Easy Cultivation

Chapter 28

At night, Grand Clarity Pavilion.

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I was inside my room, sat cross-legged atop my bed as I held onto an unblemished and transparent white pearl-like object. It was the Absolute Cleansing Pill.

Squeezing it lightly, it felt like jelly, yet at the same time, impossibly hard. No matter how much I squeezed it between my fingers or my hands, it would return to a perfect spherical shape as soon as I let go of it.

It was a fascinating object that I've been staring at for half ten minutes.

At this moment, it was obvious that I was already at first place. It was undisputable. But the results aren't announced until tomorrow. In other words, this was my last day as a deboner in this famous dining establishment. I already bade my farewells to the workers here and even finished deboning the remaining vicious beast meat.

Until now, I still haven't consumed this strange pill. The reason because the irresponsible system still hadn't given out any proper information as usual.

Nevertheless, I already had my own speculations regarding this. However, it wasn't anything concrete, thus, I had to experiment once more.

Standing up, I took out a big black barrel that took up most of my room's space which could fit around thirty king-sized beds. It was a little something that I did during my stay here in the past three months. Because of my ever-increasing needs, I rented several rooms and had them become one big room. Of course, all of the money came from my never-ending wallet. The Grand Clarity Pavilion didn't mind too much either since they would be earning much more money and they also didn't want to offend someone who had a close relationship with the Marshal's Quarters.

Back to the point, the barrel was huge. It was huge to the point where it almost touched the ceiling which was more than five meters above the ground, so I had to climb a ladder to even see inside the barrel.

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Naturally, this barrel couldn't have been possibly bought in the Sky Fortune Kingdom. Only a lunatic would've even considered making a barrel as large as this. Without surprise, this barrel was a product of the Fusion function of the system.

At the start, this barrel was actually just an ordinary wooden barrel. However, what kind of freakish existence is the system? Obviously, I wouldn't settle for anything less. During the fair, I also bought myself a very rare wooden material, a thousand-year-old ironbark wood.

It was so old, its density eventually turned its wood from gray to black. With such a piece of treasure, it would be a huge waste to not use it on everything. Thinking of that, I fused numerous pieces of this rare wood to the other wooden products that I owned. Naturally, the barrel was a part of the lucky items in the list.

As time passed, the barrel got fused with more and more thousand-year-old ironbark wood and it got bigger and bigger. Of course, I also added in some rare metals onto its metallic parts. In the end, it became this monstrosity of a barrel. However, this was only a special case. If I so choose, I could also take out a smaller barrel.

Anyway, to confirm my theories, I filled it up with a lot of water. However, the water wasn't any ordinary water. It was actually the jade-green water I snagged from the Jade Lake of the Seven Profound Martial House!

Pointing a finger forwards, I bought the 'Jade Lake's Water' from the Shop... continuously. As a result, it looked as if I was a human faucet as green water kept coming out of my index finger, "This is so exciting. If I point upwards, wouldn't that make me a human water fountain too? Hahaha, how amusing!"

As the barrel got filled up, it almost resembled a little lake. For a moment, I was tempted to jump in and see the effects for myself. However, upon thinking of the greater good, I eventually shook my head in regret.

With a sigh, I took one last look at the transparent white pill on my hand before lightly throwing it towards the green lake.


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A light ripple appeared as the small object got swallowed. For almost a minute, nothing happened. It nearly tempted me to throw in another pill, but just as I took out another one and decided to do so, a change suddenly occurred!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

All of a sudden, a whirlpool appeared on the little green lake. For a moment, I was at a loss. Regardless, I patiently waited as I observed everything seriously.

As the whirlpool continued to grow in intensity, the color of the waters also began to change. At first, it wasn't noticeable. But as time went by, the deep and vibrant green color of the lake began to turn lighter. Eventually, the whirlpool slowed down until it completely stopped.

The little lake returned to its former calm without a single ripple. It was as if nothing happened. However, the color of the lake was completely different from before, undeniable proof of the earlier phenomenon.

From the vibrant green lake of the past, it became a dazzling green lake.

I was stupefied, "Such a huge change! It's not only the waters which got changed, but even the barrel itself!"

Looking at the previously black barrel, its color surprisingly remained black. However, compared to the faded black that it was before, it was now a gleaming dark black as if it had become metal. The metallic parts, however, turned a silvery white from its original dark gray. It couldn't have been more obvious that the barrel had transformed into a peerless treasure barrel, which was only going to become more precious as time passes.

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Another noticeable thing was how the water level had considerably gone down, as well as how the huge barrel had shrunk in size. Regardless, it wasn't a big deal.

As I finished observing the various changes, I turned my gaze back to the literally glowing green lake, "So beautiful... it's a shame that I'd have to ruin such a masterpiece."

Sighing with an aching heart, I collected my clothes into the inventory and dived down headfirst.


"How refreshing!" I exclaimed in amazement. The water was also very comfortable and pure. It felt as if it were cleansing my body and soul from any and all impurities, "Ah, such a great feeling..."

I continued swimming about for a while more, temporarily throwing back the thought of cultivation at the back of my mind. As I was swimming, however, I suddenly saw a floating dark green ball.

Mm? A tiny green ball? Can this be...

Sky Poison Pearl?

Joking to myself, I swam forwards and held the tiny dark green ball between my fingers, "Hmm, this thing... I have no idea what this is."

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However, just as I was about to store it in my inventory, a thought struck me, "Wait a minute."

Looking closely and even inspecting it with my soul force, I suddenly realized how this dark green ball had numerous specks of black and gray, and even possessed such a familiar aura. This is... "It's the aura of the water from the Jade Lake?"

I was surprised. If that's the case, "Are these the impurities from the water and barrel?"

[Ding! Congratulations, you have discovered the basic usage of the Absolute Cleansing Pill.]

[Absolute Cleansing Pill: This godly pill is known for its miraculous usage of being able to cleanse anything and everything in existence. However, contrary to its name, it actually absorbs all of the harmful effects and impurities, storing them into the pill.]

I was at a loss for words, wryly smiling to myself, "I see... well, the name doesn't matter. As long as the pill 'cleanses' all the impurities in existence away, then it's no different from an Absolute Cleansing Pill."

After which, I stored the tiny dark green ball into the inventory, "I have no idea what to do with this at the moment, but I'll keep it anyway just in case."

"As for this godly pill... hehehe..." I took out another Absolute Cleansing Pill with a maniacal look in my eyes, "Looks like tonight is going to be a busy night."

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