Easy Cultivation

Chapter 21

Three months passed.

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It was the first day of autumn and the day's start was soon to arrive. In the Zhou Mountains, a young boy sat on a ten-foot tall rock, dust surrounding him. As the boy let out a long breath, it immediately formed a foggy wind that blew for dozens of meters.

Breathing in like a serpent, breathing out like an arrow; this was exactly the sign of Viscera Training. Normally, when a martial artist reached the peak of this stage, it would already be excellent if the breath were to stretch for half a dozen meters. But with the purity of my true essence and my solid foundation, it was only natural that my breath could last longer.

The degree of purity of my true essence was so outstanding, I have even reached the boundary of being able to realize my true essence, which is the ability to manifest my true essence. Usually, only a martial artist at the Pulse Condensation Period who had extremely thick true essence would be able to manifest their true essence. Or, there were also some rare genius at the peak of Bone Forging that could just barely achieve this.

After three months, I have already reached the peak of the Third Stage of Body Training, Viscera Training. In this stage, true essence permeated throughout all of my organs, reinforcing the vulnerable parts inside of me. Over the course of three months, many things happened.

For one, Qin Xingxuan and her master, Mu Yizhou, met me and I managed to form relations with them, even receiving a gold-purple VIP card which gave a 10% discount from every shop that was under the jurisdiction of the Chamber of Commerce. In Sky Fortune City nearly every large shop was under them.

Mister Muyi and I have even gotten quite close with each other as he invited me to the Martial's Quarters. Obviously, I declined since I keep very personal secrets. Qin Xingxuan on the other hand... I felt very peculiar. I mean, I understand that I'm the first person to ever surpass you and also the first to ever catch your interests, but could you please stop looking at me with such worshiping eyes? I don't think I'm deserving enough!

Another matter was that I have also bought myself Lin Ming's first spear, Penetrating Rainbow. The spear itself weighed 820 jins. The spear shaft is eight feet long and the spear head is eight inches long. It was considered a half-treasure because only the spearhead was a treasure while the spear shaft was not. In total, it costed 9000 gold taels, but with the discount, it only costed 8100. Not that it mattered anyway.

Treasures usually had arrays engraved within them so one could channel their true essence into it. But because of this, it was impossible to connect true essence through the spear shaft due to it lacking an array, so its power was drastically reduced. However, this was fine as well. Finding treasure spears in this mortal kingdom was very difficult, but in the end, my stay here will only be temporary.

I also discovered a downside to selling items. There was once when I sold a spatial ring filled with hundreds of herbs because I wanted to see if I could simply buy a whole pack without needing to individually buy each. The result was the loss of everything inside while only the spatial ring remained. Back then, cold sweat drenched my back because I actually thought of selling the Magic Cube as well. If I actually sold it, wouldn't that mean that all the souls inside would disappear? By that point, I could only cry to myself in despair.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, that was not possible at the moment. As long as something possesses sentience, it wasn't possible to sell them to the system. Even if Mo Eversnow was a slumbering soul, she was still alive inside the cube's space.

Aside from that, there was also good news. During this time, the system finally separated the generation function from Regeneration, giving me an all-new Generation function. This function was easy to understand. All I needed to do was provide it with a constant stream of certain items and its effects will continuously stream into me like a river flowing into the sea. The best part is that it's automatic which means I don't need to manually buy items to provide the power source.

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I only managed to get that function after figuring out how the Fusion function worked. It turns out, I can actually choose to fuse specific things. For instance, spatial rings? I don't need to fuse the rings themselves if I want its space to grow bigger because I can simply fuse the space inside of them instead!

By doing that, I wouldn't need to worry about carrying ridiculous-sized spatial rings with me all the time. I also figured that out with true essence stones. Doing so, I unintentionally managed to increase the quality of the true essence stones. Of course, some impurities remained, but it was only a matter of time before I mastered the art of Fusion.

I've also managed to understand 'Flow like Silk' and reached Large Success in the True Primal Chaos Formula. The memories of the two soul fragments played a major role in this. When I did so, the revolution speed of true essence in me was as if it suddenly transformed from a crawling toddler to a sprinting teenager and absorbing pills became much smoother.

With this, cultivation suddenly became so much easier.


Every year, at the beginning of fall and the beginning of spring, the Seven Profound Martial House would have their examination of potential recruits. This was also the most important day to the youths of Sky Fortune Kingdom who cultivated in martial arts.

Today was the first day of autumn and it was finally the start of examination for the Seven Profound Martial House. Right now, a sea of people already crowded the square outside. Because too many candidates always came to apply, the examination would always begin at sunrise and continue all day.

Both Lin Xiaodong and I were also among this sea of people, disguised as two average-looking youths in plain linen clothes with cultivation that were both at the Second Stage. Among the bustling crowd, we were completely unable to stand out.

There was a reason for this - Zhu Yan.

Now that he was aware that I was gonna take the entrance examination, there was no doubt that he would do his best to prevent me from doing so. Naturally, this was all because of Lan Yunyue. Since I was already aware of his stupid schemes, I decided that it was best to keep a low-profile for a while and avoid the trouble.

Even right now, I could already see a luxurious carriage a distance away. With my perception, I could already sense a person inside trying to search for someone in the crowd. Too bad for him, he will never see Lin Ming.

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But although I'd rather avoid trouble, it didn't mean I was afraid of him. Walking closer to the carriage nonchalantly, I began revolving my true essence and immediately sent a true essence sound transmission towards the person inside, "Hehe, Zhu Yan, you can look all you want, but if you think you can find me and prevent me from entering the Seven Profound Martial House, you can kiss my ass."

Instantly, Zhu Yan was stunned.

True essence sound transmission?

Inside the carriage, Zhu Yan was actually not alone. A gloomy-looking youth sat across him, it was the young master who tried to bully Lin Ming earlier and failed, Wang Yigao. He was still gloomy over the fact that they even after looking for a whole day for Lin Ming, he wasn't able to find him.

When Wang Yigao saw Zhu Yan's stunned expression, he asked, "Is something wrong, Brother Zhu?"

Zhu Yan's face darkened, "That Lin Ming... it seems he has reached the the Peak of the Third Stage or even higher..."

This time, it was Wang Yigao's turn to be stunned. Peak of the Third Stage?! "Brother Zhu, how can that be? The last time I saw him, he wasn't even at the peak of the First Stage! Also, how did he discover us?"

Zhu Yan frostily replied, "I do not know. Maybe he somehow found a precious herb and ate it which resulted in his cultivation rising too fast. Just now, he sent me a true essence sound transmission. However, sending true essence sound transmission requires an extremely high degree of control of true essence to achieve. Usually, only those at the Peak of Third Stage or beyond can do so."

Wang Yigao was dazed. A moment later, he snorted in contempt as he viciously cursed, "I think the guy probably practiced like a freak, otherwise there is no way he could cultivate that fast. Even I only hit the Second Stage when I was sixteen years old. He probably overtaxed his body and received some permanent internal injuries. This kind of idiot, in a few years he won't be any different from a vegetable."

Zhu Yan remained silent, but he actually despised this sycophant in his heart. Even with so many rare medicines supporting him, he only hit the Second Stage when he was sixteen years old. Not only that, but his combat level a completely weak mess. If his father wasn't Sky Fortune City's army major, then Zhu Yan would be disinclined to even bother paying attention to him.

After having sent the sound transmission, I discreetly looked towards their direction. In the end, nobody came out. I laughed to myself at their lack of action. But as I was lost in my own thoughts, the buzzing of the crowd caught my attention.

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"They say that this time there is that number one talent Wang Yanfeng. Fifteen years old, grade four talent, and his cultivation has already stepped into the Third Stage of Body Training. Truly a formidable man!"

"Isn't it weird? Why would he not enter the Seven Profound Martial House earlier? Why didn't he come during the spring entrance exam?"

"I guess his goal is the Heavenly Abode. As soon he enters the Seven Profound Martial House he wants to enter the Heavenly Abode. How aggressive of him!"

"Hm, the Heavenly Abode is absolutely impossible. The only one these past years to enter the Heavenly Abode was Qin Xingxuan. The lowest cultivation for the Heavenly Abode is the peak of the Third Stage of Body Transformation, and usually inside are those at the Fourth Stage of Body Transformation. Not even this Wang Yanfeng has the qualifications to enter. I think the reason he waited such a long time is to take the entrance exam reward for first place."


My eyes instantly lit up. That's right, the rewards for this examination isn't bad. It came from the sect itself, so the quality should be quite good.


Finally, the examinations were about to start. Both Xiaodong and I quickly undid our disguises in secret and inconspicuously proceeded inside the Seven Profound Martial House. We were then divided into twenty teams to reduce the congestion inside.

In the front doors of separate entrances to to the Seven Profound Martial House, twenty stone pillars were set up. At the top of which was a shining light which marked whether someone would pass or be tossed aside.

Soon, a middle-aged woman soon stood on a newly-set platform and addressed the crowd, "Hello, everyone."

She then proceeded to state the rules and stages of the examination. In summary, there were five trials. In the first trial, we were to test our strength. The top ten would also obtain an award, the number being awarded with a Crimson Gold Dragon Marrow Pill.

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This pill was known to be able to improve one's physique, cultivation, and even break through bottlenecks. It was a very rare pill made with the blood of a Crimson Gold Dragon which had a very thin draconic bloodline. Although it only had a slight bloodline, any creature related to dragons were not weak.

Upon hearing the first place award, the crowd gasped in surprise. Immediately, some participants had their hearts burning with excitement and desire while some dropped their heads in regret.

Meanwhile, a group was of young men and women in silk clothing looked on at the eager crowd as they laughed contemptuously, "This pill is already in Young Master Wang's pocket. Do they think they can compete? They truly don't know their place!

This was the entourage of Wang Yanfeng who was a famous talent in Yue Lu City. He had a fourth grade talent as well a cultivation at the early Third Stage.

Wang Yanfeng merely gave a faint smile. As the group continued flattering Wang Yanfeng, on the platform, the woman continued, "We will now begin the first round of the entrance exam. Please participate in the exam with your full strength. The light beam on the stone column will signal the strength of your attack. An inch represents 100 jins of strength. As long as you pass 1000 jins then you will pass this round! Each candidate will have three attempts. So long as you qualify once then you will pass. Everyone, we will now have a demonstration. Ling Sen, step forwards."

After the middle-aged woman spoke, a man overflowing with killing intent walked up on stage. He was tall and gaunt with a pale, cold face and harsh eyes. He wore a black suit and a three foot long knife was on his back. Even though it was broad daylight, when he stepped on stage, the temperature seemed to turn cold.

Ling Sen! My eyes gleamed. According to my knowledge, this was supposed to be the strongest student in the Seven Profound Martial House's Heavenly Abode. His fearsome capabilities was primarily due to the Ashura Martial Intent and his constant life or death battles. Currently, he is twenty years old and is a fourth grade talent with a cultivation at the peak of the Fourth Stage.

I had my own plans regarding him, but for now, I was still too weak in his eyes.

Soon, Ling Sen stood in front of a stone pillar, and with a casual punch of his right hand, the stone pillar fiercely shook as the shining mark above it climbed to four feet and nine inches.

4900 jins!

At this result, the crowd was filled with praise and astonishment. It was just a casual punch, but it was already so high! If he were to be more serious, he might even reach 5000 jins!

Finally done with the formalities, the middle-aged woman sent out the order, "Exam, begin!"

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