass Card.

Naturally, I possessed a Pass Card. This Pass Card was borrowed from Lin Xiaodong. The Lin Family was very big. It was only natural that there were a few who were students of the Seven Profound Martial House, and with Lin Xiaodong's connections, obtaining one wasn't too difficult.

Soon after, I arrived inside. The lecture area was spacious and many young ladies were gathered. However, because they were too engrossed among themselves, they failed to notice my inconspicuous entry.

I already knew there was gonna be trouble here, so before I came, I made sure I had my best poker face on and not attract trouble. This was because the Zither Department Public Lecture Hall was no different from a ladies' restroom. All men were expressly forbidden!

The reason was simple. This place was a gathering of beautiful specimens of womankind. In this department, only women came to enroll and learn the Zither. However, with how brazen and perverted most men in this world were, it was easy to imagine what they did which resulted to the banishment of all men.

Ignoring the tempting scenery around me, I began to stroll towards a collection of books. At this point, a few ladies already sensed the presence of a male as they furrowed their brows.

Right now, class hadn't started yet, so there weren't a lot of people. But as time passed, the number of female students began to creep up. Eventually, everyone noticed the lone male in the corner, picking up books only to put them back a second later. The weird thing was that the lone male always hid the book for a second before putting it back. It was incomprehensible.

Of course, it was just my collector's habit kicking in again. I had nothing else to do at this point, so I decided to collect a few books. Because I never once even turned my attention to them, although the female students I was just another pervert pretending to be another zither enthusiast, they didn't have any evidence to throw me out.

Alas, there is always the occasional bump in an otherwise smooth road. Just before the lecture was about to start, the legendary Elder Senior Sister of the Zither Department arrived.

As soon as she arrived, she instantly detected me. Her willow eyebrows instantly wrinkled as she laid down her zither and arrived in front of me.

When she suddenly appeared in front of me, I nearly jumped in fright and almost expose myself selling the goods, but my poker face remained firm.

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This was all thanks to my constant practice as a collector. Because I didn't want to arouse too much suspicion, I sometimes didn't pay for some items and secretly sold them to the system first before replacing it. This way, I didn't appear too extravagant in the eyes of others. It was unfair, but life has always been unfair.

When I finally got a clearer look at the woman before me, I was stunned for a moment and barely held in my poker face. She was around twenty years of age, and had a flawless oval face, stature that belonged to royalty, long and slender thighs and legs that climbed to the sky. She could be considered a beauty among beauties.

However, upon seeing her murderous gaze and irritating demeanor, I immediately realized who she was and shook off these thoughts. This was the Elder Senior Sister! It was widely known that she had an unreasonable prejudice against all men and was even the main reason why men were banned in this department. In short, it was best not to mess with this kind of crazy!

As she folded her arms in front, the Elder Senior Sister asked, "How did you get in?"

"Through a Pass Card, of course." I pulled out the Pass Card from my spatial ring.

When the Elder Senior Sister heard my words, her heart blazed with a raging anger! Isn't that obvious? How else could you get in?! But just as she was about to furiously rebuke, a sweet and gentle voice sounded out.

"Sister Ling, what's happening?"

As I looked towards the sweet sound, my eyes gleamed. Wearing a simple white dress with hair like flowing ink, a young lady approached with a graceful elegance. This was none other than Qin Xingxuan!

Finally, I can get this over with!

However, my gleaming eyes were noticed by everyone and completely misunderstood me instead, especially the Elder Senior Sister!

Hmph! His true sexual deviant nature is emerging at last!

Truly, all men are nothing more than perverts of the Dao of Deviants! This toad even thinks he can eat swan meat! The Elder Senior Sister's heart raged, "This deviant child snuck in to harass us women. I am questioning him. You, where is your Pass Card?"

I could only scratch my head in confusion. Since when did I harass anyone? As an idea popped in my mind, I said to her, "Miss, you should try writing a book."

"Huh? Why?" The Elder Senior Sister was startled. Is this pervert trying to flirt with me?

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"Because you're really good at making up bullshit." I said with a straight face.

As soon as she heard that, she nearly exploded in anger! Not to mention the spectating girls, even Qin Xingxuan was momentarily stunned. How vulgar!

"You! Hand over your Pass Card this instant!" The Elder Senior Sister was furious and stretched out a hand. For a moment, she had the urge to slap this boy who dares disrespect her, but because she was too paranoid towards men, she didn't even want to risk touching one.

Ignoring the outstretched hand, I cleared my throat as I said, "Miss Qin, excuse my rude behavior, but I hope to meet with your master."

Qin Xingxuan was still surprised from what happened, but as she heard what I said, she gave a stern look towards me.

Saying that, I pulled out my baby, the 'Ignition Symbol', from my spatial ring. Politely handing it over to Qin Xingxuan, I stated, "This inscription symbol was created by me..."

Without even letting me finish, the Elder Senior Sister exaggeratedly laughed. "You think we are dumb or something? You created this inscription symbol? It's true that I do not personally understand inscription at all, but unfortunately for you, you are out of luck! At my side is the greatest inscription talent in the entire Sky Fortune Kingdom, and even in several countries around! You want to show off your garbage skills before a true expert? I really am going to die of laughter here. Xingxuan, I ask you, have you succeeded in creating an inscription yet?"

As I heard this grossly exaggerated laughter, I could only laugh to myself. This woman was certified crazy. A complete nutjob! Was she dumped by a man or something? She had an unreasonable psychological abnormality towards men.

"I really created this. Check it for yourself." I could only sigh, gently throwing the symbol paper towards Qin Xingxuan.

"Hmph! This big sis is a reasonable human after all. Today, I will let you sincerely convince Xingxuan here. The inscription technique I don't understand, so you test him." The Elder Senior Sister had a playful smile on her face.

From the side, Qin Xingxuan remained silent and caught the symbol paper . She also thought that this person was lying. As of now, she had great progress when it came to inscriptions. However, even until now, she hadn't made one herself. How could she believe that this person could make one at such a young age? But upon sensing the fluctuations from the inscription symbol, she was suddenly stunned. This... this can't be possible, right?

If the one who created the inscription was a fifty or sixty year old man, she wouldn't be surprised. However, the one who claimed to have created this was most likely the same age as her! She just couldn't believe that someone could create inscriptions at such a young age because learning inscriptions by itself took years of studying and effort.

All of a sudden, Qin Xingxuan started inspecting Lin Ming's cultivation. First Stage! However, the fluctuations coming from the symbol paper felt as if it were made by a Third Stager. Either this boy was lying or his soul force is so pure, it's similar in quality to someone at the Third Stage!

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Seeing Qin Xingxuan shocked, the Elder Senior Sister was also shocked. It can't be, right? This damnable pervert is actually telling the truth?

"Can you prove that you made this?" Qin Xingxuan hesitantly said.

I nodded in resignation, somewhat expecting this, "I'll draw up a symbol, how about that?"

Qin Xingxuan nodded.

Soon, I gathered true essence at my fingertips and began drawing on the air. As I drew the last stroke, I said, "This is the 'shock' symbol."

Qin Xingxuan stared dumbfounded. The Elder Senior Sister looked at her expression and was also dumbfounded. This young hooligan was actually the real thing! Preposterous!

Meanwhile, Qin Xingxuan was truly surprised, The 'shock' symbol that he drew was completely correct! No doubt, this could only be the results of painstaking effort during practice.

I then explained the principles of the 'shock' symbol'. At this point, Qin Xingxuan already believed me. Following which, her competitive spirit was also aroused, "Then, this fellow student, do you also know the 'flag' symbol drawing technique and principle behind it?"

I smiled and obliged to her request. As time passed, Qin Xingxuan grew increasingly awed, to increasingly respectful, to completely humbled.

On the sidelines, the Elder Senior Sister was already floored by their conversation that seemed to be on a completely different language. In the end, she gave up on her plan to take away my Pass Card.

Damn it all! To think that this random hick would actually be an inscription talent! This Elder Senior Sister was really going to go mad!

When the lecture was finally about to begin, Qin Xingxuan came to a decision, "Fellow student, it's about time to begin zither lessons, so I'll have to excuse myself. It was very wonderful talking to you today. If possible, perhaps after the zither lecture ends, then little Xingxuan would like to ask you to go to the Great Clarity Pavilion for a quick meal, and… explore… the principles of inscription techniques together. Is this agreeable with the fellow student?"

Her sweet and dulcet voice was very persuasive, and coupled with her sincere expression and heavenly appearance; it was hard to for any male to refuse.

However, I had much more important matters than winning the heart of a young maiden. The examination for the Seven Profound Martial House was only three months away and strength was my main priority in this world.

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Spending time with her could be nice, but I wasn't really the smoothest talker either. Romance wasn't my best suit and it'd be best to take things slow. Not to mention, I see no advantages to doing so at all. Just in the earlier exchange, it was only her who picked up all the advantages and insights!

"I'm sorry Miss Qin, but I have many things I have to do. I only came here because I would like to meet your master." I regrettably refused and said the truth.

"Oh… I… well, I should have known." Qin Xingxuan said with regret and her cheeks flushed red. She never considered the possibility of rejection. Before this, she'd never even once invited a boy of the same age as her to eat a meal. If a boy did invite her, she rejected them flatly. But this time, she was the one rejected and her number one discovery was that the taste of rejection was very, very bitter, as if she suffered from an injustice!

No matter how lofty she was, in the end, she was still a fifteen year old girl with a fragile heart.

To Lin Ming's rejection, the Elder Senior Sister's brain short-circuited and she almost ran up to slap him around.

My god! Did he actually refuse the one and only Qin Xingxuan? Is such a thing even possible on this beautiful world? Is he even a man!?

"Hey you, stop! Stop, do you hear me!" The Elder Senior Sister yelled and stood in front of me with her arms akimbo. As a close friend of Qin Xingxuan, she already knew what her friend was thinking just by looking at her expression. How could she let this little punk get away with harming the heart of her dearest friend? Why must men always be this cruel and thoughtless? This was what scholars called a true miscarriage of justice!This man truly was a hateful specimen of all mankind.

"Can you please let me go, Elder Senior Sister?" I said helplessly. This woman sure was haughty and overbearing!

"Who are you calling Elder Senior Sister?" She said angrily and was about to continue before I interrupted her.

"I really am very busy for the next couple months. Miss Qin, if you want to look for me, you can find me at Grand Clarity Pavilion. If possible, I'll wait for you and your master there."

Hearing that, the Elder Senior Sister was unsatisfied and wanted to say something, but Qin Xingxuan interrupted her, "Although you may know me already, I still haven't properly introduced myself yet. My name is Qin Xingxuan. If fellow student is ever finished with his business and has some time to spare, please come to the Marshal's Quarters to look for me. Your presence will always be welcome."

As I was about to leave, I paused my steps and gave her my name, "Lin Ming."

After which, I finally departed.

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