Easy Cultivation

Chapter 29

The next day.

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Today was the announcement of the results. It was afternoon, the weather clear and wonderful. In the Seven Profound Martial House contest field, numerous figures were gathered. Among them were the 53 candidates who passed.

On an elevated platform, an elder finally stepped in and took out a long list, "For this examination results, candidates are judged on their results of the three trials, their age, and their talent. We will now announce the first ten as follows:

"Tenth Place, Zhou Zhenyang; Prize: ten Soul Gathering Pellets. Ninth Place...

"Third Place, Liang Tieshan; Prize, one Golden Snake Scarlet Pill.

"Second Place, Wang Yanfeng; Prize, one Golden Snake Scarlet Pill.

"First place, Lin Ming; one Crimson Gold Dragon Marrow Pill."

The elder finished, "The results have been announced. Congratulations, everyone. If there are no objections, then we will invite Elder Sun to hand out the rewards."

No one objected. Even Wang Yanfeng only gritted his teeth indignantly. He knew that even if he were at the Peak of Viscera Training, there was no way he would've been able to reach the sixth floor, much less the seventh floor. At this point, even his high fourth-grade martial talent was completely worthless.

The announcement was officially made and numerous factions caught wind of such news. Although many factions already came to know of the seventh-floor miracle, the results hadn't been publicly announced yet.

When the guests were about to leave, Elder Sun called out, "Lin Ming, come with me."

I didn't decline, not that I could anyway. Soon, I was brought into a meeting room of sorts with the elders of the Seven Profound Martial House.

Sitting himself down, Elder Sun went straight to the point, "Lin Ming."

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"Yes." I stood attentively. The meeting room was silent, but the penetrating gazes of these dozen or so elders made it seem as if they wanted to peer through all my secrets. I could only apologize that I wasn't into old men.

"It is widely known that one's martial talent is always fixed upon birth. It is completely unheard of to increase martial talent. We have investigated your background and knew that you were born with a medium third-grade martial talent, but in the past three months, you grew rapidly in strength. With your third grade martial talent, this is normally impossible." Elder Sun spoke out.

"Err..." I was at a loss for words. What do they want me to say?

Elder Sun continued, "Actually, Muyi already informed us that you have been taken in by an unfathomable master, so in truth, your rapid increase of strength isn't a problem for us. However, the matter of your talent is something that we need to take into account."

I replied helplessly, "So you want me to take a martial talent test? Why?"

Elder Sun nodded, "Last night, us elders of the Seven Profound Martial House have been debating amongst ourselves whether we should take you in as a core disciple or not."

"Core disciple?" I was astonished. Isn't Xingxuan a core disciple as well?

Elder Sun nodded, "Yes. Ever since the Seven Profound Martial House has been established in the Sky Fortune Kingdom, you are the first one to ever reach the seventh floor at the young age of fifteen and with cultivation at the Peak of Viscera Training! This is a completely unprecedented miracle! If you had a higher talent, we would've immediately taken you in and groomed you as a core disciple. However, we also have our own strict set of requirements. Although you are strong, your talent will eventually drag you down."

I couldn't help mentally rolling my eyes, "I see, but the elders have no need to take my talent. I can confirm that I do have a medium third-grade martial talent. But you don't need to worry. In the Ranking War a few days from now, I will prove myself that I am worthy of being a core disciple."

Elder Sun smiled, "Very good, I'm looking forward to it. As for your reward, I will have it sent to your new residence in the back mountains."

I bowed slightly in response, "Thank you, Elders."

"You can call me Elder Sun." Elder Sun smiled.

I nodded politely, departing afterward. In my mind, I couldn't get rid of the weird thoughts that floated. These old fogeys didn't even talk and only kept staring. What a bunch of old perverts!

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In the back mountains, a black-clothed Lin Ming was walking merrily on a pathway. This pathway led to a simple house. However, it wasn't Lin Ming's house, it was a house near his own.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

A few moments passed before the sounds of footsteps approached and creaked the door open. As the door fully opened, the figure of a tall and burly youth wearing blue linen clothes was revealed. It was none other than Liang Tieshan.

"Hello, fellow inborn divine strength... fellow." I cleared my throat in embarrassment, "You may already know me as Lin Ming, you are Liang Tieshan, right?"

"Ah, that's me!" Liang Tieshan walked out welcomingly, "What are you here for, Senior Brother Lin?"

"Senior Brother Lin?" I was surprised.

"Hehe, you are so strong and even reached the seventh floor, it would be weird if I didn't call you Senior Brother!" Liang Tieshan laughed in a friendly manner.

"Oh, just call me Brother Lin, I'm not used to being the Senior Brother." I laughed slightly.

"All right, Brother Lin. You can call me Tieshan, I'm more used to that. Anyway, what are you here for?" Liang Tieshan finally asked for clarification. He has always been the straightforward type, so he didn't want to beat around the bush.

"About this, can we talk inside?" I said in a low voice, indicating that it was an important matter.

"All right, come in." Liang Tieshan invited as he walked inside his house.

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The inside of the house was modestly furnished, a simple dwelling for new disciples.

Pulling out my own custom-made chair from the inventory, I placed it beside a table and sat down.

Tieshan who stood nearby was a bit stunned, "Brother Lin, how did you pull that out?"

"I'll show you later, but for now..." I pulled out a black box from my spatial ring and carefully placed it on the table, "I am here to make a deal."

Liang Tieshan was surprised, "A deal?"

I nodded, "Have you eaten the Golden Snake Scarlet Pill yet?"

"No..." Liang Tieshan hesitated as he figured something, "Is the deal about the pill?"

"Yes, I would like to exchange my Crimson Gold Dragon Marrow Pill for yours." I smiled.

"What?" Liang Tieshan was shocked. Did I hear wrongly?

"No, you didn't mishear," I replied.

Liang Tieshan gasped as he took a step back in shock. Can he read my thoughts?

"No, I can't read your thoughts." I replied helplessly, "Your feelings are written all over your face. It isn't hard to guess what you're thinking."

Understanding suddenly dawned on Liang Tieshan as he scratched his head in embarrassment. Looked towards the black box on the table, he asked, "Can I ask why?"

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"Hmm, I have my own reasons..." I pondered for a moment before deciding to get straight to the point, "In truth, I came here with the intention to recruit you."

Liang Tieshan was gobsmacked. He felt like he'd been receiving too many shocks today, "Brother Lin, my talent is lacking and even my inborn divine strength doesn't help much. Even if I won third place, I cannot even compare slightly with you. I can't see why you would want to recruit me."

I listened quietly as he spoke and nodded, "It's true, your talent is lacking and your inborn divine strength also can't amount to much, even your martial heart isn't anything special. You have totally no redeeming qualities in comparison to others."

Liang Tieshan's face seemed to twist in shame as listened on, lowering his head and biting his lips to endure the depressing facts.

"However..." I trailed off for a few seconds, "You are still young and that can be changed."

Liang Tieshan raised his head in confusion, "You mean?"

"I have a dream." I started to make my speech, "My dream is to travel around the world and reach higher peaks in martial arts. However, I need comrades. Comrades that I can entrust my back to, that would face the world with me, and resolutely share my burdens!"

Staring unblinkingly towards each other, I finished, "Tell me, what kind of dream do you have?"

"My dream..." Liang Tieshan went silent for a moment before giving a resolute response, "My dream is to become strong!"

"If I gave you a chance to become strong, would you join me?" I asked as I extended a hand.

Liang Tieshan stared unblinking, pondering to himself quietly.

"I'll wait until tonight then." I sighed lightly and stood up, I then collected my custom-made chair and turned around, leaving behind the black box containing the Crimson Gold Dragon Marrow Pill, "If you finally come to a decision, come to my house with the Golden Snake Scarlet Pill."

Liang Tieshan's gaze never left my departing back until I finally disappeared.

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