Easy Cultivation

Chapter 22

The exam finally began. The first examination trial was mainly based on one's strength, thus, it was named the Strength Trial.

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Although it was only the first exam, many participants failed to even reach the 1000 jin mark because of their lacking cultivation. Whenever someone even managed to pass, their results weren't too far from the passing mark.

But suddenly, a commotion occurred in front. As I looked ahead, I could see a youth wearing blue linen clothes in front of a stone pillar. As the youth fiercely punched the stone column with a 'bang', the light beam trembled as it shot upwards until stopping at two feet and three inches.

"2300 jins!"

The crowd exclaimed as this was the first person to have passed 2000 jins. The youth in blue linen clothes was called Sun Ping of East Water City, he was at the Third Stage of Body Transformation. I don't really have any recollection of this person. Probably just an extra.

At the side, Wang Yanfeng narrowed his eyes and waved his fan as he said, "This Sun Ping has already been at the Third Stage for a period of time, but still only managed to strike out with 2300 jins. He's also only seventeen years old, so he isn't a threat to me."

The examination didn't just base on the results of the trial, but mainly on one's age and talent. The younger and higher one's talent, the higher the evaluation, so it was only natural for Wang Yanfeng to not consider Sun Ping as a threat.

Soon, it was Wang Yanfeng's turn as he folded his fan and handed it to his attendant. When he stepped in front of the stone column, many people begin to recognize him.

"It's Wang Yanfeng of Yue Lu City!"

"Starting from fourth grade talents, it gets divided in to low, medium, and high quality. But this Wang Yanfeng is actually of the rare high grade four talent!"

"How formidable. I think he has the greatest chance of competing for first place!"

"Look! He has just entered the Third Stage and yet he can already breathe out the twin snakes, and he is only fifteen years old. This is truly talent that defies the will of Heaven!"

I couldn't help rolling my eyes at the peanut gallery. They really do love to exaggerate things, don't they?

As the discussion continued, Wang Yanfeng fiercely struck out at the stone column. A 'bang' rang through the air as the stone column shook. The beam of light jumped up, finally settling at two feet and four inches.

"2400 jins!"

The crowd gasped in awe. Generally speaking, average martial artists who entered the Third Stage would reach about 2000 jins. But Wang Yanfeng who just entered the Third Stage was only fifteen years old, yet he managed to show a strength of 2400 jins.

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It really was shocking! But before the crowd could recover their composure, cries of alarm and surprise rang out from another side. As I looked towards the direction, I could see a light beam at two feet and four inches, 2400 jins!

All of a sudden, Wang Yanfeng's record was rendered average.

However, the difference this time was that the youth who achieved this result wasn't someone at the Third Stage. It was actually someone at the peak of Second Stage!

Immediately, my memories started jogging as I tried to remember this person. Although the youth who achieved this appeared to have a naive and innocent appearance, he was very tall and even more muscular than an adult.

From what I remember, there was a minor character at the beginning who was at the same stage as Lin Ming when he took the exams. This guy actually had inborn divine strength which meant that he was several times stronger than those of their age. Originally, he and Lin Ming were supposed to be at the Peak of Second Stage, but because of my cheat, I already skipped an entire realm ahead.

This person was somewhat memorable in my opinion. This was because he was introduced as the first person to have inborn divine strength. Unfortunately, he was completely forgotten afterwards, so I didn't know anything more about him. But that didn't mean that I would completely ignore him.

As Wang Yanfeng saw the impressive youth, he let out a light harrumph. Inborn divine strength? Martial artists fought with not just their strength, but also with their martial arts and skills. The higher one's cultivation, the more important true essence also becomes. Those who were born with this divine strength didn't necessarily become some fierce martial arts figure.

The trial continued, and several youths managed to pass. Most were at the peak the Second Stage while there were a few at the Third Stage.

Finally, it was my turn.

When the overseeing middle-aged woman saw me, she was momentarily surprised as she came over, "Young man, what is your name and age?"

"Senior, my name is Lin Ming, 15 years old." I courteously replied.

"Mm, very good. You're already at the Peak of Third Stage at the age of fifteen. This achievement is rare even in the Seven Profound Martial House. I can make an exception and have you skip the examination. What do you say?" She smiled. Despite the toll of time on her appearance, the middle-aged woman was actually quite beautiful.

Also, since I've already exposed myself to Zhu Yan, then I thought I might as well stop hiding my cultivation. Besides, the higher the power I show, the more valued I'd become.

The crowd nearby who heard the exchange was astonished. Skip the exam?

My eyes gleamed as I thought for a moment, "I would like to, but if I skip the exam, I probably won't get any of the rewards, will I?"

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The middle-aged woman lightly chuckled, "Naturally. Rewards should be given to those who worked for it."

Wang Yanfeng who heard the exchange immediately felt his blood boiling in excitement. Yes! Skip the exam! First place is mine!

Hearing that, although I thought it was to be expected, I still felt helpless, "Then I'll continue taking the examination."

"Very well." The middle-aged woman nodded with a smile as she walked away.

Wang Yanfeng's excitement suddenly deflated like a balloon. He glared viciously at me as he refused to give up, "You, find out who this guy is!"

"Yes, Young Master!" The youth beside Wang Yanfeng immediately dashed off to investigate.

Arriving at the stone column, I took a deep breath and relaxed myself. I began thinking, 'Should I use my full strength or keep it average? Hmm, dilemma, dilemma.'

However, just as I decided to keep a low-profile and throw a casual punch, a 'Ding' sound rang out in my mind.

[New Task: Achieve an overwhelming first place in the examinations. Task reward: Absolute Cleansing Pill.]

[The System God wants you to add some spice to your life by obliterating all your competition. Show to the world how awesome you are.]

Instantly, I was stunned.

What do you mean by an overwhelming first place? Are you really not satisfied that I haven't showed off so far? What's wrong with you? I just want to avoid trouble!

However, that task reward DOES look very tempting. Although the system didn't give an item description, I knew for a fact that anything from the system was definitely something good. What more an item from the System God itself?

In a moment, I breathed lightly as I began revolving my true essence, gathering my strength. In the next moment, my vision condensed as my relaxed body suddenly went taut like a pulled bowstring. I then lowered my waist as I fiercely thrust forwards with the full strength of my thighs like a mighty tiger assaulting its prey!


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The strike hit the stone column squarely in the center, wildly shaking it. The light beam then rose dramatically as it crazily bounced up.

2000 jins. 2500 jins. 3000 jins.

3500 jins. 4000 jins. 4500 jins.

In the end, the light beam slowed down around 5000 jins as it gradually stabilized at exactly five feet and five inches. 5500 jins!

"Huuu..." I exhaled lightly. So this is nearly my full strength. If I were to go all in, it was possible that I'd even reach 6000 jins.

"My god... 5500 jins!"

"How... how is this possible?!"

"Hey, pinch me. I think I'm dreaming."


The crowd was stunned. Even the middle-aged woman watching the proceedings were stunned. This was real? They really weren't dreaming?

"How can this be? This boy is simply a vicious beast in human form! His strength is already comparable to those at the Bone Forging Stage. Perhaps it won't be long until his strength equals those at Pulse Condensation!"

"This can't be right. The young fellow is only at the Peak of Third Stage. Even someone with inborn divine strength can't be this exaggerated, can it?"

The crowd wildly discussed this as they formed various speculations.

Naturally, my great strength could be attributed to the Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians, but the main reason for the great increase in strength was actually due to the Blood Ginseng.

Over the course of three months, I haven't been only cultivating idly. I also trained everyday until my bones broke, but with the miraculous regenerative effects of the thousand-year old Blood Ginseng, it wasn't a problem and I could even feel my body noticeably getting stronger with every session of complete exhaustion. Gradually, I even upgraded my thousand-year old Blood Ginseng to a two-thousand-year old Blood Ginseng.

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The effects were even more potent. This was an advantage the system gave to the first item I ever bought in the Shop. Right now, I could even buy myself a ten-thousand-years old Blood Ginseng and use it, but I don't think my body could take it just yet.

As people buzzed, the tall and burly youth who achieved 2400 jins also looked towards me. He had a surprised and friendly expression as he happily smiled at me. He never expected to meet someone with inborn divine strength at this examination, and with such strength too.

I merely nodded with a friendly smile.

At the side, Wang Yanfeng had a gloomy expression as he frowned. This guy also inborn divine strength? If it were only that, then he could've ignored it, but to think this guy is also at the Peak of Third Stage! His chances at first place suddenly seemed to fly away from his grasp.

"Brother Feng, this kid came out of nowhere and dared steal your limelight. Brother Feng truly was robbed." A young man at Wang Yanfeng's side tried to comfort him.

Wang Yanfeng remained silent as he clenched his teeth in anger.

"That's right. If he were so powerful, he should've entered the examination six months ago. This guy is only bullying others with his cultivation. He has no shame." Wang Yanfeng's entourage echoed, conveniently ignoring the fact that Wang Yanfeng did this himself.

Soon, it was Lin Xiaodong's turn. In the last three months, I've been giving him an unceasing supply of true essence stones. However, because he never really tried too hard, he only achieved the Peak of Second Stage. Otherwise, he could've possibly reached the Third Stage.

As Xiaodong approached the stone column, he began to turn his neck back and forth and wiggle his waist. He continued this for a few minutes until the examination officials appeared to be increasingly annoyed and impatient. Then, Lin Xiaodong finally cried out as he punched the stone column.


A dull bang echoed as the stone column's light beam shot upwards and then settled at exactly two feet.

"2000 jins, qualified!'

Lin Xiaodong made a bright and complacent smile as he merrily walked back.

As soon as I saw him, I gave a thumbs up with a toothy smile. Lin Xiaodong returned the gesture with a similar smile.

By the time noon arrived, the Strength Trial finally finished.

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